Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1884, p. 8

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The big hill on the 7th Con., south of Purpleville, is being cut down, which will be a great benefit to some of our young men who go to see their cousins and who take a. long walk on Sunday evenings. Our merchant is, we think, doing well» and by his honest dealings and 9811131 ways, will build up a good business yet- Favor him with u call. Our village blacksmith is verv busy. He IS domg a rushlug buniness; we wish hun all success. Some improvements have recently been made In our village. The friends of the M.E. Church have improved the front with a. new wire fence, which adds great- ly to its appearance. It is a [credit to Mr. R. Harvey in the way it is finished. We believe it is their intention Ito remodel the old Church at an early date. From our own Correspondent. In looking over your valuable paper, and seeing that nearly all the villages ex- cept. our own have a correspondent, I thought I would let your readers lmow what we are doing in mm vicinity. mOL here say t1va I never he equal it. The Ice cream festival f terian Sabbath School Wu: cess; about $40 was take: The Revs, Cameron and f the gathering very ab]; School work. The chuir t priate pieces, being encon one piece in particular, en Summer Days,” was very the luau Ne‘ sure much halin; gate. (me way and Redfum says lay larger e; keeping fowl promxsn will be this vvn.‘ W e worse; so I valuable p that if they will be live The crop: 116V The villag‘ Mr. Thomas P. 0. Mr. men: was nu busy enlargi trade in his 1‘ arrlvmg a the comn' too impet “qu113 l‘ m ful- Vi’I gm's, L'rlL‘ll nut I‘llsh \‘an‘ Ono anigh: ra'rxg; .s’i 1 UI‘ may enla ’ade in h The pec ave a ne A farmer liriug “at : mum: of Thomas ounces M‘ly everyone yo throat. I thin night air the yot ;, or they stop to crops in this locality 1 the fall wheat in partic lug. I think the fm’me well loaded down u (Crnw PURPLEVILLE. to BIT. es. It ghr ] lgfilnw 01] gull u Inga huthl-re lyin c thu fin: was. It fim- (mum: smile of the nut] mum mm m the company Ulnr‘tlu-rc was My un lire. .u uiw tn rhu upxwl' town. (In H usm mud and ]>l’1ll3{‘:ll)]€. All Man l'\-:'.IIH"(1 in tlu- hull 1min; l eight inc 3 if the pe WESTON mason Gillies J‘rlllies Our OwnC n festival for th School was a. g )was taken at xeron and. Scott very ably on The choir sang v ueing encored sew d out last tlmh this LASKAY Gillie ltls v llll are now working at merchant, Strange ‘und his establish- m sang very appro- ed several times; ntitled “ Golden .1 fine. I may rd anything to r the Presby- a. grand suc- at the door. cunt addressed t now has a. must be too :‘nplu are in- at the garden cular 13 very vers’ pockets \v1th shiners ‘Jlent unsafe P. 0,, by brought a c weighing hes around ther. Mr. 3 11est that i will stop Irough your ur council mcn, there nlar ls mxious to him]; there )eded one Sabbath well for king 110W We place these good upon the market at prices never before offered. We hope to receive a call from every Lady in Rich- mond Hill. HARRY A. GDLLINS. In Cutlery, Granite Ware, Rodgera’ Dinner knives 7.50 to 10.00 (101 I Enameued ware do. Dessert, do. 6.75 to 8.00 Tea. Spoons, A 1 best, 3.76 per dozen Dessert (10., A 1 best, 6.00 do. Table do', A 1 best, 6.75 «ha. Dessert Forks, A 1 best, 6 00 do, Table do. A ] best, 6.75 do. Butter Knives, A 1 best, 80 cts. each Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 do. Dessert Knives, 12 dws., 4.50 per (102. Table Knives, do. 5.00 (10. Cruets, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50, 10.00 to 15.00 Butter Dishes, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 1.08.50 Cake Baskets, 4.00, 5.00, 6.50 to 15 00 Pickles, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50 Curd Receivers, 2.50, 3.25. 