The heir to the Marquis of Ayleabury has just married Dolly Yestova chcrus singer at the Comedy Theatre, London. Queen Victoria is the pexson to whom the credit of ï¬rst urging the employment of wo- men in telegraph ofï¬ces is said to be due. The Earl of Licbï¬eld has joined the Blue Ribbon Army. His son and daughter are attached t) Lord Lmdsdowne’s household in Canada. About aï¬re or Less Prominent people Queen Victoria. has nineteen gnuddaughv tare. The ex~Qneen and King of Naples, who have been in wretched cnrcumstances since they We re driven from their kingdom, are now restored to opulence by the death of the Dowager Empress of Austria. who has be- quea1hed to them a fortune of 36 000,000. Four hundred and ï¬fty dollars a year is all that the wife and c’aughter of the late English statcsuan, Mr. Roebuck. have to live on. and itis a credit to him in these days Four hundred and [Hey uuuma a "an .a all that the wife and c’aughter of the late English statesman, Mr. Roebuck. have to live on, and itis a credit to him in these days of political corruption. During her visit to San Francisco, the Princess Lille-Lille. (.f the Hawaiian Islands, who is as black as the ace of spades, ap- peared at social gatherings in a rich black costume and long le-Ck gloves, without a particle of color to relieve the "colored “ efl‘ect. It has been the habit of English royalty to die on Saturday, William III, Anne, all the Georges, the Duchess of Kent, Prince Al- bert, an‘i Princesa Alice all departing on that day, but Prince Leopold did not sur- vive over the night and died Friday. Princess Pignstelli de Cerohiara, who through family troubles was compelled for a living to accept an engsgement at L; S:ala Music Hall, in Paris, has thrown it up, and has now so far fallen in the world that she may be seen serving customers behind one of the bars at the Foliosâ€"Bergere. Sir John Lubbock, who has just married the young Miss Fox-Pitt, granddaughter of a peer, is ï¬fty, tall and thin, with a piping voice and squinting eyes. and is a martyr to gent, which most of the time aonï¬nes him to his bed. and allowed him to leave his crutches only long enough to walk up the church aisle. The ï¬nest house in Dublin is that of Mr. Edward Guinness, who is head partner in the stout brewery, and brother of Lord Ar- dilaun. In covers the ground of three large houses on Stephen s Green. The rooms are crowded, not to say overcrowded, with splendid furniture and works of art. Mr. and Mrs Guinness entertain splendidly. Robert Browning is being painted by his son in all the glory of his scarlet Ox‘ord doc torial gown for Bailiol College, of which he is an honorary fellow. He sits in an old carved Italian chair, and on the wall is re- presented a piece of tapestry bzariag the arms of the Medici, which now hangs in the cat’s drawing-loom. The picture is half length, of life size. The Empress Eugenie is now busy (:1 the book she has had in mind, if only rarely in hand, since the death of the Prince Imperial and arrangements are already being made for the publication of her “ Memoires,†which Wlll be produced simultaneously in England and France- The book is being "done " into English under the supervision of a lady of the highest rank, to whom the Empress is much attached. M. Vulpihn, the Paris doctor, had a. pa. tient acme time ago who was arfll'cted wizh that form of aphasia in which speaking is impossible, though the individuml is able to sing without difï¬culty, The doctor utilized the singing power by teaching this pitient and those who fcllowed him to sing what- ever they wished to any, without conï¬ning themselves to the words of the air. As a consequence the hospitalIhae become musical with the notes of opera Louffe aml the Mar- seillaise, in which the patients ask for every- thing they desire. At the battle of El Teb Bakcr Pasha “a: struck on the right cheek ju<t below the eye by a ball which buried itself in tie up per jaw. The missile, which waa of iron, was afterward removed, and was found to weigh three ounces ; but, despite the sev- erity of the wound which it made. the Gener- a1 kept his seat until less of blood compelled him to retire. A recent opemtion in Eng land brought to 13g} 1; the terrible nature of the injury, but the patient is recovering. Mr. Charles Russell. who, since the retire- ment of Benjamin, has made perhaps the largest income at the English blr, rcceived last year $75,000 ; Sir \V. Gull. who taps -he physicians, made $50000 ; Mr. Miilnis shined canvas to alike ï¬gure ; Amber, the 'ockey, made $43,000 ; Tennyson receives 5 a line; Onida, $5,000 a. novel ; but in the race for wealth, Simms. the dramatist of “:In the Ranks.