Du W RREMBND HILL. Thur ‘MORNINC EVENI PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. at least. F mentiom TO Notice is hereby given that all the mem‘ bers of the brigade are requested to at tend a regular ï¬re practice, tomorrow (Fri- .glay) evening. ' As the Richmond Hill covered bus was re- tuning from the station on Friday evening, Qpe of the wheels came off while comlug dpwn Patterson hill. Mr. Proctor was thrown 03, but bv dexterouslv aligbting on his feet, and skilfully mauugiug his horses no injury zesulted. New Hearse. Mr. Thos. Folllott, of Sprmghill, has pur- chaseda ï¬rst-class hearse, got up in the l ‘t style, and is prepared to attend all on eat the shoxtest notice. He also keeps on hand a large and vaned stock of furni- ture, stoves, picture frames, and all kinds of house furnxshiugs. Fire in Alliston. Alliston has had an $80,000 ï¬re, burning a large foundry belonging to Messrs Knight dz Wilson. together with eight stores. A meet- ing has since been held by the ratepayers, at which a. resolution was passed, urging that a bonus of $10,000 be granted for the purpose of rebuilding said foundry. he FOR THE BEST value in all grades of Sugars, go to the Concrete. The Cheap Cash House is the place to get good harvest mitts. Lacrosse Championship. The Montreal Lacrosse Club won the ohampionship from tho Torontos, in a match played on the Bosedale Grounds on Saturday last, by taking the 2nd.,3rd.,nnd 5th games. The result of the match seems to have been altogether unexpected, and was no doubt owing, to a great extent to the absence of Mr, Ross Mckenzie in the Toronto goala. Judging from the large number of cavered qonveyances driving southward thr.)ugh Richmond Hill, Tuesday might have been qonsidered Gipsies Day. The usual number of children and dug, and the ï¬ne diavlny of bright brass buckles on the harnesq formed 3'9 exception to their general rule. We un- Ietstand, one of our City Fathers exchanged horses 'With them. THE CONCRETE is the place for Gloves at reduced prices. The largest stock in town to choose from. Telephone Communicatlon. Toronto and Barrie are being connected by telephone. The poles have already been sunk from Toronto as far as the 2nd conces- sion. Vaughan, near Patterson, and the line will run through Aurom, Newmnrket, and some intervening vflhges. Should we, in Richmond H111. desm: at any time to take part in the conversation, it Will be quite easj to run a branch to the crossing near Patter son. Celery Pamphlet. Celery is'a plant, which, although much valued, is considered by many to be diï¬lcult to raise, so as to he really palatallo. We are in receipt of a little book, which gives a. full account of the proper way to sow the seed, how m‘prepare the trenches and transplant. how to 'em'tb up, how to winter it, and lmw to prepare it for the table. Those wishing the book. which is neatly printed on thick paper. 16 pages, can procure it by addressing Mrs. H. M. Crider, York, Pa.; price 25 cents. CLEARING SALE at the Concrete. Several lines of Prints, Dress Goods, Parasols, &c., atirom 10 to 25 per cent. discount. Don’t forget those Lightheart Barley {orks, best_ in__the Dominion it théCheap Cash House POST OFFICE NOTICE tilf )ty HtL 1400;114:533. Fix-e Bngade Meeting Gipsies In Town Lucky Escape T} 34V WM. TABLE July «I. ’84 ‘b the r‘OR Tm Granulated 18th Mr. Redditt, s: that the secret the members ( ï¬re practice 01 that the secretory notify by post card, all the members of the company, to attend a ï¬re practice on Friday evening July 25th. Carried. The following resolution was car- ried unanimously. Moved by foreman Bed,- ditt, seconded by foreman Savage, and re SulVCd: That the members of Richmond Hill Fire Brigade‘ having heard with deep regret and sorrow (Julie sudden and untimely death of Allwrt Gilbert of Court St. Fire Hall, w'.‘ile in the discharge nlhis duty at the late fire at the corner of King and Parliament 815., do hereby tender to the members of that department our most heart-felt sym- pathy and deep regret. at the loss of one of their old and respected comrades ; also our best wishes for the speedy recovery of those who were injured at the same time; further be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be signed by our Captain and Secretary and forwarded to ï¬remen of Court St. Fire Hall through Chief Ardagh. According to announcement in last week's LIBEIML, the match game of Lacrosse be- tween the “ Stars,†of Markham and Patter- son club, was played on the fair ground on Saturday last. About twu hundred people witnessed the match, a large number being from Patterson. The clubs were pretty even- ly matched both in weight and in the manner they handled thelr sticks. The games prov- ed very interesting to the spectators, al- though very little scientiï¬c play was shown by either side. The match was one of the roughest ever plaved here, few of the players coming through scatheless and many were badly cut and bruised. The ball was faced about 3.30 p. 111,, and after 6 minutes play was pitched through the Markham flags, thus winning the ï¬rst game for Patterson. After a few minute’s rest play was again commenced, and in 4 minutes Patterson had secured another game. The “ Stars " evi- dently now saw that this state of things was getting monotonous for their Markham friends, so alter strengthening their nerng well, they went to work with a determination to break the monotony. The third game was accordingly started, whichl furnished heaps of fun for the onlookers, and after a full hour‘s play, during which time Several of the bystanders could be seen turning double somersaulls in their endeavors to get out of the way, the “ Stars " sui'ceeded in their desperate struggle and won their ï¬rst 21 )Hur, gc 1chmon game. Play was then continued until halt- pust six o'clock, when J. Fogg, of the Mark.- ham club. became disabled by a fall and was obliged to cease playing. The “ Stars ’l claimed the right to put on Dan. Mche, to fill the vacancy, the Patterson club objected, but were willing to drop a man from their side. A dispute arose, the referee. Mr. 0. Savage, was referred to, who took the view that Patterson should drop a man. The Markham team would not play under those conditions, so the match went by default in favor of Patterson. \Vorms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms, and gives rest to the gut- farer. ‘Jt 1‘1 11131551 pnt] Jeffrey Arch..... *Fisher Jennie.. Noble Josephâ€. Mulholluud W J. Lluvd Herbie Lloyd MauflJ‘ . McDonald G“, F, Kirbv Thoma's , Curseadden ’1‘.,. Richardson W . ’ 'vIcLaan 001111.... “Patterson Susan Trench \V .......... ‘Mortson Irwin . Camelot: Jenme . hair. ' and ad Redditt, Schell N ofman McKenzie A... White V‘f. R“. Arml 11) ul obset ‘I'LIB Howewur. the prm thing between thiny The Late Mr. McNair mins of the late Mr. Ja in Hwir lust resting pln‘ ] on Sunday which he w: Fxre Brig hm Patterson to th :1 Hill. Tl 111 ï¬e Meeting 11 Fire Brim“ Ll’ if .Muple........ .S.S.No.5 V6: Bich’dHil] ’l‘emp'ville dz Richd Hill ,.Mu.ple . . . . . . _ u ..Rich1nond H1 .,Carrvi11e ........ “Richmond H111 ..Jeï¬ersou...,.. ., ..I(ichmond H111 .. .Bichmoud Hill , S. S. No. 23 Kin .. . 