"Stout‘fville . ..18th 10. Mark ham 20th 10- Victoria. Sq . 213% do. I‘hornhill... .. ..23rd do. \Voodbridge ., ,.28th do. Kleiuburg.†,.29th do. Nobleton†....... 30th 0 Vituh‘zed Air always on hand at: appointments, Works like a charm. Free from pain. Dr. Goo. Lungslafl Has reumved from King, and commen- ced practice at Thurnhill. Nov. 6th, ’82â€"“. Dr. James Langstafl. Money to Loan. A lame amount of Money to Lend on farm or §tv property interest 7 net cent; no commits Thankful for the favors of the past ?0 years, may still be consulted in any lamuch of the pro. fussion, as follows: "mrora, 13:, 6th, leth, and 22nd of earh month RiChmond Hill... . . .9th and‘zith (lo, (atthe Palmer House) _ Win visit. the following places professionally :â€" Uuionville ......... H lst Monday of each month Weston 9th and 213% " ‘ Ma. le ...... .. ,mth “ “ Ric uond Hill ‘ " Woodbridge Mr. Husband willbe lound in his ofï¬ce, New- mu Brookmvery Saturday. except when Sutur- Qav falls on the above dates. xmvtive ï¬c iary membl ï¬nal! m son Se' .‘Lgï¬' mun} RICHMOND HILL Meets in the Tempe evening. at 7.30011: The Method sociatio‘n issuc desired. wn“ MECHANICS' valumespven‘ a mic Hall. fl‘O rm“. Lecture RICHMOND _p actice evefl' 7.30 o‘clock. C VILLon COW mums. M35 A. 0. U W Committee each alterna floaty certlï¬c J. A.’E.Swim Medalist Toronto Univelsicv. Member Co Physicians & Surgeons, 0nt.,(labe of Stouffvine Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours to 10 a..m.,5toSp.m. Mmuomsx at 10:30 BAIL, at 2.30 p. 111. "Thursday cw J.1\‘..Belt5, =1 PRESBYTEI at 1) o‘clock 'un Wednesda ROMAN on as follow l> '1 Hill at 10:30 a ‘mond Hill at Monday on or befor'e full moou‘ A. J. Rupert, W. M. ANCIENT ORDER OF Foam†mond, No. 7046 L 0‘ F. meetsï¬n Hall every alternate Friduv mt Wright, G. 17.“ AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstalk A Member College Physicimns & Surgeons, Ont, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. No‘ 43 ‘wheil the 5.111. Sun Hector. AT WHE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE KIUHMUND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY Dr. orr, Maple. Oflice hours: 8 to 9.30 a. m.. and to 9.30 p. m- Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurom Ont RICHMOND â€"Meets in t1 ST. MAM“ s EPISCOPAL CHURCH.â€"rsarv1ce u o ,m., except Lhe third Sunday of every month, hen the service and sacrament are held at 11 nt Suud/Lv School at 1:30 1.1m Rem W, Bates. MOSS, MACDONALD. MERBITT 5: CU. Union Lou: builuln 5 Toronto unyat Select ording +‘83â€"Iv Ti - 3391 per annum, 1n advance.] VOL. V1. G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., 2:45“ DENTIST, BUSINESS CARDS. 0f Tamperrmr'p, Rivhmnw‘ Hi" (‘mmm‘L Meets in Temperance Huli,eu:h talk-n4 Tuesday waning acso'clock p m. Bene- certlï¬mtzs issued to male or female ms for $1,000 or in case of death ~€2,000. one ,yablc in case of disability. J. H‘ Sander eat Counciflors: J.A‘ Sturgeon Stewart. 711mm. szgmag £15? EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. gwillugr Qirrrturg. Dr. W. J. Wilson. 1. F. MCMAHON, 3" who :ï¬ihcml ZoUNc1n.-Be've. John Brown 'len- =srs. Isaac Crosby, A‘ Moodie. R. E. I, F.1-Icpper. Chalk. M. leafy, W‘va Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the 3 Room of the Muouic Hull native Friday at 8 o'clock I). In. Bene- ï¬cate given for $2,0001n'cnse of death. itzer, Master Workman. lc in case Counciflo: Secretmv IS P UBDISHED EVERY LODGE. A}. 5: A M., No. 23, G.R.C e Lodge RoomAIasbmc Eamon the r before full moon. MS o'clock pm “K M. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. BILL flarï¬son sup? INSTITUTE: L Suva: NSTITUTE.- Library 0! over 1000 rery Tuesday evening, in the Ma,- ‘ 7 to 8 o'clock R. E. Law. Libra,- uud discussions periodically. .ILL CORNET BANDr-ths for ‘uesdxxy and Saturday evening at Savage, Leader. SURGEON DENTIST L TEMJ’LE, No 465,1. 0.G.T.â€" spemnce Hall'uvery \Veduesday clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. sabbath school Temperance As ledge cards every Sunday when (ihurchc xenon 0F (3-30 I). mun money. m1 (3:30 p.111. Prayer moemng mg “7:30. CHURCH~Services in order ill at 9 3.111.. and Richmond e following Suuflu‘yat Rich- and Thm'nhill at. 10:30 a. m. NEWTON BROOK. MT m‘, and Sunflp Prayer Meet“: 5 Lecture Room CHUROE.