AT {HE USERAL PRINTING &. PUBUSHINB HOUSE ACLUHMUND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. lie RICEMO _Meets ir Monday 0 RICH}! Meets m evening. Hull AVr JHURSDAY EVENING VILLAGE C( cillurs. Mess‘ Law an 1 H. Dr. Geo. Lungsxafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced pmcnice at Thomhill. Nov. (5th, ’8‘2â€"tf. Dr. James Langstafl AK‘D members for “.000 or 1 halt msynblc in case 0 5011 Select Councillors Becoming Secrecuv. 3r, MAM s‘ .m.,exce§‘t ‘7 ,hen the saw .111. SUDQHS .No. 1.3, ,nasive ï¬e iary Tl . 2131 per annum, In advance.] {'llmnkml for the favors of maw still be consulted in an: fesaion, as follows: aurora. 151;, 8th. 16th, and fl Richmond Hill. A . . . . 9th and‘ V (at the Palmer House) iimur‘fvillem. . . ’MMk bum . I‘hornhilL.‘ \Vuodbridge ,.. Kloinburg... 9505106011.â€. Vitulizml Air always on 1111' Works like a charm. Adtlgggs A ROBINSON VOL. VI. Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl‘ A Mamba College Physicians & Surgeons, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Dr. on, Maple. # ANCXES A lame nmounp of Money to Lend np farm or ltv urop‘wty mterest? per cent“; no commie ion. Meduï¬nt Toronto Universitv. Physicians 6L Surgeons,{),nt., (lube Tonga Street, Richmond Hill. to 10 a. m‘. 5m 3 p. m. Will visittm tollowgng places p1~ote5qionully:â€" Unionvulo.. [st Monday of each month "V 93ml! .96]: tin-l “list “ Ala. la ..1(‘yth 'Bic mo ..].9th ' “ \Voodbridge ....... .22nu1 Mr. Husband W111 be found in his nfflce, NPW< 3m Brook. evéry Suturduv, except when Sutur- 15v falls on the above dates. Inc llall'nl~vw . ., , V m. Lectures and discussions penocucauy. Bxcmmwn HILL CORNET BANDâ€"Meets for natice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at L0 o‘clock. C. Savage, Leader. VILLAGE Gawain-Re ve. John Brown Coun- \lurs. Messrs. Isaac CIqsby,A. Moodie. R. E. 1w an t H.F,Ecpper. Clank, M. leafy: A. 0. U. W...-‘1vy Lndrve, No. 141. Meet}: in the " A Hm Mniouic Hall ‘mmit Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 9.30 a. m ‘K :ht, ( hose, MACDONALD. MERRITT & cu. Union Lou: huilmm I Toronto ‘1. McMAEON‘, w...-n_y um. .. iittae 300m 0 the Masonic Hall alternative Friday at 8 o'clock p. m. Bene~ certiï¬cate given (at $2.000 in case of death. 3.. Switzcx, Muster \Voi-kmiug. ‘. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, t, Meets in Temperance H$11,ench alter- ) Tuesday evening ntSo‘clnck p m. Bene- y certiï¬cates issged to mule or female mm for “.000 or i? case of death $2,000, one mynbk: in case 0 disabiiity. J. H.8uuder- ~ {Ilnru' J A. Sturgeon Stewart. A n... BUSINESS CARDS- HY anulirnl. REMOVEï¬ riaflSquam -0â€"‘83â€"Xv G. H EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. of Temperance, lucnmon Meets in Tempere nce 31 Tuesdny evening ntSo‘clm cornï¬st issged to u; ta for M900 or 1? case of d< vublc in case 0 disabin @111th Qirtrtnw. 3ND HILL TEKPLE. No 465,1. 0. G. T.- the Temperance Hall' oval-y Wednesday at 7.30 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison ’1‘. D. A: IS PUBLISHED EVERY T 01mm. 01* E'OE‘RSTEKSâ€"nuu. I. 7046 k. 04 F.. meats in the Tam v alternate Fridnv at 7.30 p. m , i 9991~ ,7 W’Z‘flLJZEQ 28M? u or betm‘r'e full m Ms, W. M. th s Emscm’ggn Calm the third Sunday Sch 1...... Huh, iétb, and 22nd ï¬ll... .. .9m and 24th Cut . Husband. L. D. S DENTIST, Money to Loan. am cunncH.â€"5erv rnhill at 9 m.m.. m z the following Sm .m., and Thornhill UéED BY Dr. A. Robinson. [m w. .l. “’Ilson. {x the I ;. Starr W51. bflunuu. .. rd Sunday of ev m sacrament are 133'. 1:30 p.11) Rsv: W. Babes, Qibcml SURGEON DE NTIS'“ favars of the past ‘20 years ted. in any branch of the pro- Hunncy, 1. Caunc M7 )oinJWl NEWTON 143001; J. A. Sblil'geou as (.m' p ast L “11’an A.M..I\‘r} on ml at nnpnï¬ntmeqts FreeJx-om 1min. L.D.S.. Auxw 3 Out. nolTemPemD very Sunday ‘ 16th 20th 2151: 21ml 28th 29th Both ‘_s¢}-vice at. .. an Sun‘ NADA.â€" Prayer NADA ~Sel‘vices sun ay school. Mes ing gVBI'Y {LEE o'cl and to 2.30 P- m In} Hqu' of each month Vin. at. 10:30 a. m i1 Richmont Jay at Rich Munbcr (‘0 of Stouï¬'ville Ofï¬ce Hours of ove :, in th {ï¬nally 97 Service meetiui 58133 in the mic Hall 111. Bene- Rem order when 10‘ 10‘ do‘ do do 1 000 Ma.- Ont. OFFICES : “F. M. HALl HALL. ssuer of Marriage Licenses, Licensed Auctioneer f0] spectfully solivits you influence. Sales attend and at reï¬sonublemtes Havir James C. Stokes. Licensed Augtiuneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influenca sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. 1’. 0. address. King. Old Iron, citv prices, Chunuer notice. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. K. Ghiâ€"sholm, M donuld, C, Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon M: Current. Rates. No notice of withdrawal roquirerl‘ Drafts on LL11 parts of Canada. United Stutes and Great Britain, bought and 50k]. PAINTS, OILS, 1t. “BEWARE! WILKINS’ BROS 156 King Street East, MEGHANIC’S FIRE DEIHCK W HITLOL‘K, Richmond Ilill. antral Bank of Emma. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDEBS’P jOIâ€"IN PALM wing built the BARRISTERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, ml The I Jun. 15th. '8lâ€"1v 23-4-‘83. rirmuurrom a; (gonna. E. TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC 84c, AND RICHMOND HILL 18 Kim JAB Salem I "diiiï¬t N. J. Arnlsu'ong. Sweeping attended Rags, Brass, &c., bought for cash! at A. A. A LEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" S. M. Brown. mneer for the County of York. re- (‘its your yum'onnge ,ma Irienflly as nttendeg" on the shortest notice Lble mtes. I" 0. Address. ATE F! .1. VB anhss. , M.P‘ P., H. P.Dwighs. D. M. Mac C, B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard. and J. Giuty. L’nlmm "oust. 11] ES M. LAWRENCE, flew. Near George Street, Toronto HMOND HILL Emma. HQHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, TOOLS. E US A CALL. DIRECTORS “In Essentials, UniZy; MER, Proprietox alumnus. Sum locks and ï¬ne jewol L1 prociousstones ulv R SOUTH OF QUE LICITORS and friendafor their lib- sc we beg to state that large stock ofnew goods ge stock 01 Elgin and «'Euu'dt. VLé'Manufactux-ing >fwntches and clock VICTORIA SQUARE AILTON rm security unties c to on shortest ‘V. COOK Manager. {ks on 11ery This Convention day last“ 10111 inst", Newmnrket with a. the Teachers of the including a party fr The chair was tal mg†1 Ohjecp and business c The papers ing." mtruduc Ohject Lesson on "A Blinng J. Fidell. Newmarket; “N Mr. C. Stiles, Queeusviile, and how to teach it,†by Mn H.S., Richmond Hill. The of the day naturally centred dance and speech of the mi! cation, who was enthusiastic on his arrival, and who pruc‘ J. Fidell. I Mr. C. Stile and how to H.S., Richn the Convention the proposed alteratim in the school law and to ask for an e pression of opinion in regard to the changes. He ï¬rst; stated that Lhe.prese mode of distributing the High Schc Grant, which was only a tentative 0 would probably be continued, as it. see: to be as fair a. mode as can be devise with the exception of schools with 1hr teachers, whose case would he Consider and the law so amended as to cause hardship in their Case. In regard Public School Teachers, he had resolv .â€"._.â€" to distribute a. certain portion ot the ( iov- erninent Grant in the way of a bonus to those holding,I higher certificates, and to grant no more “permits'7 but to cwnpel all 3rd class Teachers to be ie-exaininoil at the end of three years, “lit-:11 they would probably endeavor to avoid this triennial trouble, by raisng themselms to the 2nd class. He also proposed to re- turn to the old system ot having this 3rd class examination conducted by the Co. Council, as he considered this system more elastic than the present one and “cold allow of teachers being suppliedâ€"â€" though of inferior qualiï¬cationsâ€"40 the poorer counties. The next point was the "Superannuation Fund,†whether it Would be better te abolish it, to charge all teechers both male and temale for its maintenance, or to double the amount of subscription. On avote being taken, a. majority was in favor of its abolition The Minister lastly pointed out several proposed changes in the dates for holi- days,Readers and other school books 520., all of so plainly practical a nature, that they met with the immediate approval of the Convention. A supper was provided by the care of the committee, to which the Municipal ofï¬cers and others residing in the district were invited. ' 1n the evening an excellent Lecture was given by the Hon. Minister of Edu- cation in the Town Hall. He described in detail the duties of the “Model Trus- tee.