Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1884, p. 1

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THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE LUUHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. 51‘. MAR? a p.m..excel" 1 when $116 .53" PRESBYTRRIAN CE as 1) o'clock a.m_, In: on Wednesday evem Roms cuaomc l as follow 5 Thomln' Bil! at 10:30 am: tln aloud Hill 939 3.111.. METHODIST Gamma or CANADAâ€" M; 10:30 5.1m, and 6:30 p. m..a,nd Sundn' at 2.30 p. In. General Prayer Meetin Thursday evemug nu the Lecture Room J. E. Betta, M1111. E. Smr. Mst‘ox's. ansnm‘nnmx Cannon 0FCANADL.â€" Ar. 11 o'clock a.m.. «uni 6:30 pm. Pmyer Rector RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A‘ M., no. 2.1, km“ -â€"Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hullpn the Monday on or before full moon, at. 8 o'clock p.m A.J. Rupart, W. M ANCIENT ORDER OF Fem; mend. 190.7046 A. 0. F., mee1 Ha.” every Externabe Fridaw RICHMOND HILL TE} Meets in the Tempemr evening. at 7.30 o'clock The Methodist sabb: sociation issue pledge desired. Wm.Ha.n'isu uoau vu- . MECHANICS‘ ms’rx'rUTErLibraxy of over 1000 wolumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- : mic Hall. from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law. Libra. inn. Lectures and discussions periodicallv. Rxcmxosn Hm). Comm: Emuâ€"Meets for 1) notice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. 0. Savage. Leader. VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Re ve. John Brown Covm- eillurs. Messrs. Isaac Crosby,A. Moodie, R. E. Law an-l H.F. Hcpper. (lurk. M.’1eeiy. A. O. U. W..Ivy Lndge, No. 1-11. Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each nlterqative Fridng at 8 o‘clock p. m. Beue~ A, AA nnn 4.. an en nf Plant): A U. U. W..ivy ullusw, .w. _-_, W, Committee each alternative Friday at 8 o‘clock p‘ m. Beue~ ficary certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer, Master Workman. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council. #0. 4:), Meets in Temperance Hail.each miter- native Tuesday evening ats o'clock p in. Bane. fie iary certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt uaynblc in case of disability. J. H‘ Sander- son Selects Councillors; ,J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Secretarv. Dr. Geo. Langsmfl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thornhill. Nov. 6th,’8‘2~tf. fir. James Langslafl AND 91'. Lewis G. Langstam Members College Physicians]: Surgeons, Ont” RICHMOND HILL, ONT. wn'gfic, c“. R‘ fllankl'ul for the favors 01 may still be consulted in an; Iossion, as follows: 5.1mm, 1:41;, 8th, 16th, and 5 Richmond Hill.“ .. .écn and‘ (at. the Palmer House) \uu uuv . u. Sbouflville Markham . . .. Victoria. Squm- I‘hnrllhill... . . \Yoodbridga . Kleiuburg mo')leton.... 1817!: 20th .21st 23rd 28th 2ch 10. do, do. do. do‘ Vitulized Air always on hand at appointments Works like a charm Free from 1min. Medaiist Toronto Univezsitv. Member to Physiciansdz Surgeons, 0nt..(1&te of Stoufivillo qnge Street. ‘Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10 a. m., Mo 8 p. m. Money to Loan. A lam tmouup of Money to Lend on farm 0)" 1w propqrty Interest? per cents, uo commie ion. Will visit the (allowing places profesqion ally :â€" Unionville.‘ lst Monday of each month Weston .9thgmu let " ‘ Ma. le .. “mu; " “ Ric mo "19!“ - n Woodbridge ,. .221“! Mr. Husband W111 be found in his office, Now- Ion Brook. every Saturdav. except when Saturâ€" auv falls on the above dates. HURSDAY EVENING $1 per annum, in advance. Dr. Orr, Maple. Office hours: 8m 9.30 a. m.,uud to 2.30 p m VOLVII. Address A ROBINSON L‘D.S ,Aurom Out 3032, MACDONALD, MERRITT 5: cu Union Loan buildin a Toronto (4 Mun s EPISCOPAL Gamma axcept the third Sunday 0 the service and sscrament Sunday 869300] at 13309111 Him] for the favors of Ike past 20 years still be consulted in any branch of the pro- .)n, as follows 5 __ ‘ rm" 1 no hunk "Hunk -6-'&}-IV BUSBIESS CARDS. (i. ll. Husband. I.. D. m; NIX‘IST, _ aatdiral. REMbfif’Efi MMQEEé Q1}? EDITOR. and PROPRIETOR. ‘. gzMAHON’, {Mags Qirrrtorg. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. \Y. J. “’llson. {y evéniug M7in TEOLIC CHURCB.â€"~Scrvices in order Thomhiu at 9 3.311., and Richmond mm; the following Sunday at Rich- “) 3.111.. and Thornlull at 10:30 a. m, HILL TEMPLE. No. 465.1. 0. G. '1‘.â€" Tempe‘rance Hall" ovary Wednesday 30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. dist sabbath school Temperance As xe pledge cards every Sunday when m.Ha.rrison Bupf USED JJY Dr. A. Robinson. um 0F FORESTEBS- A. 0. F.. meets in the rnnte Fridwv at 7.30 Chum-heli- Societies. 