Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1884, p. 1

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' 4' THE LIBERAL. n. v. v. ...,-., _. “0., _,,, n, “Committee Room of the Masonic Hall ranch alternative Frhmv at 6 o'clock p.111. Bene- ncnry certificate given for $2,090 in case of denim. JJ. A. E. Switzer, Muster Workman. 1LT. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, ANONB, Meets m Temperance Hall,each altar- »umive Tuesday evening ntS o'clock p m. Bene- Iflcinry certificates issued ta) male or female » memberstor $4,000 or in I: of death 92.000, one ‘hau Dayablc in case of (11 A )iTity. J.H.Sander- : non Soleco Councillors; J. A‘ Sturgeon Stewart. 1 Recording Secretarv. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lndge, I» I‘Omnmittee Room of H «such alternative Fridnv at b nanny certificate given for $23 JJ. A. E. Switzer, Muster Wom- DLaGeo. Langeufl Has removed from King,la.nd commen- aned practice at [I‘homhilL Nov. 6th, ’SQâ€"tf. A large av utv propn i011. Shoufivifle A. Knrkhamuu . Victoria. Square l‘horuhill... . . Woodbridge 428th Kleinburg . . ..29th N bleton,...v... .30th 19. 12: d»- d 0. do. 0 Vitalized Air always bu hand at appointments Works like a. charm Free from vain. Address A ROBINSON L.D‘S,. Aurom Ont. Thankful for the favors of the past 90 years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fesaion,g.a follows; 7 Mncnnuos‘ 1N5MVTE.â€"Libmny 01 over 1000 wolumesppon everyfl‘nesday evening, in the Ma,- sonic Hall. framing: 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- u'iua. 'Lectnues and discussions periodicallv. RICBKOND HmL Conxm- BANDrâ€"Meets for .p 'actioaaevenh'nnssduy and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'cloak. C:Savage, Leader nounuu , mu lvuv vva . surom, 1st, 5th. 16th. and 2211:! Richmond H111“ . . . .9th and 24th (at the Palmer Houue) Will visit the following places professionally :â€" Duionville.. lst Monday of each mpnch w eston .0th and 215: " Maple ..... ..16th “ " $chmonrl Hill 19th ‘ “ oodbridge .. . 211d Mr. Husband Will be found in his office, New- non Brook, every Sumu'rluv, except. when Satur- rmv falls on the above dates. 'Bxcmxn HILL TEMPLE, No 465,1. 0. G, T.â€" Meofin im‘fln Tempernce Hull‘ every Wednesday sveuinz. at. 7.30 o'clock‘ \‘Vm. Harrison T. E. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As Iociafion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmfimrwm Supf Ernest 1?. Lanzstafl. YMCHMOND HIILL. Oflice hours: 9 a..m. 2 p an. and 7 v. m. Axcmn'r Oann or FORFSE‘BRRâ€"Coufl Rich. aloud. N0. 7046 A. 0. F‘. meemi) Lhe Tempeumce mu every alternate I riduv At 7.30 p. nLâ€"H. E. Wright; C. B. “(Silva-EN on _or befoié'iull mo 812M.“ 9 EPIBCOPAL mum p.m.,except the third Buuduy when the service and mummel chm. Sunday School at L30 lun VILLAGE Momâ€"[Le cillurs. Messrs. Isaac C Law 111141111“. Hcpper METHODIST CHURCH OF C mt 1035011311.. and 6:30 p. mqu M130 p.111. (General Prayer 'Thnrsdny eveng m the LecLu J. E. Hemp-1ch. E. Starr. 11m: mector Medalist Toronto fUnivexsitv. Member (‘0 Physicmnsa Surgeons, 01111.;(late of Stouflville Yonge Stmet. Richmond 'Jiill. Office Hours to 10 a..m.,5t08p.m‘ WHE LlBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSEsr «QCHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. I’m-Jannmux Gamma (-vixNADA.â€"Serv1ces t: 13 fi'élockKa.m.,1Lnrl (3:30 13 IL. Prayer meeting ou‘-Wednesdny evening 51413“. 'Roxm mnomc crmnamâ€"Services in order a: follow I» Thoxnmll at 9 a..m.. and Richmond ffiill at 10:30 mm; the following Sundnavmm Rich- 'mond Hill.“ 9 a..m., and Thomhil! at {10:30 a. 1n. tmcmmnn Lomm, â€"Moets in the Lodge THURSDAY Dr. 0", Marlo, 'Moe hours: Sta $.30 u. m..and to 2.30 p.111- ROSE, MACDONALD, MERRITT & CO. Union Lonnhuiluin 3 Toronto VOL. VI. G. H. Husband. L. D. S DENTIST, ’REMQVED. BUSINESS CARDS. ‘t MARY s Rplgqogu VIEQLIZEQ filfi Dr. James Langstafl AND T. 1%". McMAHw, Br. W‘ J. Wilson. EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Ex WHIch @irrrtury. Money to Loan. nut of Money to Land on farm or y interest? per cent; nu oommis ;s \PUBLISHEJ) EVERY her annum, in advance.] USIm By Dr. A. Robinson. ancan BUR-GEO N DENTIST Societies. ailnnry. Churches. E. Smrr, pastors. CHURCH UFSCtNADA.