Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jul 1884, p. 1

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THURSDAY EVENING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE LilUHMOND H1.IJL.~ â€" UNTAHH). Young: 1 Genern] .111 the I. ,uev. \\'. I:31] o'cloc ( u \Veduefi ROMAN C u", follva 1 Hillut 10:15 :1 Jud Hill Menâ€"fin the Temperance mm mm 3 n w... evening. at. 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. J). The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperunce A fiociafion issue pledge cards every Suuduy “he desired. Wm.Hn.rrisou Supf Macnnzcs' [VSTITUTErâ€" Library m over 104 vellum-mover) every Tuesday evening, in the \I: a mic HMIJrom 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E Luv: Lilm Lectures and discussions parimli‘ le. RICBHOXD HILL CORN '1' BAND.7McetS 14 L actice every 'l‘nesduy and Saturday evening 1 '1 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader. VILLAGE Couscn..â€"1leA ve, John Bl'oWn Cou' villurs. Messrs. Isaac Crosby, A. Maudie, K. ] g â€"‘ w r .. lll...|( M, H'CfY. 'W 1' No. 43, native ficiuy membe halt na No. 43, Meets in Temperance nun native Tuesday evening mam m 1. ficiary certificates issued to ma] members for $1,000 or in case of den halt nuvublc in case of disabihty. son °alent Councillors; J.A. Stun; Reco fling Secretarv. Dr. Goo. Lnngslnfl Has remuved from King, and commen- ced pracnice at Thornhill. Nov. 6th, ’8‘27tf. M $1 per annum, in advance. Dr. Lewis Membera College Pl: ‘ommittee Room 01 m mch alternative Friday at H “ary certificate given for 3"2 . A. E. Switzor,Mustcr Wm‘] B. T. ofATeimpermme I'icl Medalist Toronto Univemits. ' ‘hysicmns & §\Il~gvnn'2,011t..(late ‘ uuge Strr‘et, Riubmund Bill. 8 to 10 a. m.. 5w t5 p.111. Vo L .VII ‘L‘VI‘WAI'lâ€"IVH. F. Hcppnr A. 0, U. wavy "Lnd « Office hours: 8 to ‘K Wcodl eve mt. BUSINESS CARDS- \\' A1111 1“ T’. E. McMAH‘ON noxn LODGF, A. F. & A. M“ No. 2: :iu the Lodge Room,Mm‘~onlc Hull v on or before full moon. at 3 o'vln mart, \V. M. aumimt. REMOVED. (like ggébml." EDITOR and EiOPRIETOR. CATHOLIC CRUF s Thornhill m 0 mm“. the £01! 11 at 9 sum” and (i. H will‘mgr v s Emscmmn CHURCH.- gt. the $113111 Sly-305w at l sevwce and sacrament a lay School at 1:30 1L1): I: I15: CHURCHâ€"Se 1.xxL.n||rl Sunnny mle‘s rpayer meet 'mye)‘ [\Ieefing'ev r :ture Room. Rev ‘. Bunch, Assistant. PEBIAN CHUM‘H c ck 5.111., and 021K) 1 day eveuiugm'l; IS PUBLISHP r / '3' {limitth magazng Dr. James 111 for the favors of the punt, 1] be rzonsulted in any hmnuln 7046 A. 0.413.. meets m we Iglimmuzte Fridav at 7.";0 AND . Lewis G. Lnngsmfl. College PhysiCiunu & Surgeulh, RICHMOND HILL, UNT. EDI'. (Drr, Maple. t, HEB, ll'lth. and k 1 Hill.... . .9th and‘ he Palmrr House) Dr. \V. J. “’llson. H‘ .31, TEMPLE, No 465,1,1 Temperance Hall' (we; y VV 30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison dist Sabbath S‘choolTempe ... an.” icu..â€"fie~ve, John BroWn Ian ac Crosby, A. Maudie, . Hcpp’ar. (Hark. M. u-ciy. Ivy Lndge. No. 141. Mrets Room of the Manon“: 'â€" - A r .. V .u â€" ..n Hi1] (1‘ II I: "chr s e followir 1: Always on ban nke n charm E k ROBINSON I 0 .I‘sm) 1w Dr. A. Robinson. Sorit‘liofi. Ionoy [0 Li?! ‘E‘TidaVy-at h o" lo: kp.1n. iven for $2.000 in case of [aster Workman mace, Richmond Hill C Temperance Hull. mrh unnina nth'. 10. L 1) m. EUR-GI M 9.30 D-- m nirrrturg. 0 p.111. Prayer lncE M7230. 3ncfi.â€"Scxvicos i1: 0 M 9 3.111., and l’uichu )1 lowing Summy at 1 :1 Tho‘ uhill M 10:30 nor CA§AI D Emu LON DESTIS'Y‘ jug 'J as Thn Langslun plat L MI “K 1:. l WTON B1 ill‘ll. 18th 20th 28th 29th notn ‘lst and to 2.30 p. u] D.S.. Aurm {.1 Out ‘nt 10 ()1, at _Service at 3 avexv mouth, ‘ DAVlJ-Vhl’n Hal.“ inson ‘ . . ‘ i Depot 1155 rereivmi uud lutervrzmh .vfh: H : ' v1 1 ML l‘uz-i'cnt Rah-m No nutu‘e 0 \V '51 .r ‘ mqnirml. [h :1th on all mm of Cumulu. L ‘i 5' aim and K 1cm. Biitaiu, hum-ht uqu ho'k‘. JAMES M. LA‘VH u'VCE, n.m._-v-, {TINT a pint nun-h hi the 1m.