†the “Model Rate-payer†and the “Model Teacher,†showing that each had his part to perform in the successful car- rying-out of our Educational scheme. He pointed out the great defect of the system “nonâ€"attendance,†showing that whereas 98 per cent. of our children attend school nominally, the amount of absenteeism prevailing, reduces this percentage act- ually to onlr 44 per cent.. a. fact too well known to Hi intetestcd in Education. and one which will require the assistance of the “Model Parent†to remove. SEdOND DAY. Minutes of previous day read and ad- opted. How to promote Social Culture among teachers wits taken up by Mr. Beaten of Kleinburg. Ln introducmg his sub- ject, he said there was a. lack ot cordiality among teachers from want of social cul- ture. In order to remedy this, Conven- tions should be made as pleasant and profitable as possible, and in this way promote social cordiality. The teacher himself liould bea. true gentle- .. .‘_ 9.4...“ .....« r..__, this way promote social cortliulity. The teacher himself should bear. true gentle- mun,uud in going into a. new section should endeavor to ingratiate himself with the people and thus wield his influence with the community. It is also the duty of the teacher to promote social inter- course. He cited the experience of a. teacher who had taught for over twenty years, to stiengthen his remarks in this respect The subject was then laid open for discussion. School Discipline was then taken up by Mr. D. Fotheringhum, P. S. Inspector. and discussed by him in a very able man- ner. Among other remarks, he mention- ed that the ends of school government should be to develop all the powers of the child. in order to bring to a. tull manhood the future cnizen. Discipline should be enforced for the inculcation of principle for the good of the community, and for the reformation of the oï¬ender. Law was violated from lack of knowledge, lack of parental discipline and co-operation of the parent, unfavorable surroundings from temporalmientul, or physical causes, too long study, lack of wise precautions on the pan; of the teacher, positive and deliberate perversity. The penalty should be adequate. appropriate. public, inevitâ€" ablmuid deliberate; should not be vindic- in Non-Essentials, L tion was opened on Thurs- net", in the Moch Schwl th 3. large attendnnce of f the surrounding dlstrict, *ty from Richmond Hill. [3 taken by the Inspector, )mmenced by 10 a. m. ‘ead were “Primary Writ- ?d by the P. S. Inspector, nn “A Snunge.†bv Miss were “Prim y the P. S. “A Spnnge, u'ket; “Nun eeusviile, “] t,†by Mr. _ Social Culture among up by Mr. Beaton mtruducmg his sub- was a. lack ut cordiality 119, “Literature, Mr. “7. Burma, The chief interest “‘06 in the atten- mimster of Edu: astically received proceeded at once ation Liter ibmfy; in all things, Charity.†[It Then followed the appointing of a com- mittee, consisting of Messrs. Rannie, Rose and Sangstur, tn limit walk for pro- mntion examinations, the result to be made known before the opening 0f the schools after vacation. Mr. Sangste delegate to vaim Mr. McKee, Ins one, was then intu tion, and in his ['81 tel-eating account 0 times. and remini Martin cen‘e( Mr itude, inactivity of £113 kidneys, pains in the region of the liver and shoulder blade mental depression Coupled with headache, furred tongue, vertigo, should nut be dis- regarded. Use Northrop :35 Lyman‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeplic Cure and avert the peril to health. It removes all impurities and gives tone to the whole sysltem. “Cf S1K,-â€"Ful‘ many years past there has exisred within the limits of the Village of Richmond Hill a. nuisance, which has been allowed to pour forth a sour odour (if stale bones and of pther abominable pnfiise which has been accunr iilzited in the past, is being accuiiiiilltted and will be uéeninnlziled in the futiue, unless the Cliizeus themselves, having re- gard for the lives nf the inhabitants and the dignity of the village, awake furm their lethargy; arise and cast the abomi- nation without the limits of the village. 