â€"Service5“ and 6:30 0.11“ l‘myer meeting. ileum. NEWTON BROOK A. F. & A.M..‘I\‘o.%, G.R.(‘ Rommlt‘tnsonic Enllnn the lull moon, “8 o'clock p.111 Pu. Cannonâ€"Sonics at 8 l Sunday of every month, imcmment are held at 11 M 1.301uu Haw. W. Bates, John Brown ICounâ€" v. A. Moodie. B. E. ihcral ” 'k.7M. 'l‘eefy: o. 141, Meets in the CANML‘A â€"Services and Sunday school. er Meeting every Lureltoom. Reva of each month (in, ‘ENING FMECHANIQ’S \Licanse‘d Auctioneer for the Coumi of York. Sales attended on the shortest notice, nd at. ten.- nbe mates. Address Stoufl’vflle P. 0. WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street Eaat, Old I;on,Rugs,, km, bought for cash' at :cltj pnces. _ PAINTS, OILS, James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and {nondly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, wan-PRESIDENT; 5mm mas. DIRECTORS Deposits received and Interesmfibwed thnreon at current Rates No notice of wit mqu required. Drafts on all warts of Canada, nited States and Great Britain, bought and sold. Licensed Auctioneer lot the County onork, re- spectfully solicits your gatmnage and “deadly influence. Bales atteude on who shortest notice and a}: reasonablemtes. P. 0, Address, Chimner Sweeping attended to on shortest uotica. K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwigm, . K. MM}- douahl.__C. B. Bobilzlfigfli‘l‘: Ma awn HARDWARE! Thankingour patrons and friends for their lib- emlvnu'onagr u. the ast we beg to state that we hawejust neceive A large stock ofmewgoods in latest designs. A large stock of Elgin and Waltlmm watches keut on hand. Central Bank of Canada. STREEE. TORONTO. IS‘Manufactur'ing o: jewelleuusnd repairimzoi watches an¢clockl on chg_pregr}ises,a spgeinlby a stock of Diamonds and preciousstones always on hand. THIRD DOORV _S_Q_I}T2H _0F QUE N_ Having built the above House on the site of the old Smge Hotel, ud furnished it throuflhoutén first-class style. 1m prepared to} give fine mtblic ‘the best 0! accommodations - Good stuhiing and attentive haulers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel) 5. Terms, 81 per dny. The Richmond Hill nlbus leaves this house to connect with all passenger Mull on the Northern Rnilwuv. Importer onWatches, clocks and fine fiewellery a. agockpf Diamonqsgnd preciousstones 31m! Hammer] Auctiuneer for the.C0untiesof York 0mm and Peel. Goods sold on ounsignment. G1neraJ atlas of stock. ohm, mompfigy ,atbendod tonxeaaonublexmtes. P. 0. address, lUNIQNMLE. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <BUILDERS’> HALL. FULLAR'I‘ON 6: (300K, BARRIS’I'HRS, SOLICITORS. &c. OFFICES: 18 ch STm-zm'r EAST, TonoNTo. W. M. HALL, J. s. FULLARTON, W. COOK. M'PRWATE FUNDS To I and. '. A Issuer FREDERICK WHITLOCK, Richmond Hill. A. A. ALLEN, Cnshuzr. Richmond Hill Brawn. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 23â€"41‘83. GI Jan. 15m. '84-1v douulki} 'Cf ii. VIi’otihgénr, "A_, : Howard. and J. Ginty The Palm" House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER. Propxietot. JAM as M. LAWRENCE, ~AND N . J. Armstrong. fiahm Eokardt. of Marriage Licenses, ‘ney tn; loan on {arm security ‘fiiésmlnntnus. Near George Stregt, Toronto. L. 'J.'J1Llii.b ' x , NOTARY mm 35c, RICHMOND HILL TOOLS. E US A CALL, S. “L Brown. J. “nukes. Box 90. VICIKIBIA SQUARE. motels. 33mm. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 5 AND “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in Manager. ELL oqrâ€"At th residence of ollum, at ‘gastpp, on the 11:3 Kim,relicn of t 9 late t e mownshin 01 var , and Elliott. of this v' lags, uget youths, Deceased came CROSBYâ€"HUT unisonâ€"At the residence of the bride's fat er, on Wednesday, June 4th, by the Reij.E.Sanderson.M‘A.. Aurora, Mr. Isaac Owfiby, Merchant of Richmond Hill, to sts Kate youngest daughter of John Hut- chigsop, Esq" of Aurora. Dannyâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Sunday. Jun me wife u! Mr. Gen Derry of 1: son. McNAmâ€"Near Elgin Mills, on aundny. Jun the wife of Mr‘ R. Mchur q! a. son. DIRâ€"At Maple, on May 30th. the wife of Dr‘ of a daughter. DIARRIAGES A. Rupert, r o ...... o 1‘. Noble, r o .. . W. Palmom: o ...... 