Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1884, p. 8

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The Ontario Government have caused 'my cnuvenimt note bnnh to be printed for the use of Sanitary Inspectors 0! each municipnlity in the vaince. copias of which have been torwarded to the clerks of the vnious corporations. Miss Charlotte Granger, of Queennille. North York. fell down a well {nrty five feet deep, alightiuu in the water, which was about fifteen (eat in depth. After about two hours she was rescued, and was forâ€" tnuntelv not injured, except thoroughly chilled Who will dare say anything against hoops alter this .’ Over 1000 signatures shove the required nnmbor appear on the petilinns asking for the submission 0! the Scott. Act In Simcoe ()nuutv. Gus mains have been laid in the west end of Parkdale. ’Ihe citizens claim to have Leuu groping in the dark long enough in that district. The " Dufiérins " of Omngeville have de- lnntpd the “ Maple Leafs " of Parkdale in a game at lacrosse. The Parkdnle club com. plain of very rough usage at the hands of lurmer. There hns been considerable ill-feeling of late in Newmarket between the Salvation Army and outsiders. Fighting in the bar. links on some oorasiona forms part of the programme {or the evening. ,.- LA‘_-__ r- a"'â€"--'-" -** “h u The telephone communication between Toronto and Barrie will be completed IV the 15'!) of the presnnt month. Manv of the i1tervening villages have branch ofiices. Aurnm is to have about a dozen instruments. “vibe 24Lh AnnualConventinn of the On- time Teachers‘ Association will be held in Ihe Education Department, Toronto. on Aug. 12th. 1.3:}; awn.“ From our own Carnation-lent. \tht might have been a and accident occurred the other day as Mr. and _Mrs. A Morrow were returning home with a team of horses. It appears that while driving leisurely along, by some means t|l' other. the tongue of the buggy came duwn and frightened the horses. Mr. Murrow being expert with the lines and well skilled in hnrselnanship, managed to keep them on the road till one of the draw clips gave away, when he lost all control and they ran away. They dashed alum: at such a terrible rate that the wheels went to pieces and Mr. and Mrs. M, Were thrown out. on the ground. Mr. M. came off without a scratch, but. his cnmpaniun was not so fortunate, having received eeVerLl bruises. Am glad to hear that by latest news she is getting better. prmnrket’n Civic Holiday will be held nn Wednesday. Aug 13th. Many purpose puing on an pxcursiou to St. Cnnharines. The Municitl Vote of Newmarket is in- creaaed this year by the addition of sixty 01 the {Air sex. The salary of Mr. McLenn. aaaistzmt in High chonl. Markham, has been raised from 8650 to $700. Diphtheria still lingers about Newmarket. Markham Village is assessed for 8400 for High School purposes. One of our young men who lives not more Ihan teu unles north of Purpleville, urrired here a few evening: ago and spent a short time with the buys, but thinking he might find more agreeable company, he took his departure to another quarter. We think, hnvzever, there must have been some mistake. as he is not a likely person m spend a whole evening with an old gmvlemnn. Your reporfier thinks next winter in going to he a cold one, judging from the large amount of wood that in coming into the village. No wnrk is being done on the big bill now, greatly to the annoyance of some of our young men who have to go that way. Were they permiucd to ride In the carri- Mm along with the object of their aflecl’w ions it would not grieve them, but they Bra not. allowed that. privnlege. A respectuble farmer a little west of this place complains nf one or more per- sons traversing his fields. greally m the Annuyance of his dogs, who are of a watch- ful nature. CA'I‘A Rllllâ€"A new Treatment where- by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent- ] ycnred in frvm one m three npplicntioua, no matter whether standing: for one year or forty years. Deucriptive amphlet sent. tree on re- geipt of t my). A. .DI'XQN 6: SON. 305 King From Our Own Cmrespondont. Our minister on this circuit, Rev. Mr. B .utll, has lately moved to this village' and we fuelnaaured that by his mniable mannor. he will wipe away our regret of the Iemrtuu of Rev. Mr. Scott, nur late pnqlor. I think our Indian m-e anlicipating an early return of Jack Frost, for occasion- ally a grant number of them congregate IOgfltlwr fur the purpnse of m-mufmclvir- ing quiltan erer that they muv be able to repulvfi the aforesaid gentleman at the “me of hit: visitation. At. a qnilsinsz bee, recently held at the raaidPnco nf one 0! our Villagrrs, a rather uniurmnate nccident occurred. the victim «E which was so badly piercvd With a nin, 111an he Was unable to frillnw several duties where sedans mu quuired, hut now I believe the young gentleman has fully recnvewd. “’e foal weergrnfiequl to Mr T‘ Han fnr depriving those who are devoid of Ihame the privilnge of awimmiug in his pond during the day. Two ymmg men passed through this place on Saturday evening who, I think, WHre intoxicated. and used language that Wu unfit to listen m. It. would be well for the town constable m be an the watch and arrest such miscreants. - The weather in this vicinity is anything but favorable tn the farmers and unless thrre man comes a change for the better. 