- ‘JJ yuan. i i '1 of envh iunnth u u.._ Man: L: in. ‘ mr _ » 7,, 1 , ,1 in, ‘ lt . 1i . E 21.? i I h n at mmuintmcnh. ‘l‘ {mm mm. iu \nrmnHiIt, ()Iiu word mow. If this .slmuid [1111“ the eye of any intending vxclrl‘siunisi, our advice 13; take the benefit of the hip. Do 1th sit in the smuking-rnnm, where the air in blue, and play euchre or casainn half the time, and than blumu mverybmiy and «veryming fvr bcing dull the rum-.m- der of the time. But we are delaying again, the but is whistling and crnwdx are getting abunzii, fur it is the first Mackinaw excursinn uf the neasr‘n; we gm aboard Mm- :md Nit-ll we are gliding “ (fer the glai wnru‘ uf the dark blue sea. ” \\"e have a fine uumpnny aim-.d, .. . . . . r ,_ _ . ..Al.,. , .H uhnut .. .n N u Me 'Mh 5.1. 0. G. T.â€" V VVefluebduy e‘ifeld at 11 v. W. Belem mrker Tempera p. m‘â€"H Mt mher 35 in ordex Richmond Ly at l’dn‘l)‘ ‘ 10:30 3.111 01 Stuufi‘ville Ofljce Hum b vabmule ) btewxu U 0 Servire ms, 011'». emu 0U“ n th 1 mouth 11] . 1|! nal 3|!“ LU) U] ‘. IIA LL, l-‘I'LI.AR'I‘0.V ¢\' 1‘00“, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ()FFK‘ES: \V. M. HALI I Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York,re- spectfully solicits your patronage and fi-iendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, per (my. luv hxcuumu this hnuse to mmnect \\ it on the Nurthe) u liu‘lwm‘ Licensed Am ()nmno and 1- (‘veueml sales Importer of “'ntchos. clocks and fine jewellery :1 stock of Dinumuds and precious stones always onhaud. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. SManufactm-mg of Jewellery, and repairinaof watches and clocks on the premises,u speciulw Thunk‘mgour patrons and friendson their lib- eralvatronagr it. the mst we beg: to state that we have just reveive a large stock ofuew goods in latest designs. A large stock 0t Elgin and Walthnm watcheskent oulmud. Licensed Auctioneer for the C Sales attended on the shortest w aha rates. Addrebs Stoufl‘vx Having built the abn be of the 0111 Stage Hotq cit): prices {mu Sweeping attended notice. Central Bank of Canada. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VISE-ffiESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. at reasonable rate James C. Stokes. censed Auccmuepr for the Cnunty of York, re- ectfully Lulicith your patrouugL and friendly flneuoe. sales attended on the shortest notice ml at runsouahe races. P. 0. address, King. Deposits reveivad and Iuterer: uh Current Rates No notice quired. Drafts 11 part; 01 ‘ ‘ A h l 1] Old Iron. Rugs FREDERICK “’HI'I‘LOI‘K, Richmond Hill. WILKINS’ BROE’M1 MECHANIC’§§ 166 King S jOHN GLASS. PUTTYl &C. <BUILDERS> Chisholm, M BARRISTERS, SULICXTOI Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, IVE. TEEFY, u puhli tuhl‘mg Mane) t Jill). 15th. '84-1V The Pallnol llousc. RICHMOND HILL ’HN PALMER, Proprietor. huilt (he uhm‘e House on the the UH Stage Hutel, and furnished it nut in first.»oln..~s >L)‘18.I am prepared in publir the host nf accommodationuhhnu' nml ntLentive lmstlcl's. Sample louuld, C NO‘ l‘ICdMOND 1] {LI Salem F. knrqlt. Hfiimllaurnus. N. J. Arlnslrong. TOOLS. IVE US A CALL. ‘TARY PUBLIC 8:5 tinne â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"AND R1) S. NI. Brown. .l. \" aula VS. DIRECTORS , MP. P., H. P. Dwight, D‘ M Mac 0. 15. Robinson, A. McLean Howard. and J. Giuty. {ICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, J 1.7L} ioueer for the (‘roumy of York on the shortest uotiue,uud at rea- Adth'ebs Stuuflvxllu P. 0 Emul. the best 11f ul attentive uercial Trzu‘ ichmoud H1 nect \\ itb al EMT. Tom’s-n» NI} Sun S. FULLARTON. W. COOK Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. ‘i‘mtr's‘. A. A I l 1‘. (‘nslnolu Brass, Arm, bought for cush' at 'flU AND In E mm the Counties of Ymk sold on consignment. -.., promptly attended 0. address, Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all hustlers, Sample 'ellers. Ternh‘. $1 11 Omnibus leaves . basseuger mains UNIO‘NVILLF to on shortest Touox’rn‘ “ Let patience have her perfect work‘” and time will smooth over all the vexa- tious“ flesh is heir to.” We are all like children; time heals nearly all our disap- pointments, the only difference being the sorrows of childhood are forgotten in a. few minutes or hours, wlnle We require a little more of the healing balm.’ How- 'ever, we scarcely needed to exercise our patience over our four days’ delay, as we managed to enjoy rather than endure manager them. & Lake Superior Line, and the ‘ Pacific ’ of the Great Northern Transit Co.'s Line â€"-\vrongly reported Georgian Bay Trans- portation Cr). last Week~arrived on Sun- day, and we had to inspect them on Mon- (lay, and pass our opinion on them. They passed our exmnination very creditably, though, and we give them privilege to run on any inland waters. In fact, the Cuinpanu Is supposed to be fit to sail the waters of the‘ ‘ stormy deep. ” as she is an iron vessel of ocean build, the first, of the kind brought to these waters. She is? not a daisy exactly, these black iron hulks being little. suggestive of beautyâ€"but an A 1 boat, just the article for these north- ern lakes, her length is 25'} ft., beam 36 ft., but not so high as many less preteriâ€" tious boats. There are no others of ocwn build running from Collingwood, but the Pacific and Atlantic of the lucfll line are tine boats, the Pacific surpasses all other boats but the ocean-built steamers. The C. P. It. boats of Owen Sound are built in the same style as the Campana, two of them being slightly larger, and lighted by electricity. There is quite a rivalry hu- ' tween the Caiupuna and these boats, both being the faster accordingly as you ‘ get it ’ from their respectiie sympathiser-i. However, it is claimed the Campana hr: made the best record yet on its last trip down, making the distanCe between 3‘: rt. Arthur and 0. S. in thirty-five hours, the best time of the C. P. R. boats being thirty seven and a half hours. i n,,_H_: ., The Collingwuod and ] .ike Superior line of boats and the C. J'. R. boats run direct from 0. S. to Port Arthur, merely calling at the Sanlt, and making the pas- sage in less than two days. Those who desire a quick trip, and are anxious to save time, will find it to their advantage to take this line. but excursiunisis whose object is pleasure, hut not time, will find the boats of the Gr. Northern Transit line to be what they want. Take the Atlantic or the Pacific in the Sault and enjoy yum-self, if you du not, blame us for it, or else conclude that that kind at enjoyment is not your for te. These boats ta he in the beauties of the far-famed North Channel which the through line boats miss by running south of the Man- itoulin Islands. The scenery from the time the North Channel is entered is one ever varied and ever bmutiful. Those that have seen both this and the 'Ihous- and islands give the preference to the NOrth Channel. The scenery here is not so quiet as that of the Thousand Islands, 3 though ll can hardly be called majestic, yet it is bold enough to be very attractive to those who see it fr-r the first time. Those tlmt can take advantage of a Maul:- inaw trip, get one hundred miles extra sailing, and see the beauties of the Black- inaw Straits for the same fareâ€"8m] from Turunto for return tickets. Pardun me mentioning prices, but this is excursiun time, and, to intending pleasure seekers, 1 Would like to My this is emphatically the cheapest and must rxujnyuhle trip on the continent. For thme desiring a shorter trip, the same line can furnish ac- cnmmudatiun, in a 70 mih -’ run to Parry Sound, “the pleusnre-seeltms’ rurratlise.” (hm wnnl muru. if this should Int-ct lhe Sq‘ \Ve have a. fine qumpany aboml, about the right number, a. few gentlemen will have to content. themselves thh ‘ shake- (lowns, ’ but what of that. they are all en- joying themselvw. There is such a. feel- mg of equality on board a boat, caste is bluwn away in the fresh breezes, there is mme nf the (liscumfurts of the cars. ()nr genial Captain Campbell