Ah} the risk of being dubbed croakegs and alarmists, we feel it in- cvmbeut topoth out that the fell scourge which, in France. is now lashing its victims into, premature giaves, may probany \travel to our own shores. Thousands ofCanadi- azgs and Amerians are at presenq in_ '\\' l Ontario dgcided Ont r10 she ms wielded by Quebec members in the councils of the country. The grow- ing suspicion that Ontario's rights are being systematically sacriï¬ced at the. bidding of our neighbors east of the Ottawa 15 fast settling in- to angry conviction, which the is- sue of this struggle, whatever it ma) be, will certainly not tend to remove. Grip’s galling cartoon ot the “ Plug that never kicks " is still fresh in the memories of all. The immediate inspiration of that tantalizing satire was the difference of treatment meted out to Ontario and Quebec in the matter of the McCarthy Act. Assuredly the present dispute will only serve as fresh material to justi-' 1;) the nimble caricaturist, should heagain see ï¬t to hold us,;up to‘ scorn and ridicule. ‘ “Twat [ We havejust learned. on‘ going to pregs, that the; _secon}:1 question.â€" tun thing better than ï¬ippant disparage- ment. It is also true that the swag- gering boastfulness oi the Erench Conservative press. and the hector ing, positively} indecent language of one 0t his colleagues .11; ofï¬ce, laid him open to the Charge. of pander- ing to his Bleu. supporters at the expense ofhis native province. \‘Ve have no desirey l'iOWVer, to hold him responsible ior all the buffoon- cry of his party. But no surprise need be felt if the people of Ontario entertain deep and bitter resent- ment at a trial which they will persist would never have taken place, had it not been tor the undue influence on one occasion he allowed his tungu: an‘mtemperate freedom in speaking of the arbitrators. They 23,11, and especially the slate Chief Justice Harrison; deserved someâ€" thing better than fliDnant dixrm map. he puerile to deny1 felt from the very ï¬rst that Ontario was morally and legally correct in her conten- tion. Detraction of public men is frequently singularly unjust among Canadians. A habit, all too com- nion,prevails of attributing to c0r~ ruption what should be set down to mistakes of'judgmeni. In regard to Attorney General Mowat, neither affectation nor party bias is neces- sal'y to hold him incapable of wish- mg or attempting to inflict a great wrong on a sister province in order to maintain himself in power. What is the true boundary betWeen ntario and Manitobaâ€"has been zcidedr in favor of the former. nt rio will thus get all, for .which (3‘ as sQ‘long contended, and the »pes' expressed in the above article 11 be realizedâ€"ED. 1 remamed, pu: party rancor ableness have political. Un ,taming our 1 journais auc' glamorously d {.3} Ontario tho ‘them, While ( land Conserva Lequally loud it ponents with t up Confederat: say that both from the truth Ier any 1( determin .ry betwe‘ )onents w1tn the desxgn of breaking 1p Confederation. It is needless to ay that both allegatlons were far mm the truth. Mr. Mowat, whose laims to be a sound and even great onstitutional lawyer it would now re puerile to deny1 felt from the ery ï¬rst that Ontario was morallv obstacle, not one complaint should be raised. If we are to be attacked by that destructive monster, Asiatlc Cholera, which Heaven forfend, let us meet it. armed with the most p0- tent of weaponsâ€"perfect cleanli- ness in our dwelhngs and premises. “(9311: iiime .(u ut shc 11 Show The dis rrltory spccti \r 15mm» HILL. Thurs THE BOUNDARY A WA RD an lswcred In And that th 111d have I spute was, and should have l, purely one of law, but ncor and party unreason- liave made of it one purely Under the plea of main- )ur rights intact, Liberal and Liberal politicians sly denounced as traitors othose who differed from hile Conservative journals servative politicians were )ud in charging their op- vitli the design of breakin;r rit CH ()L ERA irlian I the questions pr0p< to the Privy Counc at is the trué boundaâ€" '10 N0 provinces. It ble that we mav ulti- nent. Theï¬rst 0fth1s :Iaims has, therefore, ed. It by no means his that we shall suf- )I‘ the next point is to at is the true boundaâ€" 31 Mowat, neither arty bias is neces- incapableof wish- ;toinflict a great ' province in order \Vas thk if llly the nd Man bindingâ€" negativ ard was July 11 Council of award of Manitoba now ap~ me alone l mam Libera .itician: traitors me amers moned. Mr. Blake then announced that he would ask for an adjournmout. of the Commission, to enable him to subpoena rertain witnesses. Request granted, Commission to meet again. on Sept. lat. Mr. Caawell then tiiéd half of Mr. Kirkland, ' l IL C. Lyon, M. P. P. for Algoma, Was next examined. He told of the attempts niade on himself, and gave an amusing account of a dispute between Wilkinson and Meek as in which of the latter shnuld bear the greater credit for defeating Mowâ€" at. W. claimed he possessed most in- fluence with the members; Meek contendâ€" ed that he had spent must money, and that too of his own private funds. kasr's PROCEEDINGS. Mr. T. Marks, Mayor of Port Arthur, being sWurn, admitted that he had writ- ten 3. letter to Wilkinson, advising him to be cautious in approaching members. ’ An annnvmous letter to Vice-Chancel- lor Proudfuot was here rend, suggesting that Dr. Jas. llchahon’ Dundas, M. 1’. J A‘ Wilkinson, Toronbo EdmonMqu. W. T Mr. Juhn Hague, book-keeper for