Union Stat Brock Stre Queen‘s W Parkdnlum. Daveupom Weston .. ‘Thornhill . . . ‘ . RICHMOND H1 King Aurora .Newmm‘keb . TORONTO 'Newmurket ., Aurora.†King... . RICHMOND HILL Thoxnhill ...... Weston H Davenport Pm‘kdalo. . TORONTO. Queen's W Brock Sbr mvzmxa Expruï¬. N< Mail. Sous}: Connects w House. Richn Mail & Expre Accommodn: PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. N. Br-Refli‘it at least Flftec-x mentioned ho: Until further Richmond Hill New Firemen. At Ibe regular Fire Brigade meeting: on 'Friday night last, A. B. Wilson and F. Pow- .ell were proposed and accepted as ï¬remen. ï¬ï¬iioxn HTLQ'ThTrEd a}: 5:111:26, ‘84 Which P The bell rang on Tuesday ovemug last, since which time our Vlllagers are curious to know, whether there was a. ï¬re or a prayer- meoling iu the tmvn. Harvest T0015 and Mit: at SNEATH & GLENNAN'S. Lacrosse Match. A friendly game of lacrosse will take place on the fair grounds tomorrow (Friday) even- ing. between the ï¬rst and second twelves of ihe Young Canadians. Admission 5 cts. Executoxs‘ Notic'e. A A! will be seen by ad. in another coLumï¬ all persons having any claim against, or in debted to the Estate of the Late Yxolet Love are notiï¬ed to attend to such before July_§ch 1884. $59 pa‘rties who, of late. have been fre- quenting strawberry gardens, had better be cautious. as if the nocturnal visits are re- peated. they may meet with a Warmer recep- tion than they have bargained for. A: will be seen by referring to ad. in nu- .cther column. this ï¬rm intend carrying on business the same as heretofore, and thanking the public for past patronage, kind- ly solicit. a cnntinuence of the same. Splendid stock of Gem Fruit Jars in all sizes at the Concrete House at the right price. Light Suits and Summen Coatsâ€".- just the th1ng for warm weather at SNEATH & GRENNAn‘s. The boys and young men who have been in the habit of bathing in Boyle's pond in open day light, should endeavor to show a httle respect for the passers-ky, even if they are bereft of all respect. for themselves. Such a. want of decency cannot be tolerated. Mr. Jno. Brown, having disposed of his business on the corner of Yonge & Centre ltreets, is selling ofl his immense stock at cost price. This is a rare chance for boats. shoes. groceries, crockery, glassware, ($50., as he is bound to clear it all out by lhs ï¬rst of August. Read his ad. in another column. City Hall In all lines of Dr} Goodsr the Concrete House gives better value than is to be found anywhere. Cricket Club. A Cncket Club was formed in Riqhmond Hill last evening, the following being elected 1t: ofï¬cers :â€"Pres., J. M. Lawrence; Vice- Pres., J. Duncan; Capt..T. Newton; Uom- mittee~Dewsbury, Marsh, Holmes. Lang- lord and Elliott; Sec & Treas.. W. T. A. flock. The Club will hold a business meet. mg tomorrow evening. Unmn Sb Cxty Hull As will be eeen by advertisement iui anoth- er column, Mr. Jared Lloyd, J. P. of White Rose. 3rd con. Whitcburch, offers for sale his valuable homestead. Knowing the place well, we can conï¬dently recommend it to any person in want of a ï¬rst-class farm. It 'is an excellent grain term, and well adapted to the raising of stock. Mghedlst Sabbath School. There will be a. Review of the Quarter's International Lessons by the Teachers of the Methodivt S. School in this place next Sun. any, with appropriate Hymns. There will also be a paper read ll}; Hm Superhneuh-nt‘ POST OFFICE NOTICE IJ()CAIJS. he fï¬iibrml Wharf [Lt R, TIME TABLE. GOING NORTH MM}. 11 GOI A. Wright &_Son Farm for Sale. iLetbers must be lmuded nut-es earlier than the abc NG SOUTH 10‘ Selling OE. Beware 40 Shame M. TEEFY. Postmaster n, MW 1151: (m ‘11 1th lh i111 Accom 12.00 12.43 Thl' ‘khi .l W 1.13 ‘ 0 tho Palmer losed M. yrnl I'll] Mail 800 the DO ~10 tlv The young Indie this the most in son. The band Tickets~-15 cts. Cotton Shirtimgs, Denins and Cot- tonades at Tremendously low prices at SNEATH & G‘HENNAN'S. It. is scarcely uecs celebration which i Town Hu‘ll Velloro, mlses to be a grand : are doing all in their bration ‘come to a and {mm all parts, ti ing atrangemenls to that place. The ‘Prowlnci n free course of given to teach in the Normal great privilege teachers inter offer. Drnwil ducem this n( All lines of