3 R. Rumbleb Fri-by l Oliver,c Fiorheller l W.Kendall,b Frisbv 2 Mutthewsp Fri-bi 1 ya I Burkholderb Fri: A. Carla ,rom W. Woo I,run out 3 .1. Orr, b Frisby ...... a We regret to record this week the severe illness of Mr. John Wright. of Wright's Carriage Works. Mr. W. J. Dickson of Yorkville, {ormerly of Richmond Hill, and an old typo, was in the village during the weak, and called at the LIBERAL Office. Mr. D. is agent for Wag- ntafi'a "Rapid Index," and “The Book Keeper." Bye! Mr. J. Brown, Reeve in the chair. Councillors present,Messrs. Crosby. Law, Moodio, and Hopper. The members, having subscribed to the oath, proceeded to business. The Clerk produced the Assessment Roll. together With an appeal from Mr A. L. Skoole on behalf of Rich- mond Lodge, against the assessment of Masonic Hall, on the ground that said property is rented to the School Board. with the understanding that the Board pay all taxes. After some discussion on the subject, it was moved by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mr. Moodie, that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Edu- cation Department, and ascertain wheth- er the Hall, on account of its being occu- pied u a school, is exempt from taxation â€"Carried. The Court then adjourned till Monday June 9th at 8. 30, p.111. The followmg accounts were read: F. Cochwork done on bridge on Dufleriu Street. 82.75; Cane and sons, lumber for sidewalks $96.93. 0n motibn of Mr. Law, seconded by Mr. Hopper,the above bills were ordered to he paid. The-Gouncil then adjourned to meet immediately after the adjourned meetmg of the Court of Revision. Pursuant to notice, aCourt of Revision wan held in the Council Chamber, Rich- mond Hill, on Friday May 30th, at 2, After the adjournment of the Court of Revision, the Council formed for general busineu. The minutes of last meeting, May 12th, were read and approved. Fir-G Inning». Cricket March. On Saturday last, 21 Cricket Match was played in “The Pjnee" near Richmond Hill Station. between the Victoria Square, and Maple Clubs, which resulted in an easy vic- tory {or the visitors. Upwarde of one hun- dred people. a large number being ladies, es- eembled m the beautiful park to witness the game. It is but fair to state. that the Maple Club has been organized only for a. short time, wbie it is well known that their oppo- nents are "Old fltegers" on the field. and have defeated some of the best clubs in the country. It iemedjtable to both clubs, that not I eingle dispute occurred, worthy of no- tice, during the entire game, the decisions otthe Umpiru, beingiaa All cases final. The Victqrta Square Club went first to the but, Ind after eome sharp play succeeded in run- ning up the score to [20. Fierheller, McKen- zie a Forester making 98. 28 and 21 runs re- spectively. Maple uteri faced the bell, and After scoring 19 nuns, the last wicket felli According to the rules 0! cricket, Maple had to follow her innings, and thin time secured l7, thue losing by one inning: and 84 runs. We have not apnea in which to point out in- dieidusl play. but wouild notice as being psr- timlsrly good, the widget-keeping of Crosby ohtbe visitors. and Culey o! the home club. Below we give the some:â€" vmronu mum. FermauaghIh‘VéiEuTjEmf flféfietfije'd £311 of Lima York mow Toronto) 11‘ 91:0 your . 1 First Inmw' ‘ M. Fiorhollor, e by 0M. fl. Fons-tar, b Rupert...“ BJ‘riobyp Rupert W.Bumsey,w$ out ... T.£ronby,b8n on...” C. qKonzieJa upon: . T. by,b..,,, E. lmeuar, 1) Rap.» ‘ .. 3. Finish], 1) lab]. M. Hanson, run out. '1‘. Rae-(1.!) Noblo....... Bye: VILLAGE COUNCIL. PERSONALS. LOCALS BIRTHS. DEATHS Second Innings. 0 A.nupert,cBunsev. o '1‘. Robin. ro.......,. . 