16th, and 22nd . . .fitn and 21th SURGEON DENTIST anew. @ibml NEWTON BROOK Emmaâ€"Service at 3 )day of every month, ament are held at 11 )p.m Rev. W. Bates, A. M., £07.93, Gar CANADA â€"Services and Sunday school. at Meeting every hn'e Room. Revs. “ABLâ€"Services Prayer meeting 0! sum“ month fin. Court Rich- Temperance p. m.â€"Hr H. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, &c. OFFICES: 18 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO‘ W.M, HALL. J.S.FULLARTON. W.COOK, m IS’PEIVATE FUNDS T0 JOAN. ” “ALL. FELLAR’I‘ON & (300K. Having built the above House on the site of the 0111 Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in first-class style. I an] prapu'ed to give the public the best of accommodntxona Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this house to connect with all vassenger trains on the Non-them Railwav. Licensed Auctioneer for the Onmno and Peel. Goods sold General sales of stock. eta, m to at reasonable rates. P. 0. a. Importer of Watches. clocks and fine jewellery a stock of Diamonds and preciousstones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. Iéi'Mnnumctunn of jewellery, and repairinaof watches and aloe s on the remises.u s )er‘ialt _.p . . ) . ; :.A.~-_.:.a....u.m:..1.'h, uuv yuanumm...» oyv u.” y Thanking our patrons and friends for their lib- eralvatronagv i1. the past we beg to state that we have just received a large stock ofnew goods in latest designs. A large stock at Elgip and Wultham watches kept on hand. Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York. re- spectfully solir'its your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. .0. Address, James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the Cuuuty 01 York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. I’. 0. address, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Sules attended on the shortest. uoLice.nnd at rear abe rates. Address Stoufivflle P. 0 Old Iron. citj prices Clfimner notice. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. ssuer of Marriage Licenses, K. Chisholm, M donuld, C. Deposits received and Interestallowed thereon Int Current Rates NJ notice of withdrawal requirmL Dmfcs on all parts of Canada, Unitml States and Great Britain, bought and add. PAINTS, OILS, HABBWARE! WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, MECHANIO’S 32mm Bank of Ganada. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <BUILDERS’:> FREDERICK \" HITLOCK, Richmond llill. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, The Palm“ House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER. Proprietor. Jan. 15th, '84-1V 23â€"4-‘83 LIBERAL. TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. Mane) to loan on farm security JAMES m. LAWRENCE. NOTARY PUBLIC 85c. AND A. A. A I IN, Cashier, Righmond Hiil Branch. Sweeping attended to on shortest Wisrruunrnua. Salem Erknrdt. Rags, Brass, ((104, bought for cash' at R N . J. Arlnslrong. . '.L'J"_iJ:Li.£‘ ICIIMOND HILL , M.P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mao C. D. Robinson, A‘ McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. N], Brown. .l. Wnnhss. Near George Street, Toronto. Box DIRECTORS “2"an Efiatrw. {ICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 3,1881, AND 96. VIETORIA SQUARE 171E )r the Counties of Ymk [is sold on consignment. eta, vromptly attended P. (Laddress, UNIOHV‘LLLE. Essentials, Unity; in Nan-Essentials, Liberty; in all thin House on the and furnished it x am prepared to accommodntxona hostlers: Sample Manager. From our own Cox-reapondent. A brilliant lawn party was held on the premises of Mr. Thomas Frisby n nhort time ago, in aid of the P. M. Church of this village. 1 am happy to state that it was a. grand success, and many of our young men may look back upon this fete with pleasure, for n, was the first time a. great many of them ever figured to any extent in the society of the fair. Mrs. Mary Baker returned from visit- ing some friends near Toronto on Satur- day evening. Our Host. Mr. Wm. Meek, spent Fri- day and Saturday at the Semi-Centennial and returned well pleased with what he had seen. Some of our young men, unless they recognize some limit to their mischief, will find themselvos ins, predicament. frnm which they will come out second best . Mr. Meek had a goat pasturing just north of Mr. Jacob Baker’s premises, and to make the animal secure he tied it to the fence (for they are great jumpers). But in the dead of night the beast was _removed, and placed an a farm some distance down the 