â€"Selvice M. 3 0F CANADA.â€"Services pgn. Prayer meeting 18th 20th 215'. ward 28th 29th 30th J obn Brown BS. Ensâ€"Court Rich- n the Temperance E730 p. Inkâ€"H. H. ANADA â€"â€"Servi£es 1 Sunday schnol. Meeting Every ENING V, .10. do. do. do. do. Having built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in ï¬rstâ€"class style, I am prepared to give the public the best: of accommodntmna Good stabling and apbgujive hostlergl Sample give the public the best of accommodutlona Good enabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, 51 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this house to connect with all passenger trains on the Northern Ruilwnv. Old Iron, Rugs, Brass, &c., bought for cash‘ at citj prices. _ Clï¬muer Sweeping attended to on ahortest notice. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, WEEâ€"PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. K. Chisholm, M‘ WILKINS’ BROS Gama! Bank 93 Canada. Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current Rateal Nu notice 0! withdrawal required. Dml‘cs on all mum of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. PAINTS, OIL S, HALL, FITLLAR'I‘ON 6: (300K, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Sic. OFFICES: 18 KIM: STRRI-i'l‘ EAST. ToRoNTn. W11. HALL. J‘ FL'LLARTON. W. COOK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 166 King Street East, HARDWARE! Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness. Headache. Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness. Jaundice. Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, MECHANIC’S And every 5} GLASS. PUTTY, &C. <:BUILDERS’:> FREDERICK \VHITLOCK, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 23-4-‘83. 'l‘llc Pallnel House, RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprictux. Jan. 15th. “Biâ€"IV douula,‘ (L TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. Money to loan on farm security JAM ES M. LA‘VRENCE, S‘PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAN. ‘B Impurc Blood, &c. PREPARE†3V THE -â€"â€"-ANDâ€"â€"â€" A. A. All-3N, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill. L. 'L'Jiimb' X , NOTARY PUBLIC 86c, , M. P. P.. H‘ P. Dwight. D. M. Mao (L B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard. and J. Ginny. RICHMOND HILL. >Near George Street, Toronto. DIRECTORS ‘s of disease arising from {mm-3', 33:11:11. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1884. “In Essmtials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†AND Manager. C. Savage and '1‘. Young were proposed as members of Brigade by Foreman Sav- age and accepted. Lient. Pngley proposed Arthur Pngsley and Foreman Redditt proposed G. Derry to become members. both of whom were unanimously accepted. Captain Sanderson read out the names of those picked out by Committee to take part in Tournament to be held in Toron- to in September, to ascertain who would be willing to go : the greater number agreed to take part. The mead of merit fur promoting per- sonal aesthetics is due to J. C. Ayer & 00., whose incomparable Hair Vigor is a, universal beautiï¬er of the hair. Harm. 1e83, agreeable. effective, if. has taken rank among the indispensable articles of the toilet. ’l‘o scanty locks it gives luxuriâ€" For constitutional ul‘ acrofulous Cntarrh and for consumption induced by scrofu- lous taint, Ayei’s Sarsaparillu is the true remedy. It has cured numberless cases' It will stop tllï¬ nauseous caturrhhl dis- charges, and remove the sickening odor of the breath. which are indications of acrnfulous origin. The city for the last week or two has been swarming with white Chokers, silk hats and long tailed coats. The Presby- terian Assembly. Anglican Synod and Canada. Methodist Conference have fol- lowed one another in rapid succession. But “ still theie’a more to follow.