Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1884, p. 5

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'l'ullON'l‘O. City Hal” Union Station Brnvk Shh-.0! Queen‘s Wharf l‘m‘kdnlu . . . . Davenport. Weston .. Thurnhill . lucnmmn Hum King: . Ann-r ‘ ‘. V . Ncwumrket , V . xv mu‘ket l’tu'kdtflu .. TORONTO Allrum King ., )Lxmnumn HH T‘Im'uhill .. §anxjagxlgiux‘b Eviresi. IC‘ Mail, Smut.) N. B.â€"I’.euismrod Lew- ut least Fifteen Minut“ mentioned hours for cl (‘rvnnecfi with all m House. lennoul Flih ‘ ' Ntn'bh Uutil further 11 Richmond Hill P PRUCTURS STAGE LINE. EVENING tâ€"Gnin abo Rxdmoxn HILL, Thursd w. July 1 Lnskny. Weston, nnu] Purpheville corrc pwdence wil appear next. week. A Crickvt match win I); played rm thu‘ day. July 19th, in M41110. lwtweeu the Rich- mond Hill and Maple clubs. The return cricket mun-h and Buttonville was vim-mi ( of the former, on thll‘llav. home team won by Wu run; FOR choice frarrrant h i[she Concrete House. Fire Brigade Meetmg. Regular fire practice and gem-I111 snmi- monthly business meeting to-mm‘row even ing. 18th inst. Full attendance requested FOR extra value in Granulated and Yellow refined Sugars, go to the Concrete House. A meeting of the Rir‘hnmnd Hm Fund of Education will be mm in the Lorne Hall. on Mondnv next 21%. inst at 2 p. 111.. instead of July 23rd. as previondy announr‘er]. Next Saturday. A game of Lacrosse will take vlnca on the Fair Ground rm S-fnrday nuxt, hntwnen the Putt-arson and Markham clubs. Ball to be (need at 3 p. m. Admission 15 cents. IF you want the best value in Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Raisins, Cur- rants, Soap, &c., go to the Concrete House. Bribery Commissmn. In another cohxmn will I»! found a sump- sin nf the briban investigation now going on in Toronto. We purpose giving an account of it from week to week, during its continu- ance. Tnpadnv, Mn- 8 Hmflv-Gmm alength of ti) a 1m” bmvs ha The safe in Hw blown open on Tm contents tnkpn. about $4000 had 1» day. About $100 was carried away. mom? Hi”. 51:: it he old as wnll n Beautitul raw Sugars, best value in town; also gem jars, all sizes at The Cheap Cash House. to be hoped-that 1 not have the salt election. The wri been issue having hrâ€"w ing and di- gm‘en‘h \Vlmrf 'l‘mmk Street . Unmn Stxwiun. (My Hull. . .. IF you want Blove that base mnmod POST OFFICE NOTICE A ppdfism-i me on . oncrete About one hm v Mr Starr, in rzL Address and School Board Meeting. Return Cncket Match ,h :1 f4 GO n-rlv. timn GO! Safe Blown Open Muskok Cricket Match m [Hm Aurora Post Office wan nTuesdny nightlast, and the PH. Fortunately the money, had bwu removed the previmw 810()worth of postage stamps want HM 8.4K! Musical ME TABLE ékvrmi. l'uskokn eYection have in] of JuYy. the sent vncnnt hv the unwant- of Mr. Fnuquier. It '5 pry and corruption will place as at the last. of thé mm'ke the I‘I 17TH TH Hi1] lection 2 7 Th Mm‘kl 3 best I been ofic 1' Nmu betwpen Maple m the grounds July 5th. The ah the t( ommnnlv a sensat 1 West aseusatiou for mare than the music in Rich- be enjoyed by tation friend handed the ab‘ 11 1ds of the in the loc- Harvest to‘ the W“) on called Stm‘r the .lress Clerk's Notice. Mr. J. M. Lawrence, (‘lelk of the Munici- pality of Vaughan, gives notice in another cnlumn Ilmt the Voters' Lists for that. muni- cipnlity have [men transmitted to the persons nmued in the Act, nml electors are called up- on tn oxnmine tho snid list. and if any errors are detached. have the same corrected ac- Accident. AR film Rev Mr Dick. and Mrs Dick, Were :hu‘ling from home for a drive on ‘Tuesday last, Hm l'nrse tnrnml too quickly on going nfi HIP bridge, mill upset. the buggy, throw- in: the aged r‘nuple on the hard road. Both n-cnveil slight injuries, but their many (ii lids will be glml to know it. was not mowe 1‘ ARMERSâ€" are the 501! the Celehr: Fork 5 Domir mzu July Baud the pr from G0 to the Concrete» House for Prmts, Muslins, \Vhite and Grey Cottons, Black and Colored Cash- meres. and Dress Goods of all kinds 2. 30 p. 111. Rev. Mr. Fisbbnrue of Millers- burg, I‘. Avfwlm served the congregation as PasLur. fur more than 25 years) will be pres- ent, and preach Saturday and Sabbath. ’l‘lmre will also be u Luther Memorial Ser- vice on Sabbath afternoon at 3 o’clm k, when Rev. Mr. Fishbnrne will deliver an address on “Luther and his work." All are invited. hot great many t( were tried. the this vicinity b mond Hill C Pom-ll. expelling fusing to unless K11 figure. the bass 1 in Richmond Hill, and as usual brought a grant innny to the village. Several canes Wth tried. the one causing most interest in this Vlcllllly lwiug that between $116 Rich- mond Hill Unrva Bund and Mr. Frank l’mwll. The difficulty arose by the Band expelling Powell from their number, for re- fusing to play with them on the 24th of May unless they would guarantee him it certain figure. The band requested him to return the bass horn, which he had been playing, valued at 860. but which he refused to do. claiming as a. defence that helh'id not been legally expelled by a quorum at the Blind. The case being mm of repleviu, and the bail- iff having returned the writ. wilhnut having been able to seize any portion of the goods, the judge declared that. although the plain- tifls were equitably entitled to damages. still on account of legal technicalities, requiring different procedure in such cases, he enlarg- ed the case to enable plainlifis to reclily their proceedings. Unplensant as it is to refer to the improp- er conduct of our citizens at any time. we do not think it would be doing justice to our village to pass unnoticed the misconduct of Home of them for the last two or three Satur- day evenings. It is always painful to wit- ness the rowdy element, even when it in strangers who are implicated. but when such scenes as those to which we hint, are indulg- ed in. by those from our midst and by per- sons from whom we might expect better con. duct, it becomes shockingly painful. We wish to avoid being personal, but could mention instances whereolamorons and ob- scene langunge has been used, women have been annoyed, and young girls interfered with; added to this, some cowardly person, on Suturian night last,who shielded himself by the eovvr of darkness, wrote in several conspicuous places, language which. was de- Lzmding and blasphemous. and which he would not (lure to write in open day-light. We trust a. kindly word will not» be amiss by those who have so far iorgotten themselves, and hope another Saturday night will not witness a, repetition all such a state of affairs. Promohon Examinations. The promotions from Senior I to Junior II cannot. be ascertained until after the holi- days. E. A. SPRAGG. Jumon u ToSEmon 11. SENIOR um no equ Minni Mary . The Indius of t cbmmul HI”. pm (1 Ice Cream fest ly 19th, on tln lud has promiseu e proceedings wi No. of Marks obtainable â€"â€"200. Minnie ReddiLt,. .172. Phwbe Soules . .169 Emma Sivers. . . .167. Jon. Blanchard..165 Rublie Maudie. . .160. Gertie Davis. . . . 152 Juo MoKr.nzie...1-19. Jos. Keefler . . . . 146 Bella. MuUmmghyl‘ZG. M. Brilliugel‘. ...123 L,)uie Hurzisou . .109. Maud Bailey. . . . 104 Nellie Dutson. . . . 99. M. WILEY, Teacher. Juxxou in 10.8mm». 111. N0. onumww, 418 Jennie Gnod. . . .314. Reuben Glass. . . .309 Aggie Reid. . ...295. Maggie Moodiu.. .295 Millie 'l'i'euch,....'372. L. Keuuersley. . .269 Jus. Wright,.. . ‘2“8. 'L‘illie Trench. . . .259 Flora Puweil. . 1230. Alfred Wiley .. . .223 Sucoxz \Vil One trial terminator Flora PowelL Willie Puwell Delin I Currie Willie MAL in the Vauah Court Day. On Saturday, inst Division Court was held 1i|chmuudilill,nnd as usual brought 3 eat many to the village. Several cases The F1 Raspberries and Ice Cream. ludius of the Px'eshytprian Church, mu] HI”, purpose uiVing a Rnspbtrry c Cream fextianon Saturday evening, .Uth, on the church grounds. The nus promised to be present. to enliven oceedings with some 0:) their choice AdmL ion 15 cents. Tea. served Holy Cummuuiuu will be administer- le Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ;lmu. next Sabbath, July 20th, at 10 I‘repamlm-y services on Saturday. at 111. Rev. Mr. Fisbbnme of Millers- '. vawb'.) served the congregation as fur more than 25 years) will be pres- ul preach Saturday and Sabbath. :eedings Admissf o 9 D. m onbri a Lewis Wilson Dutson ulmer ‘91]! iurL Holy (Vommuion The Cheap Cash House agents in the Hill for ted Light Heart Barley ,radle,be<t made in the eSneath & Grennan. will $1011 111 NOUCC. of the Lnskny Grit-sting Mill Mmpnhlic that us he in- ;nnd repnihlnq his mill, so mulnss slmpn, he will be LalHWH on Augmtr let. for Rowdyism. Muthex NIOR “guns autumn .303. Mamie Lemon .248. Lizzie Palmer 33.9. Eiizu. Mahone .2”7. Wilber Skeele M. Rummu‘onn, Tea 295 ‘rm medxcme 149 126‘ 1119‘ 9'). )HVlllC 1 l'epnifing his mill, so 155 slmpn. he will be vn on Augnw