Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1884, p. 5

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Of all months in the your. June appears tobe the favorite for marriage. We are happy m rgqord this wpek the union of Mr. isnac Crosby, of tniu place, and Miss the Hutchinsop, of Aurqra. The happyfiunc took place at her father‘s residence yet-10.9;- (by. Jupsjth. A In‘rge number of relatiyes qt both fpmilies afiguded the ceremony. which “as, periox-mad by the Rev. J, E. Sandal-:99 of: the C.. M. Chumh, Apxqm. Hany cqaflv. gins wgre prasoqtgd to, the bride, whp'ie ohgqnerpylmvorite wig. ‘her r0}- gtives and‘ “hands. The murfie ,cloqple ipok the twin uvzirozge‘ for New Xork, and gthef America]; (20.195, where thgy‘ intand apgndiqg n (e:va week‘sE We extend to_'them our 11651;”. przrptulstipns, and: feel confi- dent the meidguh 0!, Richmond Hilll will join with us in wishing than: n 1351311: fmuro ogfiayfipqu and prosperity-, The Semi-Centennial. Eueplive preparations are being made by liho Executive Commitee, (or the holding of the Sémi-Ceppeuinl Celebration of the incor- poration o! the City of Toronto. from June 39th till July 5th. Each day 0! the week in {9‘ be let apart for certain special performan- cea, and programmes have been arranged. so that visitors may have choice of days. Lt is uninteresting picture to look at Toronto at present, and contrast it with what it was fity years ago. The Netti; York Reform Association. will hold their annfinl pic-nic on Wednesday, June 11th, 1884, in the beautiful grove be- longing to Brook: Howard, Esq. Addresses will be delivered by the Hon. Ed. Blakel M. P.; Dr.Landerkiu, M. P.. and one or more members of) the Ontario Government, the two members of the. Riding, and other upromineut men. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all, independent of political views. Everybody should get some of the 10 9;. Grey Cotton at the Con- (fete. Masonic Meeting, Richmond Lodge, No. 23 G. B. 0., met in Masouic Hall: Richmond Hill, on Monday evening, June 2nd, and elected the following officers for {the waning year: W. Bro. A. J. Rupert, W. M: Bro. M. Fierbeller, S. W. ; Bro. P. G. Savage, J. W.; W. Bro. A. L. :Skeele. Chaplain ; Bro. W. Trench, Treas.; Bro. H. A._Niohols, Sec. ; Bro. N. Davis was appointed Tyler. Monthly Fair. On Wednesday, the Monthly Fair was held in Richmond Hill., A large number of buy- ers were on hand from Toronto and other places. The large'st and best collection at cattle that has ever been brought to the fair. was on the‘ ground. Valuevin Groceriés at the Concrete House better than the beat. Messrs. W. 3: A. Wright, two miles north of this Village, sold a horse to Mr. ‘Murray. of Toronto, for the handsome sum of 5250 It took first prize at the Richmond Hill Fair on May 24:11.1'11 the saddle class. The next regular pr‘é‘ctice of the Fire Bri- gade will take place on‘Frmay evening. 'Full attendance necessary. Extra value in Hdsiery at the C Crete. A friendly game of cricket is to take place between the Maple and Springhill clubs, on Saturday next, on the grounds of the latter, Until furthér notice Mm‘l'sfiill be closed at the riflchmond Hill Post Olfice as follows:â€" MoRHINc zâ€"(iâ€"oimz N01‘Lh.soulh, East and West, includim Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham,&c. 7.45 EVENING zâ€"Going southEnst and West (as . above) ‘ 6.40 N. B.â€"Re:;istexjed Letters must be lmnded in a least Fxftgeu Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. RIL§M3N§ HILL, Thursday. June 5, '84 Next Wé‘ek. Th'é mgnutes of last Council meeting (or Vaughan Township will a‘ppenr in Our next issue. 'I Accommodation Exprees. \‘orth Mail, Scum ” .. . Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer House. RichmonJ Hili. as follnws : Mail & Exprefis. North & South”. “"735; a. In: \Ve-kbm‘ . Dnvun art. Pnljkd In . TOR ,‘TO RI_CHMI m!) King .. Aumrn. TORONTO Pm'k‘ll Mu . vaenport Newmmket . . Aurora. Kinq . . 