4th. Mr. Meek always made it a point to see that his charge was safe before retiring to rest. and conse- quently his loss was soon discovered. In course of time the lost was found and again put in {otters to graze in a little corner of the grave yard. The Victoria Square Cricket Club in going to give a strawberry festival this evening. July 3rd. it is hoped that their efforts will be crowned wflh success. Mr. Henry Jennings intends celebrat- ing his golden wedding on the 12th inst. A large number of invitations has been issued. and doubtless the celebration will be a grand success. Mr. George Welman, 3rd Cnn. Mark- ham, suffered a. heavy loss by the death of a valuable mare. There are cheap panaceas for various human ailments continually cro ping up. Northroo 65 Lyman’s Vegetab e Discuv- cry and Dyspeptic Cure has no affinity With any of these, Unlike them. the ar- ticle is derived from the purest sources, is prepared with utmost chemical skill, and is a genuine remedy and not a palli- ative for Billinusness, Constipation. Kid- ney troubles‘ impurity of the blood, and female complaints. To the Editor of the LIBERAL Mr. Editor,we will have to appeal to you again for space in your valuable pa- per,as we see that Mr. Baker is still alive. We did not expect to have to write again as we learnt from the Aurora Bormlis that there are several wanting his scalp. But we will not be so cruel, we would like to see him live as we would infer from his last letter that the day is not far distant when he intends to rise to a high stand in public opinion. We lsnow that we are only boys, but before he reaches the stand in life which he is grasping for we would by way of advice beseech him to give his proper name and not go into the sacred edifice under a. 1mm dc plume. We thank Mr. Baker fur the high opinion he has entertained of us in regard to go. ing into God‘s chapel and going through a mere form of religion. \Ve do not go to see and be seen as we would learn from Mr. Baker’s letter that he makes it his object. We do not stand around the church doors to catch a word from every pet-sun’s lips and act the part of 3. Demi- god. Mr. Baker or rather Mr. Willie says he has heard old men and women sing with a. fluency ; this depends a. great deal on how old they were as we under- stand that Mr. B. is turning his two score years and it will be second nature to him to sing with a dead drag. We will enTpliasize the word “mock- ery ” and maintain it correct. If we do not mock the Supreme Being we are mocking the composer of the music, but if Mr. B. Knows better he ought to be able to sing better, so we Wlll gladly re- sign our position in favor of him to occu- y next Sabbath mornng and then we can look forward with hearts full of gladâ€" noss for the better purDOSeS 0f life at Laskay. Before closing our letter we would give Joseph to understand that we are no pro- fessors in Music nor do we claim to be good singers, only as it has been given us from higher power. 3V6 are indeed aor- ry to have $0 write through your paper in such a, manner and also of disturbing thedpeople of the church. We sang for kin ness and not for ill will of making annoyance. Hoping Mr. Editor that you will bear with us in taking up so much space. Laskay, June 30th, '84 Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator has no equal tor destroying worms in children and adults. VICTORIA SQUARE. We remain yours“ truly, CHAS: O'BRIEN. .1on SINCLAIR. The above Board met in the Lorne Hall on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., the Chairman Mr. R. Marsh, in the chair. Members present:â€" Messrs. Switzer, Boyle, Naughton, Skeele, Savage, Trench, and McConnghy. Minutes of last meeting, Apr. 21“, read and adopted. Several communications were read by the Secrelary. An account for work done at High School, by Mr. R. E. Law, $15.00, and for work at Public School, $2.25, was re- ferred to the Committee of management, and if found correct was ordered to be paid. ! D. Sullivan, Malcolm, 0nt., writes: “I have been selling Dr. Thomas’ Eclec 3 tric Oil for some years, and have no hesi- l nation in saying that it. has given better satisfaction: than any other medicine I have ever sold. I consider it the only patent medicine that cures more than it is recommended to cure.” Unprincipled persons are selling imitations of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. Do not be deqeiv- ed. ‘ - Mr. Keefler'a bill of $3.00 for printing 150 time tables, ordered by Mr. Burns, was laid over till next meeting. A letter-from Mr. Wm. McBride to the Board, in reference to a promised testi- monial, and alse in reference to $18 Ialarv which he claims is still owing him for six days of 1884. _ It was moved by Mr. McConaqhy, sec- onded by Mr. Savage, that Mr. Mc Bride’s letter to the Board be published in the minutes.