Hon. D‘ L. Macpherson, swore that the follow- ingletter, addressed to Wilkinson, was in the hand-writing of Hon. D. L. Macphetson:â€" “ Privateâ€"A. M. Ottawa, Feb.,1884, DEAR Sm,â€"I have made up my mind to reâ€" golumouc} Your apyuzutmem us Registrar at Henry Merrick, M. P. R Lezmux, Hon. John Carling, General, Hon. J. H. Pope, Agriculture, Were sworn, but say, could remember nothing. Mr. Ferris, MJ’ .1). for East North- umbetlanar, swore that certain Conserva. tive agentshad made cautious and in- direct approaches to him. ML'Meek here expressed astonishment at a patriotism which to him was quite incomprehensible. THURSDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. John F. Dowling. M. P. P. tor South Renfrew, swore that Wilkinson, Meek and Bunting had made 111m offers of money and of other emolument if he would turn oraicor to the Government. Witness could not be shaken in his evi- dence. W. C. Caldwell, M. P. P. 101' North Lanark, swore that Kirkland consulted him about a change in (he Govermnent’a Timber Policy. He told K. that such a. change as he proposed would beneï¬t the lumbermen, but would m ruinous to the country. He would not vote for it. a speech. He (Gibson) replied that, in this coun‘ry, it meant min. A promin- ent member of the Opposition, whose name he objected to give, had sounded him on the Coalition qnemion. He told what he knew of Buntiug’s attempt to corrupt Dr. Cascadden. Col. Gibson, M. P. P. for Hamiiton, then testiï¬ed. Bunting’s aetivity in the lobbies of the House was numrious. Kirkland had consulted him as to the ef- fect of a. member taking a. fee for making A n‘mber of Conservative members of the Local Legislature was then examnied. but their memories proVed so detective that little deï¬nite could begot from tnem. Still, the little they did say went to show that a. ‘Cualltion’ had been a favorite subject of conversation in the Conserva- tlve ranks. WEDNESDAY‘S PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Dwight, General Manager of the Great North-Western Telegraph Com- pany, being sworn, said that all the tele- grams. asked for by the Commission, had been destroyed, he thought, in the early part oi April last. anera, wmch Heaven Ioriend, Je' us meet it, armed with the most p0 tent of weaponsâ€"perfect cleanli ness in our dwellings and premises. for~North Wentwm‘tl'l, shoï¬idybe Aug] our power. We owe 1t t‘ we owe It to each other, whole duty in this m must not be deterred by ness of any kind, by any fending friends or neL the Board of Health th whole duty in this matter. We must not be deterred by squeamish- ness of any kind, by any fear of of- fending friends or neighbors. If the Board of Health think that a personal examination of every house in the village is necessary. not one obstacle, not one complaint should to act that a plague which to most of us is little more than a name may not become a frightful reality. “’9 have a Board of Health, and it is our bounden duty to give this Board all 'the moral and material aid in our/power. W'e owe it to ourselves. quarters. Th this continent and unceasincr The lesson to us is obvious. As a nation, we are, on the whole, toler- ably‘clean in our habits; but unfor- tunately, we are more than toler- ably careless. Now is the time so to act that a plague which to most are neglected. Th a‘lmosL unknown; ' 'With the stench of{ fuse. But the let prevails. In vain d a thousand warning rible blows fall unhe sunk in dirt and a evils. There». no ex and no calamity rou and unceasmg, and most a miracle if th not visit the Nex Cholera is the child liness .is its deadly 1 rise in those Easte the most common 5; The Bribery Commission. Leâ€"A. M. Ottawa, Feb., 1884. â€"I have made up my mind to reâ€" ‘ur upgmintmenb us Registrar at .W. T. Yours very trulv. D. L. Macphersou. )expc [stern cities n sanitary mea There, drains ‘; the streets USE 111 llâ€ng alone 1ts a rlencr; >age and re- nne principle ; Nature give her most ter- ad on people for North Postmaster- Miuiswr of . strange to gue orld. th. It taL >n people attendant It teaches 1e, toler- t unfor- ,n toler- time so to most should Clean- (es its when iSuï¬ OUT 1'66 GEWQS £11 fSUgars and Teas at 801mm Prices !’ SELLING-- E fTWEEDSg PRINTS ‘82! DRESS GOODS Call and see it. The second for the season. 25 per cent. less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes, Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Palmer’s Material, White Lead, Low in Price. IMMENSE ‘ STOCK 7 OF'.‘ FURNITURE G‘BOCERIESV, FLOUR AND FEED. PEOPLE’S STORE 5A. WRIGHT £5 SON, Glass Jars in pts., qts. and ; gals., as cheap as the cheapest. [FRUIT JARS IN FEMS, UUARTS Thanking our numerous Customers for past patronage, We will respectfully solicit a continuence of thasame, as we pur- pose carrying on our business as usual. Cutlins, Cas- kets. and all kinds of IFIT-N’EDRAL IVITRNISHIRVGS. A First-Class Hearse fur» nished at reasonable terms. FEE PRGF I READY M BGMPLETE STGBK fl? SUGARS, SPICES, TEAS, 860 NOE CONCRETE QYWES, SNMWMQ T6886 At greatly reduced prices to make room for Fall Importation, A large and splendid assortment of Groceries. sed Nail Highest Price pagidfor Butter and Eg 7E1) FOR 0013 Of Best Quality and Best Just arrived, another stock of RICHMUND UNDERTAKERS. EXTRA VALUE A; W RIG-HT 86 SON= MADE CLOTHING WM. ATKENSON. ALI ls, Cut Nails, H AND ALL Qualitv at Cheap ISAAC GRQSBY. THE P. G. SAVAG E. AN D‘ ES OF Wi LE V ELL LAM, UUD e Nails GALE. 5 WE: