Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1884, p. 8

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To lessen mortality and stop the in- roads of disease, use Northrop and Ly- iuau’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspep~ tic Cure. For all diseases arising, from I iipure Blood, such as Pimplelelotches, Ililiiiiisness, Indigestion, etc, etc., it has in» equal. Mrs. Thomas Suiitn, Elm, “rites: "I am using this medicine for Dyspepsia: I have tried many remedies, but this is the only one that has done me any good. ” BUREAU OI“ INDUSTRIES. The lteportof the Bureau of Indus- tries for August. gives a cheering account of the wheatcriip of the Province. The till wheat appears to have made steady improvement throughout the season, and in localities where it was regarded as hardly worth saving in May, good har- vests have been reaped. ’l’lie moderately (ml weather and occasional rain-showers tuviired Continuous growth and healthy maturity, and the grain is an excellent Hmple, being plump, hard and bright. In a. few localities it was attacked by the niidge and weevil, but the extent, «if in~ jury by these pests is not apprtcialile ou ilie aggregate crop. Reaping begun in the southwestern Counties of the Prov- ince about the middle of July, and by the 1st. of August the hulk of the crop was cutand much of it safely housed. The harvest. weather being very favorable, the grain has lieen gathered in first-rate condition. Accounts of the spring wheat. are equally good, excepting for the iiortli~ em and north-eastern counties, where its growth was checked by the drought of June. But even in these districts it promises a fair yield, while in the Luke Ontario, \Vest. Midland, Georgian ’my and Luke Huron cmuties it it! reported to he hotter than for many years. It. will lie fully rine about the middle of the month, and with a C‘lllltllilltlllCd of the present weather the quality will at. least {filial that of the fall wheat. The follow- ing table gives the area and production of the crops this year and lust year-the )ioductinn ofthe present harvest heiug llilSE‘d on the estimates of 1,150 Corres~ pondeuts:i Fâ€"â€"ISStâ€"#fi ,_-;1asri___‘ Acres. llusli .\"lOS. Bush. Trill thiit Ntlfttil i.‘.4ii~.:i.xi; 1m} lliT 115.: Spring wheat mum-1 114- . Totals 1.3 . 'l‘lie lllld ll:ll‘\' st HI full wheat last year and the omniparativvly good harvest of spring wheat account for the decreased artaivf the one crop and the increased area. of the other this year. â€"â€"â€"«-> i ‘â€" Tliose two furs to nodily comfort, Dyspepsia and Riliuiisness, yield when \var is waged against them with Nor- thrup and Lymauu‘s Vegetable DiscoVei‘y and Dysiwptic Cure. Its use also in- . sures the removal of Kidney and Eteriiie hialatllt‘s, and promotes unobstructed ac- tion