â€"The motiun was lost. Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Boyle, that the Secretary be instruct- ed to wrine Mr. McBride stating that the Board does not consider any salary is due him.â€"Carried Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Savage. that the P. S. Inspector be instructed to pay the July Grant to Mr. J. A. S. Switzer, segretary.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the Sec’y & Treas. be instructed to make out- a. statement of the amount required for Public School pur- poses for the year, and that the Sec’y as- certain {mm the Clerks of Markham and Richmond Hill the number of school children in the Sectionâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr Trench, aecondei by Mr. McConaghy. that the Sec. & Treas. be and are hereby empowered to borrow $400 from the Bank for the use of the Public School and also to renew the note nf $00 already burrowedâ€"Carried. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The meetifig adjourned to meet on Wednesday, July 23rd inst From Our Own Correspondent. The Methodists, of this place, held a. Gar. den Partv in the beautiful grove adjoining the Parsonage, on Fring evening, June 27th, The grounds were beautifully illuminated with Chinese lanterns. After partaking of a sumptuous meal, the young perle amused themselves in playing croquet and prome- nadiug. The Thornhill Brass Band, which by the way, has some excellent players, discoursed some fine music, which added very greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. If they had not had a party at Willowdale on the same evening ours would have been much more largely attended, as it was, the attendance was very good. The amount realized was in the vicinity of $45. The party was brought to a. close by the Band playing the National Air “ God Save the Queen." Dominion DAY, commemorative of one of the most important events in Canadian History, the confederation of the Provinces, was spent in a right loyal manner in this Village. Quite early in the morning flags were seen Haunting in the breeze from the tops of a number of houses. About two o‘clock, people were seen wending their way to Mr. Langstufl‘s beautiful grove, adjoining the far fumed Mineral Spring, which was selected by the Presbyteriuus to hold their Church Anniversary in. A very large gath- ering assembled to partake of the nice things provided by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church, and sufi‘ice it to say that they un» derstand thoroughly how to prepare an ex- cellent meal. We think thegathering would have been much larger had it not been for the fact, that a party was held at Zion, only a short distance aWuy, at the same time. Notwithstanding this the party was, in every sense of the term, a grand success. The ’l‘hornhill Brass Band furnished music for the occasion. We could not ascertain the amount realized as it could not be given un- til after a Trustee Meeting. To 'udge from the gathering it must be pretty large. The proceedings were brought to a close by the Band playing “ God Save the Queen." The Hall Company held an entertainment in the Hall on Monday evening. which was not very largely attended. We can assure the managers of the Hall that if the;7 do not provide a better entertainment in the luture, the crowd will be smaller still. The public school in this place closes on Fridathe 4th of July and re-opens on Mon»- day, Aug. 18th. If the weather continues fine, the farmers in this neighborhood are anticipating an abundant. harvest. THORNHILL gs, Charity.” A Punmc Nmsmcs.â€"A great many of our villagers. are wondering if the Health Inspec- tor’s olfactory nan-Veg are destroyed. and if not, why does he permit a slaughter-house to remain, almost in the centre of the vil- lage, the stench arising from the same caus- ing many persons to hold their breath until they are enabled to get past the nuisance. The people of this country have spo- ken. They declare by their patronage of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, that they be- lieve Vit. to be;:m argbicle of genuine merit, adapted-to the éufe of Rheumatism, as well axgi'elieves the pains of fractures and disloca’tjons, external inj'lries,coms, bun- mns, piles and other maladies. Lawn Party. The ladies ofbth’e Richmond Hill Metho- dist Church have long borne a good repute. tion for the