Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1884, p. 5

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TORONTO. City Hall U niou Station Brock Street Q-weu's Wharf Park-lulu Davenport. \Vestnn “ Thorhhill... RICHMOND King ...... Aurora. \vumrkeh . Newmarket Aurora. , King U Inn‘an Thornhill . Weston.“ Dmveuport ]’ u'kdnle.... TORONTO. Queen's Whm‘f Brook Street ,, Uumu Station. City Hall ...... . Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer House, Richmnnl Hill. as follows: Mail & Exprgsx Noyfih 6: South... '7 45 a“ m. ,\ u Awnfiimodntinn 2\' tress, North. Mall, SPUGII,‘ Until further notice Mails will he vlnsed at, the Richmond Hill Post. Office as folln‘vszâ€" MOENXNG :â€"Gnimz Nor-al.5011111, East Mid \Vest, includin: 'l'hnrnhill, Maple. 'I‘nrnntn. Mnrklmm.&". 7.40 EVENING :â€"Goiug south.Eusc and West (as nlmveb 6.00 N. B.-â€"Rem'stcred Letters must be handed in M- lenst Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for clos' PROCTORK STAGE LINE. Subscribe (or the Evening Glohp. 30cm 5 month. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBEB‘ u. Ollice. Matkham Council. The Markham Townslnp Council will meet at Uuiauville on ‘J bursday, Aug. 14th, at 10 a. m. Ifyou want the best value in all grades of Sugar, go to the Concrete House. Monthly Fair. The Monthly Fmr of cattle, sheep, &c., was bold in the lair ground yesterday, and, as usual. drew quite a. number to the village, p1 incipally Butchers. Mt iihr 'nl. We have been forwgrded from Ottawa, the Statutes of Canada for 1884. vo.ul:nes 1 62 2 for which we tender our thanks. Mr. J. Palmer has had a number of work. men engaged during the week re-pmuting his cummodious hotel, whlch, when com- pleted, will 1001.: well. ‘ For best value in Sugars, Teas, and all Groceries, call at the Cheap Cash House. The property aned and formerly occupi- ed by the late Tlms. Stockdale, has been purchased by Mr. Puasley, of Eglinton. We un’lerstund it is Mr. Pugslev'a intention to reside here at some future date. The Cheap Cash House is giving special Discount on Summer Dress Goods, Parasols, &c. Business Meeting. The trustees of the C. M. Church will hold their business meeting in connection with the regular quirterly meeting, on Monday next, in the vestry of the church, commenc- iig at. 2 p. m. I’Mterson’s Self Binding Machines are ex- tensively used in this vicinity and surround- ing townships. and me giving unqualifipd satisfaction. IL is reported that. nu adjust- able binder, suitable to all reapvrs, will make Its appearance from this firm in a few days. Swimming Race. Juhn Oulcutt, Proprietor of the superb Egliuton Hotel, has a dog WblCh swam 500 yeu'ds in 5 minutes, in the Toronto Bav, op- pm-im Hutel Hunlan. on Monday Inst, de- feating Mr. Fitzgerald‘s water spaniel. The race was for u. wager of $50 a Sixle. Every Farmer should see those Seamless Cotton Grain Bags at the Concrete House. at $2.75 per (102. Post Office Savings Bank, Richmond Hill: Tutu! deposits to June “11,1834” $229,431 Deposits in the mouth of July, '84. 1.190 Total deposits to 31% Gem Iars, Stone Butter Crocks, Cream Crocks, &c., you will find at the Cheap Cash House. The wildest excitumem ensued on Aug. lat. at Naragnnset Park, when vhe nu- nouncement way made that. Jay Eye She had beaten the fastest time on record, that, of Maud 9'“ oomming under the wire in 2 min., lfleec. He was not. long. hnwwor. entitled to the hnnnr of “ King of the Turf." as Muuu‘ S. tin» day following. at Glen-laud, uunllr lulu], uhi< wonderful performance. and nude 1110' mi a, m 2 9} without a. skip. Mr. Vim» «iprl-ilt can yet- be cougmtuluted owning the “ Queen " who still reigns supreme. POST OFFICE NOTICE HMOND HILL, Thursdw. Aug. 7.’ 84 Post Office Savings Bank. Fastes‘ time on Record Dommian Statutes GOING NORTH .. 9.32 GOING SOUTH Ex. Changed Hands Re-Painted Mai] Self Binders. 5‘20 .83!) 8.49 902 .53 10.00 mm 10.15 M. TEEFY. Postmaster July, ‘84.. $230,621 TEEFY, Postmastt-r. Accnm 12.00 124 US 12.15 Aer 11, 11. row 27mg 1.13 cam .40 11.30 5 00 p 6.10 Mail; 631 6.423 70‘! he an- She had that of 2 min., entitled as Mou 7.1 75 01 8.9»8 A trotting race name of! on iug between “ Butcher Girl," Hill and “ Tannery Maid," o The Girl came under the wit Maid received the money. ac< English rulus. For further Sporting Timcs. Champion:hip Lacrosse Match. The “ Excelsiors,” of Brampton. evident- ly do not intend giving up the championship permanently without a an uggle. They have challenged the “ Young Canadians," and a return match will take place on the fair ground here. on Saturday, Aug. 16th, of which lurtller notice will be given. Great Bargains in Fancy Dress Goods, Shirtings. Cotton Hosnery, &c., at the Concrete House. We have been sent Vol. 1, ho. l of the Toronto ll’eekly News. It is a four paged sheet, and cnnmins n large amount of con- densed matter. together with interesting stories. sketches and pictures. it is publish- ed in Toronto by Edmund E. Sheppard,wbo is a. strong advocate of Canadian independ- ence, and Demncratic principles generally. Thanks! Mr. R. E. Law. Librarian of the Richmond Hill Mechanics' Institute, d7: sir-:38 to respect.- fully tender. on behalf of the Bomd of Di- rectors, their sincere thanks to N. C. WallaceI Eu}, M. l’., for Vols. 1 dz 2 (nicely bound in lihrmy style) of Debates of Dominion House of Commons of session 1884. hindlv deliver- ed by Mr. Jahn Duncan of this village. Ladies, don't forget the Great Discount Sale of Fancy Dress Goods now going on at the Con- crete. From I5to 25 per cent. of? all Fancy Dress Goods. an's Canadian Gallery. Grip has just started on a new em. Last week contained the first ol 0 eerie: of color- ed portraits of our Canadian Statesman, that of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald. K. C. B. Every subscriber or purchaser 0! Grip is entitled to this sheet, which is separ- ate from the book, without extra. charge. The pictures are to be publinhed monthly. and the accompanying Grip will contain a biographical sketch of the character repre- sented. Now is a good time to subscribe, as the pictures themselves will be well worth the price paid, to those who take an interest in our representative men. For 25ers. you can buy at the Concrete each of the followingsâ€"â€" 4lbs. Good Prunes. 3 Packs. Corn btarch, 15 Packs. \Vashmg Crystal, 6 lbs. Best Rice, 4 lbs. Pearl Tapi. oca, 7 Bars Victoria Laundry Soap, 4lbs. (.mod Currants. Village Council. The Council met on Wednesday evening, 6th inst. Reeve in the chmr. Members present, Messrs. Moodie, Hopper. Crosbv and law. Minutes of last meeling read and iwproved. Accounts were read from Brown Bros., for nails, $13.33 ; Wm. Bricknell, for work done, 820.25 ; M. H. Keefler, printing and advertising Voters' List, 39.0w Moved by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mr. Moodie,tlmt the foregoing accounts be paid as soon as funds will permitâ€"Carried. Councillor Hopper gave notice that at the next meeting of Council be would introduce a. By-st to amend statutary By-Luw, in reference to slaughter houses, as follows: Instead 0' slaughter houses being 200 yards from auv building lhey shall be 100, and instead of 70 yards from a street they shall be 50 vds. Council adjourned to meet on Wednesday, Sept 3rd, at 8.30. M. TEEFY, Clerk. Firemen’s Garden Party. The large crowd of people which assem- bled on Friday evening last at the Garden Partv, on Mr. H. Sanderson‘s lawn, goes a long way to show the high esteem in which the Firemen are held in the village and sur- ‘ roundings. We doubt if ever a call was more cheerlully responded to than was that when the ladies of the village were asked to bake and make preparations for the holding of this party. The tables were erected. the torches prepared for lighting, and the grounds not in readiness during the after- noon, aud by 6 p. m., the time for starting. quite a number had arrived to take part in the evening meal. Tea continued to he served from then until 10 p. 111., during which time the seats around the tables were never unoccupied. The strength of several classes was well tested on the ‘ Tug of War ’, firemen against n iii-firemen, cricketers against lacrosse players. besides which sev- eral onntast took place betWeen teams chos- en by the youthful aspirants. It is needless ‘ to may each side won the victory. or should have done so. if the “other side ” had not received additional assistance. Many other raCes were entered into with much fervency, but that which called forth most applause and created the greatest excitement. was the “Sack Race. 7" Several contestants would likewise have won this race, had not one tel- low played "sharp" on the rest. As basket alter basket of provisions was never touched, in consequence of the great supply, a 100t. social was held on the following evening in the 'l‘umperance Hall, when a large number also took tea. After deducting expenses, the net proceeds amounted to $48.45. CMIPBETmâ€"CommwkwAt the resiflence of tho unde’s futhmzby the Rev. J.Dit-k.uu Wednes- Ilu)'.Au,_. 611.1, A. J, Cmupbnll, of Puerto Berno, Stube of Columbia, South America. tnAggie, fourth (laughter of John Coulter, Esq, of Richmond Hm. MunPHy~Ou Thursday, Jnlv Slst, on the 4th Con. Vaughan. Mrs. Murphv, nged 30 years. MCCONNELLâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Sunday, Aug. 3rd, Annie Adela. infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs.JJs.Mc(‘uuueH, aged 7 weeks. Mrs. Mary Campbell, Elm, writes:â€" “ Anter faking four ‘mttles nf an‘thrnp & Lyman’s Vegetable Disnnvery and Du- pep'ic Cure, I teal us if I we e a m-w purmm. I have been troubled with dys pepsm fur a number of ycurs, and tried nmny remedies, but of no avail, until I used this celebrated Dyspepric Cure.” For n“ impurities of the Mend, sick head- wr‘he, liver and kidney complaints, cus- nveness, etc., it is the best medicine Luuwn. Horse Race JVIA RRIAGES New Paper. a name of! on Tuesday even- ulchel' Girl," of Richmond ery Maid," of Elgin Mills. under the wire first, but. the mmoney, according to the For further particulars see DEATHS THE NEW WILLIAMS High Arm Sewing Maching 13 now recog- nized as the It is strong, durable and well built. of the very best. material that money can buy 0r_skill pruducg. _ It I Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Sxmple to Learn. It. wag awarded five medals and ihree first. prizes at the Dominion exhibition last. October. It is rapidly supersedng all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it. buy it. and make sure that. you gel: it. Sold by APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pimms. Terms Easy. CHARLES DONALD Ga 60., Will be glad to corres 0nd with Apple Growers, er- cha.nbs, and Shippers, Witl} Hollnway'u Corn Cure destroys all kinds of coma d) warts, root and branch. huuauuo' wuu. “AAAt’rv- ., a. View to Autumn .535 Spring business. J. M. HAMILTON, Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. Bargains in Dress Goods. See our All Wool Nun‘s C Bargains in Silks. See our Check Summer Silks. 40cts. Bargains in Sheetings. See our Double Width TWiL Bargains in Lace Curtains. See our Lace Curtains Bargains in Shirtings. See our Shirtings, fast colors, 8 Bargains in Factory & White Cottons. ‘ _ I ' I See our Yarc Bargains 1n Mlllmery. See our Shade Hats at 12%0ts. Bargains in Gloves 80 Hosigry. SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON,E C.l Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy Goods, Prints, Satccns, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table Da- masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Counâ€" terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. Sic. NEW SPRNG GODS 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. A’J.‘ LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New J. LUSH. are now showing a Large and Complete Stock of POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Toronto. Seé our Silk Lace Mitts. 15 inches long, 250138. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Terms Cash, Only One Pxice. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. ONE PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE. . M. HAMILTON, NEW SPRING GOODS 0n Yonge St, between the C. M. Church,Rich~ mond Hill, and my ante, Lot. 53, 1%. CouNmuhnn, an Overcoat. The finder wxll be suitably reward. egby leaving the same at my place. or LIBERAL office. Hugh MILLER &00., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, &r. Special attention given to the proper prepar- ations of Familv and Veterinary receipts. 184 Eight Guilding Lots for Sale on Centre Street East, only 3511K; each. 15 per cent. down for pir‘k of the lots ; Also Two New Houses, 5rooms, on Richmond Street. DR. LAN ‘S'I‘AFF PRQPERTY FOR SALE! Mr. C. Duucumbe is now in Richmond Hill. and will remain {or a short time, as he wishes to dispose of the remainder of the BUILDING LOTS 14‘( )1t SAIJ}.‘: 2’ DUNCUMBE ESTA TE ! Comprising Village Lots,Fu.rms. &c. For partic ulnrs apply personally or by letter to W. B. NICOL. 2-TIZIS'I.‘ABLISI’iED EZRA CLUBINE, Richmond Hill P.0 July 3rd See our Shirtings, fast colors, at Bots. See our Double Width Twilled Sheeting 200135. LOST PRonuI-J’rons Oi" See our AllWool Nun‘s Cloth. 12}cts. '84â€"1y See our Lace Curtains at 600133. pair. Toronto St, Toronto râ€"lSLl‘) See our Yard Wide Factory, at 5cts. H. B. DEWSBURY’E HARNESS EMPDBIUM YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL Trunks, Satchels; Whips Ready Made Harness, &c.. always on hand. A11 Harness guaranteed :1 represented. Light Hames a Specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice H. B. Dewsbury, wwférz-‘VLuz/Ewwv' W" n. - .‘. ‘ THE Hum luv‘u’éfiffi‘dnmcm MY RICHMOND HILL. FIRST-CLASS

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