†a rank piece of stuff, can leok with confempt on his bzfll d pursuers, Sir John \Villoughby, the young conquer- or of the turf, a few days before the Derby went into a. hairdresser's in Band street to be improved. With the exuberant veibasity which belongs to the cm't. the o rater be- gan to talk about the Derby, an asked Sir John “ if he was going down I " The owner of Harvester and Queen Adelasde said he was thinking about it, whereon the man of art said : “If you do, sir, don’t back Sir John Willoughby’s hcrses. He was in haze and told me conï¬dentially they had not a chance." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. having made last-year, $160,000, In addition to his numerous indiutrial en- terpriles, Prince Bismarck has for several years taken the artiï¬cial piaiculture at Friedrichuuhe under his immediate protec- tion. The energy which he has Infused into his administration there has yielded most encouraging results. New and savory species of ï¬sh have been introduced into the waté rs of that locality, and at the breeding eatabiiahment Grnude, near Friedrichsruhe, no less than 10,000 young trout have been net 011% this sense n. M. Louis Maiche, a well known French engineer, has discovered a gold mine in the bed of the Seine. The little fragments of quartz and silex. which form the gravel in the bed of the Seine are, according to M. Maiche, remarkably rich in the precious metal. In some of the specimens which he has collected the aureous particles are num~ erous and visible. The discovery will hardly prove of practical importance. It has been calculated that the pavemsnt of the streets of Strasbourg contains gold to the value of four millions tterling‘ Unfortunately it would take just double that amount to ex- tract it,’and the same is probably true of the pebbles at the bottcm o the Seine. No two men could be in greater contrast than the two Peels in the House of Grammar the Speaker and Sir Robert. The one ap pears sombre, pedantic, a. model of propriety and decorum, while the other has the air of a. Bowery tragedian, who had lived fast and furious, and with a mind so vagabond as to be beyond all rules of restraint. The other day his brcther pulled him up, as being out of ordu‘, when he turned on him. scarlet with rage at a rebuke from a younger broth- er, and, looking ï¬erce deï¬mce. in a. voice broken with passion, said : " I know what I am about." He then deliberately repeated the offence. The younger brother did not prolong the scene. M. Bertillion has remntly published some statistics of divorce which are interesting in connection with the debates in the French Chamber. The countries in which divorces and separations de corps are most rare are Scotland, Russis, and Italy. In these three countries the uumber of divorces varies from our to ï¬ve per themand marriages. In the United States the proportion is twentyeight tie pro“ deed, 1V much 18. Teutoni the Gen Teutonic than among LBLXD nations. nveu m the German cantons oi Swim rlnntl diver :60 are more frequent than in the others, The great army oi the divorced and separated is composed in very large propwrtion of bra‘n workers and members of the liberal profess- lons. M. Berbilliou’s ï¬gures show that in nine cases out of ten it is the woman who desfres the divorce, and that the great er the disparity in the relative ages of the parties the more frequent are the divorces Thus. where the wile is from ten to ï¬ve and twenty years older than her husband, there are 480 divoxcse per 100,000 Whit A History 01’ Arizona Would Un- fold. Arizona has a history which never has been written and which never will be until the mythology of the races living here is known. or until there is discovered u kno wl- edge of the past ages which was so well hid 300 years ago that even the Spaniards visit. iug Arizona then could not obtain poueea~ sion of it with all their power of forcing secret out of the people whom they conquer- ed. Who the ï¬rst inhabitants were 0! this far southern territory, whence they czme and whither they went may, perhapi, never be known. Certainly. none today can tell us. The past is a. secret buried beneath the ; a mystery that puzzles the learned an well as the ignorant, And yet, that the country has a. history is unquestioned. There are evidences every where that in prehistoric times Arizona was a. poiiular region, teeming with human activity. mg before America times Arizana with human 8 was thought m their empty canals wmcn they auq. me