1' ‘mr a great. purlion of the wheat. and burle will be ruined. Str‘eet wast, Tbionm Canada OUR NEIGHBORS. PURPLEVILLE. HEADFORD. Cleanest Shave I BEST HAIR - CUT IN TO\VN, GO TO ANDREWS’ SHAVING PARLOB. LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. Pronrietor. HARRY COLLINS Crueta, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50. 10.00 to 15.00 Butter Dishes, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 to 8.50 Cake Baskets, 4.00, 5.00, 6 50 to 15 00 Pickles, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50 Card Receivers, 2 50, 3.25. 5.00 to 9.50 Cups. 1.00, 1 50. 2.00. 2.50, 3.00, 3.75 Toast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 6.00, 6.00 Tea Spoons, A 1 best. 3.75 per dozen Dessert do.I A 1 best, 6.00 do. Table do', A 1 best, 6.75 do. Dessert Forks, A 1 best. 6 00 do, Table do. A ] bent, 6.75 do. Butter Knives, A 1 beat, 80 etc. ench Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 do. Dessert Knives, ]2 dwn., 4.50 per don. Table Knives, do. 5.00 do. are respectfully invited to inspect our Grand Display (if Christmas Goods. \Ve place these good upon the market at 'prices never betore offered. _ We hope to receive a call from every Lady in chh. mond Hill. HARRY A. GULLINS. In Electra Plnu- ware we allow Rodgers’ Dinner knives 7.50 to 10.00 do! do. Dessert do. 6.75 to 8.00 Ladies of Richmond Hill In Cutlery, A large proportion of the diseases which Cause human anfl'ering result from derange‘ menv. of the stomach, bowels, Ind liver. Avsn's CATHARTIC PILLS not directly upon these organs. and are especially designed to cure the diseases calmed by their derange- ment. including COIIBIIpaliolI, Indigen- tlun, Uyspepsla. Hemlaclw. Dypentery, and a host or unhel- nilmenls, iur all of whlch they are a safe, aurv, prompt, and yleasnm remedy. The extensive use 0! than PILLS by eminent physicians in regular pnc’ flee, llmws unmistakably the esllnmliun in which they nre held by the medical protu- llon. These PILLS are compounded of vogeubie uubsluucos only, mu! an- ublolutnrly hoe Iron: calomcl or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufl'eror from Hendacha write-z “Anna‘s PILLH are invaluable to me, and are I y col-Mum companinn. I luv: bun n ncvrre sutl‘rrcr 1mm Headache, and our PILL! are the only thng I could loo co {or tulle-L Him dose wlll quickly move my bowel! um! Irs-P my lu-ml from pain. The] are Um must elleclh‘c and the Panic” physio l have ever found. It in n plea-urns to In. to speak in weir praise, and 1 always do .0 when occasium offers. \\'. L. I’Auh‘. of W. 1.. Page I: Bro." Franklin St... Riclnnoml,\‘u., June 3,1832. AYER’S PILLS. "I have usvd Anna‘s PILL! in number- lou instances as recommended by you, und have new-r known them to fail to nccompllnh the desired result. \\'+- constanny keep them on hand at our home and prize them M I glenmnt safe}. run! reliable family medicino. on m’srm 31A they are invaluable. .I. T. Hunts." The ltxv. FRANCIS B. Huunwn, WI’iHfl. from Arlrmla 0a., snys: "For Rowe year! au 1 hnvu ecu Subject to constipluon, mm which. h) spite of Hm use 0! modi- rines 0! various kinds, I suffered increuln illcnuveuiem‘l’, unli| snme momhs I o began taking Avnu‘u PILLS. They EIVO entirely corrected the custive hub“. nud have vastly lmprnrcd my general hennh." YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AVER'! CATHAHTN‘ PILLS correc¢ irregu- 1mm: of the bowels, sthnulnte the Ippr “to and digestion, and by their promp‘ And thorough notion give tone and Vigor to the vhule physical acuuomy. Dr.J.C.Ayer 6:00., Lowell, Mm. Sold by all Druggista. ULU, Hl‘u mnnu- Ayer's Sarsaparma. Children with Sore Eyel, Sou Earn, or in scrofulous or Iypbâ€" llmc hint, may be m o henlmy nnd “torn; by m use. Sold by .11 Druggiau; I], III bottle. for It Mum, Texas, June 17, 1892 90 YON GE STREET. TORONTO. An experience the wondorfnl beneficial effects of FOR THE PREPABKD BY AND 90 WIRE-STREET, Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. C. P. LEN NOX DENTIST. 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right fur the “an nf Hnrd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain. by means of 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, ARTIFICIAL TEETH I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Gold Filling, and all other operations skilhflly Rex-formed, at moderate fees. "V """J ('77 ' ' Call and see me. No trouble to an swer questions. ‘-_Â¥. «an. “an. ‘â€" TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years. I beg in re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new und coni~ mndimls premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which no guaranteed to give satisfaction .9 the work is under my own supervti ). I am also prepared in do all kinds Hf black- smithmg 1(- repairing in the moat vol-k- umnlilm manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . Tin Ware, Granite Ware, A Full Assortment of Enamelhd Ware Toys. A Lame Collection of every kind: House Furnishing Goodt, Med, from 6.75 to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 15.00 per lot Brass Candle Brackets 1.00 to 1.50 n& Wooden Ware In Brass Goods. Beautiful Soonces. mounted and unmou- Horse - Shoeing TORONTO. do. do. do. BEST SETS VITALIZED MB. RICHMOND “ILL. Paid special attention to. Buggies, Carriages, Carvers. 3.00 to 4.00 pair Game Carvers 3.00 to 3.60 Pocket knives, 25c to 2.50 and Sleighs and WM TBENCH. May 15th, mat-1v _An_d_ Vicinity - $8.00 $10.00 Consisting of New Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, Ducxs, Cottonades, Cottons, all qualities, Cheap by the piece, Men’s and Boy’s Suits made to order of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds and Cottonades. Hats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and HOSIery. Groceries always good and fresh. Flour and Feed. Glassware and Crockery. Glass cut to order. Terms, Cheap for Cash, or farmer’s produce. Goods Delivered. ALEX. MOODIE. WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, NEWSPRING GOODS! ALEX. MOODIE’S, The Great. French Lotion for Beauufy: The Face- CLOCKS, WATCHES 82 JEWELRY. It cnnceala the evidence of age. One appii- cation will make the most stubbornly rod and rough hand beautifully soft and white. Ile- member that " MAY DEW " is not a. paint or powder that fills up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new and great. discovery, a Vegetable liquid, that canws the cheek to glow with health, the neck arms and hands to rival the lily in whiteneea. Im- possible to deiect in the beauty it centers any artificial character. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles. Wrinkles, Pimplea, Black Head, Crow's Feet, Blutcbea, Face Grubs, Sunburn, ’l‘an, Ringworm, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chap- ped Lips,Barber's itch, Tetter, die. It frees the pores, oil glands and tnbea from the injur- ious effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre- vented; it benuufiea the akin and will make it amooth,solt and white. imparting a delicate softness; producing a perlectly lieahhy, nat- ural and youthful appearance. The beat Face Lotion the world ever produced. We will send a. LAMP. BOTTLE to any address on receipt 0! price-.8100. When ordering mention this paper: We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed a specialty. A. 11. SKEELE , WOOL ! WOOL ! GROCERIES! The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs. Keys & Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es- tablishing a permanent busmess in VV OODBRI DGâ€"E And trust that the wool-growers of the surrounding coun- try wrll give us a liberal support. Give us a trial. We manufacture every kind of \Noollen Goods usually made in a custom mill. We are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will accomplish it. Rolls carded, cloth dressed, spinning done ; cloths, tweeds, shirtings, blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be first-class. Now, while the price of wool is low in the markets, is the time to have it made up for home use and realize its full value. We are all practical men in the busmess, and will not fail to satisfy our custom- ers. Full assortment of goods to exchange for wool. Respectfully yours, ' Address all letters to the MAY DEW AGEN- CY, 71 Yonge SL, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies. NORTH END WOULLEN FACTORY ! Agrd. With Leather Halter on; wth bind feet and white am; in fprehqad. 'l he owuiar can fimâ€"rghei proving property Ind paying expenses. MAY DEW Bright Bay Mare Came into the premises of the undersigned, on Sunday, July 7th. a FARMERS zâ€"VVe respectfully solicit your patronage at the Wholesaleâ€"Lyman Bron & Co. : Elliott J; Co ; Northrop & Lyman. 1N VALUABLEiTO EVERY LADY ! Where you may have your Wool manufactured in its purity, into any style of goods you desire. STRAYED ! 1" KINNEE. Lotgni. 26, Con. 4, Vaughan. Teswn P. 0 1 2‘. A. L. SKEELE, Abel]. (i'olins & Slnith. CHEAP CASH STORE. ALSO DEALER IN DEALER IN Sand six cents m pmr «549‘ and receive free, n. ctmtly bus n! 4400113 winch I Will help all, u! either Sex w mute mune)‘ right. uwuy than anything: else in this World Furnmcs mm t the workers allsolutelv sure. At ouceuddruaa Inn; 6; Co., Augustu,l\1uiue. “THE mam; ' 31.00 m ADVANtE. Money to Loan.

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