Groceries at the Con~ crete House are of besc quality and and best value. As W111 he s‘ the trains en Monday lust. minutes eurhe iequ- nce bemg that, and were much 1mm not. be fair to the t1 have proper notice [2 that people might g( dineg 7 Mr. James Clark, of Hendfsrd. well known in the Methodist Glmm‘n here, died very sud- denlv on Suudrw last. at about 4 p. m. The old gentleman {mended Hendford Church in the morning. where many can testify to the earnest prayer offered to his Crentor, and to the comforting Words uttered m. the fellow- ship meeting. In the afternoon. while sit- ting between two of his daughters, one of wqom was reading to him‘ he leaned back in his chair and suddenly expired. btraw-Berry Festival dz Lawn Party. The young ladies of the Methodist Church, Luhmond Hill, will hold :1 Strawberry Fes- ml on the Lawn of Parker Crosby, Esq., 1 Monday eVeuiug, Juno 30th, "84. Straw- m'iea & cream served from 6 lo 10 p. m. he young ladies will spare no pums to make 1is the most iuxextestiug festival of the sea- m. The band is expected to be present. KEEP COOLâ€"Ladies, you will ï¬nd a nice variety of Nun’s Veilings, Muslms. Satteens, &c.. at the Cheap Cash Houseâ€"Call and see them. While many of the surrounding- Tillaqu will be all excitement. on Tuesday next, July let, those who remain in Richmond Hill may count on a day of perfect; quiet, as by present appearances, the town will be pretty well deserted. Many of our villagers have expressed their intention of following the Beigd and the Lacrosse Club to Murkhnm on that day. We expect Richmond Hill to brinq home fresh laurels, and add to those nlready won. S. S. Anniversary. The Queen Street Union Sabbath School intend boldmg their 26m anniversary on Tuesday July lst, ’84, on their old ground in Mt. Horsley's beautiful grove, 3rd con. Whltchurch. Ten will be aervnd at 1 o‘clock p. m.‘ after which addresses will be delivered by Rev. E. Ban-ass. the resident ministers and others. The Aurora. Christian Silver Band will furnish the musical part. of the en- tertainment. Swings and other amusements will be provided. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all friends of sabbath schools to be present. HATS! HATS ! Just received at the Cheap Cash House another 10 of nobby Hats in fach straws and! ï¬ne felts at SNEATH & GRENNAN'S. Semi-Centennial. During the next week, hundreds of our citizens, both old and young, will visit To- ronto‘s'ï¬emi-Centennia],yrhicn cpmmences on Monda'y. This is a privilage, whichlto many will never again be extended.h Would it not be to the interest of our BChJOiS, if the True,- tees wnnld grant the pupils and teachers a holiday, say on Friday, so that all may have the privilege of attending on the same dav. No doubt most of the Scholars will go one day or another. and it would be much less of a loss to the classes if all should be absent on the same da). HopSEKEEPERs,â€"â€"For the biggest and best $‘s worth 01 bugar and best value in Fruit Jars and Gen- eral Groceries, the.: Cheap Cash Housqfl is Just the right place. At the annual meeting of Richmond Lodge No. 23 G. R 0.. held on St. John's Day, the following ofï¬cers were installed.-.=â€" W Bro A J Rupert, W.M “ Milton Fierheller, S W " P G Savage, J W W “ A L Skeele, Chap “ Wm Trench, Twas “ H A Nicholla, Sec “ F MoConaghny D ‘ D Boyle, J D , Bros H F Hopper d: T Newton, Stewards. Bro J Powell. I Ur “ N Davis, Tyler The following committees were nppointpd; Auditing. Bros. McConag‘ly,Boy19. Duncan ; Charitable, W Bros. Skeele. Crosby, and Bro McConaghv. Sick ; Bros Trench, Hopkins, Duncan, Moodie, Bovle. Mr. A. Crmpbell of Colombia, South Am- erica, is visiting friends in Richmond Hill“ We notice that the Church congregation in m village of Kimbarlon. Pm, have built in z Vellore Celebration Drawin PERSONALS; Change of Txme een by reference to time table, the Northern, changed time on Our noon bus started ï¬fteen er than the usual time. the con- g that several were left behind :h annoyed thereby. Would it the travelling community to mtice given of such changes, so light govern themselves accor- Sudden Death a during the coming vacation clmol.Toronto. This is a and we understand many taking advantage of the is a subject hitherto greatly