ruined houses which they built, the valleys which they cultivated, and in the inscri‘uâ€"d rocks an’i pieces of broken pottery which are found scattered over the territory. Age; before the European saw this continent two races had lived and died in Arizona, and the exist‘ng evidences of thexr occupxncv form one cf the many attractions which the territory has to Mid. Near CosmnoI on the Allintic & Paciï¬c Railroad for instance, there is to be seen a canon, 2,000 feet deep which is 100 yards wide at the bottom and 300 at the top. Along its walls there are great ledges of rock, which project outward from ten to twenty feet, and npnn which may be traced seven tiers ot cliff dwellings. From the bottom of thebwest tier to that of the canon the distance is 200 feet, the depth apparently hav'ng formed by the action of water unce the houses were built and occu- pied. The frmts of the dwellings and the side walls are of solid mazonry, and are still well preserved. How many centuries have come and gone since these cliffs were occu» pied no one can tell. Thousands of years at least must have possed between the ege in which the cliff-dwellings were made and that of the advent of the European. Still another race had occupied Arizona, the peo- ple of which built the canals which are now seen in ruins about the country and who ir- rigated the valley now 50 dry and parched. Perhaps the most extensive cf these ruire are those seen near the station of Ca “8. Grands on the Southern Paciï¬c railroad, a. short distance northWest of Tucson. Leav- iug the road at that station and driving or riding nqxthwm‘dï¬g~ few miles one crossaa in- to the famous Gila. river valley and to a crumbling and time-stained collection of mounds of sand and stone which are the n- nants of that Cam Grande, or great house- which was ï¬rst discovered by the Spaniard, more than 350 years ego, \Vhen ï¬rst found the largest building was four stories high and had walls six leet in thickness‘ A hundred years ago one house still re- mained, which was 420 by 260 feet in size. The ruin is now but 50 by 30 feet and will soon be simply a ahupaleaa mound. The walls are concrete, made of mud and gravel, held together by a. hard cement. and the in« ner surface coated with cement is hard and smooth. Not far from Cnsa Grands them is an irrigating canal which has bocn followed for forty miles toward the Gila. river, and which must at some time have watered an immense tract of land which, until very llately has been deemed abajlutely worth- ees. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Expressaze and Carriage Hire. and stop at the GRAND UNION HOTEL. opposite Grand Central Depot. 450 elegant rooms ï¬tted up at a. cost. of one m'rlllon dollars. reduced to $1 and u wards per da . Euro- {xean plan. Elevator. estanranc supp led with be best. Horse cars, stages and elevated rail- roads to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hote 1 than at anv other ï¬rst‘claas hotel In the cxty. Some rise with the lurks ; others get up when the steam whistle blown. R :31 comfort is found lying in bed until one feels like get- ting up. Not mother Pill Ihlll go down my throat again, said a citizen. “ when I on: get such I prompt and pleasant cure for my Bilioua attacks, such as Din Carson 3 Stem. ach Bitters. It renders the Blood Pure and 0001 and makes a splendid Spring Medicine. Large bottles 50 cont.- On one of the Platte ranges a. cow run: branded “The last, thank God !" the word- having evidently been put on by the cowboy: at the clcse of a long series of branding 0211 how tired and weak I (eel. I don't believe I wil ever get through this Spring house-cleaninx 1 Oh you you will if you take a bottle or two 01 Dr. Canon's Stomach Bitters to purin your blood Ind no up the system. la lune bottlas 50 oanu. as inhabited ery thoum ‘OVei mos ABORIGINAL RACE of, before, parha; . bsfore the deluge by a race of peoph Important. uetore Amen yhaps, _A§he , Arizon who hav is writte 7 due. th he valley “Truth†Bible Competition. 