1‘ h e I refer to the Contaminated district ly- ing between the residences of Drs. Lung- staï¬ and Wilson. It is needless for one to advance argu- ments, to show the injurious character of the place, the premature graves of several citizens. bear sufï¬cient testimuny of the dangerous consequences of its existBHCei Again and again have appeals been made to the Villagu Council, but it ap- parently has no regard for the comfort or even the lives of the citizens. To be sure two or three of them have on several occasions marched down and made an inspection of the premises, after allowing sufï¬cient time for the removal of whatever refuse lay exposed to view, and then have withdrawn, satisï¬ed with the promise that the place would be kept a. ‘ little more respectable. _-- ... r therln VILLAGE LNUISANCE. ‘o the Editor '0’..- ... . Now we have aBuard of Henlth, I pm- tust it is time some uctiun is bemg taken in the matter. Will the Board of Health, tuq, be ‘ llUQd»Wln‘-{ed by the removal of a little refuse, the blind that things will be kept straightened up and that the occupant- will leave the place l This is not the ï¬rst time that the farce has been enacted. It is characteristic of some to make pretensions of great actions, to denounce with vehement language the existeiiCe of an evil and to do iii-thing when the power is given to remedy the existing state of affairs. “Ye hope that our Board of Health Will have regard to the welfare of the inhabitants, will respond to the voice of the people and remove from our midst winitever is detrimental to the comfort and injurious to the lives of the citizens. he following otï¬cers were app the ensuing year:-â€"-Prea., Ins 1eringham; Vine Pres., Mr. Di 'arinn‘ Miss Bil'nie; Sec. & ' Rannie: Executive Com., 1Ester. Terry, McPherson, Brod *tin; Auditors, Messrs. Sanders :e. Mr. Fotheringhnm was up; y is dangerous. Life may be the cost. The heat. of summer will render doubly oï¬eusive :md deleterious the ac- cumulation of decaying matter. Be alive then, you who are entrusted with authority by the people and betray not the conï¬dence reposed in you. SENEX. [While we endorse every word of the above, we do not think it just to single out any one particular place. There are nmny other spots that should be looked after. We trust that our Board of Health will remember that the welfare of our citizens is'immmount to all other consid- eration. ‘hey have been called on, in a deflinite )panner to act ; they shonlcl re- spond at onceâ€"Eu] Holloway’s Com Cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of coma and warts. l l and rennmscem :ribed his mode ch affnrded the Hlstory, was taken up u in a. very able manner. nk u r the subject of per- .pplicationJo the entire ,11. After some further 1: transacted the Conven- a-i, all thoroughly satis- ceequa throughout. the approaching mva weakn 1n essay Nobletun, read at \ich was well re :eachmg in early as of the past; of chastising pu- Convention con- were appwinted Pres., Jnspectnr 1., Mr. Dicksum; Sec. & Treas., )iet rudle, and erson and appointed MC SSI'S 'com me Urpuan unuuren 5 London. Ont., Iefc Li iusl. in the S. S Parish} girls and 100 boys, beta 15 years. who are brou try for adoption or hm ers. They an) expec I Guthrie Home. near tk ad an ll re- [1 W as I Gutl up 25th ner. 12th Pupils held their Annual Picnic Lake. AL one o'clock three of Mr commodious vans started for th loaded with a jovial crowd of pu for an afternoon‘s sport. After : and brisk drive, landing at Bell’l general I'Ush was made for the grl with suitable hour tbs with glad hearts of a. sumptuous 1 pupils. At len Presby Accordlug cc Presbytenuu G day evguing, i 61]] xle em comp mnda )l'C Man to the letter. The cholr gave severm nous which were much nppreuiated b‘ audience. Mr. A. J. Hume sang two tone solos which were we“ received. L. Bailey gnVe a couple of recitatious for an am-iteur, did remarkably well. Mr. Bailey and daughter plnsed an instrumental duett very nicely. Miss Flora. Coulter gave a couple of coutmllo solos. and maintained her good name as a siuger,wou on former oc- casions. Mia; Alexander, of Toronto, gave two readings to the delight of the audience, and being encored, responded with n recita- $1011. The choir should be congratulated on presenting to our villagers n lady so well skilled in the art of eloculion. We are safe Tb in saying it is many years since 3 Richmond. Hill audience has ever been better satisï¬ed