Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1884, p. 8

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Mr. Alfred Gordon is getting tired of damn life and is now going to study medi~ ‘ciue. We wish him luck and hope he mill soon be our Village Doctor. v , Dfi_ v v . . . . v village. The young men of this village that go harvesting have been ofl'erud very good wages. I think wages will be highâ€"- hang on a little longer boys and get. the {highest money that will be paid. By the way some of the young men are shaping,[ think there will be a wedding soon in Laskay. From 0111â€" Own Correspondent M‘s . Baldwin. of this place. has starte _us agentJIr. Wiles, on the road with the'variety Waggon. Mr. \Viles ex- pecl‘é'u'Very good season this year as he [is V (-k of twecds that is second to “021 the Dominion. He expects to re»! 1; chmond Hill in a. few weeks. i4 sabbath evening, the Rev. Mr. Beatty, uf'fuinnta. occupied the pulpit in Mr. Cameron‘s Church. He preached an excellent sermon to a large gathering of people. Mr. George Patton & Brother are doing an immense butchering trade; they run two trips 21 week to Toronto with beef, besides supplying their trade in the vil- lage and surrounding country. ' Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that J. L. Card be paid the sum of $197 as per comma, and to be charged Lu appropriation on sideline be- tween lots ‘20 und 21. 7th Con. â€"Carried. Thu Cuuncil then adjourned until Tuesday, July 8th, at 10 a. m. Moved by Mr. Mam-y. seconded by Mr. Elliott. that the accounts of Dr. Shaw and Henry Marsh, being for medi- cal attendance, board, cure, J:c.. on 1). Cox, one third amouutxng to $15.00, be paid.â€"Carried. V Muved by Mr. Malloy. seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the accuunt of P. S. Gibson, of $12.00,fnr surveying (leivatiuu rear of lots 13, 14 and 15, ULli COIL, tn ‘be charged to Dist, No. 2, and $42.50 being for surveys and plans on sideline between lots 20 and 21, 7Lll Cum, be gihid.â€"Cn1ried. Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure? [t has no equal for removing these trun- bles-uuc excrescences. Muved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by ,Mr. Mnllny, that the Treas. is authorized to pay the fullmving road accounts:â€" In District Nu. 1,â€"4.0 M. Peterman, unehalf for building budge on town-line between York and Vaughan. $42.50; Jonathan Baker, lumber, $5.80; Ias. Usher, fur cedar posts and delivery of the same.$5.50; A. Tennyson, for teaming, $3.00; A. Seager, for work done on side- mad bemeen lots 30 & 31 lst Cun., on unler of Mr. Reaman, $l2; John Lyon, inuldmg bridge between lots 5 & 6, 0n 1b.: ln'LLer uf Mr. Reamau, $11.00; 1.). Smellie, work done an mad beat No. 16, on the order of Mr. Reaumn, 10.00; Mr. Trench, for road scraper, $8.00; N. Play- :er, $.05 loads gravel at 10 cts. per load, $10.60. In District No. 3,â€"_â€"tn D work and material for Ellis â€"Carrie(l. In District No. 2,â€"to A. Camerun, for Plank and logs, $3.00; T. Jarrett, for work on side-mad between lots 15 and 16, 7th 001)., $5.00; Sam Troyer, 3994 feet. of plank, $47.92; \V. S. \Vhite, re- pairing bntments. Pme Grove, 36 00; Mr )Peters, for 7 loads of stone, $7.00; W. Ellerby, for 10 cedar posts, $1 50. Moved by Mr. Cook, ‘sec‘ Reaman, that the Treas. be .authorized to pay the accu. BflcMahOu for advertising ( visinu, $2.88, Stationery, l‘led. Moved by A. Malloy, seconded bv Geo. E.liutc, that the Treasurer pay Mr. A. Mullin, the gum of ten dollars Lu be ap- plied to his contract bet“ een lots 20 IS; 21 8th Comâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Reamau that the 'l‘reas. be and is hereby \ulerized to pay the account of McDon- ald, davidson &, Patterson re Municipal electiuns.