Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1884, p. 5

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repeLiLion. The communion V Mniue, Nuw Jersey and nther pl damage uf any kmd bns lweu re- on new and imp aitogetber above weighing four 1; than the ordinal Golden Cream. This new preparation for beanfify'mg the complexion and giving a youthful nppenr- anae to people advanced in years is becom- ing a. general favorite with the ladies. We direct. attention to those feeiing interested 1.0 the Stereotype Ad. in another column. Ladies. of those I are nqwic The Concrete House stands NO I tor the quality, style, and price of ready made clothing, and holds the same exalted position for ordered suits. Earthquake. The inhabitant:- of New York Citv were panic-strickpu on fiunduy hut. by a severe shock of earthquake which lasted ten or twelve aeconds. They mm from their nauses on feeling the first shock and did not‘ dare to return for a length of time, fearing a. Portable Weigh Bndg: Mr. Bear. of Mount Albert, has portable weigh-budge for the Domil on new and immovad princinles. Threshing Machine Ac: Mr. F. Brice, while attending iug machine on Mons];th anew Brilliuger‘s. ou the 4m Uou. Ma unught in the tumbling,v 5mm m-uuud several Limes with gr: It. almost Etl'il.ipt5nl ‘him cowpl cmtiuug. and bruised his head 1 Dr. was sent for and dressed his from latest accounts he is in 1 condition. ])r €11 Comm 5 out ‘bis wwk and is ofiering gre dress goods &c. &c. of the best and (then )xrovi) tlnom part, i: beat i Summonses have been served on three Marklmmihes, named Leach, Wice nud Kightley, for disturbing the peace of our village on Saturdgy night last. They will appear before J. M. Lawrence, J. P., in the Lowe Hall on Saturday afternoon and have an opportuuixy ofanswvring for their con- ducL Choxce um 8 lbs for one ist ml LL-e PmVillciul Nonwnl School, 8 sound A5>J>I:I~nt,and Miss McLullnn. daughLur of )r. MrLellnu, High School Inspecrm-, but men trunsfvn-ed from the Ottawa Normal q Lake the position Vacated by Mr. Davie. ‘41?!“ ffilifiwnfi. PROCTOR’S T} N. R. R. TIME TABLE. ul'iu Shit ur thnnL Lxlass (1311 t the Concn Normal School Appointments meg to the resignation of Messtb. n, Darling, and Dune. who for n n,1)omug, and Davie, who (L arslmve been teaching in the "gum! Schoo’. but, who have mm qrure to complete their medic: r. Angus McIntosh, of the 13mm :iu'm Inrtitute hua beau appuil 5mm, Mr. Jns. Mu Ulunu. Cm Mr. V’. Ml ntilf wnhill U .. HMUND HXLI, HM HMUND HILL. ’l‘hnrsd 1v. Aug POST OFFICE NOTICE Time Is Money M. Hamilton 184 Yang: from on [dies. do not fail to secure some ose Fancy Dress Goods, that Iqwjobbing off at half prlce at Concrete House. 40(34k14fii. ~11 Stati k Stree ‘5 “lb mt .rthor r 1 Hi!) I oncrete l1 HIM More Rowdyism Om ml an Mi! villa GOIN( atly hound c ari» Statums the I m- th nt Albert, has erected a e for the DozuiniouHouse Id principles. It stands a ground ; is capatle 01 and is much cheaper at. at it the Wi L1! STAGE LINE. This 015 est in th or steam NORTH SOUTH Ulung, G0 )l mu) ficho‘ )u. Markh shah. ymd the peace of our last. They will :nce, J. P., in the afternoon and have 113 for their con- tr winch of Messrs. Dwi- who for several in the Toronto wple 15h SI ore l“ cident unliord 001 minted First GOH Mednl- mm”, 85001141 daughter of lspecun; 1,3: tmy of Ina mlly. The woundsbut precul‘iollé 30 rt: Ll cuurs [0rd (.30 (31121068 uLu, wus wuilled rapidity. y of his the On- a tender felt lll Lhresh m. Mr 14, ’84 mug on 111 am no ronto )DB l] discourse OVGHUJ near Morrisburgbumri 'J he Nev. anb Bum» prencho sermon in the, Prosbvberian cm day 111 1y mm the pu who w Opiulou of ti. simble for R: obtained at z nhle location The accident in all have happened had i Gregg bad just taken arms m Shield him fr son was immediately in a short time and able. Mr. Harrison was