331500000. A NEW PLAN. For Persons Residing Anywhere in the World Outside the City of Toronto. N O. ELEVEN. Special Club Offer. Faur l'llmos. Three Organs. Sllvnr Tea Sets Sewing Machines, Gold Watched, Sll- vor Watcheg, and lnnnmerable Other Valuable Rewards. At the solicitation of many friends TRUTH announces one more-the ï¬nalâ€"Bible competi- tion. Owing to the fact of so many valuable rewards goingeto citizens of Toronto, this com- petition will open only to persons living out- side the city of Toronto. An one residing in any other part of the habits is world will be eligible to compete for these msgniflcent re- wards. The questionscwhich are supplied by an eminent Presb,terian ministerâ€"are very difï¬cult. but the rewards are valuable. Eycry- thing offered in previous compo mom has been promptly and cheerfully handed over to the successful ones the moment they are known. Full and complete lists of all those who gain re- wards are given in TRUTH the week following the close of each competition. There will be no change, and no postponement in any way; ever) thing will be carried out exactly as stated HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS. Don’t Delay Sending mYour Every one competing must send one dollar with their answers, for six months' subscri tion to TRUTH. And aside from the rewards, t em- eelves, they will ï¬nd that they have made the best investment of one dollur they ever did. Team: is full and his: value for the money. B-arln mind that you pay nothing extra for the privilege of competing for these costly rewards, and you will get. TRUTH for six months in any case for your one dollar. which is the regular subscription price, and will also get one of these rewards. provided your answers are correct. and reach TRUTH ofï¬ce in time one of these rewards. are correct. and reac Don’t delay. Road the great list of ‘ha Largest Li: 1 and 2,â€"Two Elegant Grand Square Rosewood Pianos, by (he celebrat- ed makers. Stevenson 8r. Co . . . . . . 81.100 00 3,â€"Une celebrated “Bell†Organ, the ï¬nest organ makers in Canada. .. 4,â€"One beautiful quadruple-plated Silver Tea Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,â€"One Gentleman‘s Genuine Elgin Stem Winding and Stem-setting. latest styl-. Solid Gold. Bunting Case Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.â€"Ono I‘dy's Solid Gold Hunting Casio Genuine Elgin W.tch, lalest It a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 to 1 .â€"Ten renowned Williams’ Sin- ger Sewing Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 to Ellâ€"Ten antlemen‘s beautiful Solid Coin Silver Huntingease Watches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to 31.â€"Five Ladies' beautiful Solid Coin Silver Huntingâ€"case Watches 32 to 51,-â€" Twonty Waterbury Watches 52 to “llâ€"Fifty-two volumes Univer snl qulopedie. An excellent work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 to 200.â€"N inet -seven Ladies’ Beaur tiful Solid oiled Gold Brooches latlest style patterns. splendid vs no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201m252.â€"Fitty-two Elegant Triple- plnted Butter Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . 25000 100 00 10000 9500 65000 26000 10500 10000 15600 19400 5200 The obove magniï¬cent list of awards will be given to the ï¬rst two hundred and flty-two per- sons who send correct. answers to each of the three Bible questions given above. Then [al- lows the big list of THE FINAL ONE. mil-Will??? the superfloï¬i Eréh in oublts or Iquue feet of the largest bedstead mentioned in the Bible? corporation of Niagara. Falls. tree tram Ill incumbruno’, clear title, gplendidly situated for fruit rais- mg. alopm gently towards the south, over ooxlng the town, and withn sound cf the great catnract‘ not. a. stump or an uneven foot of ground in it; land on opposite side of road held at 81.000 per acre .. 33.00000 2.â€"0no Beautiful Squu‘e Grand Rose- wood Pinno, by Stevenson & 00.. 550 00 3. â€"0ne Elegant Cabinet Organ, by the celebrated ï¬rm of Be 1 65 Co . . . . . . 250 00 Lâ€"One Beautiful Silver 133. Sexvice best made. quadruple plate six pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 hâ€"One Gentleman's Genuine Watch. Stem-winding and Stem. Setting. 1:. o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 Lâ€"Where is the ï¬rst reference in the Bible to the dy_ being lelded in£o_h9urs'l ,, 3, ,,,Lu, ,,, s.â€"wmt' evidence have we that in Bible times women were often employed in the manu- facture of bread and sweetmeats'i 6.â€"One Lady's Hunting-case Watch Stem-winding and Stem-Setting†95 09 7 to l2.â€"Bix beautiful heavy black carded Silk Dress Patterns . . . . . . . . 300 00 13 to 18.â€"Five celeb. ated Williams’ Bin- rSewing Machines . . . . . . . . . . 325 00 19 to 6.--â€"E‘ght Eolid Coin Silver Hunt- ing-case Watches i , . . . . . . . . . . . : 168 00 27 to SEQâ€"Four quadruple-plated Silver plated Teapots. latest designsi i . . 50 (1) 3i to 4Lâ€"ElevenSolid Coin Silver Huntâ€" ingâ€"case \Vutcnes i t . . i . . , , . . . . i . i . . 23100 42 to59.â€"Eightoen Solid chle Silver Watches imerioan Movement- 270 00 60mlll.