Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jul 1884, p. 9

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\Yhen your correspondent 0f this place wrute his first. correspondence, he did nut intend to follow it up, but when your Laskay correspondent gave him a cut, he could not resist. It is true that there no steam power in this plz|ce,bnt for all lhat, there is steam, and. if M r. Laskay has forgotten thetime, there was steam enough In the baseball club of lhis place to take the puff out of the Cornlmsks of Laskay, I wish to remind him of it. Perhaps he did not live lhere then. \Ve know that Laskay is not, incorpnrabed, and why boast of a. Mayor? I’m sum that, Mr. G. would rather he called by his proper name. P. G. is nnt incorporâ€" ated, but why should it not be when \Voodbridge is, for there is a sufficient; number of people in P. G. to make two Wood bridges? 'vvu v .3»-. As I sald before, we are a civil, law- abiding people, but sometimes there are differences of opinion. If Bub and Jack differ in opinion. they do nu: want the whole world to know it: and so forego having recourse to the columns of the LIB EHAL, like some people in a village we read of. Our farmer brothers are now painting. All take a. guess what is going to happen a d watch and wait. to See if you have jIessed correctly. I hope all may not. glmSS the same. The farmers are very bnw with the harvest, the berry-picken hnsy picking berries while in the patch, and mend‘ng their clothes when they get hume; the sture-keePers busy parcelling sugar, and some others busv putting down berries. '1 here is every appearance of a bountiful harvest. alnce my first epistle. one of cupied houses has received twu a man and his wife. We are very surry in relate that Mrs. J. Hardy of Streetsvilla is lying very ill at the residence of her father, Mr. John P-rown. Although very puor hnpes of her recovery are entertained, Still we hope Lhnt her hfe mav he sp treat to train up her litLle Clmrlie and Lu cumfurt her husband Mr. \V. R, anier, thallliifi‘c. Bellville, wri'es: “I [ind Dr. Thmnus' Eclecuic On the best medicine I have ever used in my stable, I have used it for bruises, scratch- e5, wind pnfl's and cuts, and in every case it, gave lhe best satisfaction. \Ve llseit as a household remedy tor colds, bums. d-c , and it is a perfect panacea. It will remove warts by paring them down and applying it occasionally ” From Uur Own Corresvam’iem. The people in this vicinity are looking very anxiously for the election of a new bridge. We understand that the Cm n cil are only going to put stringers across the old rotten posts, which we deem ab- surd. “'9 hope they will ponder the matter over and erect a. new bridge. We are all lmypy to learn that our Mayor has returned lmme safely from his tour through the Muskoka district. He unfortunately took il'. a few days after his arrival. but we hope he will soon be able to attend to our village matters. “'9 understand that one of our village masons has started to harvest up the 6th. We have not yet learned huw it agrees with him, but by all accounts he is just in tmvn up there. HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseaSes of the scalp, and the first suc‘ tessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful‘beauty. It, has hzul many imitators, but nonethm‘c 5:» fully mot an the requin-mcnts needful tor the proper treatment. of the hair and scalp. HALL‘S Ihm lhcxmven has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. lts unparal- leled success can be attributed to but one cause: (In: vulirufulfllnu-nl 451' its promises. The pruprietors have nften been inrpn‘sed at. the receipt of orders from remote coun- tries, where “my had never made an efl'on. for its introduction. The use for a short ty'une of HALll‘s Tum RENEWEI: wonderfully improves the per- sonal appearance. It cleanses the Scalp from all impurities, cures all humors. fever, and dryness. and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands. and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The elfectvs of this article are not transient. like those of alcohollc prepara- tionstt remain a long Lixne,\\'llich makes its use a matter of economy. R. P. HALL “'ill HALL’S BUCKINGHAM’S DYE Ayer’s Sarsaparilla‘ Sold 11 Vegetable Sicilian '0111 Our Own Cal-res" WHISKERS PINE GROVE Ill: ruti FOR ALL THE FORMS LASKAY. crofulous, Mm‘curi E PA R E I) B Y FOR THE It Dmle 00.. Nashua, N. H. kl “'11 in Disorder a1 indent plied without M um} brmn‘m the unoc- occupants 'ousistil Dales. in rmancvh '11, and '- AYER’S Tea Spoons, A 1 best, 3.75 per dozen Dessert «10., A 1 best, 6.00 do. Table (10', A 1 best, 6.75 (10. Dessert Forks, A 1 best, 6 00 (In, Table (10. A] best, (3.75 do. Butter Knives, A 1 best, 8” cts. each Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 do. ‘ Dessert Knives: 1:! dws., 4,50 par doz Table KniveS, do. 5.00 do. meanest Shave I BEST HAIR - CUT IN TOWN, GO TO ANDREWS’ SHIAVING PARLOR. N LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. HARRY COLLINS In Electra Plate ware we show Crllets, 3.50, 15.00, 7.50. 