in favor 01 and thought the Davidson Estate c of 395 acres would be satisfactnrv. be purchased for less than $600. l’almer Considered the Davidson fur too small. and spoke of 17 acres W, St., which could be bought for .acw; he thought this would be 3 gm ment. The following resolutions v tied unanimouslyâ€"Moved by J. reuce, seconded by 1’. G. Savage, t1 opinion of tlliq meeting a Public Pa Messrs. Lawn mud Skeele be wlmz terms a and report to Carried. me ['6 by the R take into be 11.1 I mtlwr quest1_ Mr. H, A. Nicholls, of anle, spent Satur day night. and Sunday in llichxuuud Hiil. Ill L1 bIJirtil Mr ‘Z‘flE‘ L135 13317! $1.00 EH QWflNGE. Klee, l'aploca, rants, Oatmeal Coffee &c. go k Rmhmond Hill now sold there one dollar win Mr. Wm. 1 W111) tne Gr WV 200 m {011. In regard to the McConagby thought 5 M cthodisr Church. An interesting Service will be held in the Methodist Church 01 this place next Sunday morning. Upwnrcls of fifty persons Will be admitted into full membership with the church,wlio were received on trial at the close of the specilil moe'ings last winter. Several adults will be baptised. An appro- piiate sermon will be preached by the pastor, Mrs. Wm. anper, c at present visiting ml and is the gun-st uf Mr :ceues 1 L11 Mrs. sit to Dr, and Mrs. Coulter of Aurora are spend g B. fuw days in Richmond Hill. Mrs. J. Powell and m ll]ll( u answer to :1 her of rate-p will pruarh nv-x ng, in the Fred J H] W hy lpit,tue andiem X‘LIH W. E. M than her broth ill extra value in Su Tapioca, Sago. 1'.’ Oatmeal, Cornml fife ,1 hreukin he village. On ml :huir, and Mr. M. rv. The chairmr :oi the meeting a! )r of the village l mu a joint stock was then thrown o AtI I]. anper, of Lansing, Mich, 1 Visiting rulalivus in the village gunst at Mr. Rum. fluppel. IH'TI J. W J'ublic Meeting Lacrosse Match â€"U211‘1'Ied. ouded by euce, Snvag a. commihte auimble lot a meeting 1 Mker R SOIV’AL sf H I “’1 ‘f [.11 mrch v thoruu eaten) Ch. Brampton mu, on the an M ODE requisition sxgue ayprs, a. meeting Tuesdav eveui ration the advis: ge. On motion. ably fr Hill ul Hill, if the.same can be lHlblU price and in a. suit- ‘x'ied. Moved by Mr. Mc- 1 by Mr. neadm, that Savage, Pugsley. Brown 'nmibtee to ascertain upon ble lot could be obtained sting this night weeklâ€" Mr. T th lll The ill we”, :11 mm pn ll‘relH lild tn f the wu opeu size of mlsh PICX'ES WI ornmeal, bplces, 9 Concrete House we suzar that is Slery H39. lmmpi ship, much interest the result. Agraud spectntorsn. so that mummy nf witness- Montrr \\'hi sugar that IS and 16 lbs for I] 1]( left on Saturday with her pun-buts for best u signed by a large zoning was called evening last, to advisability of a otinn. Mr. Brown H. Koefler noted In briefly stated 11:! Snid he would buying the pfllk [111' ign that war]: Dwded and the appreciated the ass certih‘ Ited them and the ex work. Brampton, and a arrangements lm‘thern to own. "chmoud Hill R111 me and from .Lmugh he has us in 111c- buck. nt, cate gin-rs, Teas, 1151115. Cur- :al, bpices, an [In mpany. The | for discus» the lot, Mr. 3111:} be suit- or of 0. park, we Consisting rv. It could for $100 a good inve ms were 0 ;' would no u that My )I] ‘th Lite . M. Law- that in the ’ark mm Dr. Wil- d m'rived lb. Those 1 saw the ‘ his father [7 touching: dditt \V( pmorrow, 11nd ,when As this t1: 111b, who ip Medul, at 1n Mr. J. property on (leu- 0 p. m. xcursion \114" . 11111 SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. , dig! . *4 4- , , _ 0:1 . 1- 2 My} J 1%,. ‘ - “ . J 7.; R‘Vlul]\‘- 'T” ‘ r .3 A“ a‘.‘ . '- ’x , “i I. _ . 13%;. t. v o m t "Dy 1“": . . 