getting up of sooials and enter- tainments. but the strawberry festival and lawn phrty given on Monday evening last, surpassed anything of the kind ever given in the village. Parker Crosby, Esq., having granted the use of his hea’utiful pleasure grounds, the young ladies of the Committee, Miss Bella Duncan. Misfs‘Mn-ie Trench and Miss Gertie Daniels. gave immediate instruc- tions for their decoration. and so cheerfully and earnestly did the young men respond to the call that the grand old residence and surrounding grounds were Irensfigured beneath natural and artificial lights. Some fifty Chinese lanterns were hung on the ever- greens on either side of the grounds and in front of the residence, which beautifully il- luminated the place, and had it been in the Norman times, one might have taken it for a castle of one of the Feudal lords. Straw- berries aud cream were served in good style, and the lemonade and ice cream were delici- ous. The Cornet Band enlivened the pru- ceedings, and thoroughly satisfied the com- pany both in quantity and quality. At 9. late hour the gathering very reluctantly dis- persed to their homes. no doubt feeling much better after the festive and social time About $50 was cleared after all expenses. SemLCentennial. The Semi-Centeqnlnl of the Queen City is drawing large crowds of sightseers from" all parts of the world. The parades during the week have been witnessed by thousands of people from other countries than our own, and the intense excitement is likely to con- tinue to the‘end of the week. We" believed. many from village and vicinity intend go- ing down this (Thursday) eve to witness the grand illumination, &c., and for the benefit of those attending we publish below the programme for the remainder of the week : Thursday eveningâ€"_At the Pavilion, _Go'u§ nod's Sublime'Oi-atorio. “ Redemptiom‘h by the Philharmonic Society, in whichoéfiiiss Fannie Kellogg and the Mendelssohn Quin- tette Club will alsotassist. Completion of the band competition at the Granite Rink. To allow visitors an opportunity of attend- ing the concerts, the (hand Harbor Parade will not begin until 10.15 o‘clock and will continue until midnight. All the steamers, tugs and row boatsâ€"hundreds in numberâ€" will form in line and move around the Bay ; they will be illuminated by’Ohinese lanterns, etc, and all along the line a continuous shower of rockets and Roman candles will be discharged. Forts will be erected on the Bay and for over an hour a mimic Naval Combat will be waged, closing with the most magnificent display of fiery grandeur ever witnessed in Canada. Friday â€"â€" “The Benev- olent Societys'Day." The parade to com- prise : Uniformed and un-Uniformed lodges oi Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Py thias, Knight; of Links, Foresters ; National So- cieties, Orange Societies, Emerald and Irish Catholic Benevolent Societies, etc., etc. In the afternoonâ€"Parade and Drill of the Uni- formed Encampments, when prizes will be given for best drill. Loving corner stone of Monument on site of the ancient Fort Rouille, at the Exhibition Grounds. In the eveningâ€"Grand Concert at the Pavilion by the Mendelssohn Quintette Club, assisted by Miss Fanny Kellogg, Prima donna Soprano, and other celebrated artists, with .popular programme. Military Promenade Concert at the Granite Rink. Saturdayâ€"“ Edu- cational Day." To be specially commemor- ative of our Educational Institutions. Poi-- ade to comprise: Oflicers of Educational Departments, and Tableaux illustrative of progress made ; Representatives from our Universities, Colleges, Schools, and Chari- table Institutions. In the afternoonâ€"Con- cert at the Pavilion ; choruses by over six hundred School Children. Lacrosse match and games on the Bosdale Grounds. In the eveningâ€"Farewell Concert at the Pavilion, introducing several specialties. PnocToaâ€"In Adr01'&,0n June 2151;, the wife of Mr. A. Proctor, of u. sou. HorPEnâ€"ln Richmond Hill, on the 2nd inst. the wSIe 01 Mr. E. F. Hopper. of a. son. Pnoc'roRâ€"At Richmond Hill. on Thursday. June 25th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Proctor. of a son. BROWNâ€"NEwmoNâ€"At the residence of the bride's tather,Fou1den L0d§§0n June 30m, 1884, by the Rev. James ick, ’3. Wesley Brown. of Montreal. youngest son of the Rev. W. D. Brown, Stella..AmHerst Island,to Laura Eaton Newton-Newton, only (adopted) daughter of James Newton, of the firm of Newton Brus.. Richmond Hill. ' THE 5.19355ng 9 $1.00 In manna. [Single c0pieS, 3 cts LOCALS NIARRIAGES BIRTHS.

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