8.3. No. SIVM‘fghnn H S. S. N 0.4 Markham u .Rxchmond Hill, .Three Rivers, chh Jefferson & Rlch'd Hi1 Patterson , . .Rxchmond Hill‘ Jefferson .......... Camille. . . . Three Rivers. Mic Newman-knit Richmond Hill Patterson... .. vs. Markham 'enu ‘Hl hool dI dbl LL! mi vicinity the fun xtra btandan nelph where seds amounted ï¬ve and forty lbs th foun in tk M‘t in 2.1m returned asteml on the )Yel‘dl months til death re- The A. 0. )er, attended part in the 1 known and Ya;th 1m ate “16 met in g last, July captmu in meeting were as moved by tern FITS 0ve1 J necess- 9 lecture Festival hyterian \Vi McNmr in the )l’ £333; FROM BU_S_INESS 1 “9%,? SELLING 03? AT COST 1 ‘aviu )USE Th 0116 cu] all 384 318 313 313 311 307 :11 J. ROWN. 33‘.) 30C 291‘ 306 Having 501d out my E ness, on the Corner of Streets, Richmond Hill, Late of Victoria Square. 1 am now prepared to offer a. large stock of whole of August 1 Boots & Shoes at Cost, Grover- ivs :11 (30st, Crockmy dk Glass- ware at. (ï¬nal, GETTING GREAT BARGAINS. BIG SALE 1 N0 HUMBUG! Tums: Sï¬rictly Cash! GOODS AT COS ANDREWS’ SHAVING PARLDH. meanest Shave I BEST IIALR - CUT LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. Pronrietor. Bargains in Dress Goods. . I I See our All W001 Nun's ( Bargalns 1n Sllks. See our Check Summer Silks. éocts. Bargains in Sheetings. See our Double Width Twi]; Bargains in Lace Curtains. I ' I ' See our Lace Curtains Bargains 1n Sh1rt1ngs. See our Shirtings, fast colors, 8 Bargains in Factory 80 WhiteCottons. 5‘ See our Yard Bargains in Millinery.‘ See our Shade Hats at 12%0115. Bargains in Gloves & Hosigry. (1-11 'r , '“r‘l MR JOSEPH HALL, SilksLSatins, Dress Goods, Ca5hmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Lgcesh Fancy Goods,‘ Print Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons. Sheetings, Table Dar. masks, Lace Curtains,_ Towels, Napkins, Quil‘tsLCOLmâ€"~ terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster- Cloths, «Sic. &C. NEW SPRNG 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen. Street. Au: LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New IN TOWN. GO TO ny m- he Sto POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE†1.821 Yonge Street, Toronto†are, now showing a Large and Complete Stock of FOR THE )01( must be cle: public may dep Seé our Silk Lace Mitts. 15 inches long, 259133 All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Terms Gash, Only One Price, SAMPLES BY’ MAIL ON REQUEST. [\ND ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE. roperty and Yonge and low Cost nd NEW SPRING GOODS As the ‘ut. by insi- utre Hugh MILLER 81.80.; I CHEMISTS 8L DRUGGISTS. ‘ CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 1 167, King St. East, Toronto MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER» YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, (it. at PROPERTY FOR Richmond Stree ulars' npplf DUNCUMBE ESTATE ! BUILDING LDTS 14‘( )1} SAIJIC ? Part ft} Mr. ( ht N0119E ! H. B. EWSï¬URY’: s will fr)Lk01)l>t-il't' that nfmr this 41nnr‘, I ‘ ‘ ‘ hr: respuunlblc for [my dubts CUut-lztctml I4 -C mfg. H ENRY BURRITT. HARNESS EMPRIUM See our Shirtings, fast colors. at Bots. ‘ESTABMSHED July 3rd )t the rem Dun ,1 attention given to th‘ Familv and Veterinary See 0111‘ Double Width Twilled Sheeting, ZOcts. ldi ‘IN Villa. A1 See our AllWool Nun’s Cloth, lZé-cts. imllv DIR. r a short tin: Kinder of the See our Lace Curtains at 600135. pair. ns OFâ€" EVE-STAFF 11 y letter to f. B. NICOL, Toronto St‘, Tommy cent. ( House in Richm us he wishes to :efpt Sï¬LE E â€"lS-12 See 0111; Yard Wide Factory, at Sets For part Street Hill {ICIIMOND IIILI Trunks, Satchels, Whil' Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed 2 represented. Light Harries a specialty. Repairs attend ed to on the shortest notice H. B. Dewsbury RICHMOND HILL. :4 ’7 .~' ’E‘WM\_ . ,3) V‘th 9’ /’ rH'E‘En -'-H I?" 4 ï¬gmmï¬sï¬n n5“ Iniaégï¬hh YONGE STREET.