Fa-iï¬-muâ€"lmâ€"mmmm w $1 per annuz'n, in advance] 14": flux .in “ (3'51? llll‘l‘sl I'S l’l'llthlIl I) liVlllllY “THURS T'AY EVEEIING ,,.., THE LIBERAL PWNTIHG f». FURLISHING HOUSE AtIUHMHND 1111.1- _ ONTARIO. T. thinner, EDITOR anu EEOTRIETOR. millage gummy. (‘Eim‘r‘a "' “ '7‘ ‘ ‘ vâ€"q 'ceutil . .Mut‘ s El'lkinl t, l in urn, term I Err cwcplt fhn tlmd Sn 11in,» of every month, the: - :l.11tl<1l,1l’:tllio!if, are held at ll a..ln. Sund ‘ School at l..1Up.111 Rev‘ \V . Bates. ltcctm‘. Mirruonisr iï¬â€˜ï¬. ('11 unrir n1? (UN/ml rSurvicos -at ll)::m11.111., 11nd ‘1’l'l p.1i1 ,Ulill Similin school, vut 2.30 p 111 Honor.†‘.‘1 -1 «11 Meeting e\ 91} 'I'Liursrlau 111 ill“ J4» Hzro Room. Rots. J. Edict». .1n.l. , . .1411 bur; ‘ Piwsurrrv 1 .\ \' ((1 1'1 11~11i‘.\x.\nA,â€"Servn-cs my. ll o‘clock I» 11. mph n )1.":. Prayer meeting (in \VetlncnlLymmuupn“ .m. , Ron.“ (‘.\'l‘lll1l.l!' (‘l-'l :1 11., 7 Services 11: order aw follow l 'l'lmmlul . i . 111.. uiul Richmond Billet 1112210 «.111. tin: 11. .11; Sunday at Ilici’i~ mundHilluttlu111..:1n.< . .. (dork-lies. llicnimxh lifllv. 1: .\ l‘. ‘: \.M.. No.11, G.R.(‘ â€"Meets in thc 111111;. ‘m .1-1 Illsnmc Hullmi the Monday on 01' mini. [.11. mmm. at 3 o'clock pm A. J. Rupert. \V. .\1, A‘K‘IICYT (lum‘u or E‘n?rlzk'rliltirvnlll‘t Rich- mond. No. 71111; \ H. }‘ .111w-t~111i.l1e Temperance Hull every uizcimtiu l7. ulu 1; 1117.150 p. in-H. Wright. C. 1:. _ v VV‘T‘ RICHMOND HILL ll=.lll.l:. .\0 405.120 (1' V 'Meets in the Temperature h 11 ll' cvery \\ edncsday *v’eveninu. at 7.50 u'i-louk. \\i11.llurrison T. D. The Methinhst willinttli - cimochpipPrunce As sociation l~slll‘ ph‘il.‘c v.1.1-vlw-vei‘y bunday when desired. \\‘l.)_llzu‘l'l>!‘ll Supt Meanxics' LxeTiTrr11.7I.il>mry (1} over 1000 volumesopcu every 'l‘mwlav evening. in the. Me- 8 mic Hall, from 7 to h, u'i‘lw'n‘. 1i. LumLibmâ€" 3 rian. Lecture; and disvuwmns periodically. . - ..,. .» . _ for Ricmmxn Him. ((1R.\1T LAM). Meets 11 uctice every TllL’sz‘ly and Saturduyevening at 7.30 o‘clock. (3 hm -.\_4~,Lc;1dcr VILLM‘E (locumâ€"Rene. John Bravo Conn. A cillors, 1,105. Isaac Crosby, A. Moodie, R E, Law in: I H. E. III ppcl‘. ('lcili, M. leery. A. O. I'. W..Ivy 1.01:0. No. 141. Meets in the . , . . ,, C mitt-c IlJnm of the Masonic Eu ï¬ll nltc‘i‘uutive Friday :11 5 o'clock p.1n. Bme~ cury certime snren for “1.000 in cuse of death. J. A. E. Sw1t7,er,hl.u&t.w \\'urkmun. R. T. of Temperance. lh-rhuiuiul Hill Council, .No. 4;}, hiflul’m iu ' 1tipcrausc Hull,ee.ch alter- native Tuesday bx mm: m Mfclnrk p in. Bene- ï¬c inrv certiï¬cates issued il' mule or femle members for flow) )r in raw: nfdcuth #1000. one halt imvublc in who 11f disability. J. H. Sander- - son Select l‘ouuri‘lnw; J. A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Score mrv. ’ "SEEâ€"BE“ BUSINES autumn. REDEOVED. Dr. Geo. Lungslnfl Has removed from King, and comma!» ced practice at. Tliurnhill. Nov. 6th, ‘82â€"1f. Dr. Jeuizcs Lnngstall AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl. Members College Physicians & Surgeons, Ont, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Dr. (Di-r, Maple. Ofl‘ice hours: Ste 9 :20 u 111.. and to‘.‘.30 pir- Dr. w. JD. 3Vll;0u. Medalist Toronto l‘nixvisitv. Men ber .Co Physicinnsd.‘ Surcmm (llil..,llille (1f fs‘touï¬'mlle Yonge Strut, tir-lumnd Ilill. Oflice Hairs to 10 a. 1111., 13m 8 1). m. 3.1 mm. VIRJLJZEQ/ aâ€? 1151111 153' '. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, 1‘hunkiul for the fm'urs of the past 20 years, may still ho lmusultud 111 uny branch of the pm. forum as l‘llllllhb.