of .Maniloulm fame. the most popular Caplain on the route, does his utmost to make things pleasant, and helps not 1» little, Mr. Chas. Cameron, the manager of the line, is aboard. and seems to he «equatinted with every one, his u :Lbilny Suou makes him familiar with all. . Var .5 fame. the n mute. does pleasant. {I Chas. Camt is aboard. H huvin anvth ‘ONTINUED FROM LAST \VEEK ON A TOUR. he Cnmpaln‘a ’ of the Collingwond nt n noylr xbout will The Ontmio ( perauce have (1 friends of the Sc paign in Halton it has been found né male customs officer 211 Authoritative denin‘ that the Joseph Hall insolvent. The Toronto aid of the suf Port Perry. There were 21 failures in Canada, reported to Brmlsirrrt during the week ending July 20th, against 15 the preceding week. Benton Village refuses to be included in the city limits. A largely attended meeting was held last week and a. resolution was passed to that effect. 24th. the reached. Major General Middleton. C. B.. the new cpmmandor-in-cbief of the Canadian Mihtia. reviewed on Tuesday last the officem and men oftbe Infantry School. He spoke in texms of praise of both. Three Prescott ladies, while p'ckyng behemxvere astonished and frightened an the appearance of n bear and two cu‘us. The brave women fled home. lemjug beh'ud both their lunch and beznos. Thompson Smith & Son's new saw mill l1 Stouflville has been purchased by the Pan-y Sound Lumber 00., and will be removed in n Iew days to its northern home. This means a great financial loss to StouEW-‘e. Four bovs wel'e arrested m Parkdale on Monday evening,Jnly 2151:, and lodged in an L‘AQHQVa'fZion. for‘i'brovifny', stones at a train. 0!: Tuesday thev were brought before Jusbice Wingfield and Reeve McMath and fined $10 an d costs The Samuan cheap excursions on the Northern are lm‘mg taken advantage of by hundreds. Ew y cnse reponed of refluction of fares by Railwuy Companies hos been followed by a great Increase of travelling, and a corresponding rise in the Co’s recelpts. Baby-farming is again exciting honor and dismay in Toronto. This system of pretend- ing to look after babies in wholesale fashion is nothing but a slaughtering of the inno- cents. Starvation and filth are found by the proprietoxs to be the most efiective Weapons for hurrying off the little ones. l‘ll' Minutes of regular meeting of Rich- mond Hill Fire Brlgade, held in the Council Chamber, on Friday evening, July 25th. ' ' A‘ L73- III“ FIRE BRIGADE MhETING. uu., -u Captain Sanderson in the chair. Min- Utes of last meeting read and (-Jntirmed. The following: communicuion from Court St. FIre Hall, Toronto, was read, and on motion ordered to be placed on the minutes :â€" .,‘. .- n n 1‘.|..n-u. 'ul Considering reports, Uuyu. mun-emu", on behalf of committee. who were ap- pointed to select men to take putt in can- test at the Industrial Exhibition. stated that. us the men who were chosen seemed to take so little interest in the practice it was impossible to take part in the contest I successfully, and wished to know if the [ Cumpany were willing to sustain the former resolution in reference (.0 the l matter; also that. forty men could not be i selected who were wildng to devote time i to practice. *4“ ‘ 111d. uuv .. Uuurt StJ ire H:Lll,July 177111. 'Bl. H. A. Nicholle. Sec. Richmond Hill Fire Bngmle DEAR SmiYnur letter of s mpathy to we members of Comb Sc. Fm: Hal , expressing the deepest regrec and sorrow with them in the loss of Albert lebert, their lute comrade an 1.1)!) re- cent fire.tu hand. Andiu behalf of the men» hers" I beg Lu Lender you the‘r must hemm’elc 11mm Chief Toronto Fire Damn :ment. aned by B. Redditt, seconded by J. McConnell, that E. Langford be admitt- ed as a member of Flre Brigade.â€"Cani- ed. ‘ ‘ i L W U‘. l. Moved by \V. Pngsley, seconded by W. b’IcLaughlnu, that C. Storey be ad- mitted as an apprentice firemanâ€"Carri- Mr m1 Se OUR NEIGHBORS. MC Y 31. 