â€"-F‘i{ty-two volumes Cham- bere' lit mological Dictionary.... 156 00 112 to 359.-~ wo hundred and forty- seven Ladies‘ Solid Rolled Gold Brooches, new and elegant de- sins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 49400 360 to "-One hundred mi forty-ï¬ve Silver~plated Butter Knives . . . . . . 14.5 00 These ï¬ve acres of land above described will be given to the person sending the middle cor- rec answer of the whole competition, from ï¬rst to laut. The live hundred and four costly articles. beginning with the piano. that follow No. l of the middle rewards will be given to the ï¬ve hundred and four oersons who send the next correct answers following the middle or centre reward that takes the farm. The land mentioned above could be divided into building lots and sold to a great adventa e. as there are no vacant houses in the town 0 Clifton or Ni- agara Falls, as itia now called, Then, that even the last may not feel that they are to be left out. TRUTH willgive a series of CONSOLATION RE WARDS l.â€"-Beginning with another of those tine pianos. by Stevensan 8t. 00., Closing Sentember 15th. 1. FIVE ACRES 0F BEAUTIFULL r BITUATED LAN D. adjgjnjpg _tha able 11128 of SMALL F. MIDDLE REWARDS. FIRST RE W AR D ’5. Ever ï¬ï¬‚ered Publisher mung must send one dollar for six months' subscri tion do from the rewards, t em- d that they have made the ' one dollar they ever did. ronto Inadmissable Most Valu- by Any they ever did. for the money. ing enm {or the B costly rewards, six months in x. which is the 1d will also get A nswers six months’ subacr wil be sent Wherever you you can compete z the closing day for wards. and as wel tion rewards. Son of laudâ€"why not now and see if you quosti ms It will oupormnity you t reward in additio Rood value for u 2;; pages of qhoice mark than September 15th. All com omng must send with their answers one do! or for six months’ subscription to TRUTH. which will wil be sent to any desired address. Wherever you live. outside Toronto, you can compete at any time between now and the closing day for eithsr the ï¬rst or middle re- wards. and as well as, of course. for the consola tion rewards. Someone will gel; those ï¬ve acres of landâ€"why not you? Look up your Bible now and see if you can ï¬nd the answers to thése questi >ns It will do you good, apart from me opportunity you have of obtaining a V3 uable reward in addition to TRUTH which alone is good value for the one dollar. It consists of 28 pages of choice and pure reading matter for the home circleâ€"some‘hing to interrst every member of the family The publisher could not afford to glve these valuable rewards unless he was cenain of your patronage in years to come. and you are almost certain to become life subrcribers to TRUTH if you take it for slx montha,it is suoha splendzdjweekly (not month- 1)) magazine. the hem member not affor‘ he was ‘ It twenty-ï¬ve pl each one or thetwe correct will get th tb( Watches 30 to 41.-â€"-Tw¢ last YO]: received by te‘egranh, or in any way b'xr. through the postoflice o: by express. One dollar only requirel. Try your skill. You erasure of and value for our money anyway. Addrea‘. S ‘mnk Wilson. BETTE Oflice, 33 and 35 Adelaide street. Toronto. Canada. is a perfect gem. equal to an Imported French Corset: ï¬ts like a glove to the ï¬gure; very styl- ish, elegant in appearance, nd approved of by the most fastidious. Manufactured only by WANTEDUQ Allan Line Royal Man Steamships. AFTER usnm 'éole Age‘iï¬'tSP f1. 5'. Sid 66:16.; from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at. Lon- douderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John's N. R. to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail during Winter becween Portland and Glasgow. and Boston and Glauow alternately: and during summer between Quebec and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow every week. For freight, passe. e, or other information & ply to .A. Schumoc er 8:00., Baltimore; S. unard &Co.. Halifax; Shea. Sc Co. St. John's. N. F. ; Wm. Thomson 8t. 00.. St. John. N. B. Allan «8' Co, Chicago ; Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto ; Allans, Rae k 00.. Quoyec; H. A. Allan. Portland. Boat/on, Mon- trea. . THE C I‘t The New Williams \l'tfl l‘h Coll Sailing 1d Hnli Watches to 71.---F( bury W211 o 209.-â€"-On‘ Elgin Watch -Lady’d Solid Watch . ‘ . . . . . ‘ One celebrate ing Machine ‘ll.---Five be Silk Dresses in previous competitions . . . l . . . . . . 1 Then follows anorher Bell Organ . . .. Another Silver Tea. Set. 6 pieces. best quadruple plate l v l . . . . . . , . . . Gentleman‘s Solld Gold Genuine Elgin \Vatch . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Lady’s Solid Gold Genuine Elg‘in same_ opport ards 1n the t ainity of one which have been received with so much satisfactian by ‘prize Winnera‘ 41.â€"â€"T6v'e1ve Ladies' Solid Coin su- ver Hunting cane Watches . . . . . . . r57.â€"-Sixteen Solid Nickle Silver m CB-‘DMPToN CORSET ()9. 1a YORK STREET. TORONTO- SPEC! 1!. CLUB OFFER. during winter from Portlnnd every Thursday. in every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer hcc every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Lon- to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John's Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. mars of the Glasgow lines sail during winter Portland and Glasgow. and Boston and Glaa :ow ly: and during summer between Quebec and Watches -01m hun Eighiéeu Sulid Coin Silver ls Thbusands 0! young men are echaJn ins thzakovzeï¬vï¬ay m, u“ WV... v. L...“ a...“ “mu DR. LAMARTINE’S MOUSTACHE GROWER. Positively the only reliable repara~ “on ever offered to the pu wile. A trial will convince the most skeptical. Beware 01' b0 3 imitation; Sent postpald. in la n wrapper, on receipt or Logd_on. 9m... min: B It to th Wonderful! Wonderful! :autiful heavy Black leir answers 0111 iption to TRUTH. to any desire« live. outside .t any time betwe either the ï¬rst 01 as, of course. for leone will get the you? Look up nity of zalnin one of :1 1111 u 1th (in a dltion to t of the pr.zea afaresald), ant in singly. Thisimim; anions jam and send $50. auty-flve whose answers an: mir chaise of I solid-r0113} and elegant design. worth 3% ; a. Uhumbgrs' Etymolo zicnl ‘ abmt sumo amount; a Cyclopmiia. or r. volume if Shakespeam‘s \Jomplete ‘n renowned Water "ampelnors for I“! ‘bau cc to win $100 00 in lomnetitious‘ 3 Prizes i. New Home or requirements rplatiug to the s: tuning the steam All Faber w ‘ withqut dic; mundane) anc atest num $550 88 250(0 Prizes. Gold 4 450 00 34000 240 00 each of 7000 the the full GUARANTEED PURE Price Law For Future Bolivar]. Copland 8câ€" McLaren, MONTREAL. SMOKED SAUSAGES. Sold by grocers t to W. CLARK. I WE AT SHALL PAR IS GREEN FACTQRY AND SALESROOM: 407 King Street West. Toronto. [Sï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ SCALES; ‘THE BEST, k THE STRONGEST, . THE MOST RELIABLE. GOHBOY’S CARRIAGE TOPS. Are the Latest.'Neateat, Lightest. Chesput. and most Stylish Tops in the market. For sale by all the loading Carriage Bullders. EBay no other until you see them 0. W. Dennis ‘ Idvmtages. ] substannisl an in the househc liven-ed to my And Quebec. The most convenient mask. for farmers in their buy anon. These meats are cooked and ready for use. 31d by grgcera thrpnzh th_q_I)9gJinion._ Send for prion RAILROAD, WAREHOUSE AND m TRUCKS fee]; in nccu auteed to gi GURNEYS 8c WARE. Sewing Machine of the Period. II. to Light and Easy to run Ellen! and Bapld In movemenl. Plnln and Slmple to learn TORONTozBARGAIN HOUSE. in \' Hue: sum“ Tonoflo, 0N1. High Arm Machine is now rccogn‘zad a! the It is strong. durable. and well built. or the v33 best material that money cu: buy or s ' produce. EjflEYS & WARE, THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. It was awarded ï¬ve medals and three ï¬rst prizes at the Dominion Exhibition last Octo- ber. It is rapidly superseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere, See it. try it, buy it, and make sure that you get it. THE WILLIAMS’ MFG 00. 1783 Non-e Dame Sh, Montreal. and 58 King Mills’ Alarm Money Drawers; SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIM- rldiwfereénviutify express ofliue in Charges paid $3. ENTS WANTED. Washer AND . BLEACHER. Hi MILTON. 0N1 0. Box material, conatruction and ï¬nish. pc- uud unequalled in durability. Gun!- nire satisfaction. ‘. DENNIS. Fruit Juice. ery household TEE nus: HAS mm: and if not found satisfsctory, money M the "Canada Presbyterian†any: iel “(ï¬ber and Bleacher which Mr. 5 to the public has many and valuable a time and laboragving myhine._i§ St.. West, Toronto. ALL I DRINK! ONTSERRAT Canadn FRA Can be carried in a small valise. .chine in boiler. Satisfaction Mon, Sï¬lrl by all druggiatl yrs H. SUGUEN EVANS“ JAS. H. PEARCE & 00.. :kly tab: Montreal get a sample copy of x,free,the best 28pm. 7 Magazine published. a big list of reward: for 1113 Bible Problems. 3. k WILSON, 33 t 35 de Street. West. Toronto. 5 very cheap. From m- ' to its excellence." De the Provinces of Ont-rio 00â€" Seud for circulars. 'l HE MODEL ITS SUPERIOR. he washing rth‘ have that ug can pro injure the as well u sfreshing Alcohol. Swazi“!