10.00 to 15.00 Buvter Dishes, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 to 8.50 Cake Baskets, 4 00, 5.00, (3 50 to 1-5 00 Pickles, 2.50. 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50 Card Receivers, 2.50. 3.25. 5.00 to 9.50 01198, 1.00, 1 50, 2.00, 2.50, 3 00, 3.75 Toast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00 are respectfully invited to inspect our Grand Display (if Christmas Goods. Ladies of Richmond Hill Rodgers’ Dinner knives 7.50 to 10.00 (I do. Desaert do. ($.75 to 8.00 We place these good upon tho before offcrcd. \VC hope to receive a call {rm mond Hill. HARRY A. EDLLINS. In Fuller)". “While in the country last winter my little boy. three years old,wns take-n ill with vrmlp; it seemed as if he would die from strangu- lmion. One of the family suggesxm the us: of Arm's CHERRY I’ECTORAL, a bottle at which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and mom delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. 'l‘hr- doc- tor said that the Cumuu‘ I‘I-TiTORAL had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at. our gratitude? Slncerely yours, Mus. EMMA Gunxm’." ‘59 West 128th St., New York. May 16, 15612. “ I have used AYER‘S CHERRY Pm‘rnnu. in my family for several years. and do not hesitate to pronounce it the mar: effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRANE." Lake Crystal. Minn. March 13, 1882. “ I suffered for eight years from Brnnf’hilis, and after trying man ' remedies with no suc- cess I was cured by t e use (If Ai‘lrn's CHFR- m' ECTORAL. Josm-H WALDEX." Byhalia. Miss., April 5, 1882. “I cannot say enough in praise of AYFR'I CHERRY PECTURAL, believing as I do xlmi, but for its use 1 should long sincv have died from lung troubles, E. ImAGDoN.” Palestine, Texas, April 22, 188:. N0 case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot‘be greatly relicved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY I'E(‘TORAL, and it will always cure w an the disease ll not already beyond the co ml of medicine. Cherry Pectoral. A Terrible Cough Cured. “ In 1R5?! took a severe cold, which nfl'ooted my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and asaed night after night without sleep. The octors gave me up. I tried AYER’S CHERRY I‘m- 1'nnAL, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and tlfionled me the rest necesanry for file recovery of m strongih. By tlxa continued use of the ECTORAL a. perma- nent cure was effected. I am now 62 years old, hale and hearty, rmd am satisfied your CHERRY PECTORAL saved me. HORIH‘E FAIRBROTHER.” Rockingllam, VL, July 15, 1682. No other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those affecting the throat and lung': none so Lrifled with by the majority of sufl'er- era. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex- posure, is often but the beginning of a. fatal nickness. AYER’S Cm:an PECTURAL has well proven its elficacy in a. forty yenrn’ tight. with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Croup. â€" A Mother's Tribute. 90 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. Sold by all Drugnisua. FOR THE PREPARED BY AND rebrietor. 90 YONGE-STEEET, )Z DENTIST. 151 Yang‘s: street, Toronto, C. P. LENNOX Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain. by means of ! \‘Vooden Absolutely no pa‘n experienced and harm- less in all cases. 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, I use no cheap material and warrant eVery set. Gold Filling, and all other operations skilfully performed, at moderate fees. Call and see me. No trouble to an- swer questions. .. ,, .uu. inn; 1“ A I A Large Cullvction of every kind [louse Furnishing Goods, A Full Assnrtment uf ARTIFICIAL TEETH TRENCH’ S -C ARRIAGE WURKS: ln returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years. I beg to re- mind tliem and the general public, that. having, erected entirely new and com- modiuus premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Cutters, Both lightand heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfd’ction as the work is under my own snpervisr I. I am a13u prepared tn do all kinds “f black- smithlng «L' repairing in the must wurk~ manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING W A G 0 N S. 'Gmnite Wan-e Enamelled Ware Beautiful SennCeH. mounted and unmou nted, from (3.75 to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 15.00 per set Brass Candle Brackets 1.00 to 1.50 each Toys. In Brass Goods T in Ware Horse - Shoeing TORONTO. da‘ do. VITALIZED AIR. RH'IIMOND IIILL. Paid special attention tu. “‘M TRENCII. Buggies, Carriages, Carvers, 3.00 to 4.00 pau‘ Hume Carvers 3.00 to 35» Pocket kniv‘as. 250 to 2 50 each R 1'6 Sleighs and KCI 0F 1t Ma‘w 15th, 1884.-1V And Vicinity 3. 01) to 4.00 pair )1‘1CCS llCVCI ~ $8.00 $10.00 1E.M.MORPHY Consisting of New Dress Goods, Prints, Shir‘tings, Ducks, Cottonades, Cottons, all qualities, Cheap by the piece, Men’s and Boy’s Suits made to order of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and Cottonades. Hats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosxery. Groceries always good and fresh. Flour and Feed. Glassware and Crockery. Glass cut to order. Terms, Cheap for Cash, or farmer’s produce. Goods Delivered. ALEX. MOODIE. WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, The Great French Lotion for Beautzfymg The Face. NEWSPRING GOOS ALEX. MOODIE’S, It conceals the evidence of age. One nppii- cation will make the most stubbornly red and rough hqu beautifully soft and whim. lo. member that " MAY DEW " is not a puint or powder that fills up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new and great discovery, a vegetable liquid. that camps the cheek to glnw with health, thp neck arms and hands to rival the lily in whiteness. Im- possible lo detect. in the beauty it confers any artificial character. It cures (ii-easy Skin, Frecklea. \innkles, Pimpleu. Black Head. Crow's: Feet, Hutches, Face Grnha, Sunhnrn, ’l‘an, Ringworm, chapped Hands, Sore or Chap- ped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tenet, &c. It frees the pores, oil glands and tubes from the injur- ious efiectn of powders and conmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughnees are pru- vented; it benulifies the skin and will mnke it smooth, suit and white, imparting a delicate softness; producing a perfectly heallhv, nut- ural and youthful appearance. The best Face Lotion the world ever produced. We will send 3 LARGE BOTTLE to any nddrPfls on receipt of priceâ€"91.00. When ordering mention this pappr. CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. \Ve do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and qualit do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed :1 specialty. A. L.. SKIS 1741112 . GROCERIES WOOL ! WOOL ! The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs. Keys & Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es- tablishing a permanent busmess in And trust that the wool-growers of the surrounding coun- try Wlll give us a liberal support. Give us a trial. \Ve manufacture every kind of \Voollen Goods usually made in a custom mill. \Ve are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will accompIish it. Rolls carded, Cloth dressed, Spinning dove ; cloths, tweeds, shirtings. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be firstâ€"class. Now, while the price of wool is low in the markets, is the time to have it made up for home use and realize its full value. \Ve are all practical men in the business, and will not fail to satisly our custom- ers. Full assortmth of goods to exchange for wool. Respectfully yours, xkluall. Colins ¢\' Snlilh. MAY DEW _ Addrvsfl all lpuers to the M AY DE\V A CY. 71 Ynnge SL. Tumuto, Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies NORTH END WOULLEN FAGTURY ! W OODBRI DGâ€"E 141'Youge Street, Toronto I (40 Years Estabhsneq) i For good and cheap Wat-ch- es‘ Clocks. Jewellry, Sil- ‘ verwat‘e and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTEB AS REPRFSENTED. E M. Morphy FARMERS :â€"VVe respectfully solicit your patronage at the JNVALUABEE To wam LADY 2 \VIIOIPSRIflâ€"Jfiman Broil 6: Co. ; Elliot}, (3: (Yo ; Northmp J \Vhere you may have your “7001 manufactured in its purity, into any style of goods you desire. a A. L. SKEELE, n all lpuers to the M AY DEW AGEN- (-10 TO (J HEAI’ C A SH ST( )RE. ALSO DEALER IN DEALER IN Money 130 Loan. . 9- ~ w .L ‘ ‘ I' t u»~l’\ £m_\nt I “11] m-lp uH ‘TIIZ? LlffiE 1321!), ’ $1.120 lN ADVANCE. \1 (I) money world, At once away thun ncs mvuzt the V Ln 3H

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