5.00 to 9.50 Cups, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3,00, 3.75 Toast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00 are respectfully invited to Christmas Goods. ln Eleclro Plate ware we show HARRY COLLINS, Ladies of Richmond Hill MUNN & 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ennâ€" unue to act as Solicitors for Patents. Caveats Trade Marks. Copyrights. for the United Samoa. Canada. England. France. Germany, etc. Hand Book “bunt Patents sent free. Thin -soven yeurs‘ experience. Patents obtained throng MUNN 5: C0. are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. best. and most widely circulated scientific paper. 93.20:; year. Weekly. Splendid engravings and_ lntqresting In- formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Amer- ican sent free. Address LilUNN‘QL 30. scum-urn A nun-n.“ “an.” m. n-“ 7, CATARRllâ€"A new Treatment where- by th is hitherto incurable disease is permanent- lycured in from one to three applications, no mutter whether standing for one year 01 forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on reâ€" ceipt of stamp. A. E.DIXON 6; SON. 305 King Street west, Toronto Canada. AMERICAN'Ofiicq: '2b1 fiESafiwafi' fiefi‘rvfofi; O. Bortle, of Manchester, Ontario 00., N. Y., WI‘ltPS' "I obtained immediate relief from the use of Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tric Oil. I have had asthma for eleven years. Have been obliged to sit up all night for ten or twelve nights in succes- sion. I can now sleep soundly all night on a. feather bed, which I had not been able to do previously to using the Oil. PATEM S Tlfe meeting the call of the Mtfied by Mr. Brown, séconded by Mr. Duncan, that Miss Cruickshank’s salitry be advanced $25.â€"Carried. A communication was read from Miss Cruickshank, 4th Division Public School, asking fgr _au iiigreage of salary. â€"Uarned. Moved by Mr. McConaghy, seconded by Mr Brown, that the sum nf $1500 be levied on the school section. for the Pub- lic School for the current year,â€"Cnrried. An application was read from Mr. T. H. Redditt for the position vacated by Mr. Burns Mr. Radditt graduated in 1880 with first class honors in Modern Languages; Moved by Mr. Savage, seconded by -Mr. Duncan, that Mr. Redditt be engag- ed for the position at a salary of $700.â€" Carried unanimously Trench, thit 3600 be levied on the Gillagi for the maintenance ot the High School $1936. Moved by Mr. Brown,seconded by Mr In the absence of Mr. Switzer, Mr Crosby acted as Secretary. The minutes of last meeting were re m and approved. Acommnnicntion was read from Mr Burns, 1st Assistant in the High School tendering his resignation, as he had ac cepted a position in the Brampton H. S cepted a position in the Brampton H. S. 01) motion nf Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Duncan,the resignation was accepted. Moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by {a The Ificlfimd IIHFSYCLOOI Board met In the Lorne Hall on Monday, July 21st, at ‘2 p. m. '-Mr. R. Marsh' in the chair; Members present, Messrs. Brownfiavage, Duncan, Skeele, Nanghton, Trench, Mc- Conaghy and Crosby. SCHOOL, BOI\RD‘I\IE T 90 YON GE STREET. TORONTO then adjourned to meet at Chair. um Mli In.‘ 42:». 91" A 90 YONGE-STREET, And Vicinity inspect our Grand Display of Tin Ware, nted, from 6.73) to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 1.5.00 per set Brass Candle Brackets 1.00 to 1.50 each Toys, A Large Collection of every kind., House I-‘urnlshing floods, A Full Assortment of Wooden Ware do. Carvera, 3.00 to 4.00 pair do. Game Carvers 3.00 to 3.50 do. Pocket knives, 25c to 2.50 each In Brass Goods. Beautiful Seonces. mounted and unmou- TORONTO. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervism. I am also prepared tn do all kinds "f black- smitlnng (L'- repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . Cutters, [{lCIIMOND IIILL. )“( In returning thanks to my ril friends for their liberal patronage the past twenty-five years. I be mind them and the general pub] having erected entirely new an modions premises, I am erzal supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- skilfully 13erch Call and see swer questions Horse - Shoeing every set ON RUBBER. â€" ON CELLULOID, 705??? *“ER‘FN’ _ @X A i DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right for the use oi Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of Absolutely no pain experience less in all cases. KRTIFICIAL TEETH llSG BEST SETS ld Fillin VITALIZED AIR. Paid special attention to. \‘VM TRENCII. no cheap material and warrant rfdrn Sleighs and me ;md all other operations )ed, at moderate fees. 1e. No trouble to an- ) my numerous ltronage during publiq v and enable d and harm $8.00 $10.00 1V tII at 141 Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es. Clocks, J ewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. 7 And trust that the wool-growers of the surrounding counâ€" try w111 give us a liberal support. Give us a trial. We manuflacture every kind of Woollen Goods usually made in a custom mill. \Ve are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will accompiish it. Rolls carded, cloth dressed, spinning done ; cloths, tweeds, shirtings. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be firstâ€"class. Now, while the price of wool is low in the markets, is the time to have it made up for home use and realize its full value. VVe-are all practical men in the busmess, and will not fail to satisfy our custom- ers. Full assortment of goods to exchange for wool. Respectfully yours, Abell, Colins & Snlith. E. M. MORPHY The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs. Keys Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of tablishing a permanent busmess in WOODBRIDG- NQB‘TH END, WOULLEN FAGTDRY ! WOOL ! WOOL“!â€" We do not quote prices. Look in and if do not suit, I need not tell you what and Feed a specialty. CLOCKS, WATCHES & J‘EWELM VIATCH MAKER 86 SEWELLER WARRANTED As REPRFSENIED. E M. Morphy ‘1-‘62 Consisting of New Dress Goods, Prints, ‘ Cottonades, Cottons, all qualities, Cheap b and Boy’s Suits made to order of Scotcli Tweeds and Cottonades. Hats, Shirts Gloves and HOSIery. Groceries always g Flour and Feed. Glassware and Crockery order. Terms, Cheap for Cash, or farmer’s Delivered. ALEX. MOODIE’ FARMERS zâ€"NVé respectfully solicit your patronage at the softness ; ural and Lotion t1 'l'an, ped I Mil: p By it vents meIu The 3.1) Where you MAY DEW 1F ati Addr at AI: arl “’lmlmsn loâ€"Lyman kl 1h IN VA L UABLE ’l‘( Great dlS‘ mu I that that. : an 'e you may have your Wool manufactured in its purity, into any style of goods you desire. 11m 11’1 111k W rix .L. SKEELE, French Lotion The Face l‘lV 1<l L1 in 1H EAP C ASH 8T0 RE. It. ALSO DEALER IN M A. 1.. SKICEILE, 1 whitous Jty 1t con 1E DEALER IN nt ndi Beau' Look in and if prices an}: quality L L,11 nf‘ ERIES 0-9 A( H Send six cents in post.- nge, nud receive free, u. costly b 'x-f goods which I will he]; all, VI either sex to more money right amt)“ than anything else in this warm Fortunes mmxt the Workers uhsulutelv sure. At, once llkidl'USa l‘lwh‘. 6: Co._ Augustu, Maine. Money to Loan on improved farms. at 6 cent. Apply to June 11,6m Money tbfi Loan. ‘Tflgfiéjflm’ 719;» 31.00 m anvnuce. ALEX. MOODIE. Prints, Shirtings Zheapb tMe piec Scotcg and C Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Iways good and fresh. rockery. Glass cut to 'armer’s produce. Goods to do. Flofir J. B. ARNOLD Richmond Hill )1

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