'R ‘ I , ‘ 75" w ‘ a "1" 1118 " " mks. "' “ u ‘1 A ‘1 in [LIL POPULAR DRY GGODS HQUSE, 182 Yenge Signet, “£50110an atchin bmond an Der Miller, lll value )tton, anton gash I‘ints 3.111211 nrk nilmt him ltps, alvea The tht ust de- 1 he 2m 1n Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- chants, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. TheV will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. little folks. Mot] terminator is 3. pk APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD] & Co NEW In all the latest styles and fabrics, at prices not to be beaten wholesale or retail. Dress Goods at Ioc., 1250, 16c., I8C., 20c.and 25c. See our Pure Wool Serges worth 350. Ottoman Cloth at 16c., 20c., 250.,3oc., 40c. and 50o, pure wool. Ou Italian Gros Grain Silks by the “ Dress Length” at wholesale prices take the lead Velveteens at 25c., 30c.. 38c., 45c., 50C,. 75c., $t.oo and $1.25. As Velveteen is g worth 350. Ottoman Cloth at IOC., zoo, 250.,3oc., 40c. and 50o, pure wool. Our Blac' Italian Gros Grain Silks by the “ Dress Length” at wholesale prices take the lead. Blacl Velveteens at 25c., 30c.. 38c., 45c., 50c,. 75c., $t.oo and $1.25. As Velveteen is going t- be a leading article for ladies’ costumes, we have taken great pains to place belore ou patrons the very best makes. See our all wool Tweeds at 60c. worth 75c. Double Widtl Tweeds and Cloths for Ladies’ Coats and Ulsters. Factory Cottons below mill prices- THE NEW WILLIAMS IL was; awarded five medals and three first pnzes at the Dominion exhibition last October. It is rapidly superapding all the Old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it. buy it and make sure that you get it. 501d bv We are now showing a Large and Complete Stock It is strong, durable and we]! built. of the very best material that money can buy or_ski11 produce. A High Arm Sewing Maching Is now recog- nized as the Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Hunt»). Terms Easy. Silks. Satins, Dress G00ds,’Cashmeres Satccns, quhams, Grey Cot masks. Lace Curtam It 13 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. Do not delav in 79 QUEEN ST., LONDON, E C., NEW SPRENG @1008 AT L(,>W1«111 PRICES THAN 111711111 1311111111111 OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of 9111' New \Vhere all goods are marked in plain figures, have only one price, and terms cash. J. LUSH. 4 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. When you come to the city .save time and money by doin 184 YONGE STREET, TQRONTO. ttln mt relief sure CUTE ooas,Lasnmeres, HOSICI‘)‘, bloves, Laces, bane gllams, Grey Cottons, \Vhite Cottons, Sheetings, 'I ks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Qullts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &C. &C. ‘m E;eipt of stumfi. A‘ HDIXON street; West. Toronto Canada CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, Sp‘ ations CATARRllâ€"A new Treatment where- by chm hitherto inaurnble disease is permanentâ€" ] y cured in from one tn thrs-e upplicuhous, no matter whether standing for one year 01 foriy yams. Descriptive pamphlet Font free on re- ceipt of stmnp. A‘ H.DIXON & SON, 305 King MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER‘ YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, 64c Hugh MILLER 81.00., EROEER'EY FOR SALE! BUILDING NW I<‘( )1} {#4114141 DUNCUMBE ESTA TE H IS] Mr.( the film Magnificent assortmfi Qâ€"ESTABLISHED PE Jul 1 St: Mtentio .‘m ilv an {\l for :1, short tin mainder of th Hosiery, Gloves, DR. LA NHNTA Fl“ any tbrs-e uppliéutk ya for one year 0 phleb sent free n u n RS 01“ th 8 pr utr ‘per prepa‘ â€"l-"il2 m1 Hill V‘“‘U"{\_, ": Wang \ THE RBI?“ in )7 ’4 Q lg gnaw“ » man. ' vananatluGTDNlc 1%”: . H. B. DEWSBURY’E HARNESS EMPDRIUM Trunks, Satchels, Whip Ready Made Harness, &C., always on hand. H. B. Dewsbury All Harness guaranteed 2; represented. Light Harnes a specialty. Repairs attenu ed to on the shortest notick YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL. )ur trading: with FI RST-CLASS ancv Table D JO( at Plan rints

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