'RxcuM . HILL Thorn) ill .. :‘N. R. R. TIME TABLE. FHOIZYIHill U .. thmwxn HILL PROCTOR‘S STAGE LINE. Cxty Bn 'POST OFFICE NOTICE (litv ‘irr L .0 (J A; 1w E‘ifibrml. ueeu Han H1111 n Station 1: Street u's Wharf Fire Brigade’;Meeting. ‘2. Wh ru'f Street. ., Station. Annual Pic-Mic. A Good Price GOING SUOTH Nuptials. OING NORTH Cricket including ' Thornhill, Toronto, Mm‘khmn,&c. )uth‘Enst and West (as Mai] 910 M. ’I‘EEFY. Postmaster Accom 11.45 11 52 1.10 p. 111 8.45 9.02 43 50 56 37 Ayer‘a_Sarsapa;illa ii a. highly. cuncgna muted extract qLSaragparilla. and qthor blood-purifying, rootp,' combined. with Ipdide of;~Bota.$§ium,and Iron. Iu‘ con: trnl own igrofulous disguon in .unoqyauld by an: ethos modycénec. ' Jimâ€"U don't get discouraged, Jack, the .day is fresh, and we may have some good sport yet. See here' I have got several fine Iperch. as long as your finger. , Jack-Well, 13m getting sick and tired of the whple business. This is the fourteenth dav we‘ve been out, and nothing tJ show for it. and I can't go on the street but somebody is shoutipg “ When are you going to fetch us those fish)" besides my old Governor 18 beginning to_kick like thunder, and I even had to make up a. lie to get away today. And the following, words were helllfd to ripple over the clear still mite: :-â€" Jimâ€"All right‘JpckJ'myour man,wo'll go snares wnh the brupe !: Won‘t we ? Jackâ€"Quigk now, or hg'll be away. See how he is dragging: the hostâ€"He’s gone, hook and all J: 011 ~Jim, why didn't you snatch him 2. 'Well that settle: my fishing for. all time to come. Blast those fish-hooks. Jackâ€"Is’nt‘hgzgwhqpper. By Jove,I wish Dick was here. Now Jim. when I draw him “91011 grab hip}: Refs a ten pounder. n 'Juckâ€"gond’og Jim ! I think I go‘ a bite I Yes, I’m auw‘oi it. Heavings ! What in it 1 Logk boy ha pull; Jim-â€"You’v'e gét him,Jack, this time. Let him play with the hook a while. He may break the hue. Div. 1. Emma Sivers John McKenzie. Phoebe Soules. Bobbie Moodie, Gertie Davis, Joseph Blmchud. Jim-Wail that's so Jack, 1t {8 discohrage- ing. bub-q": F. Good, Lottie Hopper, E. Stevenson, Daisy Burns, W. Duncan, Herbie Garvin, F. Shepwd. F. McConnelL Jane Sahel], F. Redditt, Jennie Wiley, W. Smelser, H. Sanderson, Garnet Duncan, ‘ F, Mapes, Susy Trench, Edith Andrews, Willie Glass. J. Cnurcxsnmx. Teacher. The followipg dialogue, between two of our well knovm fishennen. was overheard on St. George's lake on Tuesday afternoon 2â€"â€" Jamlcâ€"WellJm| I think we might as well gather up our fishing tackle and start for home; the luck seems to be against us this year. FORM II. Div. L Div.2. Div. 3. Aggie Reid, James Wright, Delia Palmer. Flora Pavel], G.Glover, Mamie Lemon. Maggie Moodie, Currie Powell, Maggie Lewis Millie Trench, Mary Mapes, Lizzie Palmer Tillie Tzonch, W.Bailie. Eliza Mahony, L. Stevenson, D. Blanchard, W. Skeele, T. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. Lut Friday evening. an accident occurred At Wilson‘s mill pond. which might have re- rulted more seriously. About 4 o’clock. Master Rose, Hnfley, Miss Eva Wiley, Mice Lou. McLellan and other High School pu. oils, proceeded to the pond. bent on an ex- cursion. Those mentioned above, securing a boat, got into it Ind started across the water. They had not gone for, till it WAS found that the boat was filling with water, when they struck for the shore. Miss Eva getting somewhat excited. got into the water whereit must have been a or 10 it. deep. and immediately sunk to the bottom. When she rose to the surface. Boss, with great pre- sence of mind, backed up with an equal a- mount of courage, sprang into the pond, and held his charge above water till aid was ren- dered from other quarters. The young lady could not speak for some time. but noon re- suscitated, the onlv trace now left of the ad- venture bemg a. slight cold. We are glad the incident was not more Serious, and con- gratulate Ross on his courageous act, which no doubt will be long remembered by the oc- ougmnte of the boat. Lydia Powell, Odin McLean. Maggie Garvin. Bertha Palmer. Norman Sahel), Sarah Palmer, Richmond Hill Public School Honor Roll for May, 188L:â€"-A "J1mm3e," at len ti; hammered low, And wept Ii 9 childhood then,â€" ' Tnlk not of grief till thou hast'soau The teary ot_ߤhe{m9n.