3 W. Puma: c Crosby 1 RBumblo, Prisby. l G. Oliver): Frisby.... 2 W. Xendallp [ruby . 1 Matthews. c Frisbv . V2 lmkholdermotouc. I A.Ca.rlsy.c Prlflbv... 3 beomi‘sJ Prilby . 0 . me 3.19391... 3 Eyes. MAPLE. )t herfqughter, Mra‘ 9 27th May, Cathay. Forbes Elliott. or mother of Mr. J, d 83 yous and 5 from filler County J we let June lat, On of l7 Worm eifects Several names added to the roll; some changes made In assessment. The as- sessment of the 0. (f: Q. R. R. reduced $500, which was all the reductions made: The next meeting of the Council will be held on the last Saturdav in June. The price paid for grave] was made un- iform throughout the township. A resolution was passed asking the 0. & Q. R. R. change the name of their station from Green River to Belfurd; another requesting the same 00. to put the road in proper state of repair as re- quired by agreement. Unionville, May 3151:, 1884. Council met at 10 a. m. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Petitions received for and against alter- ing the boundaries of S. S. Nos. 22 and 23; also f0: grants of money to improve roads on 9th and 10th Con. Communications from J. Ryan respectâ€" in},’ railing on ‘lnd Con. ; also from Col. Button respecting culverts on 11th Com; also a legal opinion respecting unperform- ed statute labor. The Council resolved itself into Court of)Rev1sngn at 2 o’clock p. m. The young men of Vellore and vicinity have decided to hold their fourth annual Pic-Nic on Dominion Day. The com- mittee will spare no pains to make this one of the most interestifig days of the season. Payment for sheep killed by dogs or- dered to be paid. H. Leach,oue killed and two damaged, W. P. Munroe, one killed and one damaged. 7 Cmnm'issibners were appointed to re- pair bridges on the 2nd line, near Elgin Mills road. \Ve are glad to see that our little town is improving; a. new dwelling houhe has been erected opposite the blacksmith shop; it adds greatly to the improvement of our little town. Some of the village boys have decided to make a bee some night. to remove the wood 06 the main street, as it is not a. pleasant thing to see wood scattered about the streets. Deputations were heard for and against making change in S. 8‘ Nos. 22 and 23. Mr. Peter Franks, who has lived in this vicinity for a number of years, sold his farm last fall to Mr. John McKinnon, of the 5th Cum, for $10,000, and has re- tired from farming and removed to West- on, where he has a. tine residence. Mr. Franks has been a good moral and christ- ian-like man, highly respected by all who know him and will be missed from this neighborhood. We hope he may live long to enjov his residence in Wetun. From our own Correspondent. The Scott Act is the general conversa- tion about this little village at the present time. Last week a meeting was called In the Town Hall for the purpase of taking into consideration the submission of the Scott Act. The meeting was not very largely attended, only about thirty-five being present. Nearly all who were at the meeting were in favor of the Act, only a. few remarks being made by one gentleman to the contrary. Abuse ball match was played here on May 3lst between the Mono Road and Kleinburg clubs. which resulted in a victory for the Kleinbutg team, Scoreâ€" Kleinburg 32 runs, Mono Road 20. The match was conducted in a. very friendly manner, and some first-class play was done by both teams. Mr. Moore, of Nobloton, acted as umpire, with much satisfaction to all concerned. ’l‘h9y are the own‘ers of a fine coach horse “Shandy Boy." which took 2nd Drizelast fallat the Toronto Industrial Exhibition,and Inc at the fair in Rich- mond Hill on May 24th. This horse stands at his own atable~Elgin Milli farm. 0n the 3rd inst, Miss Train, daughter of Mr. John Train, was married to Wm. Plaxton,of Barrie. Rev. Mr. Barrass ofliciated. Bminen is improving at the tannory. Mr.Jas. Newton has gone to Bostun for gorge new machinery. We are glad to le'arn that Mr. Jas. Mc- Nnir who has been ill for some time ll improving