Closed. The Public Schools here have been closed ,"hdny, in consequence of the teachers attend- ing the N. York TeadJels' Cnnvention at :Newmarket. St. John‘s Day. Next Tuesday evening, being the Festival of St. John, the members 8‘ Richmond Lodge will meet in the Masonic Hall. In- ‘estal'iation of ofï¬cers for the eusumg year. Parkdnlu.†Davenport \Veston .. ‘ Pi‘hornhil RICHMOND HILL King ..... .‘ Aurora, .. . 'ewmurket Kin Newmnrket Aurora RICHMOND HILI Thuruhil] Weston Davenpm‘ Purkdale .. TORONTO. Until further 11 Richmond Hill 1’ Monxmu :â€"Gnin Vespers. Next Sunday Vespers “ill be given in the B. 0. Church, in this village, and {1 Lecture by the Rev. Father Egan. Local Examination for Women. The Local Examination for Women in Connection with the University of Toronto, 'will be held in the High School Building, commencing Tuesday morning. Six of our ‘High School pupils will be candidates for “moms. T. H‘ Redditt, B. A., will preside. at least Flfteen Minutes em-li mentioned hours for: closing. Tomorrow evenéng. (Fnday) the regular fort-nightly ï¬re pm‘ctice, and general busi- ness meeting will be held. Fire practice at half-past swan. .The annual Sunday School ch-Nic of St. John's congregation, Oak Ridges, will be he'd at “ Larchmere," near Bond‘s Lake. on Thursday, June 26th. For further particu- lars see bills. RICHMOND HILLi'l‘linrsd w PROCTOR‘S STAGE LINE. At the Concrete two 3 lb. cans choice Tomatoes for 25 cts; choice Apples in 3 lb. cans at ten cents. Ladies, it you want a nice Cool Summer Dress go to the Cheap Cash House: and get a Nun’s Veil- ing‘ or Colored Muslin. SNEATH & GRENNAN. Our lacrosse boys have now fairly settled down to work. and to all appearances are determlned to maintain their reputation of former years. On Saturday last they de. fasted the " Maple Leaf †club of .Pnrkdale, on the Exhibition grounds, in three scrmght games, in 35, 17, and ‘2 minutes respectively, and vesterday the same thing was accou- plinlxed by the Second Twelve winning three stmights from the Newmarket club in 15,111 mm :3 qmmtes respectively. ’ " Fine line Gent‘s Colored Kld and Silk Gloves and Ties at The Cheap Cash House. 60 Monday evening, as some boys were bathing in a pond on the farm of Mr. Jolm Hughey, Oak Ridges, his son Wellington, 13 years of age, got. on a plank, and floated outziuto the deep water. He slipped off the plank. and being unable to swim was drown- ed. ;His body was recovered two or three hours aftermu-ds. The ï¬nal draft of ministers at the United Methodist Conference gives the following :â€" For Richmond Hill, Wm. R. Burkvoell; Maple, M. anoett ; Thornhill, John W. Totten ; Newtonbrook, Jas. Peareu, M. A. ; Egliugton, John Pickering. Five of our High School pupils leave next Monday to write on the Matriculation Ex- smiuutiou in the University of Toronto. They will compete for Honours in English, History and Geographv. Another will be 8. candidate for Matriculation in Victoria. Uni- versity, Cobourg. We hope to hear of their giving a. good account of themselves. The Cheap Cash House is the plaCc to buy your 'Groceries. &c. Best Goods at Lowest Prices. SNEA’I‘H & BRENNAN. URONTO Um. Cxty POST OFFICE NOTICE H)" ni LOCIXFJS. he 33ith Hall 1: Sta. k Start Hull 1th ‘ts with all tmim ichnum.1Hill. as xvress, North J: s “'hru'f Street; H Statlou‘ Wharf “ Young Canadians High School Pupils e1- notice Mails will he clased at the ill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" ioiug Northsoulh, Fast and West. inulmlilm 'l'lmmhill, >1\I§Lple,'l‘nyogtn,Mm‘k}p}nl,&c. 7.45 United Methodists GOING NORTH MM}. A Annual Pic-Nic GOIN( . TIME TABLE. Fire Practice (1 Letters must. I south. I Drowned. 8.10 8.17 104 47 M. TEEFY, I SUOTH nvi 111.11 l W une 19 the Pllmer h vmdad the ab( lamaster MM! 9‘0‘ in 10 Notice. A public meeting of the rnlkpayers of York Mills and neighborhood will be held in b'irrill‘s hotel, on Wednesday, June 25th.