Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1884, p. 5

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Hill k diseas took part in the car first defeated Uuion‘ Beavertou theu date straights ; then the between Richmnnd I Grand Concert. A grand concert will be given by the Vic- toria Square Choir on Friday evening. June 6th, 1881, in the Temperance Hull Victoria Square, consisting of solos, duetts, quartettes and choruses by the choir, and readings and “citations by first-class talent. Doors open at 7. concert. to commence at 7.30. Admis- iion, adults, 20cts. ; childlen under 12. 15. Noticeable. It was apparent to many that there was much less drinking “us last 24th than usual. Visitors started for home earb, and. in the evening our village resumed its usumy quiet character. But it was painful to notice that the most of those who showed any, signs of intoxicatinu, were young men, boys we might say, a. result no doubt, arising fromvthe treat- ing customs of the day. Fine London Tea-sets, neat col- ored Tea-sets, and beautiful China Tea-sets,~ cheap at the Concrete House. 1‘88 Lacrosse Tournament: The silver cup which was played for at Unionville, on the 24th inst.. was won by the Benetton club. Four clubs, Richmond Hill. Markham, Unionvillo and Beavertou. took part, in the cnntesb. Richmond Hill first dm'eated Unionvinc in two straights : Woollen Mills, Wood is guaranteed. The ad on by Messrs. Abe are all practical men in another column. As will be seen by card on first page, Mr. W. Cook B. A. well and favorably known in those parts, has entered into partnegship with a. law firm, hereaftcr to be known un- der the title of Hall, Fullerton & Cook. The offices of the new firm are at 18 King St. East, Toronto. The 24th of May was ‘well cele- brated at the Concrete House by a rushing business; recelpts ahead of any former year’s. Best value in Clothing at Sneath & Grennan's. gist Best value in Hats at Sneath & Grennan's. ,puk,the pic Bichmom on Monday eight. p. m. oflicers, &c mung 'yom th Lecture. Rev. ther Egan of Thornhill, will lec- ture in the RV C. Church here, next Sunday at 7 p. m. The Choir will give vespers. at least Flfte mentioned 11 'Bargainsin Groceries at Sneath & Grennan's. Canned Apples, 31b. cans only 10 cts. at the Concrete House. West Mapl EVENING zâ€"Goiug Express, Mail, Sou overy ives Mail Km RIC. Tho Wes Qt Purkd Dm’en Ki Newmurh Newmmket TURON PRUCTOR'S STAGE LINE. l‘b IILHMOND HILI.:7]YuEsH§§V; M a}; 729’, ’81 Pmkdri] TORON Northt Mr. T. L Until further tohmoud Hill nlt 331w igflfim Unh Clty POST OFFIC B 1‘ 1M IJOCAIJC“. LI 1i] m )rt ;s with all m chlumH Hill press. North s Wlmrf Street H Shanon d Lodge, No. 23. G. R. 0., meets evening next, 2nd of June, at General business, election of W )vs GOl'N( The busir st Otfi nut Abel], ( )I Wool ! 3f the to the [HRH Legal TIME TABLE. 7i“ Me xtl l‘li M 40 ville and Beavertou. at. Riahmond Hill @111 two straights; (1 Markham in two 111 combat tool: place. laud Benvertonyhich )r the latter. The r a disadvantage, by and Beavertonyhich the latter. The adisadvantnge, by ‘er of their players N ORTH be farmers in this ;he Humber anlev idzze; the best of work siness is being carri- Collins & Smith,who Read their new ad. th i NOTICE mist. and Dru 1t I; never fails ' m the system bmplaint, &c will make vr Ont Ht mm, wntes : Egetable Dis- sells well,and tion for all never fails to their system, be handed mu the ab 1] happini the PM: J1] ‘t (In led at the master above you 7‘02 4C Mrs. Harrison, mother of our esteemed townsman, Mr_ Wm. Harrlson, who. on the 24th, took first plize in the ladies“ depart- ment for home-made shirt, is in her 77th year. Mr. Chas. Watson of ‘Thornbill, formerly student of R. H. H. 8.. called upon a. few of his friends during the week. We are glad to see him looking so well after recovering from his late severe illness. Mrs. H. H. Wright left Rlchmond Hill on Monday last for the northern lakes, where she intends spending the summer. Mr. G. W. Macully, Pavilion Moun- tain, B. C., Writes: “Dr. Thoman’ Ec- lectric Oil is the best medicine [ over med tor Rheumatism. Nearly every winterIam laid up with Rheumatism, and have tried nearly every kind of mud- icine without getting any benefit, until