†The Conference of the lately united Methodist Churches meets to-aay in Elm St., when a. more than ordinary time is expected. Mr. Howson. whom your readers wil1 all doubtless remember, gave the people of Sherbourne St. Church a burst of elo- quence last Sunday evening. ‘ A special meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was held in the Council Chamber on the evening of the 13th inst. toilet. ’1‘0 scanty locks it gives luxuri. ance; and withered hair it clothes with the hue of youth. All who desire to spend a able day on Dominion Day 4: ter than come to Woodbndg mittees are sparing no pains spurts enjoyable to all. 1% baseâ€"ball match, tug of w jumping, horse-racing, &c. see. The pulpit of Christ’s Church was occu- pied on Sunday evening by the Rev. Mr. Mead, bruther of the Reverend gentle- man who was married in Christ’s Church, to Miss Maggie Fielding. on \Vednesday, June 11th; a. large congregation assemâ€" bled and all appeared perfectly satisfied. Do not forget to go on the excursion to the Forks of the Credit next Saturday. A very enjuyable time is expected. All are welcome. - The big event of Saturday and Sunday was the visit of the 5th Royal Scots, of Montreal. They camped on the Mutual St. skating rink grounds, from which they marched in the forenoon of Saturday and paraded some of the principal streets and were the admired of all, except those extremely modest creatures who never saw a. man’s bare knees before. for of course the Scots wore their kilts. In the afternoon they engaged in Caledoninn Games on Jarvis St. Lacrosse grounds. On Sunday they marched to the music of their pipers to Old St. Andrews, where Rev. Mr. Milligan, B. A., preached an excellent and appropriate sermon. Oh Monday they visited the Falls and then returned home. They numbered about 350. In the evening, a. concert will be given in the Orange Hall in behalf of M r. Juhn McClure. Icis to be hoped that it may be well patronized, as Mr. McClure has suffered a. great, loss in loosing part of his foot, and it. is very probable that his suf- fering and loss are not, over yet, as in all liklihood another surgical operation will have to be performed and the leg ampu- tated above the break. Our public school teachers intend hav- mg a. public examination next Friday afternoon. Our village is improving daily. Side- walks are being laid on several of the minor streets and the bridges damaged by floods are being repaired. Extensive preparations are still being made for the coming Semi-Centennial. Toronto expects to make the biggest show even seen in Ontario. Those who enjoy the relationship of city cousins will have a. ï¬ne opportunity of testing their friends hospitality week after next. Drowning accidenfs are becoming a- larmingly frequent. On Saturday a boy was drowned in the Humber, and on Monday two more went. under in the Don. There have also been numbers lost. in the bay. The meeting then FIRE BRIGADE MEETING (From our own Correspondent.) From our own Correspondenc‘ TORONTO TOPICS. WOODBRIDGE adjourned :nd a. very enJoy- Day cannot do bet- ondge. The com- pains to make the There will be a. of war. running. , rnnmng, Come and The Rev. J. C. Curties, of Lachute. 011e,, occupied the pulpit here Sunday evening. Mr. Curtiss is still in the Montreal Cnnference, being stationed at Lawrenceville. Que., for the coming vear. Rev Mr. Thornley was present also Sun- day evening, and improved the opportun- ity by giving some very good advice, as his vuledicwry. as he too is leaving forâ€"- he knows not. where. May prosperity attend them during the present year as it has during the past. Mr. T. Cook, miller, has been improv- ing his mill property by putting in a. new race. The boys working at the job have had some big ï¬shing consequent upon the lowering of the pond. Suckers are nearly a drug on the market. Mr. Cook got one trout weighing 42 pounds. If a. larger trout has ever been taken from waters of this part of the country, we would like to hear of it. People who reside or sojourn in regions of country where fever and ague and bil- ions remiltent fevers are prevalent, should be particularly careful to regulate diges- tion. the liver and the bowels, before the season