‘ ‘A'Trom', 15b,’ltll, lt'th. und mind of oar-h munch Richmond Hill......5uhundzlth (in, latthc Pulmcrllnu, u] '50llffvillc......... .lth. 10, Markham .zuth 10, Victoria Square†L’let do. l‘huruhill . . . . . . . . ., “331 (1 do. \Voodln'idge 25111 do. Kleinhurq . L’ch do, N )hletun . Ruth 3 Vitulized Air ulwmx' my: huml ht anpniritmente. Works like ll rima Ill Free from 1mm. Alltll‘GPN A ROBINSON l..I).S..Auroia0nt. (i. “ii. ....’;.;.;n.i;1;.'a. s., . M. DENTIS‘T, NF. \\"l'0.\' BROOK. ‘ Win visit the following nhuws professionally :â€" Juinm'ille lxt Mnndur of each mouth 0‘: estun .. ‘Hh uull lleb " ' Maple . . . lnLli “ “ Richmond Hill ltuh ' “ \Vumlbridgo .. L‘Jnd Mr. Hushxuul \\ 111 be inuud in his ofï¬ce, New. ‘50“ liruokxvm'y Saturday. except when Sutur- “luv inllson the above tlthoe. +'S-'FI\' m Timmy. Money to Loan. Aimee amount of Money to Lend on farm (1? Hr lll'l)1)"l'[) interval 7 percent; no commie 10H. HOSE MAFDONALD, MEICI’LITT (it (.10. U‘nur Luci: buildin I Toronto .11h1ll at 10:30 min. . RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, 7 "mu # M. TEEFY', NOTARY PUBLIC 86:, AND Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL. Money to loan on farm security. iIALL, Fill.IAlé'l‘0N a; coon, "ARRISTERS, SULIClTORS, (QC. OFFICES: 18 KING STnsz EMT, TORONTO. W.M. HALL, J.S.FULLARTON. W.(:()OK. IJ'r‘PRivATE Funny: To 1.0m. '3; w ’ Quins. 'I‘Ine Palmer House, RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Having built the above Houue on the Gite of the old Stunt: Hotel, and furnished it thrnuuhuutiii theta-hiss style, I am prepared to gin- tho puhhc tho her-t of nccommodutmns Gnnd stahlmu rmd attentive hustlers. Suinple Rooms for Commercial ’l'rrwcllers. Terms, $1 per day. The llu‘hmnnd Hill Omnibus leaves (his hone-1 in ("llllll'l‘t u ith (Lil nussengcr trains on the hurt-119111 llu'lwm'. 3 ~' - dltlï¬fl‘lllllltflllï¬. Salem Eckm‘dt. Licensed Anrtmncur for the Counties of York Untm'mund l‘ccl. (mods sultl on consignment Gencrul slich uf stuck. etc, promptly attended to mt reasonable rules. 1’. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. J. “’ anhï¬s. Importer of Watches, clocks nnd ï¬ne jewellery u. stock of Diamonds and precious stones always on hand, THIRD [YOUR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. EMunumctnring of jewellery, and repulrinuof watches and clocks on the premisesdi specialty Thanking our patrons and friendsfor their lib< emluatronegr in the past we beg to state that we have just received 1). large stock ofnew goods in latest designs. A large stock of Elgin and Walthum watches kept on hand. S. ill. Brown. Licwsed Auctioneer for the County of York, re~ spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales uttendem on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer {or the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. snlcs attended on the shortest notice and at rensonube rates. 1’. 0. address, King. N . J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Suleï¬ attended on the shortest notice,s.nd at Tenâ€" uhe rates. Address Stoufl‘wlle P. 0 FRE DERICK “’HITLOCK, Richmond Hill. 0111 Iron, Rugs, Brass, Sic" bought {or cash' at: citv prices. Glimmer Sweeping attended to on shortest notice. Jun. 15th. 'elâ€"lv. W Dental 7 Dick of Canada. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-TEESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight, D. M. Mec- dounld, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Giuty. A. A. A I IN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Depomte received and Interestullowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and Hold. JAMES M. LAWRENCE, Manager. Hunyiu! PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &c. <lBUILDERS’l> â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" M EC H A N | C ’ S TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 2371-333. ,, . ..,,. ON A TOUR. Ho! for the Northern Lakes, to the region of cool breezes, blue waters and - mosquitoes; whore occuputinn can he fur- ,lgottcu for a time, and the mind can rest, and the body too, after getting dellClUllH- ly tired with heating or ï¬shing, without having the slumbers disturbed by sultry nightu. This was (1111‘ lmpc us we took :1 Northern train, with :1. MIN. of pity for those left behind, the respectably large class who could not, or Would not, give up the toil and heat for rust and a luke- Slde location. But of Course the towns are out now. it is fashionable to be out 11ftnw11 at this) season, and “ encictv " goes out. accordingly, except those who “pull down the bhuds," stay away from church, and instruct the lonely door-nmid to say “not at home,“ to all callers. Thcle are .‘l. few nulliom who stay at home and curry on the business of this bustling, throbbing world, but they 211‘».- not snclety. Society goes to Europe, and does not get lu-ynml Maine or Nova Sm- at Chicago; or hide gmul-hyc to friends for u fcw :luicl: weeks in Muskukn, or hy Lake Superior, and gels a.lltl1erpumtth1-_y wzunt at Harrie, or Unlluumirul. llut the-u we‘rc one of encicly emcc we take a vacation, and we must not expose ulll‘ scl. Sn we started out from Toronto by N, R. R. Burt Express for thc upper lilkl'S. Tho boat express connvcts with tlu- limits at C<Illi|1givi111(l,of course. Any mimmm- us \\’ullld know that. After a dusty, t1re- some rideof a. few hours, we uriive Mt Uollingwuod. Our trunks are Cl-ICL‘lil'll for the wharf. and soon wc’ll be on the. blue waters of the licorguu lay, and tlien~gnod~bye to (lust and heat. But, alas, there is nothing certain in this sub- lunary sphere. There was only the “ Northern Belle †lying idly at the daCls. She runs to Parry Sound, but we were in search of something better than l'urry Sound, Evidently “ somebody or sonic- thing blundercd.†\Ve will riot stop at present. to discuss the question as to whether it was the train or the boat, or somebody else. Its too hot Weather to be hunting for causes. Facts are usually more important thzm causes. Leave the cause-hunting tothc metaphysicizuus. The fact was we were left; “ Somebody blundered.†The consequences were not particularly disastrous, but they Were the- appointing. However, there is uuuther boat in four days. Anybody Cam live through four days while waiting for :1. boat or train, at least we believe so. Three days are gone and Wt; are hearty yet. Somebody has said:â€"" People like to be deceived,†perhaps they do. Hure we have done Culliugwood, seen the Orange- men and Salvation Army, which we never expected to. Its 50 pleasant. But when things go awry, become philisnpliicml,zmd make the most of it.. " Grin and bear ., ,, . ‘1’ Is the cnmmon advice in such circumâ€" stances. We don’t know about the neces- sity of “grinning,†but we can speak from experience as to “ hearing " it, with us good a. grace as possible. But the time must be put in, so we 10- cate at. the Globe Hotel. In our deter- mination to do the town, we get 1). direct- ory, and find that, thirty-four ye'trs ago Collingwood was no better than A uildcr- nees, we are also informal that it has six ch11rcl1cs,:u1(l11ine hotels. More hotels than churches is the rule, but the numb- era are sometimes reversed in inland towns. Richmond Hill for instance. Bc~ inc, quite an important port and railway town, Collingwood has more hotels in proportion to ill: populution than inland towns. Its churches a1e11owl1e1e