N . R. Mn PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE.‘ Ill Remodelled. Mr. J. T'mmpsou‘s covered ’bus is being Madam]er painted and thoroughly repaired at Mr. Truman's Works, giving it the appear ance of a. conveyance perfectly new. The scrolling is very tastin executed, and re- flects great credit on the workman. A Great Inven. or. Mr. Black, 01 Uniouville‘ b219, (1111' lg ma week, ,been canvabsiug the -:'Ia.ge [or P-l elem 'c lamp, which suxpasses apvll“i-: 1 \be "me we have ever wifluessed. In bu~ )8 9051 oil, and mu produce ligb‘u equal to ï¬ve u; 5': ordi-m‘y lamps. It is the nearest ap- yroach to me real acct. '~c mm. ever invent- ed. In huteh, churchm or 13.11.39 bv‘kdiu: 8 thre a large volume of )"Jht is :‘eq‘H-‘ed it Wul‘yd auzwer ad'n' ably, Rud I v he now Eudc ion N petiecfly safe U 1691' a‘l H.011 .-- stauc on lee 3 8-5 a. lab! well Civxc Hohday. waom has decided to tame its Civic 30‘ - '7 on Friday, August 1st. The main a.- .tctiuu of the day in to be an P; 5' ion w :‘1‘ngwood,um’erthe £111.pi<:es of L118 13' 0. .F. of th tplace. ls it not about (me .h :1 n attack of ‘9 thsu half 9'1 mmigra uddenl} POST OFFICE NOTICE One of Lhï¬ 8th .iich can mosL ha .weeu two posu H \I ememlmr L1H the lawn oi )fl )I'E Beware of TAamps. Fu some time past Mr. W111. Graham, lee 3111 (Jon. Vaughan, has had employed a labnru a person who claims to be an migrant. A few days ago Mr. in migrant ddenly decmnped, securing, before his fare- :H. a watch, chain. some money and other ticlua La the value of ubom ï¬fly dolhms. arch has since been made for the. lightâ€" ";Fi|‘d gentleman. but nothing has yet I"~ , ï¬red to lendto his capture, although it .I been reported he has been seen in ‘ lLe linhborhood. mute 14 (j 1’an Hall sh Swag of Fruit at lowest rates, :hiue L ill do we†10 Jurclmsing elsewbrNe 11‘. for Pianos and U nether column. )IICE‘E Rat J.1{upert lost on Tuesday lust. Call and See. who are in want of a ï¬rst-cluss Sew Died 0." Inï¬amu \Vmu‘f ‘0 fur {he E u} “criptiou \\‘ had Sean 311 ILI . TIME TABLE. change of advertisement te House tins week. gul )ITSG NOR Mail. athluJuus at the Industrial be held in Toronï¬o 5a Sept. Dog Show. Over$200 is to .‘es 1:1 we dime-st. ('asscs. If" be given .0 the Galley sL haria‘ruin ilv‘ te its sheep I)le and back to a pen. Adjou- ned 1M per do tOl’f «y last. The animal and 0.:1yjust l'etumed from n it was suddenly sexued inflammath and died in hour. Dog Show. h. pious at 3. Is it not abet is being woken of 'l‘lmrsr] w meetin SUI Sunder ll] Tl 1t ‘usult Mr. Lu>h fl] 1]] 61] his driv'm v's of all the Con- lmmled in the above 1d 11 Au 11) iead Oct? 11110110 “ ihe Satur- 4L}: am Visiting. Anumber of the msmbers of the Good Templms Lodge of this place visited the Sons of Temperance at Eversley on Satur- day evening last, and were cordially enter- tained. They report the lodge to be in a flouxismng conditiou‘ The fo‘dmving \vem elecfed Inst evening as' Ofï¬ce bearers for the ensuing quarter ht the Tempvmnce Lodge in Richmond Hill.â€" W. C. T.. Bro. C. Rutherford; \V. V. T., Sis. J. A. E. Switzer ; W. S. Bro. Gen. McDonald ; W. F. S . Bro. S. Agar; ‘.V'.T.,S1s, J. H. Sanderson ; W.I_ (1'., Sis. H. \Viley : W'. O. the contract and are erecting a Y‘SW dm house fur Mr. Bliuknell, on Centre St. The building is to be brick-clad, and ï¬nished will will greatly to the an nnce of that. lucnlil‘v. Slmnlll Mr. B. hold of a few more houses nu tlmt strel will be quite in unlcr to change its pr name to that of Bricknell. W. Storey Some pm-ty enle lubt. AIaniI‘. near last week, and ctmi which ll'ld been I use. Evidentlv it. ‘ quainted with Mr. l\.