for the periodic malady. The timely use of Northrop & Lyiuan’s Veg- etable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure is a valuable safeguard against the malarial Scourge. It is acknowledged to be the best blood puriï¬er in the market. From our own Correspondent. A runaway accident occurred here on Thursday last, which might have proved fatal to one or more persons. As Edward Andrews was returning home from work with a horse and rig, accompanied by Mr. \Vm. Kirby and daughter, the horse shied elf a. little at some object on the road. Andrews struck it, With a whip' when it became terriï¬ed and commenced running aWay. It ran some distance when it was pulled into a ditch and upset the vehicle, pitching the occupants out on the hard road. Mr. Kirby received a slight. scratch on the face, but Miss Kirby received a dreadful shock, being thrown on her face and shoulder, Dr. Orr was called in and dressed the young lady’s wounds. We are happy to say she is getting along splendidly again. The fever for games is agitating this neighborhood somewhat. The old crick- eters here must have their occasional game of cricket, and they en]oy it too. Quite a number of them have not for- gotten the art since they played on the village green in the “ old land " long ago. The younger acions of the family about here though take more kindly to foot ball. About ï¬fty met at Mr. N. Rea- man‘s last Saturday evening to " tip the leather,†and Some heavy tipping was done. A good club could be organized and a formidable team put into the ï¬eld with a little practice, if they kept to rule. SO keep down to- rule, boys and young men, keep to rule. A grand sight presented itself to our villagers on Saturday last. Seven of our farmers brought home seven self-binders loaded on seven wagguns. Those ma.- chines were manufacnured at Patterson’s Works. The Patterson) Binder takes the lead around here, no less than about twenty having been brought here since last sprung. A debate took place here a. few even- inus ago, the subject being, “ Resolved that if the Scott Act is carried in the County of York, it will be a. beneï¬t to Temperance. Messrl. R. HarVey and J. P. Rupert took the afï¬rmative. with Messrs. D. Kinnee and J. McKinuon the negative. A long discussion followed on both sides, but no decision was given. Fall wheat. is not looking as good as on former years. The gardensare very backward here this summer. From our own Correspondent. The cricket clubs of Victoria Square and PleasunFValley meton the Union- ville cricket ground on the 14th inst, and played a very interesting game, in which the Victoria Square club was vic- torious. The Pleasant Valley men, tak- ing the bat ï¬rst, succeeded in scoring 9 when the last wicket fell. Their antag- onists then coming forward managed to hold their ground a little longer, and made 42. The Pleasant Valley men again faced their enemy, determined to do better than before, but they found the balls csme ugly and swift, and had the same success as before, adding only 10 to their former score, thus leaving the Vic- toria. Square club Victorious by 23 runs and one innings. Having still a good part of the day at their disposal. the re- turn match was played, in which Victoria Square again came out best, scoring 46 to their opponents 43. It is hoped that they will be us successful in their match with Aurora, which takes place on the 23rd inst, at Aurora. From 0 ur Own Con-espondenc. VICTORIA SQUARE. CARRVILLE. TESTON From Our Own Corresnondent. As some of the readers of your valuable paper mav not know that there is such a. place as Pine Grove, and where it is situ- ated, I thoughtI would like to inform them. It is situated on the River Hum‘ her, about one mile north-east of \Voud- bridge. It is quite a. sequestered place. a. nice quiet place to retire. A good. gravel road passes through it. There are three other streets but they have not as yet been christened. There are several business placesâ€"a. store, flour mill, coop- er shop, harness shop, hotel, and carriage works. It used to boast of a. Doctor, but he took his departure to