A Quiet Day, 88C ,the young ton to meot. their 2 Lessons mls:but with this in- 1petus will be given ry to repeat that the :0 take place at the Dominion Day, pro- fuir. The Committee ‘ower to have the rela- lccesstul termination, young folks are mak- neot. their friends at ‘rnment is instituting § on Drawing, to be 12 the coming vacation at. FROM BUSINESS ! SELLING OFF AT COST I Late of Victoria Square, I um now prepared to nffm- a large stock of Having sch] out my Property and Busi- ness, on the Corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill, to Boots ck §hov§ at Post. Grover- ies at (30st. d‘rockel‘y dc Glass- ware at (‘osh GOODS AT COST, And many articles below Cost. As the whole of the Stock must be clenred out by August lst, the public may depend on BETTING GREAT BARGMNS. BIGSALEI NU HUMBUG! Terms Strictly Cash. sex to more )nn else in this WHY absolutelv sure Augusta, Maine: hwmlsm n10 um] cuqu l-ux I mnlmw AMELTONs Bargains in Dress Goods. See qur All Wool Nun‘s ( Bargains in Silks. See our Check Summer Silks, 40cts. Bargains in Sheetings. See our Double Width Twil Bargains in Lace Curtains. ' _ I I See mur Lace Curtains Bargains 1n Shirtlngs. See our Shirtings, fast colors, 2 Bargains in Factory 8:: White Cottons. See our Yam Bargains in Millinery. See our Shade Hats at 12%0ts. Bargains in Gloves & Hosigl‘Y-fl (1:11- T A A- '“II'JA MR JOSEPH HALL, Silks. Satins, Dress Goods,;Cashmenes, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy GOods, .Print Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons‘, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table D2... masks, Lace Curtains, Rw<els,;Napkin5, Qullts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &C.- Edward, ï¬rw ’gmvcctiscmmts. J. ROWN. 184 Yonge .Street,“ 3rd Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New are now showing a-Large andComplete’ Stock; oi POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, STIRING kl will help (111. ~ :y right away than Fortunes await the At once address I‘nUE See' our Silk Lace Mitts. 15 inches long, 25st: All Goods Marked. in Plain Figures. Terms CashLOnly One Price. . SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE. cenï¬s in post, 'ecelve free, n m an NEW SPRING, GOODS :ith FARM F03 SALE A 3rd concession of \Vhitcnurch. of 142 no 125 of which are cleared and in a high state cultivation. Soil clay loam ; well watered, 1 buildings and fences in ï¬rst-class order. T indisputable. Near the premises are a. new g 1mg sawmill, also postpflice. " .. ewgb e anly 1631: Viniles from Aurora. WIth an exceflent road running to that place. Tex‘mseasy. For {umber particulars amply to the proprietor, C. P. LENNOX DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right for the use of Hnrd’a New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. ON RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, I use no cheap material and warrant evqry set. GBId Filling, and all other operations skilfully Rel-formed, ï¬t: moderate fees. ARTIFICIAL Call z-m'd see me swer questions. 52-3111 3. FIRST-CLASS FARM. Loft Nq BEST SETS VITALIZEDAIRJ See our Shirtings, fast colors, at 8ct-s. See our Double Width Twined Sheeting, ZOcts; See our AllWool Nun’s Cloth, 12§cts. See 0111‘ Lace Curtains at 60c’cs. pair._ JARED LLOYD, White Rose May 15th, 1884.â€"1v trouble to TEETH ‘ered, and Ir. Title new grist. fl $10.00 15, in the See our Yard Wide.Fastory, at 5ct TRENCH’E -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- RICHMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numero- friends for their liberal patronage duri)‘. the past twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg to xx mind them and the general public, t1]: having erected entirely new and corn modious premises, I am enabled 1 supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which ar guaranteed to give satisfaction, as th work is under my own supervisnu. I in also prepared tn do all kinds «if blacl smithmg & repairing in the most won. Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRINL W A G 0 N S . and on the most'reasonable terms. amithmg ¢£~ repairing in the most won. manlike manner, on the shortest notm Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCH.