Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jul 1884, p. 8

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To prese’ve wood from decay and render it fairly fireproof, a [-olution of lime, salt, and wood ashes may be applied. Enough of lampblack or yellow ochre may be added to impart color if desired. For light fences or small wooden structures it ought to do very well. New iron works will soon be opened at Kobe. Japan. bya native capitalist, who has engaged several hundred men trained at the Alabama Iron Works and elsewhere in Tokio. It is also stated that as the iron yielded by the ore of the Shimonida mine has proved itseli to be of a very fine quality it Will be employed hereafter for the ar- mor of Japanese war vessels. according to instructions issued by the Naval Depart- ment. A German statistician says that there are 3,985 paper mills in the world, and that of the 1,904,000,000 pounds of paper turned out annually half is used for printing, 600.- 000,000 pounds being required for newspa- pers alone. the consumption of which has irisen by 200,0004000 pounds in the last de- cade. He alleges that on an average an Englishman uses annually 11% pounds of paper. an American 10%, a German 8. a Frenchman 711;, an Italian or an Austrian 3%, a Spaniard 1%,3 Russian 1g, and a Mexican 1. Prof. Miall says there are to be found as- sociated with seams of coal, and especially with the underlying shale. the flattened impressions oi creatures which once had lite, though at first strenuously doubted. A well.deeerved honor has been conferred on M. Ciillctet, one of the two physicists who liquefied the last of the gases. He has been nominated a “Membre libre" by the Academy of Sciences, Paris, in place of the late Mkdu Moncel. An oflicial report from Col. Majendie, C01. FordI and Capt. Cundil, British in- spectors ofexplosives, states that within the past year the dynamite trade in Great Britain had grown considerably, four new factories for explosives having been erected; that the number of license storage maga- zxnes had increased from 3‘20 to 329 ; and that the total number of registered prem- ises for explosives in the United Kingdom was 19,386. During 1883 there were 179 explosions, causing the death of 89 and the injury of 109 persons. Dr. Vigouroux recommends a glare of lemonade. taken as hot as possible every hour or half hour, as not only an easy and agreeable but a most efficient cure for diar- rhea. Prof. O. C. Marsh finds that the skulls of the pterodactyls of the Middle Chalk, West Kansas, dificr from those of other known pterosauria in the absence of teeth and of anterior nasal apertures distinct from the antorbital opunings; in the presence of the \elongated o:cipital crest, and, lastly, on the I‘wholepjaws, which appear to have been covered with a. horny sheath. as in recent birds. All these cretaceous reptiles belong to the genus Pteranodon. Some of the species were of enormous size, with a spread of wings of about '25 feet. If, says M. Moutiguy in L’Elcctricite, we cast a rapid glance over the progress that has been made in electricity in less than half a. century, we shall see that alter pre- senting itself suddenly under an entirely new form in the Volta pile, after manifest- ing its surprising action upon magnets ,and currents at a moment when the science of the phenomena engendered by the pile seemed to some to be exhausted, electricity is again presenting itself under a new light in induction apparatus wherein it is excited by the most surprising means. It is not unlikely that the diamond field of Bingera, New South Wales, will equal in richness the famous Kimberley district of South Africa. At Bmgera within the last few months hundreds of diamonds have been discovered, and the size and number of the gems are said to increase with the depth of the diggings. A very formidable obstacle to the development of the locality has been removed by the, discovery of abun- dance of water for diamond washing and other purposes .at no greater depth than 50 or 60 feet from the surface. The physical comfort of a man who, of his own accord, is industrious, the Builder and Woodworker says, is in every way a. matter which has an actual money value. Those who are disinclined to keep steadily at work should be allowed no pretense of an excuse of unsuitable surroundings. The inference it adds is plain: Dojustice to your workmen, .nd, as a rule, they will do justice to you ; at any rate, any injustice done them will surely, sooner or later. be returned with interest. A 3 year-old gorilla which died lately at the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, was imported from the Gaboon district, West Africa, And was the first living specimen of this ape ever brought to France. He was surly and soli~ tary in his habils, barely tolerating my of the other apes near him. His intelligence was far below that of the orang-outang or the chimpanzae. He had full command of his well-developed hands. His. physiogno- my, says Milne-Edwards. was very peculiar, his eyes being very mobile, and crowned with large superciliary ridges, the nose flat, and the nostrils wide. leavee are coated again, placed over each other, and then laid 1n heated moulds where ressure, acting on the albumen of the load and the lime. produces a. strong and intimate combination. Battleq are formed of two pieces joined together. When in England Cetyvuyo and his at- tendant Zulus are reported to have so lght and lound relief from coughs and colds in this runedy: About 18 ounces of good onions, after the peel: were removed, were Dr. \V. Alexeyefl“, of the Russian Chemi- cal and Physical Society, has (published a memoir on the specific heat or solutions. After a. searching investigation of those so- lutions which are accompanied by a. lower- ing of temperature he believes that this phenomenon .takes place in those liquids which have not a chemical affinity, and that these liquids are true solutions. 0n the other hand, in those cases where a. rise of tempt rature occurs, he believes that the dis- solved liquids enters into chemical combina- tion with the dissolving one. Paper bottles are made on a large scale in Germany and Austria. This is the recipe for the stock : 'len’ parts of rags, 40 of straw, and 50 of brown wood pulp are thoroughly incorporated. The paper 15 im- pregnated or coated on both sides with 60 parts of defibrinated fresh blood, 35 parts of lime powder, and 5 parts of sulphate of alumina. After Adryipg, 19 or 1‘2 rolled 9‘IENTIFIC GOSSIP. In 1861 a young man stopped at an inn in the little town of Argentiere. near the foot. of the Cevenues Mountains in France. The first night while sleeping there he dreamed :dream that made a strong impression on im. “I thought I had mrived in the same town,” so he related, "but in the middle of the evening ; that I had put up at the same inn, and gone out immediately in order to see whatever was worthy of observation in the place. Presently, I reached a miserable cottage, in front of which was a garden covered with weeds. I had no great diffi culty in gettinw into the garden, {or the hedge had several wide gaps in it. I ap~ preached an old well that stood solitary and gloomy in a. distant corner. and looking down into it, beheld, without any possibility of mistake, a corpse which had been stabbed in several places. I counted the deep wounds and wide gasbes. There were six.” At this moment he awoke with his hair on end, trembling in every limb, and cold drops of perspiration bedewing his forehead. He sprang from his bed, dressed himSelf, andI as it was yet early. sought an appetite for his breakfast by a morning walk. He went accordingly into the street and strolled along. The farther he Went the stronger became the confused recollection of the ob- jects that presented themselves to his View. He hurried forward, nolunger doubting that the next moment would bring him to the cottage; and this was really the case. In all its exterior appearances it corresponded with what he had seen in his dreim. He entered the garden and went directly to the spot where he had seen the well; but here the resemblance failed ; there was none. He looked in every direction, examined the whole garden, and even went round the cot- tage, which seemed to be inhabited ; but nowhere could he find any signs of a well. He then hastened back to the inn in a state of excitement hard to describe. He went to the landlord, and asked him directly to whom the cottage belonged that was on the by-road. slightly incised and boiled for three quart- ers 01 an hour in 35 ounces of water, with 13; ounces of moist sugar, and 2:} ounces of honey. The liquid was then sirained and bottled for use. One tsblespoonful was taken when the attack of coughing was severe, and half a. tablespoonfulat inter- vals afterward until the distressing symp- toms disappeared. This treatment of cold has a familiar old New-England sound. now A: Terrible Murder was Unearthed. Srid he: “It is inhabited by an old man and his wife, who have the character of being very unaocial. The scarcely ever leave the house, see 311be y, and nobody goes to see them. Of late, their very exist- ence appears to have been forgotten, and I believe that you are the first who for years. has turned your steps to the lonely hp‘t." “Very well: as fast and as soon as you please.” was the reply. “ Have you ahwell here ?” “ No, sir ; we‘are obliged to get our water from a spring abouts quartet of a. mile dis taut.” He allowed but a. very few minutes to elapse before he was on hls way, accompmi- ed by two officers. The old man received them somewhat uncivillv, but showei no mark of suspicion when they told him they wished to march the house. They searched the house. but discovered nothing of any conscquence. They however, resolved to Inspect the garden. By this time a. number of persons had collected to- gether outside. having been drawn to the spot by the sight of a stranger with two policemen. They were asked if they knew anything of a well in those parts, They re- plied they did not ; the idea seemed to per- plex them. At length an old woman came Iorward, leaning 9n a‘crutch. sttening to the nearest magistrate, be related the whole circumstance briefly and clearly. “ u is very strange," said the otfi- cer. “ I will place two of the police at your command : you can then go once more to the hovel, and search every pm: of it.” “ A well ?" said she.‘ “ 13 it a well you are looking for? That has been gone these thirty years. I remember as if it were yesterday ; how I used to throw stones into It just to hear the ep‘ash of the water." 3‘ Do you rememb‘er where that well used to be?" asked tl3e gentlezppn. __ “ As near as I (:51: recollect," re] lied the woman, " it. is on the very spot where you now btsnd.” He suddenly started an if he had trodden upon a serpent. They at once commenced digging up the ground. At about twenty inches deep they cxme to a layer of bricks, which, bemg broken up, revealed some rotten boards. These were easily removed, when they beheld the mouth of the well. “I was quite certain that this was the spot," said the old woman. “What [0015 they were to stop it up, and then have to travel so far for water I" A sounding-line. furnished with books. was now let down into the wellâ€"the crowd hard pressing around them, breathlesst bending over the black and fetid hole. the secrets of which seamed hidden in impene- trable obscurity. This was repeated several times without any result. At length, pen- etrating below the mud, the h0uks caught in tomething of considerable weight. and after much time and efl‘mt they succeeded raising it. It was an old chest. The sides and lids were decayed, and it needed no blacksmith to open it. \Vithin it they found what they were sure they would find, and which filled the spectators with horrorâ€"the remains of a human body I The police officers now rushed into the house and secured the old man. As tp his wife she at first could not be found. But, after a. fatlguing search, she was discovered beneath a. pile of wood, being much bruised by the heavy logs above her. By this time nearly the whole population of the town had collected around the spot. The old couple were brought before the proper authorities and separately examined. The man persisted in his denial most obsti- nutely ; but his wife at once confessed that she and her husband. a very long time ago. had murdered a pedlar who possessed a large sum of money. He had passed the night at their house, and they, taking advantage of the heavy sleep that encompassed him, had strangled him, after which they placed his body in a. chest. The chest was thrown into the well, and the well stopped up. Terrified by the deposition of his wife, the old man at length made a similar confession ; and six weeks after the guilty couple expired on the scafiold. DISCOVERED BY A DREAM. A piece of steel is a good deal like a man ; when you get its red hot it loose: its temper. Any man can pick up courage enough to be heroic for an hour ; to be pstiently heroic daily is the test of character. Prefer knowledge to wealth ; for the one is trmsitory, the other perpetual. God bless our women! To their soft hands and pitying hearts we must all come at last. Unnelfish people are always polite, be- cause good manners are on'y the absence of selfishness. Gold can buy nearly everything in this world except that whxch a man want: most â€"-bappinels. The great {hing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. When a strong brain is weighed with a. true heart it seems like balancing a bubble againat a wedge of gold. There is but one virtue, the. eternal sacri- fice of self. Contentment gives a crown where fortune has denied it. If any man ofl'end not. in word, the same is a perfect man. Persistent people begin their aucmas where others and in failure. Experience is a trophy composed of all the weapons we have been wounded with. Happiness consists not in possessing much but in being content with what we posueal. When you fume and fret at the petty ills of life remember that the wheels which go round without creaking last longest. Restraint and liberty go hand in hand in the development of characterâ€"indeed thh- out the former the latter is impossible. The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden undu-ground, secretly making the ground green. Award of kindness is seldom spoken in vain; while petty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping froma broken string. Reflect upon your present blessings, 'of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of whion all men have some. Memory is a net. One may find it full of fish when he takes it from the brook. but a. dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking. The golden moments in the stream of life rush pmt us and we see nothing but sand ; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. Let a. man take time enough for the most trivial deed, though it be but the paring of his nails. The buds swell imperceptibly, witllout hurry or confusion, as 1f the short spring days were an etetnity. True modesty is beautiful, but it an- nounces the supremacy of the idea of per- fection in mind, and at the same time, gives truth and sincerity the victory over zorce and vanity. When God would educate a man He com- pels him to learn bitter lessons. He sends him to school to the nicessities rather than to the graces. that, by knowing all sulfat- ing, he may know also the eternal consola- tion. The sea. drowns both ship and sailor. like a grain of dust, and we call it fate ; but let him learn to swim, let him trim his bark, and the water whlch drowned him will be cloven by in, and will carry 11; like 115 own foamâ€"a plume and a. power. Tnet fortitude which has encountered no dangers, that prudence which has surmount- ed no difficulties, that integrity which hes been attacked by no temptation, can best be considered but as gold not yet brought to the test, of which therefore the true value cannot be asuigned. Look Here. Do you feel blue and despcvuienn Do pains nck and tear away at nerve and mus- cle, and have you been disappointed in find- ing a runedy that will afford certain and speedy relief? If so, go at once to any drug more and buy a. sample bottle of Pulsou’s Nervillne. Polson's Nerviliue never fall! to relieve neuralgia, cram‘s. headache, rheu- math-111, and all internal or exteunl pains. J. B. Cn'tmnl, drnggist, Morrisburgh. writes: “All the paries I supply speak very favorably of Nrrvi‘ine, snl always purchase a secoul lot." l’olsmn's Nu'wlme s sold m eampla bottles at 10 cents; lzvge siza 25 ceu l'eâ€"by all druggists ani country dealers everywhere. Try a. ten can: to:tle. Rumor is a pipe, blown by surmiaes, jeal- ousiea, conjectures ; and of so easy and so plain a. stop that the blunt monster, with uncounted headsâ€"the still discordant wavering multitudeâ€"can play upon it. A man named Songster shot another man in Philadelphia last week. He sings in an. other key nowâ€"turnkey. Not another Pill shall go down my throat again. said a. citizen “when I can get such a prompt and pleasant ure for my Bilious attacks. such as Dr. Carson‘s Stem. ach Bitters. It renders the Blood Pure and Cool and m ken a splendid Spring Medicine. Large homes 50 001105 “It's swarm weather,” remarked the man who was endeavoring to get away from the inhabitants of u bee-hive. Young Men! Read This. The Voltaic Belt 0)., of Marshall. Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro- Volatic Balt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afllicted with nervous debility. loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles, Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis. and many other diseases. Com- plete restoration to health, vigor and man- hood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. \Vrite them at once for illustrated pamphlet free. If )ou live in the city dou'u cry over spilt milk. Examine it closely and you may find in is not milk. after all. When you visit or leave New York City. save Baggage expressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at the GRAND UNION HOTEL, opposlte Grand Central Depot 600 elegant rooms titted up .at a. cost of one million dollars. $1 and up- wards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant su plied with the best. Horse cars. stages and eeveted railroads to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Un1_on Hotel than at any other first- class hotel 1n the citv. A circus tumbler ought tolive long. \Vhen one is turned over so often, it must take the sande of life a. long time to run out. GEKS UF THOUGHT. Important. Any kind of goods or fancy article cm he dyed any color In a few minutel by Triangle Dyes. A child can use them thh perlect success. All the popular colors. 10:. Perhaps the mo 1: extraordinary success that has been athieved in modern science has been attained by the Dixon Treatment of Catarrh. Ont t t 2.0..0 patients treated during1 the past six months. fully ninety per cent. .ave been cured of this stubborn ma!ady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered lhit not five per cent. of the patients resru’ing themselves to the regular practit one. are benefltted, whie the patent medicines and Olhel‘ advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now genernl‘y believed by the most srientifle men that the disease is due to the presence of liv- ing parasites in the tissues, M'. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exten- mination; this accomplished the eatarrh is practically cured, and the permanency is un- questioned, as cures efl’ected D him four years ago are cures still. No one 6 so has ever at- tempted to cure catarrh in this manner. and no oth°r treatment has ever cured catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple and can be done at home, and the res-mt season of the year is the most favors. le for a Speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sufferers should cor- respond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON 8LSUN 305 King-street West, Toronto, Canada. and enc ose sittamp for their treatise on “turnâ€"Montreal . ar. “ One must creep before he can walk." an the 2m -ll boy sand when he crawled under a curcus tcut. A Is Advice Cheap? We thlnk not, for If disinterested it has like every good thing. been dearly purchased. A foul may 034'. but it requires a. wise man to profit by imam! you, my reader, may offer - r accept a l-ttle practlcu advice. Use 0‘ tell your friends to use only Putnam’s Corn Ex- tractor, f(r thousands have tertified, aftu' a practical test, that it is the on y sure, safe and harmless r meiy for coma in the world. Sold evtrywhere. by druggists and dealars in medicine, all over the country. Ban are 0' substitutes. It is said that glue is used in the cheaper grades of ice cream. Tom: is ice cream "with a. stick in it." There are lots of people going Hound grumbling. had half nick at the Stomach all the time; who might be well and happy. it they only used Dr. Canon's Stomach Bitters occasionally. It In a splendid Blood Purifier All Druu'iucs 50 cent: ' A. P. 188. Persons. r those about to man ry. will greatly benefited by a_en<hug 3 emu for sealml mm. gins adver- WHEAT £3123 MARRIED cinemeit OIIUII I n“”' mail in Isaac Piumm's syn tern, by practical phonogmpher. Send (or terms an plan to FRANK YEIGH, 1.51 snerhuurne 8L Toronto. l.â€" shops 2lx118feez;do'uble stoop, with otfica 24 x 60; blanksmith's shop. 20 x 42; lumber, barn. and shed. horse barn. two acres of land wlch dwelliug~house suit: able for two small families; two cvstema. cellar. and well; situated at Ross’ Corners. four mile; from Belle- ville, on main zravelled road: good locality. when a business from 38,001) to $10,000 per annum is done. The uremiSPs are new in tull blaat, and wlll bu sold to good live mm at a bargain. HARFORD ASHLEY. Belle'ille. SHORTHAND. Active pushing man wanted to wholesale my famous tens to consumers. Salary from $600 to $2000 net th' gland stamp for particulars. JAMES LA UT, Importer me mostconvenieut meat for farmers in their busy season. These meats are cooked and readv for use. Sol_d_ b‘g‘ggocers fibrpugh the Dominion. Sand for once Toronto. Roughoast Blacksmith Shop. Woodsbop and Dwell‘ ing House. 1} lnnd. good garden, nimble and woodshed. Failing healnn the came fur selling. Apply Box 19 Hepwortn. Out I SMOKED SAUSAGES: t6 W. (SHARK 15'. 0. B’ox’ W- & F- P. UURRIE 62; Co- 100 Grey Nun Street. Montreal. Importers of Draln Pipes. Portland Cement, Chimney Tops. Chanda Cement. Vent Linings. Water Lime, Flue Covers, Whitiu , Fire Bricks, Plaster of Putin. Fire 0 3y. Benn. Roman Cement, China Clay Mnnufacturers of Bauemer Steel aofa. dumr a Bad Spring- HOUSE CLEANING TIME. I! you want your houses to be attractive, use Ramsay‘s Improved Cnlaomlue Color! for tinting Walla.â€"Oan be used without the aid 0! t Painter and do not rub off. Made in fifteen clifi'eren t'tha. Apply to your local dealers (or them. MANUFACTURED BY ll. RAM§AY Allan Lme Royal Mail Steaxqships. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool. and in summ from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Lon- douderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore wig Halifax and St. John's FTE. DIXON 7& COT, , E. to xverpool fortnightly during summer months. The stenmem o! the Glasgow lines sail during winter between Pornland and Glasgow. and Boston andGlmsgow alternately ; 3nd during summer between Quebec and Glygowgsuq Boston and Glasgow e‘v‘ery woe Leather Belting ! wi‘ugxr'freight pagsage. orvvo’tfie'r information apply to A.Scimmacher & Co. Baltimore; 8. Cunard dc Co. .7Halifax ; _Shgs. 45:90.1 $t. {9113's N. E; Wm. Thomson 8:, Co., St. John, N. B. Allen a 00., Chicago: Love & Alden, New York ;H. Bourlier. Toronto ; Allana. Rae 8c 00.. Suegwc; H A. Allan. Portland. Boston. Mon- rea THE NEW WILLIAMS 10 King Street, East. Toronto Large double Driving Belts 5 specialty. Send 1' Price Lists and Dinnounta. HOS. GALLOWAY a 00., Cotton, Woollen, Silk. Cat. pet. and Worsted Shuttle Makers. Dundns. Oat ARTY WANTED TO fURCHASE CARRIAGE ANT Agenta. I‘eamster’a Friend. Send stump for sample cnls free. 59 Mich St” Cleveland. OhiO. Cntun-hâ€"A New Trentmenn Manufacture" at Star Rivet Martin 84,Finlsy 91 5). Russian .2. Seneca 31 30,(601bs.)andli;t. J“. Rennie. Tomato. MEN WAN J'. w.’ son‘wach Town to. Canada LESSONS GIVEN BY EINHARDl‘b HAIR RESTOREE AND MOUSTACHE PRODUCER. A gunning propsration which I: guaranteed to do all 0.11M. is claimed for it. Prooucinz lumrinnt whisken sud mouatwho in six weeks. In home: ntel ploked Do any Idrlren (or 81. F. BEINHARDT. MA Building. Toronto. {GURNEYS 81 WARE, GOPLAND & McLAREN-f L'l Incorporated. Head Omca._ London. Ont. hane- Certificates from 8126 to 33.000. pnnble on Inu- rinse, at following rntea. For 8500. or hnl! oertiflonto. 84; quarterly dues in ndvnnce. $0.75. For 81.000 Oertlfl cote. ’5: Quarterly dues in ndunou. $1.00. For 81000 Certificate. 810; quarterly dues in ndvnnoe. 82.00. For 83.000 Certificate. 815; qunrberly dues in ndunou. 83.00. The only cash payments. Ansaaomenta on marriage! 