‘ i~x a very desirablt- f year, but it is very 1 year, blit it is hard working lute. SPECIM and Heav for aqcls Concretefnow selling the 119a and best Grey Cotth that has been offered on Richmond HI]! 10 cls. per yd. 25c tiful groan The Rirhrm 1y consenie‘ sic. A tug non-membe 1‘ l. chst R1 House, 23:15. 17 lb I7 lbs Mr. Roberts, of Drmnptnn, a promment member of the “ Exuelsior †Lacrosse Club, was in lo\\u on Tuesday ‘or the purpose of arranging a return match “All the " You *2 Canadians.†‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I‘mvell nud Percy left on Wednesday for a trip to Blenheim. St. Thomas and other places, where they intend spending a. few weeks Min their relatives and hieuds. M1-.nud Mrs. Palpb A uer. of Port Pe 1-y, are spending a few days In the village visit- iog relntlves and flieuds. Among the succeSstul cundulates at Bit-'11- mond Hi“ for entrance to the H.311 School, was Walter Kliuck,who hails from 5.8. Noxt Markham. He headed the list out of a. large number who passed. The undaunted per- severance nnd marked abiIity of Walter tend to a special success in the fu‘ul'erâ€"‘UUM. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Shades McDonald. & 60., W3'lbe glad to co espond W123 Apple Grgweis, Mgr- chau.t=r. g‘nd Shlpoers, W151} r‘ & J View L9 Aï¬ohmn and Sp ‘ing buuue’: . Thev wi’l. (tho give the ' uaua1 faciliule, 120 cur'Lomemr 1‘;cq}11r-ng advances“ en in Mr. A. L. Slim Je upper part of the me crosse slicks; below 1 lde-n beaver, nml helo rge pl:.te of silver. s RSOUIC Thc im ant 79 QUEEN LI.,LONDON,E c., ‘KEILâ€"Ill Richmond Hill. on Jul»' '.' rd.the wife of Rev. W.1:. Walter E.. Deny, uge‘ ars plet at , and carded Ind been put idontlv it. Wm; with Mr. Men desirablt- fUOI Firemen's Garden P npron, all :0 worlun Vechl & T \V. Storey Championship Medal 01d medal l-ccentlv W1 Innndinns " from the “ E In R ‘e tor $51.00 at 1 Richmond H11] PERHCTNALS ted in the safely of their propel-‘3 ï¬l‘P. are rmluestsd to turn om t helping hand at the “pm! 1) 1M!" iveu in Mr. H. Smulrrsou‘s [mm nrls, toâ€"morrow, (Friday) Wenng nond Hill Cornet Band have kind ed to he present and furnish um ‘ Victoria L: ï¬ars Best ., 311). Bar lb. Bar N. I Pearl Tap lest Sago to ‘ro. S. Agar; W. T., SIS, J. H ; W.I. 0.. Sis. H. Wiley ; W. O H. Sundermn ; 1’. W. C. T., Bru T. IX, Bm. \V. Harrison. )ll l'l.‘ IKIKIAG ES very mean tn steal it man. who toils both a Theft. entered the nrannrv of Mr. nenr Elgin Mills, one night, carded off several pork hams en put uwny {or harvest v it. wus some pPrznn we]! no- ylr. New ‘2: out-buildings. Hum Lb]? foodh‘this sensou of [he chmond Hill. on 1“) Muv, Julv infant sun of G80. and Jo-b 1 7 weeks and 5 day. New House alue in BIRTHS. DEATHS ‘rkm rer. sun enclosed unship v noble (l n Should Mr. B.‘ get. uses on that street. it for $1.00. 24 lbs. )0 at the Concrete Shirtin nshil' an n dry Comm this “CelVE tllc Linklaler have a new dwelling. Jentre St. west rev l and may be :huw window. )usists of Wm s a beautiful a beaver is a and when the appear- m ,AIILV, Julv Hush, mu Jo~ephiru ke nn nld handsome pcuted by .) and is an m Wednesday, Bu rkm. of u. :5. Hum 11 of the from a axly and ottons at the {-51.00 aviest 1p for Soap ‘ap for 23cts. piur ' suslBargains in Dress Goods..- 5 See our All Wool Nun's I ( Bargains in Silks. See our Check Summer Silks. 