Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1884, p. 4

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per Work i pect th carryin other 5: is the true proverb,and he who act: otherwise will certainly find his un dertakings awful iailures. There are too many who overlook the pere )l’] l" "orth On one other point we wish to touch, and we have done. There is no Christian man who does not fully acknowledge the vanity of hu- man eflort where there is not im-‘ plicit and ‘confiding reliance on Providence. But this trust in God does not preclude most strenuous labor on the part of man. Indeed, Without such labor, there is no real reliance on‘ Providence, the latter, we venture to say, being exactly proportionate to theforiner. " Aid thy self, and Heaven will aid thee.” I )CS Hence Will be seen the extreme necessity of accurately gauging the real sentiments of the electors, for a victory that is not begotten of pure conviction not only as to the desir- ability ot passing the Act. but also of unceasingly aiding in Its enforce- ment would be worse than defeat, for the latter may, and often does, lead to renewed and still greater exâ€" ertions for another trial, but the tormer certainly would make the Act a stumbling block of derision and futility. change and novelty; but these are the very men who to-merrmv will weary of what they have got, and beginning with eitpressions of dis- appointment, they will go to dispar- agement, and Wlll end in open and noisy clamors for repeal. Already mutterings ofdiscon‘tent are heard in Halton; reportshtoo, trom New Brunswick by no means show unan- imity of opinion as to the working of the Act” We are. sure that these expressions of open or avowed hos- tility are entirely due_to laxity or to gross negligence in enforcing the provisions of the statute. But this does not alter the case; 1t simply emphasizes the‘ question to every professed supporter of Temperance, are you determined that the Act shall not become a dead letter in York. Our i This majority, moreover, must be made up 0t those who have implicit faith in the value of the Act to se~ cure the objects at which it aims. Hundreds of vacillating minds will to-day pronounce in favor of the measure, drawn on by the love of change and novelty; but these are the very men who to-morrow will years by the dec1510n at which they .may arrive. , .lt behooves the members of the (Central Committee, therefore, to act wvith the greatest deliberation and irnostprudent circumspection. Zeal .tor the cause must not be allowed 'xto warp their judgment, and fanati- ~cgsm. ever ill-timed1 must be sternly .and rigidly expelled from their coun- xcyils. For great and glorious as vic- itory would be, it is impossible to -over estimate the disasters entailed Iby defeat. Only, then, on the clearest and :rpost convincmg proofs thatan un- .doubted majority of 1he electors de- .-sire the introduction oi the act, .should it be submitted. Every one ~who has ever engaged in a public xcampaign, political or other, is per- ‘tectly aware how deceptive are the returns obtained by canvassmg. It is rare, indeed, that on the eve of 'the election the canvassers of both parties do not show a decided ma- . jority. But how weak a reed such showing proves, is, with astonish- ment seen, when the smoke of battle has rolled away. \Ve would urge the Committee to resolve on fight- ing only when the result, humanly speaking, is absolutely Certain. ation will meet at Aurora to settle finally whether the Scott Act is to be submitted to this county, and if so,yvhen. The result of this meeting will be awaited with the gravest anxiety by all upholders of the temperance cause, for the destiny of this‘cause will be determined for years by the decision at whiéh theV On June 5th, the mitth of the York C tory Alliance and S( ation will meet at A 11m @319 33%ch 'D V 1t Hme HILL, Thursday, May NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE SCOTT ACT this nobleness of work. 'ship, and those who ex~ ts of victory, be it in Scott Act, or in any [6, will be terribly dis- tney trust to a reliance Which is not 5 Lil that lies in plish their obi eat to allow ust occasion. We dc Al the Central Com- rrk County Pruhibi~ ‘d Scott Act Associ- at Aurora to settle the Scott Act is to iUS IN YORK. Sr the a good crop. Some of our young farmers in this neighborhood endeawr to go according to Scripture by tearing down and build- ing up greater. Mr. Archibald Cameron, who lives near this enterprising village, has taken down his old frame barn. where he intends erecting a new one much larg- er than the old. The building is expect- ed to be completed before harvest. One day last week a young man rode on horse-back into our little town and stopped at the Post Office, having fasten- ed his horse securely as he supposed. He entered the Office and asked the Post Master for his LIBERAL, Wlllcll he prompt- ly received, but, while searching it eager- ly for the Vellore items, he was notified that his steed wasgrazing on the road- side a short distance away. He said that would be news for THE LIBERAL next “‘Cch‘, but as he is a. modest young man. This little Villngahas wit] some very beautiful maidens peel: some of them to remove middle of next month. JE’SE