Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1884, p. 5

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Davenport; Weston. . ‘ Thm'nhillv.‘ .. RICHMOND HILI King ..... Aurum, . Newman-hob Dmvppgort Newmm-L Aurora ,. Dav \\' We ‘, im-Imlim Thornhjl], Maple,’1‘nrunba, Mm-kbmn.&o. 7 EVENING zâ€"Going south. East and West (as above) 6 N. B.â€"Regisbered Letters must be handed at least fifteen Minutes earlier than the abo mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postnmstex‘ New Bridge. During the past week the ’bus has been obliged to start northwnrd on its way to the station and go by Wilson‘s pond, in conse- quence of the building of a. new bridge in tue hollow near the 2nd (Jon. RICHMOND HILL Thm‘nhill ,. 1’ m‘kdnle TORONTO Queen‘s Brock E Mail, Sc'um Connects with a House. Richmnnl Mail :3: Express, N Aucmnumdmcinn Until further In Richmond Hill I“ MORNING zâ€"Gnin The next regular meeting ot Richmond Lodge, No. 23, G. R. (‘., will be held in the Masonic Hull on Monday evening. July 7th, commencing at 8 p. m. Riwmofio'fifii} Thiirlzd av. July 3,7‘84‘ The Strawberry Festival given in the Lorne Hall, on Saturday evening last, in aid of St. Mary's Chumh, was a. success, and the strawberries and cream were delicious. May Dew. We do not think it necesuary to ask the ladies who desire to look particularly beauti- iul to rend our new ad. on fourth page. re- ferring to May Dew. This great French lotion for beautifying the face is becoming very popular among the fair sex. TORONTO. City Hall Goto the Goncrete for best value in all Groceries and all lines of Dry Goods, STRAW HATSâ€"A large assort- ment to choose from, at the CHEAP CASH HOUSE. A fire practice and general meeting will be held on Friday evening. Remember the hourâ€"7.30 p. m. Our High School closed yesterday and the Public Schools will close on Friday, July 11th, {or the summer vacation. Go to the Concrete HollSc for extra value 1n Sugar; Sugar never was so low. PROCTUR’S STAGE LINE. At the Quarterly Meeting of Court Rich- mond, No. 7046, A. 0. F., held on Friday evening last, the following officers were elected :â€"G. R, Bro. H. E. Wright ; Sub-C. R.. Bro. G. A. McDonald; Trens.. H. B. Dewnbury; Sec.. Bro. W. T. A. Cook ; S. W., Bro. R. Peach ; J. W., Bro. H.Johnston; S. B.‘ Bro. W. Hewisou; J. B., Bro. U. Soules ; Agem for Endowment. Fund, Bro. A_ J, Rupert ; P. C. 3., Bro. A. J. Rupert. Below the election of Qflicprs‘ there was an initiafiiopr“ This well known and long established firm is still to be found in the same stand, 167 King St. East, Toronto (near the market)” where is kept on hand a large stock of chemicals and drugs. Parties visiting To- ronto will find it to theil benefit to go to Millet‘l for their drugs. Mr. Harry Piper, proprietor of Toronto‘s Zoological Gardens will please accept our thanks for the Complimentary ticket. Al- though having frequently visited the Zoo. we shall with pleasure. call again at an early drite, as something new and interesting may always be seen and learned at this popular rebort. CHEAP FOR Cumâ€"Harvest Too‘s of all kinds, Harvest Mitts and Ma- chine Oil at the Cheap Cash House. Entrance Examination. The half-yearly entrance examination to the High School Will be held in the High Sghoolbmldiug (Masonic Hall) to-day and tq-morrow. About fifty candidates have sent. in their applications to Mr. McBride, the Head Master, signifying their intention of writing. Mr. Dickson, B. A.. of the New- market High School. is the presiding ex- aminex. Umnn St City Hall POST OFFICE NOTICE Express, N nodution 1:, NortlL.. ort; Station Street '5 Wharf s Wharf Struet ,. Station. Fire Brigade Meeting Hugh Miller& Co. School Closing. GOING NORTH Mail. 1‘. Complimentary GOI )st Ofih: a North k‘ ‘1 t-m'ms Hill. (LS n'th (Q: Nortll.s011|h, East and , im-Imlim Tbm'nhjll, e, Tnmn to, Markham. 650. south. East and West (as Festival. 