‘64, at 8 p. 11)., to devise some means of having toll gate No. 2, Yonge St.. removed, as at present there are two toll gates within three and a lmlf miles. All interested parties are requested to attend. The I. 0. G T.. in response to the notice in last week‘s LmEnAL. held a very enthusiâ€" astic meeting last. evening. The subject re- ferred to in the) notice Was earnestly discuss- ed and imporan resolutions passed thereon. A very interesting programme is in prepara- tion for next meeting. Old members will be welcomed and new memberu gladly recelved. Th'a Presbyterian church choir purpose giving a Literary and Musical entertainmem tomorrow owning, in their church. The pro- gramme will cousI-‘t of solos, duetts. chorus- es. readings. i'ecil-atimzs &c. Miss Alexander of Toronto, n popular Elocutinuist has been secured for the occasion. together with other able talent. We anticipate an intellectual 1} doz. cans best Star Salmnn at the Concrete House {or one dollar; 1} doz. cans Horse Shoe Brand Sal- mon for ninety cents at the same House. es. readlngs of Toronto, secured for nble talent. treat. The Concrete House is the place to buy your bcythes, Forks, Rakes, and all harvest tools if you want a good article at the right price. Hurrah for Vellorc. As will be seen by large colored bills, Do- minion Day is to bo celebrated at Vellore in right good style. A platform will be erected for dancing. and the committee have secured a ï¬rstclass quadrille bm‘id for the occasion. Over $100 will be distributed among succass- ful competitors in athletic sports and horse- racing. A grand Tug of War is to take place between teams selr=cted from King and Vunzimn, which will no doubt prove very eriting. Those desiring a good dav‘s sport can not do better than visit the Town Hall on that dav. Sattlers‘ Pocket Guide. “Ye lmvo been sent a number of" Settlers‘ Pocket Guide " to Hmmstemls in the Can- adian Noi'tb«\\’est, which is well worthy of perusal, by persons intending to take up homesteads in that country. It, is carefully prepared, and gives a apleudid description of the country. For a copy or for further pnr- ticulars apply to John T. Moore, 82 King St. East, Toronto. A new lot of extra selected Turk- ish Prunes at the Concrete, very ï¬ne and Cheap, and a new lot of choice mixed Pickles at 20 cts. per quart. Sabbath Schqpl Convention. The Sabbath Scheol Association of the township of York, held its 13th Annual Con- vention in the C. M. Church at. Egliugton on '1 liesng, June 13th- The church clmir fur- nished music, which greatly enlivened the proceedings The president», Mr. Jon. Shep- pm‘d._ delivered an able audrusa. Suuuluy ochool Té_achers. as character builders, \Was introduced by John Milne Esq.,and an inter- esting: discussion follnwpd in which Messrs J. '1" Bull. Mr. Ross, Mr. Wm. Huirisnu and others took part. ’l‘hn workrof the associa- tion was taken up inzthmesessious, and the whole affair was a deuided .success. The fruit season is approaching and the Concrete House is fully pre- pared to supply the wants of all in Sugars, Fruit Jars, Spices, and everything necessary for the season at prices lower than the lowesi. The teachers of the Sabbath School in the Presbyterian chumh here. had made ar- rangements to take the children and friends of the school [or a driï¬e to Bond's Lake on Saturday afternoon last. but, towing to the severe illness of the pioprietor of the hotel, it was decided to go to Victotie Square in- stead. Caplain Jae. Stoutenhurgh kindly granted them the use of his beautiful grove, where all kinds of games. including a grand '1 ug of War, were indulged in till about six o’clock, when they started on their home- ward journey. There were six large double rigs, taking about one hundred scholars of the school. beaidee about a dozen single rigs. All were well satisï¬ed with the afternoon‘s enjoyment the only murmur being that caus- ed by some of the drivers. who were in too much of a hurry to start for home. Mr. Peter Vermett’, Hochehlga, P. writes: “Dr. Thomas‘ EclectrigOil cured me of Rheumatism after I tried many medicines to no purpose. It .is, a good, medicine†Just think of itâ€"ymi_ ‘can re- move the twinges of Rheumatism, or the most palnful attack of Neuraluia â€"â€"you can check acough, and heal bruised ,nr broken skin, with a. bottle of Dr. Thom- as’ Eclectric Oil, costing only 25 cents... Good \Work. We would offer our.congratulalinns to the ï¬remen. of our sister village, Aurora, for their rec-em success at the Uxbridge Tournament. They appear to have made a clean sweepin all contests in which they entered, with the exceptionuf the hose- reel race, and in this they took second prize. They took ï¬rst money in the hook and ladder race; captured the prize for Tug of War, from ten giants from Osh- nwa; their engineer secured the silver- eup, and the York Rangers gained 850 as ï¬rst prize in the Band contest. Besides the above, they gained several indivxdual prizes in the athletic games. As might well be expected, the citizens at home, hearing the result, felt very jubilant over the good news and met them on their re- turn, and escorted them through the Town, headed bya torch-light procession.