I used Dr. Tlmmas’ Eclectric 011. It has worked wonders for me, and I want another supply for my friends, 610. Few are the remedies whose beneficial qualities and real merits have made them so ponular with the public, and increased from your to year their consumption, which,whilst possessing the most valuable remedial properties. are yet so eimnle in their compound, and so easy to take, as the Quinine Wins, prepared by Northrop and Lyman of Toronto. This article is prepared from the pure Sulphate of QM- nine, combined with fine Sherry wine. and choice aromatics, which relieves the Qninine of its bitter taste, and does not impair in the least degree the efllcacy of its action liqon the patient; while small doses, frequently repeated, strengthen the pulse, increase muscular force, and invigorath the tone of the nervous sys- tem, and thus, by the general vigor which it which it imparts, creates an appetite which gives to the stomach tone and energy, and fortifies the system against all infectious diseases. Ask for Nnrh- rop & Lyman‘s Quinine Wine ; sold by all druggists. Thor The Concrete House 15 determin ed to fully sustain the reputation i has earned of selling the best quali ty of goods at the lowest prices. Best value in Dress Goods at Sneath Q's Grennan's. ' On the morning of the 24th inst.. at about half poet nine. 1; fire broke out In the Mail building,which, for a time. threatened its entlre destrucfiou. It commenced at the bottcm of the elevator shaft, situated in the central portion of the building, and being fed by the well-oiled runners in which the cage works. spread with great rapidity to the other parts. A number of young ladies, employed in the telephone department, in the top flat, bed a narrow escape for their life. It was feared for some time it would be impossible to extricate them from their perilous position, but by the strenuous ef- forts of the citizens, they were after a time relieved. Great credit is given the Toronto firemen for their promptuess and good judg- ment. in the performance of their duty. The damage is estimated at about 320,000, fully covered by insurance. mlssmu of the booth Act, so much going on in the tamlnnce was small. Aft Best value in Hollands at Sneath Grennan’s. Best value in Cottons at Sneath 3rennan's. PERSONALS. ea Archbishop Lynch, on Thursday. June th be sacrament of coufir will commence in 10 a. m. Temperance Meeting Fatal Accxdent DEATHS fire broke out In the Mail for a time. threatened its m. It commenced at the vntor shaft, situated in the 4t ire W b, will the 5th firmam Warm , Wilson beyond sixteen The 25 yds. Factory Cotton for $1.00. 20 yds., yard wide, factory for $1.00. 20 yds. good white cotton for $1.00. 36 inch twilled factory sheeting Iocts. 40 inch unbleached pillow cotton. Lace curtains, 600, 75c., $1.00, $ $2.00, and “2.50. Lace Guipure curtains $2.38, 3.00, ‘ 4.00, 5.00 and up. You can save from 1.00 to 2.00 on every palr by buymg from us. Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces,, Fancy Goods, Print Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table Da- masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Coun- ‘ terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster; Cloths, &c. &c.. Cambridge Clothing? Ready Made Clothing SPECIAL VALUE FOR MAY CLOTH I NG HUSEI: AFB 901T WES- SCOTCH TWEED SUITS SPRING TWEEDS, WORSTEI 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFE And Invite Inspection of Our New POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Toronm, are now showing a Large and Complete Stock of SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. 86 YONGE STREET, Toronto. TERMS CASH. NEW SPRNG GOODS #:52-38, 3.00, 3-50, in Mens, Youths and Boys Complete Stock of Complete Stock of MADE TO ORDER ONLY $12.00. CAMBRIDGE CHEAPER THAN EVER. House, 86 Yonge St, Toronto. $1.50, Extraordinary value in silks,. satins, bro. cades, and velvets. See our summer silks at 400. See our check silks at 45c. and 50c. (pure) All colors in Duchess salins at $1.00 per yard,. worth $1.50. Rich Brocades to match. Our black Italian Gros Grain Silks are very special value and will not cut of be- come glazed like other makes.

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