in ap- pearance with the churches of your town. There is Considerable stir hero. Two ruil~ way lines connect with Toronto and Hum- ilton, two lines of bulls make this their starting point; The Georgian Bay Trans- portation 00’: boats culling :it all the buy ports, and the Cullmgwuod a: Luke Su- perior Linc, running direct to Port Arthur and Duluth. Collingwood has been a. rival town to Owen Sound, which it now exceeds in population by about live hundred, the in- habitants of the former numbcriug live thousand. Oiveu Sound has been at a disadvantage with its one horse railway till lately, and no line of boats Working in its interest. ly to eclipse Colhugwoud, as it lute m-zuly equal railrde facilities. eiucu the T , Cr. lb B. passed into the hands of the C. 1’. IL, which has :1 him of boats unmupusscd on our iuluud soils. which r1.n (lll‘L'L'l'r to Port Arthur uml connect with the U. l’,lt. There is :ilgn ll. lino of boats from thcrc which call at all the buy ports. It has :1 good harbor, much better than that at Collingwrwd. This town has not ï¬lled ils fnundci‘e' fond hopes. \l’hcn the N. 1:. Wm unilcr construction. it wuscxpuctctl that Unlill‘g wood would be :1 ChicnguAu mushroom town in its Nlltlilt'll urowlh,umi it haul its loom. the Northern Stiilw “:15locuu1cl:yu’:1tc1‘ from Chicago. it u :15 lo he 11. bllwl lulu-21p HCCUllll rm1te,ululsn llic hnmu rnzctl. Illil billllU’ how the lnulc (lid imt cunu- Too much tl'illlSSllll’lldtlg \\ as ugumu‘. it. There wcro tin, or starts for California, and rusticntce‘ the bottle was used by an old gentleman .for Asthma, with the bent results. It acts like a charm. â€"â€"â€"â€"o. Now, however, it is like-‘ ;\ll the grain tunic of' “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libcrly; in all l/zz’zqgs, C/MII’IT‘M" JULY 17, 1884. quicker routm by mil, if they were more expensive. “ Time 13 money †too, more emphatically in three days of business hurry than ever befort‘; or there were cheaper routes by water, and so Culling- Wm)!th boom collnpsed like a. punctured balloon, and it luul to exp5rience a sober, plodding growth like other towns. Men lusthcawlyuf course. We would have called them enterprising men if they had succeeded; we have, only pity or contempt for those who fail; they should have known better, Certainly they should if they Could. int as they could not know the- future, thcy lost, l1ke the majority of mm] who mukc the1r throw in a specu- lation. , (To ulz CONTINUED). 5 â€"â€"~Qeov~ ~ â€"â€" Mrs. D. Morrison, Farnham Centre, P, 1).. writing about Dr. 'l‘homas’ Eclec- lric Oil. says: lleorge Bell used it on his son, and it curcd him of rheumatism with only :1. fcw implications. The balance of The Bribery Commission. Tlmltnynl (inmmisqiun met on Monday, 14m imam, Usgoovlv Hall. Toronto. All thc C:11i1111i>~inuersâ€"VicevChancellm‘ Pl'oud- . foot. Judge Mulder and Judge Scottâ€"were pll.‘~‘l‘lll. The Crown was represented by Mr H. ll. llluko and by Mr. Wm. Johnstone. Mr. (Iisu'vll appeared for Kirkland, the A1nr-ricn11. Mr. .\lPel{ was the only one of thv accusml in Hunt, Uni. Ulzu'kc, Speakcr of the Ontario Lccisâ€" lnln‘u Anaemth was the first witnesg called. lu it'sblllf‘ll to having received 31,000 from Mr. McKimjand $600 from Mr. Balfour, also Cl'l'lulll papers found on the persons of “'i1- k11150na11d Kirkland. I Here Mr. llcctnr Cameron Q. C. entered, and ruined certain legal objection»; against the proceedings. The objections were not al- lowed. ’I‘hen Mr. \V. R. Meredith rose and expissed 1|. wish to cross-examine the wit- 1103585. This request was refused on the ground thut .