remedy that can be procuxed f0: Iflections of the vocal organs, throat ungfi From our own Correspondent. The fall wheat in this neighborhood looks well at present, and promises a good crop of straw. The Spring crops are doing well, there being a very rapid growth ful‘ the last week, although some of the farmers are complaining, about the spring wheat not coming up as even as might be desired, however it promises Mrs. Brown, of Victoria. Square, is vis- iting friends in this vicinity. Rev. Jno. Wilkinson, M.A., of Rich- mond Hill, preached a very interesting and instructive sermon here on Sunday last, from James 59-20, holding the at- tEntion of the audience throughout by his very vivid power of description. If. your childrefi'ire 'tfilbled with worms, give them Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator; safeY sure, and effectual. st remedy that From our own Correspondent. Quite a marked change here owing to the moving of the Temperance Hall, (which was sold a. short time ago,) across to the C. M. Church, where it is being fitted as a Sabbath school room in con- nection with the C. M. Church. The opinion rd to Ayer’s med by cle Laskay, May 20th, ’84 sound of our own voices ; if we only mind not to make discards the effect is wonderful and adds much to the pleasure and profit of a part of the Sabbath day. Yours Truly, men at Church, they are in the right place, Mr. Cameron is relieved in the singing as well as comforted by their presence. so we hope much for the better purposes of life at. Laskny. Let us sing more with our hearts and less Wltl] our lips and not be so much afraid of the These are ’ precious gifts, there are none better, and the happy possessor. if he or she only knows it. has a power all his own that is a passport to fame in any country. \Ve like to see these young It is with pleasure we would notice under the head of Laskay items, that our new precentor, the young man O'Brien is acquitting himself fairly well in his new role of leading in sacred song. There may be a slight tendency to speed the metre, but we must bear with the young man on that point, as his recommend was not that his voice was tuned to the . staid melody of the sanctuary, but, that he could sing: songs well with all that full and peculiarly interesting modulation of voice in delicate touches of deep pathos, as well as the full strong notes of a well- filled chorus. There is a tendency more in devotional singing to leave the Old beaten path of the long drawn emphasis, that used to be rendered with so much feeling and proper prolongations to fully solemuize the services of divine wor- ship, now we have the more light and vivacious rendering after the manner of what we often hear in the streets, to the martial roll of the drum, and the glitter of a holy warfare. All is well that ends well, and with all due respect to all pur- poses tliat have for their object the am- elioration of the condition, for which we should not scruple in having a manly re- spect, therefore there is nothing, to my mind, that is more attractive than good singing, a warm heart, good judgment, a noble purpose, and a good voice. These are precious gifts. there although this regret is tempered by the sure conviction that the loss is only apparent, and that time will make them as sensible of this as we are om selves. To the Edit but we would not see it become a prey to the malice and rid icule of its declared enemies, who, however, are less dangerous than those who, are ever crying, Light, Light, when there is no light. Fanatlcs and unâ€" stable supporters are to be distrust- ed, nor is faith to be put in those who are intent only on waging war against certain individuals engaged em it better t sire to see thai but we would n prey to the mali From TEMPERANCEVILLE VELLORE the general public herry, .Pectoral is rmen. lawverg. I ’THE LIBERAL; pleasure we would notice that cause triumphant has within its limits All u say u ls procuxed for JOSEPH BAKER it young man, nothing about )ut we ex- oefore the nre all i EN. W3. QWQ‘S 01$ Call and see it. The secondfor the season. 25 per cent. less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes, Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Palnter’s Material, White Lead, Low in Price_ IMMENSE STOCK 03:“ ‘ FURNITURE. GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. P. G. SAVAG E. VV ALL . PEOPLE’S STORE! YWEHg WRSTEQ Cretonnes,‘Sheeti-ngs, Cottonades, Shirtings, and a Mag- nificent Stock of No trouble to Show the Grooods. Polite attendance to Customers CfiMPLETE STBQK. Q'fiTFffi F Staple and Fancy Dry Goeds‘ Hats, Straw Hats, Hc Hardware All parties Who attend the Grand Spring Exhibition at Richmond Hill on the 24th of May, Will find it to their advantage to visit the CONCRETE HUUSEI BEST GOODS Spring Good$ arriving daily, including a large and varied assortment of Queen’s Purchased before the additional duty came into @AGNIFICENT STOCK which, for Variety, Style and Lowncss of Price, cannot be excelled. ISAAC CROSBY. WM. ATKHESQN so deservedly noted for the AT THE Just arrived, another stock of atthe CHEAPEST RATES andinspectthe it... illiner‘y, Mantles, :ts. Groceries. 5&3, mm m effect. REBES‘ Felt

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