with a performer than were they with Miss Alexander on Friday evening. Her mcdest appearance2 her unassuming demeanor, her clear voice, and her distinct articulation, all combined to win for her esteem and praise. This was her ï¬rst appearance on u Richmond Hill platform, but we have no doubt endea- vors will be made to secure her presence on. some future occasion. We believe most/‘05 concert goers enjoy good singing, but who is there who does not desire a change in it long programme to break the monotony. It would be well if more attention were paid to elocutinn which, in many cases, is often lost sight of. At the close of the concert. Mr. Hume, as conductor, thanked the audience for their patronage in assisting the choir to purchase additional church music. Immigrant cmldren Mr. John T. Middlemore, the e Orphan Children's Emigrati )udou. Ont., left Liverpool ( st. in the S. S Parisian, with a 115 and 100 boys. between the! '> years. who are brought out. t1. y for adoption or hxre,chiefly a Thornhill Pic-nic. The annual pic-nic in connection wth the R. 0. church, Thornhill, was held in Mr. J. Lnngstaï¬â€™s beautiful grove, on Thursay last. At the appointed hour, 10 a. in, people be- gm) to “read their way to the grounds, and from that time until 2 or 3 p. m. crowds could be seen coming 'rom both north and south. One of the principal attractions of the afternoon. was a match game of La- crosse. between the Patterson and Unionville clubs, for a. beautiful set of flag-poles, pre- sented by the committee of management, but it soon became apparent that the Unionville club was no match for their opponents. who scored three straight games against them in 13, 18 and 10 minutes respectively. Murci- eaiio's Orchestra furnished excellent, inpsio which was much appreciated not only by those taking part in t e dancing, but‘ also by all who were within hearing of the sweet strains. A great deal of interest was mani- fested in an election contestl Miss Laura. Kelly of Patterson and Miss Riley of Scarâ€" boro' competing for a handsome gold watch. The voting on Both sides was vepy spirited, which showed that the young ladies were held in high estimation by oheir respective friends. But the interest did not reach its height till it was announced that Miss Kelly was the happy possessor of the prize, she having obtained between $80 and 390, while Miss Riley seenred between 95.0 and 360. Both ladies were highly congratulated for their fervent exertions in adding so much to the funds, and Miss Riley was presented by the pastor, Rev. Father Egan, with an elee gant gold cross. Over 8300 was realized as the proceeds of the pic-nic. We doubt tbnt a ï¬ner looking gathering ever collected. in this section of country to enioy a social time and too much praise cannot be extended the committee of management and worthy pne- tor for their untiring efforts in carrying out so successfully the programme for the (lay. return ‘ymeut. ad them gaut gold cross. Over the proceeds of the pic a. ï¬ner looking gntherf this section of country MORGANâ€"At Richmond Hill. on the ml the wife n1 Mr. Thomas Morgan, of a. s inn worms us. who are brought nut. to this coun- r adoption or hxre,chiefly among farm. Tbey an expected to au'n'e at the is: Home. near the city, on or about the) nst. This will be Mr. Middlemore‘i annual visit to these {bores with juven- 1igmnts from Birmingham, England, Haves [Single cdpies-, There in Immig frills," and throughout the after- :onstantly in use. Swinging and euients were indulged in. At (L Jr the cloth was spread and all ezirts and keen appetites partook mus repnst prepared by the lady 1: length the shades of evening a reluctantly to leave the grounds delighted with the afternoon‘s d‘by nddret f the Guth) with is nothing equal to Motl Worn; Extenninatqp for destru terian Choir Concert {h the sh :tantly to ll Med with the basement c i programme w he choir gave I JH' Annual Picnic at Bond’s lock three of Mr. Rupert‘s BIRTHS. 1 expe Funk essing nie H mcert g at Bell‘ for the gr immediate gave several seh appreciated. byr t BBDOHI NO. :2. 1‘ part] Mr. E f pupil's eager 'ler a pleasant Bell‘s Hotel, a e grounds and liatelv manned hour. the after- fthec founder of m Charity, ‘1] the 12th party of 50 . Gib ndon ‘1'1e )u.Unt nude Mr an