1884-. Ved by I Redditt, Trench. . mcretarv flaring reports, Capt. Sanderson, » Grand Lodge of Sons of Tem- rlonated $100 ‘0 assist the Scott Act in the repeal cam- Council have 170th $2000 in erera by the recent. fire at touched on Tuesday, July t point that has yet been a of 36} were made, but fun Mr. l‘ngs‘ey, secow that the Captain. \V. Storey, T. F. I\.‘ v be :1 committee to Charity. Yours RJARDAQH 113' abtain. Me '1‘. F. MCM setond’ed \H From ourowu (.‘u. I' Ali‘ntiefii. Harvesting has commenced in this lo- cality. The fall whent is an extra good crop, with the exception ofa few odd fields. The spring crops are also very heavy and are ripening verv fast, which will hurry some of our slow farmers, as we have some of them in our neighbor- hood. We are surprised to notice in looking over the fields that the farmers who have purchased self-hinders are a. great deal behind, and those who have to bind by hand have lots of time to go to see the self-binders work; we can'- not account for the drawback. We presume those of your readers who have travelled through our little village have noticed that we have no public house of accommodation. \Ve would venture to say that it Wuuld not be USU“- ally neceasary, except on some particular ULCILSlOHS. For instance, a short time ago two respectable young men were duv- ing along; they were overtaken by'a. verv heavy shower of rain, and the night be- ing very dark, they were obliged to seek for shelter. which they would have had, but for an old gentleman who came out and ordered them out of their place of refuge. [do not think it christian-line for a man to disoblige others for fear of disobliging himself. flle I am glad to learn that some of our young men are exchanging sweet-hearts; we do not wonder at. it, as some of the old ones are getting pretty shaky. by this hi I y cured I mutter w years. D ceipt of 5 Street We Sunâ€"J notined in lawn week’s LIBERAL you credit Richmond Hill School wuth having pa'sed several candidate: at the recentvEnu-zmce Examaination, who, I am given to understand, reside at. Maple, and other planes, and who have never attended the Richmond Hill Plb- lic School. \Vnuld you be kind enough to thrc some light on this subject, for, If I hzv been correctly informed, the repon misleading to lhe public. and unfair other schools. [W3 published the report verbatim, as sent tn us by Mr. McBride. the Head Muster. We cm only say that the pupils referred to above had been attending the High School in Richmond Hill, and “UL the Public SChOul Why they were not. so l-geprortedi Mr. McBride w-'l have to Maple, July 2911), ‘84 explaiin. â€"Eu.] Mrs. A. Nelson. Brantfurd. writes: “ I was a sufferer of chronic dyspepsia. for el. veu years. Always after eating, an Intense burning sensation in my stomach, at times very distressing. caused a lan- guid feeling, which would last for srveral hours after eating. I was recommended by Mr. Pnpplewell,Chemist of our city,to try Northrup & Lyman’s Vegetable Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure, and 1 am thanka tn say I have not. been better for Years; than burning sensation and Ian‘- gui feeling has all gone, and food does not. lie heavy on my stomach. Others of my Tamily have used it with best results.” I Late of Victoria Sqna‘re GOODS AT COST, (YA'I‘ARRllâ€"A new iamma GREAT BARGAINS. ‘IBIGSALE'. N0 HUMBUGT T‘exms Strictly Cash; Enhance Exam SELLING OFF AT 005*: z B E'I'lRlN G F ROBE BUS I NESS Stlce Boots & Shoes {It 1‘0“. (Aron-r- ivs at «on. l‘rm'lu‘ry a: Glass- ware :ll Cost. Having sold om. my ] ~39, ou the Corner of we” '.liichm011d Hill, MR J OSEPH HALL, [Single copies, 3 c‘t‘s hithev .E. BROWN. ett M10 incurable diseane i‘; T)? In van one m three app» «miou the; standing “or one veer or ,nptive pmmmlet sen; tee L up. A. H.Dl ~‘ON (K: SON. :03 Tbxouto Ca. VELLOF’E r articles below 5 Stock must be c the public muy d Yours. (he Treatment where ,‘zoperty and Busi- Yoage and Cemre I am now preparea No. ine’o' ‘ Jone NQUIRER. Cost As the out. by

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