â€"Carned. ted certified by the Clerk as so passed, that it shall be binding and valid on all par- ties concemed nutWitnstmnding any error or defect. committed in or regarding said roll.â€"Curried. lhe Court then adjourned sine dae. The Council then met for general busi mess. Members all present. Reeve in the Reeve. flu fnr g Carried Moved by Mr. Reamnn, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the assesmnent roll as re- vised be finally Rassgd by the Conft :fud Members presentâ€"MesSrs. Porter. Cook, Reamnn, Malloy, and Elliot-t. Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting read, and on motion adopted. The following appeals were heard :-â€" P. Patterson, Applicant, respecting H. B. Hardy, in place of J. P. Martin for 1} acre, S. half of Lot21 in 2nd Con ; John Gibbs, respecting self. his dog having died; \Vm. High, self, his dog having (lied ; Thos. \Vhi-te, self, dog lost. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Remnan, mat the following alterations be made in the Assessment Rolls for the present yeahâ€"John Gibbs, dog killed; 'Wm. High. dog killed; Thos. White, dog lost; H. B. Hardy, in place ofJ. P. Mar- tin for & acre S. half Lot 21 in 2nd Con.â€" 7M The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Vaughan, met :ln tht} _Town fig], rn Tuesday, the '17th day of June, 1584, at ten 3.. 111., as adjourned Court of Re~ vision. Minutes of last meeting read and adop- arble playing is {he latea't game of the VAUGHAN COUNCIL. pay the nccuant of T. F. advertising Cmer of Re- Stationery, 30 ots.â€"-Car- LASKAY. S1 50. McGillivray, bridge, $6 80. mdei by Mr. and is hereby \Ve place these good upon the market at prices never betore offered. \Ve hope to receive a call from every Lady in Rich- mond Hill. HARRY A. COLLINS. Tea. Spoons, A 1 best. 3.75 per dozen Dessert do., A 1 best, 6.00 do. Table dn‘, A 1 best, 6.75 do. Dessert Forks, A 1 best, 6 00 do, Table do. A] best, 6.75 (10. Butter Knives, A 1 beat, 80 ots. each Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 do. Dessert knives, 12 dwu., 4.50 per doz. Table Knives, do. 5.00 do. In Cutlery. Rodgers’ Dinner knives 7.‘ do. Dessert do. 6. Cruets, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50, 10.00 to 15.00 Butter Dishes, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 to 8.50 Cake Basket, 4.00, 5.00, 6 50 to 15 00 Pickles, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50 Card Receivers, 2. 50, 3.25. 5.00 to 0.50 Cups, 1.00, 1 50, 2.00, 2.50, 3 00, 3.75 Toast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00 are respectfully invited to Christmas Goods. In Bloclro Plate wnre we show HARRY COLLINS CA'I‘AR II II â€"-A new Treatment where- by this hitherto incurable disease is perumzwut~ 1y cured in firm one tn three applications, no matter whether standing fur one year or forty years. Deacriptive pmn )hlet sent free on re~ ceipc of fit my A H.DI QN (c SON. 305 King Ladies of Richmond Hill strict west, Toronto Canada B. W. Richardson, Benjamin Franklin. It will be thus seen that the principle of tubal abstinence has been accepted by theologians, warriors by land and sea, explorers in hot and cold regions, poets, painters. wits and huniurists, philanthro- pists, physicians, scientists, statesmenâ€" yea, even kings. It. clearly sliows, then, that total ab- stainers can claim some men who are cer- tainly quite as talented as those who glibly any: ‘f wdn’t abstain, because none but weak-minded ueuplc sign the pledge.’ Charles XII, of Sweden, Abraham Lincoln,(Presl(lent of the United States), The Emperor of Brazil, Dr. Sydney Smith, Dean Hook, John Wesley, Albert. Barnes, Dr. Thomas Guthrie, The Rev. Thom-45 \Villlum Arnot,The Rev. New- man Hall, Garibaldi, Sir Henry Have- lock, Sir Charles Napier, Sir Garnet \Vulseley, General Stonewall Jackson, Comniodme Guodeneugh. Dr. David Livingstone, Sir John Franklin, John Milton, Dr. Johnston, Geurge ()rnick- shank, John Howard,(Prisnn Phlldll- thropist.)Richard Cobdun, M.P.. John Bright, M. P., Sir Henry Thompsmi, Dr. ( Published by request. ) ‘I won’t abstain, because none but very weak-minded people ever do 'aign the pledge’. Such is the stupid reply with which we are frequently met when endea- voring to persuade men and women to a life of total abstinence. To them we heartily commend the careful perusal of the following list of total abstainers,all of whom have shed a lustre on the land of their birth :â€" Use the safe, pleasant, and effectual Worm killer, Mother Graves7 worm Exter- minator; nothing equals it. Garden Parties. and Festivals are all the rageâ€"too numerous to mention. The Annual Pic-nic in S. S. No. 1. Whitchurch, took place las‘t Saturday in Mr. Wllsnu‘s grove. As usual the attend- ance of parents. children, and visitors was large All seemed to enjoy the fun im- mensely. The Salvation Army have been “ going down down down" for some weeks, for the want of a. regular leader. We under- stand that there will be a. permanent Cap- tain to take charge this week. At the Uxbridge tournament, our boys succeeded in carrying off a. number of prizes. The Band took first prize ; the Firemen gained the Tug of War. and Chief Petch, the Sliver cup for speed. The proprietors of the Queen’s and Railroad Hotels, have been before Mayor Cane for a. breach of the license laws. For want of evidence both were dismissed. From Our Own Correspondent. Mr. Mulock, M. P.. has taken up hi; residence for the summer in his mansiun north of here. 90 YONGE fiTREET. TORONTO Illustrious Muster Roll. AURORA ITEMS 50 to 10.0” (102 ‘75 to 8.00 90 HINGE-STREET, And Vicinity inspect our Grand Display of Tin Ware, Eunmelled Ware Granite Ware, Med, from 0.75 to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 15.00 per set Brass Candle Brackets 1.00 ko 1.50 each Toys, A Large Collection of every kind: House Furnishing Goods, A Full Assortment. of Wooden Ware do. Curvers, 3.00 to 4.00 pair do. Game Carvers 3.00 to 3.50 do. Pocket. knives, 25c to 2.50 each In Brass Goods, Beautiful Sconces. mounted and unmou- TORONTO. “fifiq’azénvfiééfix Is up Ifleffim “7311!me THE [mm Inwa‘iaag'r‘liammc 5:: DAY Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1K82. No case of an afiection of the throat or lungs exiqu which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will always cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. Cm-zmu' 1’ but for its frmn lung‘ Palestine Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. “ I have used A\'ER in my family for seve hesitate to pronounce remedy for coughs an tried. to our delight in less th little patient, was breath for said that the Cum saved my darling's life. our gratitude? Sincere] Cronp.â€"A Mother's Tribute. “While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he wuulll die from strangu- lation. One of the family suggested the use of AYicn's CHERRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which was alwayi lump in the house. This gave me up. 1 TORAL, which sleep and affi for he rccove cominued use nent cure was old, hale and CHERRY PECT “ In 1857] took asevere cold. which affected my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and asaed night after mght without sleep. The octora gave me up. I tried Ann‘s CHERRY Pm- TORAL, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep and afforded me the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the PECTORAL a perma- nent cure was effected. I am now 62 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Cu»:an PECTOILAI. dived me. HORACE FAIRBROTEER." Rockingham, VL, July 15, 1882. No other complaintz are so insidious in their attack as those affecting the throat and lung: none so trifled with by the majority of sulfer- era. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a. trifling or unconscious ex- posure, is often but the beginning of .1 fatal sickness, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL has well proven its efficacy in a forty years’ tight with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. AYEB’S Cherry Pectoral. Lake I59 \Vesf. 128th St 0mm 1‘ its “5‘ amin for several years, and do not to pronnum‘e it the most efl'ectual for coughs and colds we have ever A Terrible Cnugh Cured ‘rystal, Minn. March 13.71éé27 19 of the fan | Cnmmv P i always key in small an glxt‘in less 1 Sold by ail Drumists, ‘ubles PREPARED BY V enough in praise um“ hvlieving m I should long sinm biucerely youfs, Mus. EMMA GEDNRY." SL, New York, May 16. 1682‘ frequent doses, and \n half an hour tho ng easily. The dor- ,uv I’EL'I‘OEAI. hml Can you wonder at IIERRY Pm‘rnxu. years, and do not E. HRAUDON 1K82. d: A Y‘FR that Iliad 141 Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. ~ WARRANTEB AS REPRFSENIED. . And trust that the wool-growers of the surrounding counâ€" try Wlll give us a liberal support. Give us a trial. We manufacture every kind of \Voollen Goods usually made in a custom mill. We are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will accompIish it. Rolls carded, cloth dressed, spinning done ; cloths, tweeds, shirtings. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be firstâ€"class. Now, while the price of wool is low in. the markets, is the time to have it made up for home use and realize its full value. We are all practical men in the busmess, and will not fail to satisfy our custom- ers. Full assortment of goods to exchange for wool. Respectfully yours, Abel], Colins & Snlith. E. M. MORPHY The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs. Keys é Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es tablishing :1 permanent busmess in WOODBRIDGâ€" NORTH END WOULLEN FAGTURY I WOOL ! WOGL I \Ve do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed :1 specialty. WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY; ALSO DEALER IN M- Morphy JJALII LL\/IJLJJLUL, k) JJ \I SHIRTS &C_ , (VIC . at very moderate , Our perfect-fitting Duplex Shirts to order on shortest GROCERIES! 7‘ (r()llth‘ Consisting of New Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, DuCKs, Cottonades, Cottons, all qualities, Cheap by the piece, Men’s and Boy’s Suits made to order of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and Cottonades.- Hats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosrery. Groceries always good and fresh. Flour and Feed. Glassware and Crockery. Glass cut to order. Terms, Cheap for Cash, or farmer’s produce. Goods Delivered. Custonl rl‘ailoring' :â€"In this; department is~ to be found all the leadng fashionable materials 02f the. Fashionable Tailoring and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHINGS, ALEX. MOODIE’S, NEW/SPRING GOODS! FARMERS :â€"â€"VVe respectfully solicit your patronage at the \Vhere you may have your \Vool manufactured in its purity, into any style of goods you desire. L J HUNTER? A. L SKEELE, .J.HUNTER )OR. KING & CHURCH STS., TORONTO '1‘ R0 U SE i~' It‘lu-nishing‘s zâ€"Here can be had every- dsfiimble in N lflC K “LEAH, UN DER- }VEAH. HUSIE R) , G L () V E H , houses in Britain CHEAP (I ASH STO RE DEPARTMENTS : it. I“ SIEI‘JELIE, A LIGHT BUGGY, nearly newâ€"'terms moderate. Apply to J. ’1‘. SAIGEON. East: unly 5100:1235: yer cent. down for Pick of the lots; Also Two New Houses. Smums. on Richmond Sheet. DR. LANG-STAFF (3 BUILDING LOTS l<‘(')1{ SIX] 41C 2’ {gm ,Bujlflifig L_0$§ for Sale on Centre Street. ALEX. MOODIE. E98 “SALE: Springhill P. O. pnces notice adihi

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