in health. Messrs. J. (is W. Nicholls of Newton Brook, hnving purchased the Elgin Mills farm, have erected a temporary dwelling on the rear portion of the lot. Under the management of their genial foreman, Mr. Daniel Lee, the place is assuming a. greatly improved appearances MARKHAM COUNCIL superiority of Mother Graves’ Exterminator is shown by its good on children. all things, Charity." From our own Correspondent ELGIN MILLS KLEINBURG VELLORE. , 1884. CATARRHâ€"A new Treatment where- by this hitharto incurable disease is permanent 1y cured in from one ta three applicatiOus, no matter whether standing for one year or forty years. Descriptive mm hlet sent free on re- ceipt of stump‘ A.H.D 0N &SUN. 306 King Stree! west, Toronto Canada. Mr. Henry Marshall, Reeve of Dunn, writes: “ Some time ago I got a bottle of NorthruÂ¥)& Lyman's Vegetable Discov- ery and yspeptic Cure from Mr. Har- rison, and I consider it the very best medicine extsnt for Dyspepsia.” This medicine is making marvellous cure: in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, &c., in puri- fying the blood and restoring manhood to full vigor. The Govemor-Genonl Ind Lady Lun- downe visited Laval University June 311. Tho Niagara District Meeting of the Methodist Church adopted a resolution endorsing the Scott Act. WANTEDâ€"An enorgetxc man, young or old, to drive cattle to Pound. Work gnumteod u long an the grass in to be The Muitoba legislatun was prorogued June 3rd. Baokache, Kitchen in the aide. inflation and aoroneu ol the bowels, are symptom- of a disordered mm of the digestive nnd usimllativo organs, which can be prompt- ly and thoroughly corrected by the use of Aver's Cuhnh Pills. A: dinner pills, and I3 lldl to dine-tie). they law no equal. They cure constipation. Mr. Wm. Boyd Hill, Cobourg, writes: “ Having and Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil for some yearn, l have much pleasure in testifying to its oflicacy in relieving pains in the back and shoulders. I have 8.130 used it in cases of croup in chikdren. and have found it All you claun it to be." Kingston proposes to reduce tho num- ber of wards and have fewer aldermen. The :ppliution of coloring to the walls, whiting to the ceiling, and wntor to the floor, considerably restored to the Metho- dist. Church that cleanliness which char- acterizes a newly built church. London West prqposesrthe erection of a. dyke an I. protection sgaiust floodn. flee from the wrath to come. Although one year has not- yet elaosed since he came to Yonge St. South Circuit. many, through his instrumentality, have been led to a. loving Saviour, and are now en- joying that peace which passeth all un- derstanding, having hope of the life that now is and of that which in to come. The Mines Stump and Gregory, of Richmond Hill, spent Satutdny and Sun- day at Mu. Agar’l, in this place. A. J. Husband, dentint, has "turned from Barrie. Mr Wm. Beak, of this place, is build. ing a driving house and stable; we learn also that the old fence, forming the north- ern boundwry of his lot, in to be torn down, and replaced by a high, clone board fence. With gladnou we welcome the return of our esteemed friend, Mrs. Agar, to her home. Mrs. Agar is not only a. kind And peaceable neighbor, but an active worker in the church. Rev. 313. Penren, M. A.; occupied the pulpit in‘Zion Church on Sunday after- noon last. Revival services are being held in the Methodist Church, East York, conducted chiefly by the Rev. James Pearen. M. A. The anxiety of our pastor to win souls for Christ is very great, as may be seen by the earnestness with which he exhorts sinners to turn from their evil doings and flee from the wrath to come. Although one year has not vet niansnd nit-Inn h. Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache. Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness. Jaundice. Dropsy. Fluttering of the Heart. And every spec Impul From Our Own Correspondent. [Single copies, 3 cts, NEWTON BROOK

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