10.15 10.00 J'I SOUTH mils will be closed at the we as folloWszâ€" ihcral. ‘lluv mu Accom 12.00 1-2 03 1.13 £1] the Palmer 5 00 6‘10 30 mil. $.31 $.43 f.0‘l 300 in we I“ m 43 50 40 A Sabbath School Pic-Nic in connection With the Methodist Sunday Sch001,Maple will be held in the beautiful Bengough grove, on Saturday. July 5th. Strawberries, and ice cream will be served in abundance. Ten will be (served frum3 to5 p.m. A cricket match will be pluyed between Maple and Buttonville, commencing at 1 o’clock. Tickets, 20 cents, children 15 cts,school children, free. Go to the Concrete House for Fruit Jars; fine stock of all sizes at the lowest price. Tonsorial. While the bnrhers in the neighboring Vll- laqes of Aurora and Markham are positively no! going to cut hnir any longer, parties may rest ussureJ on having it out shorter, and every want. in the tonsm‘inl line, satisfactor- ily attended to, on coming to Richmond Hill, as the genial ” Bert “ may be seen in his commodious shaving parlor both early and laledurinn' six days of the week. Call and get a sea ‘onm, and complain no more about headache. FARMERS Scythes, R4 Good Rake Cricket Match. The wale Cricket Club on Deminion Dny defeated llnltunville on the grounds of the latter with the very creditable majority of six wickets. For the visiting Club the bat- ting of A. Rupert and W. Woods was worthy of special notice. J. Padget .if the home team was doing some remarkable hitting. having made the credible score of twenty- iuur, but unfortunately in trying to cut a high ball to leg he struck it into his own face inflicting a severe wound above the eye. Dr. Orr, who was playing with the Maple Club, dressed the wound. having to put in several stitches. Otherwise there was not a iingle disagreeable incident to mar the pleas- ure of the game, and the Visitors are enthu- sinstic in praise of the treatment received. The return match will be played on Satur- day. 5th inst, in Bengough'a grove, Maple. TRY OUR Tamâ€"Choice and frag- rant Blacks. Hysons, & Japans, splendid value, at the Cheap Cash House. The Young Cnnadinus have added another victory to those already won. The match which has caused considerable excitement for some time was played on Dominion Day between the Young Canadians of Richmond Hill and the Uxhridge Club of Uxblidge. The game was played at Markham under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. As Uxbridge has been considered a first-class club. a herd contest wns expected, but they proveJ no mntch for our boys, who secured three straight games in z}, 3, and 6 minutes re- spectively. Wu congro‘ulste Mr. A. Pugs. my on putting the rubber through each game. Mr. Hurry Blight of Toronto, acted as He- feree. and Mr. H. A. hicholls of Rich- mond Hill, and Mr. Wheeler M. P.. of U1:- hirlge. as umpires for their respective teams. Their decisions were in all cas‘s quite satia- iactory. The Young Canadians speak in the highest terms of the courteous treat- ment received. The committee of management which had in hand the carrying out of the programme of the above celebration on Dominion Day may well feel proud of its successful terminâ€" ation. At about twelve o‘clock carriages be- gun to come from all directions, and by two p. m.fully one thousand people must have been on the grounds of the Town Hall. The day being warm, the ladies were donned in their ric-nic costumes and looked charming. No better indication that Vellore is situated in the midst of a rich farming countrv is re- quired than to look upon the blooming countenxnces of the lair sex. A large and commodious platform for dsncmg was erect- ed in the shed which was tastily decorated with evergreens, and those, at all partial to the past tune, could not have been expected to resist, on hearing the beautiful strains of music, poured forth by Professor Lubar’s Quadrille Band. The games,sthletic sports, and horse racing were well contested for. and created e lively interest for the large number of spectators. Several noted eth- letes took part in the sports and worked hard in their endeavors to carry off the much- coveted prizes. We have not 9. full report 0! the prize list. but will give a lull account of the successful competitors in next weeks issue. ' Ladies, Just ‘call and see those Fine Muslims and Nun's Veilings at the Cheap Cash House. Mr. R. C. Winlow, Toronto, writes:â€" “Nortln‘op Lyman’s Vegqtablq Dis- covery is a. valuable medicine to all who are troubled witlLindigestion. I tried a. bottle of it after suffering for some ten years, and‘ the results are‘ certainly be- yond my expectations. It assiats diges- tion wonderfully. I digest my food with no apparent. effort, and am nmv entirely fI'PU from that sensation. which every dyspeptic well knows, of unpleasant ful- neas after each meal. _ ' For Fine Gloves“ and Balbriggan Hosiery, Fans & Parasols,‘ the Cheap Cash House is, the place to go to. We are pleased to notice that Mr. F. B. Demon, a former pupil of our High School, and who has been teaching a. preparatorv class in Cobourg Collegiate Institute for sumo time, hns been appointed First English Master of that institution, at an advanced salary of several hundred dollars. Mr. C. Duucumb, of Beverly, Yorkshire, England, arrived in town last evening. We are glad to see him looking well. Go to the Concrete House for Rice, Tapioca,Sag0 and Cornstarch. 