81.60 on ench 810m First yearn quarterly moumentl nre promptly pm . on present membership at end of year. Endowment resend account will nmount to 810.000, pro: viding for n Inge number of endowments. which plncea this Association in n wand financial position. No eon- neotion with any aimilnr institution. A Rood “fins: moiety (or young'people, Send (or By-an. kc. W. ‘ IMLAOH. Seoretnry. London. Ont. Price Low For Future Delivery. Tin Plate. CANADA PLATE. Running in connection with the Gnnd Trunk Rail way of Uanndn. Hailing from Quebec: every Saturday during the summer months. and from Portland every Thursday during the winter months. Bailing dates from QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL Homreui. Aug, 2. | ‘Vanconver.AIlg, 23 ‘Snrnla. Aug. 9. Toronto. Aug. 30 Brooklyn. Ang,ls ‘oreaon. Sept. 6 Rates of passage: Cabin nebec to Liverpool $50. sec. :65, $30. Rcturn,$90,é10 ,5117.sl44,aocordmgm steamer and berth. Intermediate $36.75. Steerm, at lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus: ’ are amidahips. where bullihtle motion as felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Runway Agent or local Igniton the Compaq r to_ Dominion Line of Steamships. For sale 1 Westinghouse Traction Farm Enaine. l I Able Triumph do. 1 G. (L Morrison do. 1 8 h pi Portable Engine and Boiler on Skldi‘, l 35 h. p. Hornzontnl by Nanny. 1 do. by Wu- ternus With out off valve, end 20 engines an boilers smaller sins. all thoroughly refitted before lea shop. 2 24-inch Planers and Matchera. l munch Pony Planer. 1 Iron Frame Tenoning machine. 1 Blind SIM Tenonrr. l Buggy Plainer or jointer, 2 band sum. 19 Saw Tables. 1 Fire-Proof Safe. 1 Jewelar’a R0013 Steel 1 Book-Bintler‘l Screw Press. 1 42-inch French Burr Portable Grist. Mill. 1 62-inch inaerted Tooth-Saw ac,.&c, bend for new list. No. 9. containing full deâ€" scription of mnchinery in stock. Address. is one of the hits. Not that a carriage top is anything new. but the nest want of romething more perfect. than the heavy, expensive. inconvenient tops in use. suggested the invention of the OOnboy Adjustable Top, which has been altered and improved until it now stands without a rival. The styles and grades now manufactured are the most popular. and are vnried enough to suit all tastes. Mr. Uonn 1y is the Pioneer in this business. It has been his aim since the commencement to merit the patvonage snd ronfidence of the trade and the pnblic,by producing durable and convenient. and at the same time, elegant and stylish top;. that could be sold at ex- ceedingly low prices. That this end has been attained ix abundantly proved by the thousands sold. and the numerous letters of approval received from the load- ing earrings builders throughout the country. Since moving to Toronto, Mr. Conboy is giving his whole atten- ti in to the improvement and manufacture of carriage tops. where his increased facilities. his practical know. ledge. and his numerous patenteed improvements. give him great advantages over all competitors. H. W. PETRIE. Brantford. Ont. 401 KING STREET, “’EST. TORONTO. ONT. GDNBOY’S CARRIAGE TOPS STANDARD SCALES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLE. Uurivulled in material. construction and finish. pel- run in accuracy and unequalled in dumbihty. Gunn- nuteed to give entire satisfiu‘tiuu. RAILROAD, WAREHOUSE AND mm. TRUCKS- GURNEYS 8c WARE, High Arm [Machine is now recognized as the Sewigg Machine of the Period. It ls‘LIEht and Easy to run It is strong, durable, and well built. of the very best material that money can buy or skill produce. It was awarded five medais and three first prizes at the Dominion Exhibition last October. It is rapidly superaeding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it, buy it, and make sure that you get it. THE WILLIAMS’ MFG 00. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. 1783 Nobre Dame Sh, Montreal, and .58 . LKing St, \Vest, Toronto. ' U’l'UAL MARRIAGE ENDOWMENT AB’N Mills’ Alarm Money Drawers. SEND FOB ULUSTRATED PRICE LIST. Galvanised Sheet. Sllent and Rapid In movement HA MILTON, ONT MONTREAL. m'" Wis’tiaimpod Goods FOR SALE BY mum 1on'uA'M'n a «‘0‘ Plain and Simple to Learn. Genus] Agents, MoniresL

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