â€" Be thnwzht of allvhig bliflbfied hopeat (You should havp‘pepn that frown) He flung the fish p91q1r0m his hand, r And‘in the hon; SM; dawn. The Millinery turned out by the Concrete is ahead ofany thing in style and value. Temperance Meeting. The adjourned meetian was held in the Temperance Hell, on Monday evening, {or the purpme of electing officers for the Mu- nicipality of Richmond Hill, for the sub- mission of the Scott Act, if such he decided at the meeting to be held in Aurora today. On motion of Mr. R. E. Lew, seconded by Mr. J. H. Sanderson, Mr. J. A. E. Switzer was elected president. Mr. Wm. Storey was elected secretary. and Mr. W. T. A. Cook as- sistant secretary. The meeting adjourned otter tendering a, vote of thanks to the late president and secretary pro termâ€"Dr. Wil- son and Mr. R. E. Law. Picturesque Canada. The genial agent was around on Tuesday. deliverin Nos. 31 65 82 of this well known work. an . as usual. left a couple of numbers for us at Tni‘. LIBERAL office. We would wish it to be distinctly understood, however, that we have not. offered our volumes for sale. Just think of it. only four more num-. bers and the work will be completed. We venture to say that, in many cases, these books are welcomed about as much as " Po- ems and Pen-pictures " by “ The Traveller with his Valiae.‘ ’ Best value in the country in all lines of Dry Goods at the Concrete. Div. I. ‘iv. The Long Fishermen. Narrow Esc‘ape Honor Roll EORM III. FORM IV. Div. 2. FOB)! . Div. 2. Wil!ie Burns. Sadie Morgan. Minnie Soules. James Falconbridge, George Lewis. Maggie Sterling, E. A. SPRAOGE, Teacher. Div. 2. Merritt. Wilson, Alex. Reid, , Lillie Cliflord. Eflie McNair, Lulu Lemon. Nellie Datson, M. WILEY, Teacher. Div‘ Edward: M7Keown$ Silks. Sahins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Ip’Aaces,‘ Fancx Goods,‘ Prints, Sateens; Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Titble Diar. mgslgs, Lace Curtaing, Towels, Napkins, QuiltshCOun; terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster ‘ Clpths,‘&e. &c. 25 yds. Factory Cotton for $1.00. 20 yds., yard wide, factory for $I.oo. 20 yds. good white cotton for $I.00. 36 inch twilled factory sheeting Iocts. 40inch unbleached pillow cotton. Lace curtains, 600, 750., $1.00, $I.50, $2.00, and $2.50. ,‘ 1 Lace Guipure curtains $2.38, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00 and up. J. M. HAMILTON 9 You can save from 1.00 to 2.00 on every pair by buymg from us. CHEAPER THAN EVER. Cambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge St., Toronto. SPECIAL VALUE FOR MAY Ready Made Clothing NEW SPRNG GOODS CLOTHING HOUSE. SCOTCH TVVEED SUITS SPRING TWEEDS, WORSTEI 184 Yonge Street, 3m Stem above; queem Street. A’l‘ LOWER PRICES THAN EVERBEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspectionofi Qur New: a POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE» 1812; Yonge Street» T‘orontc; are now showing aLarge and Complete; Shock of SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST: TERMS CASH... 86 YONGE STREET, Toronto. NEW SPRING GOODS in Mens, Youths and Boys AND COATINGS. Complete Stock of Complete Stock of MADE TO ORDER ONLY $12.00. CAMBRIDGE Extraordinary value in silks, satins, bro- cades, and velvets. See our summer silksat 40c. See our‘check silks at 45c. and 50c. (pure) All colors in Duchess satins at $1.00 per yard, worth $1.50. Rich Brocades to match. V Our black Italian Gros Grain Silks are very special value and will not cut, of be- come glazed like other makes,

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