let. for urtios requiring Grist- mnrthis in mind and ~fore tlm above date. Mums c Sm Sadié M Lu‘y Sterhu BuIMBLEAOet 1h >111 241 Bf 29-1 VOTERS’ LIST. ELEEE ’3 N0 T1683" TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN ! OTK‘E is hereby given that I have trims- un‘tteq. or delivered, to the persons mentbned in the Third and Fourth Sections 0""Tbfl Votura‘ Lint. ACE." the copies required bv said Section to he transmittedlor '10. livered. of the List mmle, pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by the last revised As- sessment. Roll of the sand Municipality, to be an- titled to Vol.3 in the said anoipn‘libv nt Elect- ions to» Members of the lmzislunve Asnemhly and at Municipal Elections ; and that. mill List WM firs» posted up at mv office. at the Vilmiie of Richmond Hill. on the Seventh day of July. In“. and remains their? for inspection. A r. mtgfis’ L151”. 1884. Electors are called upon to examine the mid List. and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the mid en'an correctml according to law. Dated the 9th dnv of July. 18:44. JAMES M. L AWE ENCE. Clerk of the said Municipality PROPERTY FOR SALE! Mr. O. Duncumbe is now in Richmond Hill. and will remain fur 0. short time, as he wishes to dispose of the reuuinder of the Comprising Village Lots.Farms, kc‘ For panic ulara apply pmsonnllv or b letter to V .B. NICOL. DUNCUMBE ESTA TE ! Bargains in Dress Goods. I _ _ See our A11Wool' Nun‘s-0104 Bargams 1n Sflks. Seeour Check Summer Silks, 400133, Bargains in Sheetings. See our Double ‘Nidth Twilkgdg Bargains in Lace Curtains. _ I ' I See our Lace Curtains at( Bargams 1n Shlrtmgs. See our Shirtings, fast colors, at 8 Bargains Factory 80 White Cottons. ' See our Yard VS Bargains in Millinery‘ See our Shade Hatsrat 12§cts~. Bargains in Moms 86 Hosigryl m 1 -uâ€" at... We are now showing a Large and Complete Stock of Silks._Satim-s, Dress Goods, Cashmenes, Hosiery, Gloves, Racegh Fancy GaodsL Print Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, \Vhite Cottons, Sheetings, TablevDar. 1na,sks,lL;1ce Curtains, Towels, Napkins, QL111-ks,‘Coun.â€". terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster; Cloths, 8:0. 810. 3.1m B’tdvcrtifirmruts. 184- Yonge Street, 3rd: Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES '1‘ HAN 1+; YER BEFORE OFFERE And. Invite Inspection of Our N BW‘ MUNICIPALITY OF THE OF FIRST POSTING 0F POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Torontg, Seé our 813ng Lace Mitts 15 inches long, 250% All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Terms Cash, Only» One Brigg J. M. HAMILTON, SA M P L E S BY ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOU$E.. Tomma soy, 'Torontc NEW SPRNG GOODS Struyed from the pasture field, m Ric‘mno Hill, on Tuesday morning, 11 red and white 11: u] cow. of moderate size. Any person knowing her whereabouts will kindly leave word with MRS. A. LAW Parties will t will not be resr by my wile. Richmond Hill Hugh MELLER &00., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, 167, King St. East, Toronto, MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER‘ YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. &t. 1’8 ~12 â€"i Special mt ations o! Fumi Eight Building last, only ‘ lllr er of the lots : A151 Richmond Street by this hitlmrtn incur ly cured in from one t matter whether many years. Descriptive En ceipt of stamp. A. Street west. Toronto ‘ BMLING LETS 1“( )IR SAIJIC (‘A'I‘ m-w 1 r'I-ESTABLESHLED ASTRAY ! NOTICE ! See our Shirtings, fast corms; azt Bots» July mks ke notice that after this date. I usiblo for any debts contracted MAIL ON. REQU EST. See our All Wool“ Nun'sClo'ch, 12130173; .ly 10th incuran e DR. LANGS’TAFF wts for Sale on Centre Street 11,15 per cent. down for pick Two New Houses. 5rooms, on See our Lace Curtains at 6Qc’a3, pair; ven to the proper prepur‘ eterinm’y receipts. 1211M: HENRY BURKI’I‘T‘ us Or sent free on ré- &SON. 305 King rentment where ass is permanent. appliéntio, â€"lfll‘2 See our Yard Wide Factory, at 5cts 4in tHDOl‘lll mulev ing u! H. B. DEWSBUBY‘ HARNESS EMPOBIUN YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILI Trunks, Satchels, Whip Ready Made. Harness, &"p_.. always on hand. All Harness guaranteed : represented; Light Hame: a specialty. Repairs attend ed to on the shortest notice H. B.. Dewsbury RICHMOND HILL. FIRST-CLASS Sheeting; ZOQtS.

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