or the bowels. The purity of its iii- {Jl't‘dli‘lllfi is another point in its tavor. As a blood puiitier it has Ill] equal. It is also a great favorite with the ladies. \ S l R AY E D l I Came into the premises or the undersigned, on Sunday, July TtlJ, it Bright Bay Mare Aged, with Leather Hultcr on ; f at and unite Still‘ in forehead. The owner can have her by proving property slid p ying expenses. l)‘ KINNFE. Lot No. 26, Com. 4, Vaughan, ’I‘eston 110. 5â€"4iii. white liiiid Amie“ , Hair Vigor l' «tut-m, u'itli the ghrs and youth. Liilwl or grit; huir in a natural, 1' vii ii'usbni-u iit‘ l.m\ .l ruliii‘, 111' deep black, :is inzt; lie iltsiitit. lit ii.~ “rt: ll‘bllttll' l'l‘|l llltll‘lll-l) he durlwnrd, L..iii liitii' luiclieiied. and baldness «iltt'n, Limigli lilll :iiil‘ays, mm d. lL chi-cits tailinLr ol the hair. and .\lilllltv lilll‘> ii ninth and .\ielii) “Infilll to \ieni. ll )‘lt‘VI‘lltS H|lll I'iiiL's‘ N'lll’l :iiiil :lniiiiiiill', llllll l liwuls nnn'h l‘\'t‘l"\ ili>czisc iii-t'iilnir to lltt‘ i- .iip. .\.~ u Lailn-n‘ Hair luau-slug. llic \ It'll“ Ia lllli‘ pulled; it wiiiiiiiiis llt‘illlt‘l' nil imi‘ dye, renders the li.iii' suit, gin»), and s ilil'll Ill :ippcnrain-e, :ind llllji'dl‘lh :i delicate, agli'tml‘l , Hiitl lasting priiiiiin'. l V \lii. i'. I'. iii-ii iiiiu \\l'lli'\ 1min Knit”, 0., i r.‘ _' “ List li'ill It!) liriii t't’.lllll(‘ii('<'(l 1 lll‘ ; u ii, and in :i .\lllill time I hummi- lli"ll't\ him, I used priit lit :t hoitl.» of A i.ii'~ .4. \il( \‘iiinn, \\ltl('ll stopped Ill“ tuli- C i got ilii» 1i;i i,:ind sluI'tt-d :i iieu gi'imtn. l l :vc Him ‘I lull llt*:t>l ol llHll growing vigor- i'iMV, and um Ill|l\lllt't‘tl lliiil lint tor the \A‘C iii in.” piepurniiiin I should lime. lJLLH (.illl'\ l: li:il.l." SCROFULA and :ill Fcrot’ulou: IIlSL‘Hrt'H, Snros, Erystpo ‘ .S, Ill-1mm]. liliitclii-s‘, liiiig'u'urln, 'l‘ii- iiiors. (,‘zirliuiii-les, Bulls, and Eruptions ot’ the skin. iliv llll‘k'l't result of nu iiupiti'i- xtnti- lit the luhmil. :lrt' ’l'ii t‘ll"l‘ llll‘\|' Il|\t"|\t\' the blond iiiiist liu [-iiiiliwl, llllil i'mirii'wl to n llt"tllll}' and im- iuruliuutlumn. .\\ | i;‘~ r; u:- \l' \ltll.l,,\ line tor “\‘ni' forty lintl‘ hm ii I “xiii/ml liy mm. lli'l.l nimlnvil 'iiiiliiirilii: :I) llli' most, pnw. t‘l‘tul h‘wil fil'l'lltl' in "Vl‘ll‘llt'l‘. lt {rm-s Ill' “~l'3lll 1 I‘ll] :ill ltilll liuiiiwi‘s. viirii-lins mill ~iii»iigilirux ll)" lilnml, rv nun i-s :ill tram-s (if inercnrinl tlt'fllllll‘lil, :iiid pi‘nvi's list-ll :i (‘niuplvti- lllithlt'l oi all >I'l't‘llllt'||\ thi‘nFPi. A Ilt‘oent ('iii'rl of .\rrnl‘uluus Hurt-fl. "~'uni4- inniillu :ipu l nus tiniililml hill] El‘l'dlliilll‘ *Iili‘rs llilti'i~\ till Iil\ ll':\’, ’lliii lllilll"\l"ll' lu’lll\‘\\l1lll'll :ind Illllil'lll'll‘ and the swim dist-lumped huge iluiiit lll'.‘ of i-tIi-i; .'