492‘s»: “ Bargains in Sheetings. 'I'."",‘,'{;Vt 5 See our Double VVidth T .x; Bargains in Lace Curtains. r-ning, km See our Lace Cu; L; '4' is 2.31:; Bargains in Shirtings. of [hp See our Shirtings, fast c010; s. M‘Bargains in Factory 85 White Cottons. :vi‘lr‘d. See our 35.: :L the I I l I Bargains 1n Millmery. mtrou- See our Shade Hats at 12‘_cts Bargains in Gloves & Hosiery. the bu THE NEW WILLIAMS High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now racog- nized as the It. is strong, durable and well built, of the very best material that money can buy orislnll producfa. ~ It rs Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Sxmple to Learn It, was awarded ï¬ve medals and three ï¬rst. prizes at the Dominion exhibition last October. It is rapidly superseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it, buy it. and make sure that you get it. Euld by Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Must excruciating are the twinges which rack the muscles and joints nf ihe rheumatic. Northrop (i Lyman’s Veget- able Discm'ery and Dyspeptic Cure, by promoting increased action of the kid- neys, by which the blond 13 more effect.- ually depurated, removes through the natural channels cermin acrid elements in the circulation which produce rheumatism and gout. The medicine is also a ï¬ne- laxative antibilions medicine and general Corrective. Bright Bay Mare SEWING MACHINE 0F Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, l Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, VV'hite Cottons, Shech masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Qst, C terpanes, ‘Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c., NEW SPRING me into the uremia: Sunday, J z 1234 Yonge Street, 3rd Store abovegueen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BE EMBEOFFERIQ 1), ‘ And Invite Inspection of Our New J. LUSH‘ 1 Leather Halts to star in foreheu ' can have her by Expenses. 4i POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Toronto,. are now showing a. Large and Complete Stock c See our Silk Lace Mi tbs. 15 inehe‘s ion A11 Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Terms Cash, Only One Pl ice. J. M. HAMLTQM SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUES'I‘. ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE xly 1 t1†7H THE PERIOD. l) KINNET NEW SPRING GOODS l‘f‘lpROEERW FOR, SALE! CHEMISTS 8L DRUGGISTS. l (g 167, King St. East, Toronto, Parties will take notice that after this daze will not be responsible for any debts contmc by my wife. " nun" “vvï¬v'lrnn Richmond Hill, July 10th Hugh MILLER 81.60., MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER: YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, &r‘ - ï¬pecinl attention ugions of quilv and 18-12 DUN CUMBE ESTATE ! BUILDING LOTS 14‘ () 1% Six I J l ‘1 f the hmond Stree ht Buildim only 53100 e 9 lots : Al: PESTABLISHED NOTICE ! July Dun 11 See our All Wool Nun‘s Cloih. lZécts null DR. LANl-‘S'I‘A lt‘I" H ENRY BURKIT H ï¬he pr ~l'=% 1‘2 1m 1 H11! Street tic H. B. DEWSBUBY’; HARNESS EMPORIUM Trunks, Satchels, V Ready Made Harm &c.. always on ham RICH MOND HILI represente a specmlt) ed to on t 1m 3% . ‘ ,‘7' .1“! L ,; A \ ‘ ’é l,‘ .‘ THERE}: All H RICHMOND HILL YONG E ST REET. d W ide FacLO' ,V, e at '60 .5-‘5‘ m “,’\£".’“'6“"*Y~†am it." abEI-‘Lï¬ï¬‚- mm? “7 MT luvhnumIINflEHIC 1%": ï¬t“ é." F1 RSI-CLASS u‘ness gnm‘anu ted. Light H .‘ Dewsbu‘ry‘. 1ncy Table D mgnt Harries Repairs attend shortest DOtICC 10009, 3mm W 1'1 i p 1(1