\lr. Meredith did not represent lily of tch necused. liobcrt Mchini, M. RP. for South Welling- ton, was then culled. His» evidence was sub- biuiltlully the some as he gave at the investi- gmion Luigi-u the Police Magistrate in Toron- 111 lusL Spring. He detailed succinctly the l uppruuches and overtures made to him by Wilkinson, and described the pert played by Muck. He related his interview with Bunt- lug, ticuerul Manager of the Mail newspaper, who seemed to him the prime mover in the cunnpirul’y. He was led to believe that 11..1Llu-r .\11~. Meredith nor Mr. Morris would be greatly astonished when they heard what was going on. He denied that he signed my 8!;1ec-mt-iit. From the very ï¬rst, he kept the (luv ll‘nluunl fully informed of the doings of the coruepimturs. In short, the Government wus to be dcfcuted, and that defeat was to be brought about by bribing members, supposed to bu shaky, with gifts of monev or of ofï¬ce. 19mm Bunting and Wilkinson he learned thut they had 11. mum on the track of every lilbt‘l‘ill they deemed likely to yield to their temptations. Mr. Awroy, M. P. P. for South Weulworth was tlu- next witness; he had not tesliï¬ed at any former invaligution. He related sever- ul convu-sntimm that took place between himscll' and Kirkland; the latter talked much about the Govcinment'i timber policy, 11ml \Vlllless learned from Mr. Purdee that Kirklund'e proposals meant the overthrow of the Mum-.t Ministry. Kirkland wanted to but him it large sum of money that he dared Lml, Vote ugumst his party. Witness sup- poem] that he wus joking, but warned him thut if he wus really in earnest, he would prulmhly land in the penitentiary. Witness furthc-r eluch that Kirkland had at least one Interview uith Bunting. and that he (Kirk- lzuul) tsld him that. ulthough Meredith took 1111 pnrt perwnully in the negotiations then pcmliug, .slill there was a man who repre- wutvd him. Witness further deposed that b1.-wzwmcl111edtu treat the matter in the I1gh1. olu jceL until subsequent revelatieusl couviuccu him that the plot was a solid re- 11l1Lv. l’ullco Magistrate Denison, of Toronto, thou tcslilicd that he had issued the war- i‘uut on which the conspirators were arrest ml All the witnesses were subjected to cross‘ examinuliuii, but their evidence remained uushukeu. Tucson‘s I’uocunmuee. lllr. Ilizlfoul', M. P. P. for South Essex, was 111x! cullcd. As before, he stated that Wil- ltllanll gave him $800; Meek and BIN-Ilng \11-1‘c. p1111cipulu in the transactions; for all lw pm or was to get, be was to turn traitor L11 the Government. Mr (111111111111, M. 1’. P. for East Lampton, Wm: 11c:.tculled. He told of the oï¬ere Kirk- luml mimic lo induce him to vote against Muwut. His only unswer was 2 ' Kirkland, you can‘t. carry money enough to buy me ; 1 1111111 (‘uuxuliuu representative and not a ]rlll'(:ll:‘.>1ll1luVullllllUllliy.y Mr hlcliini was recalled. He swore that tllt' phuiuurnph of Mr Stimson was the picture of the mun who panned himself off for Lynch, who, 111 i-unipmiy with John Shields, drew the. inmlcy fluid the Fade-ml Bunk. Mr ’l‘lmmua Holdie, of Guelph, then gave cvidcucc. Ho stated that Wilkinson had it kl'Ll him lo try to win over Mr Laidlnw, M l’ l‘, to thr l.i.un.\crvative side. He saw: liunlm;y 1.1 whom he expressed disapproval: of tin- \\hnu meme-es, especially as he did nut. Ilka \'v'1lk111.-un‘s rumination. Bunting ugll'f‘tl with him thut it was nonsense to at- tcmpt to corrupt a man like Lmdlew. The the till! Torom liichm the an perior entire less th ~ our vil. 1 out f0» to ins1 bTOU'glI‘ Richm off We] 1t rem it was ' time ‘ shorte from 1 when EICI To u u (A To E u H I) To ll? Ame r . Com um 'bua Ho 3'1: l » FICA»-