.<~ ltlllli i. l\i I\ irnwily l ll'lt‘il ti ii- I, lllllll l ll‘i‘tl \\ i iz's .\\i:~ \|‘\l\'ll,l.\, or \\li4‘ll l Imw Ii4i\‘\ isiiwii Iliiii- will”, \\:lli lll" I‘l"lll' ll'.ll lll‘ >llll‘ .'|l" lu-nlml, :lll‘l Il_\ '_'I'|I|'I'.‘ll lunillli ,‘riimh iinpimml, l ll‘l‘l Il‘l‘\' )_'l.'ll"l|ll l'Il llll’ ‘r't‘tlll your lilr'llll'llit‘ |i..< Ilillll' lllt‘. \iillls li‘,~[ill‘llllll\, \lirs ,\\\ ii'lim ix," llA .\iil i\.lll M., .\wv. \hlit, .llllii' it, 1M2. lit-TD .\ll [H'TNUIIM intrN-sh-Il :Il‘l‘ iin ltd-d tn (’Jlll (Ill Mia». ("Pil‘lMHJ :il~ii "poll the ltvx I. E'. \Yilih (Ir :3l.1|~l Sllli .‘s'tri't'l, Niwv ‘i'iii k ( it). \t ll!) will ti'iu- lilO‘flslll‘I‘ lllil‘Nli13lllutlhllll‘ '»\1|'lll"l'flll(Il‘(f|l') iit' .\yvr’s missiiiiurillii. not only in the Fur” of this land). Inn in Ill‘ miii 1'2INI' HIHI iiiiliiy (ltlli'la \villiiii l|i~ l\!|0\\l('(lL’I‘. 'l he \i I'll»1\in-\\ n in [/1] no No [Jud in II: I'll/i], Jr. \\. l; \l.l., l‘l .. .\.‘ 2. .\.II.. \iiiii.~, .liiin- , l.‘ g. " llmin A \iilli- i’v‘rl wiiv i-lv ll'l “Hill” \I' I"with l‘l'll‘lllll, :inil ll.’i\ 114'. Lil lll in llllil ii-liii fl'lililli'll". iivnn-ilw-, l l. I\|‘ Ii um um , illllili,_' no pit-i ihrw munil». hi .i \ i i.'- \ \lt~ \l't- lt‘ll \. “Huh h.i~ tililitll :. minim/i «my; ll‘l‘ll‘lill'l it :i iiiiipazhvn'nl mined) {or :ill lulu-«I tllFt':|5\‘~.“ Ayeir'ESarsaparlla .(l‘iniilutm :iiiil l'iullliil4> lllt‘ Zli'lliill of the and um! siii'iigilwii~ iln- \itxil tuiiw tllpl‘;ll\t‘ :u iniilntii'i' vii; l, ii'iiw\\~ run-s lilll’llll)llll~il|. \t‘lll‘.! l. [Hid-unm- tii- (liiilt, ('.ilili'i'li, (ii-iii-riil llrliility, Hllil iiil tiiki‘iws :irisine {win an Illlll'IYI'l'l‘lll‘il rii' i-ni’i’iiptv-Il I'llllllllltlll vil llill lllllllil, and :i unali- eian vn‘n].l\. l1 l‘ iiicuiiip:ii"ilil_\‘ tln cheapest liliultl iiimliâ€" (vi-n on account at lh L‘Ullt“'lt||:ll4'll ~tri-nizili, :iii-l :iwat pmwi iivt-i' iliscnsv. i'iti’i'uii ii HY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1,51x bottles for SS. 170 l\ T H E Cleanest Shave I AND BEST HAIR. - OUT IN TO\\'N. (70 TO ANDREWS’ SHAVING PAHLEB, IN LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. Pronrietor. cqp. LENANOX DIE NY’I‘IST, without pain, by means of less in all cases. hESTOFSETS ON RUBBER, â€" â€" ON CELLULOID. â€" â€" evi-ry set. Hold Filling, skilfully performed, in. moderate fecfi. Call and see me. No trouble to swcr questions. hliii' 17ml), lR‘il 71V llillllMOND HILL. __)..( having erected entirely new and nivvdinus pi‘einines, l (ini enabled supply Phaetons, Buggies, Cutters, PLATFORM W A 80 N S. guaranteed work is under my own superviSi i. and on the most reasonable terms. Paid special attention to, \VM 'I‘RENCH. 