24lbs. Rlce fer $1.00, I7Ibs. Pearl Tapioca for $1.00, I7lbs. Sago for $1.00. 3 Packages Best Cornstarch for 25cts. Sabbath School Pic-Nic PERSONALS. Vellore Celebratxon Ever Vickonous. go to the Concrete for akes, Snaiths, Forks, 6t ; s for Iocts each. FIRST-CLASS 1< ARM. Lot No. 15. in the 3rd concession of Whitcnurch. of 142 acres, 125 of which are clam-ed and in n. high state of cultivation. Soil clay loam ; well watered. and buildings and fences in first-class order. Title indisputable. Near thegremisea are n. new grist null sawmill, also postp ce. _ J. M. HAMILTON, The aboveis only four miles from Aurnrm with an excellent road running to that place Termseas . For further particulars anply to the prop etor, Bargains in Dress Goods. _ . See our All Wool Nun's ( Bargams 1n SllkS. See our Check Summer Silks, 40cts, Bargains in Sheetings. I . our Double Width TWiI Bargalns 1n Lace Gurtams. . . , ' See our Lace Curtains Bargams 1n Shlrtlngs. See our Shirtings, fast colors, 8 Bargains in Factory & White Cottons. ' _ ' I See our Yarc‘ Bargalns 1n Mllllnery. See our Shade Hats at 12§cts. Bargains in Gloves 8c Hosiory. FARM FOR SALE! We are now showing a Large and Complete Stock of Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, , Gloves, Laces, Fancy GOods';~, Prints, Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table DEL-:- masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Qullts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, U_Ister_ Cloths, &c. &c. Edward ’Ke own’s NEW SPRNG GOODS And every species of disease arising from Impurc Blood, &c. &c. PREPAIEI) HV THE Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia. Indigestion, Dizziness. Jaundice. Dropsy. Fluttering of the Heart. Climax Chemical Company, MONT REAL. 52-31mm 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN E VER BE FORE-OFFERED, And InviteIInspection of Our New- POPULAR DRY'GOODS HOUSE; 182 Yonge Street” Toronto, Seé our Silk Lace Mitts. 15 inches long, 25cts A11 Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Terms Cash, Only One Price. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. J. M. HAMILTON, ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JARED LLOYD. White Rose NEW SPRING GOODS, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, â€"Pnommwons OFâ€" MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER: YOSKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. &c. nan-Esmmmn-â€"nm Hugh MILLER 81.80., _ Special attention jven to the proper prepar‘ atxons of Fumilv and eter'mary receipts. Whilst the bridge on the side-rand was under- going some repmrs. a heifer. two years old, was urt. She is now lying on Lot 11. 3rd Con. of Vaughan. The owner is requested to remove her. HENRY HUMBLE. Pstterson P. O. “gm: §dvtrti5cmtuti July 3rd, ’64-ly‘ See our Shirtings, fast colors, at Bots. FOUND! See our Double Width Twined Sheeting, 20cts. See our All Wool Nun's Cloth. 12%0ts. See our Lace Curtains at 600133. pair. See our Yard Wide Factory, at 5cts. TRENCHKC -C ARRIAGE WORKS. In returning thanks to my numero friends for their liberal patronage duri1 the past twenty-five years, I beg to 1 mind them and the general public, t1) having erected entirely new and co: modious premises, I am enabled supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages Both light and heavy. all of which ar guaranteed to give satisfaction, as tll‘ work is under my own supervisr J. I am also prepared to do all kinds nf blacl- smithing J: repairing in the moat worl- manlike manner, on the shortest notim and on the most reasonable terms. Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRINf W A G 0 N S . Horse - Shoeing RICHMOND IIILL. Paid special attention to. WM TRENCH.

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