Y. F. C., in the great North-West Territory. So it must be a healthy place to live. There is a triangular piece of ground between the‘ store and gravel road, which will answer very well as a. market square when it be- comes a. town. There are no steam works, except that the Scotts and the Antl-Scotts steam off a. little at one an- other. but still, the citiZens have tiresom- mon sense and intelligence not to quarrel‘ with each other. Every observer who walks the streets of a great city, and scans with intelligent eye the colorless faces of more than ï¬fty per cent of the people he meets, can eas. ily agree with us in the statement, that» this age, which makes such drafts upon the working energies of the greater part of men in the intense pursuit of business has destroyed in a. proportionate degree the animal health and robust constitu- tion. Nature. in this stage of exhaustion. cannot be restored of itself, but requires. some stimulating tonic, to strengthen and keep the system in regular order,and in Northrop & Lymen’s Quinine \Vine we have the exact remedy required. The peculiar operation of this medicine,‘ in cases of debility and nervous prastra- tion, has undergone long and close ob- servation, and it is believed it Will never fail, if properly nd judicrously adminis» tered. Prepared by Northrop & Lyman and sold by all druggists. It 13 quite along time since any one in; our village became entangled in the bonds of matrimony, but there is no telling how soon one of the merchants or farmer brothers might take a. notion To the Editor of THE Luaxmu All the land formerly owned by Good.- erham (K: WorSs now belongs to the Willis Bros. They take a great interest in feeding cattle. They have ten herd of fat cattle which will weigh about 1600 on an average. A good investment for. some cattie dealer. They are busy stumping a~ large ï¬eld l‘ying next the 75h concession. There are three or four unoccupied houses. Now is the time to rent some of them, for some of them are better for summer houses than for winter. 1f about a dozen of the old houses were pulled clown, and new ones erected in their places, it would make quite a. change. The store is under the management of Gough Bros , (Charlie 8:. Dick) who are doing a. very fair business. Sometimes when business is a little dull Charlie (In, Wlll get Charlie B. and both will take 2e gun and go out shooting ground-hogs, and they can shoot too, you bet. A short distance below the village is a large brick Congregational Church and Parson» DEAR Sm,â€"You will do us a favor by al- lowing us space in your valuable paper to reply to a sarcastic item which appeared in your paper two Weeks ago, on the new role of leading in Sacred Song. [No doubt the composer is possessed of scholarly attainâ€" meuts, but there are a few paragraphs in connection with Mr. Baker's magniloquence which we cannot solve. One is about the slight tendency to speed the metre, as he oalleit, which is erroneous, as there is not such a. thing as speeding the metre; and if the gentleman will come forward. we will give him a full explanation of the simple word metre. If Mr. Baker’s eloquence does allow him to be a libel man, we hope he may ponder the matte: over with his conscience and look to something supernal in future. Mr. Baker also seems to like the old beaten path of the long drawn emphasis, which we deem next to mockery. which is contrary to music written by the best musicians for half a century. Be gone what has passed and let. us sing with a spirit that will awaken the unanimated. Yours truly, C. O‘Bmzx .3 J. Smcum. Laskay, June 16tb,1834. Mr. H. McCaw. Custom House, Toron- to. writes: “My wife was troubled with Dyspepsia and Rheumatism for a. long time; she tried many medicines, but did not get any relief until she tried North- rop d: Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. She has taken twu bot- tles of it, and now ï¬nds herself in better heulth‘thau she has been for years.†June 11,6111 Money toLoun on improved farms. at 6 per cent. Apply to Money to Loan. [Single copies, 3 cts. PINE GROVE J. R. ARNOLD. Richmond Hill.