‘ McCoNNELLâ€"At Richmond Hill-q on the 15611. inst. the wife of Gupta. .1115. McConnell, of, a. daughter. " ‘ Sabbath Sdiaool Drive Fntertaiument ersons intending to take up that country. It, is carefully gives a splendid description of Far 3 copy or for further pm“- to John T. Moore, 82 King St. BIRTHS. LL persons having [my claim or claims a.- gainat the Estate of the late Violet Love of Temperanceville. are hereby requested to sand the same to the undersigned. one of the Execut- ors of the Estate, on or before the 5th day of Julv next, and all puxsmm indebted to the mid Estate are hereby notiï¬ed that their indebted- ness must be paid on or before that data. WM. BUT’L'LER, Executor, Executors’ Notice ! ANDREWS' SHAVING PARLUB. LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. fl '7 Pronrietor. Dissalution of Partnership The Undmugnwl lmvim shlp. the Ilutchel‘mg lnlsnn the Title of PUG LEY ‘V’. IL (£IJASS All parties indebted to the ï¬rm are request to settla with the latter bv the 15th of July, W4 H. PUGSLEY W. H GLASS. Richmond Hill, June 11th. 49â€"“ Cleanesi Shave I BEHT HAIR - CUT Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in Silks. - See our Check Summer Silks, 40cts Bargains in Sheetings. ‘ See our Double Width Twi] Bargains in Lace Curtains. I I I I See our Lace Curtains Bargams 1n Shlrtings. See our Shirtings, fast colors. 2 Bargains in Factory & White Cottons. _ I _ I See our Yam Bargalns 1n Millmery. See our Shade Hats at lZécts. Bargains in Gloves & Hosiery. See our AllWool Nun's r Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace-5,3Fancy ,‘GOOdS, ,P’rints Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table, D3? â€" masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Coun- â€" terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster -: Cloths, &c. &o. e‘OEWflTS; s P R! N G G 00 s, 50-1in Elm: Will hereafter be known as (but of 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED: And Invite Inspection of GurNeW IN TOWN, GO TO POPULAR “DRY.'GO_ODS HOUSE; ; 182‘. Yangex Street, , T0r011taa, are now showing a Large and CompleteSt‘ock .01‘." FOR THE Lï¬dvrctiï¬czumï¬. _ See our Silk Lace Mitts. 15 inches long, 250ts All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Terms Cash, Only One Price. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST.‘ AND ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE. . M. HAMLTQN, Dissolved Partner 3 hitherto known 1): Temperancevillc £1 (50., requested J uly. NEW SPRING GOODS DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, C-. P. LENNOX Has the exclusive right for the use 01 Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain. by means of Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. ' 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, Messrs. W. & A. Wright. twn miles north of this village, have just purchased the highly bred Roadster Stallion Gold Filling, and all other operatinns skilfully mrformed, as moderate feesi ’Call and see me. No trouble to an- swer questions. He in {our years old,atands 16;- hands high. is bright chestnut color. and is agrand mover, it 11. calls. He is sired by old “Erin Chief.’ Wi stand at his own stable the remainder of t1 season. 40â€"2in. I use no cheap material and warrant every sef. .Tohnny (iannblo aTlIE $1.00 I! ADVANCE: {OADSTER STALLION ARTIFICIAL TEETH BEST SETS VITALIZED AIR. gee our Shirtings, fast- colors, at Sets. S_ee our Double Width Twifled Sheeting 20cts See our All Wool Nun's Cloth, 12%cts See our Lace Curtains at GOcts. pair. OF May 15th, 188Lâ€"1V See our Yard Wide Factory, at Bot - $8.00 $10.00 TRENCH’ -CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerw friends for their liberal patronage dun. the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to i mind them and the general public, t1, having erected entirely new and Cot modious premises, I am enabled supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as flu-A work is under my own snpervisr 1. I m‘ 3.150 prepared tn do all kinds hf black smithlng db repairing in the most work manlike manner, on the shortest notion-w and on the most reasonable terms. Gutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . Horse - Shoeing RICH MOND HILL. Paid special attention to. WM Tl€ENCIL Sleighs and