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right. for the nan ol l‘lnrd's New Method of extracting teeth vnnuzrnmaâ€" Ahsi'ilutely no pain experienced and harm- ARTIFICIAL TEETH ~ $8.00 $10.00 I use no cheap material and warrant and all other opcrntinns flll~ 'I‘RENCH’S -CARRllGE WORKS.- lii returning thanks to my numerous friends for tlll‘ll‘ llliL’l'nl patronage during the past twenty-live )vars, ] beg to to. mind them and the general public, that Cum- rind l’ioy’s Suits mridc to ordcr of Scotch Carriages, Sleighs and’ SPRlNG Both lightaiid heavy. all of which are tn give satisfaction as the I mu alsoprepm‘ed to do zillkiuds «'f black- siuitlinig iL' repairing in the must work- niiiulike manner, on the shortest notice, Horse - Shoeing HARRY COLLIN S, [)0 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. are respectfully invited to inspect our Christmas Goods. n Elect“) Plate ware we show Cruets, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50, 10.00 to 15.00 Butter Dishes, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 to 8.50 ake Baskets, 4 00, 5.00, (J 50 to 15 ‘00 Pickles, 2,50, 3.00, 3,50, 4.50 to 7.50 Curd Receivers, 2 50, 3.25, Cups, 1.00, I 50, 2.00, 2 30, 3 00, 3.75 5.00 to 0.50 V \\'. l$4l\\'l'.\:, prnpi‘ii-lor- (thllii' li'i- til/iiii' Toast Racks, 3.00, ‘ I1“) / inf/till i, mi,” : ".\ i J.l.' s ll \iii \ nit-ii v ; in mi I'\i't‘llPlll [Il‘i‘]|l|l:|l on t”! llll‘ liii'i‘. w '- i "IPWK of it from my own P.\[H't'li‘ll("’. lis Tea bpmmsi A 1 best" 3‘7” Per dozen ine pi'wu. llll‘ piliiiulu till lH\‘\\' J ' :t‘iil Dessert (ltl., A ] best, 0.00 (lo. i‘iiic: it ‘\ :iiiv .\nll. "ii- [In :ilui H . ‘ 7' ii on» ".\\ t l' thinulrnll'. .\ut With!” my bible ll,” ’ A 1 best" (L71) 7 do. Limiiienlu~ liu. the piupuriitioii tn 1' Inile Dessert Imiks, A 1 best, b 00 (lo, to gH'i' t'‘h.|llsl:tt'llllll.” Table do A ] best 6 7") tin . . , . . . ‘lii. .\\.u s l“.\lll‘.i.\l’i\', li-I'ilor ut the (‘t‘li'llllllt‘ll " Fiiirluiii‘n Family “ of Scottish \ i-i'iil ~'<, \irl s from [limo/i, Alum, lwli. li, ' luvri’ Min-\- my li:iii' lie-Jun In piu' sil- eili, l havi- uscil .\\ i it‘s ll.\llt i-l so have llt't‘lt .‘lllll‘ itii lil-‘tllllltlll iit )1'llllillllll(‘¥>“itlli:tllt'rtil I ‘,<t‘llll1)]l1't‘ tn iiiinisli-rs, nin- .. .i.ii iii tum I‘\l'l‘_\ one \\llUli\L> 1 l.|\' l‘\L'.‘ ot the pubiic." .‘ilits. 'I. \. Purs- ti’l‘l', writing from Ix Elm St, I It iri'm/iiimi, .lliiM‘, lpi’i/ ll, 1.0.2, Mn; " l'\\ii \k‘Rl'\ :i-,_"i ill‘illll tun-thirds of III‘ linii tune of. It thinned vi-i) itipinlli, :iiid l \i‘us (“L Knitting mid. in. nun; Aii-Jt's ll.\ii: \‘ii. II: (he tzilliiig rt‘ilipi ll Illi'lfl l4‘\.’)_‘1‘4i\|'lll commenced, and in about in month lI|\ lieud nui,‘ i-oiupliti'lg'cu t'ttl iiilli >lt<lll liziii. It his i-iintiiiuetl to gin ' :lll'l i> nu“ its good m.- III‘tI-l'i,‘ it fell. li‘i-uiil. Il\ us. ll (in: or r lwlii of the Violin, but new use it UCCHAlUAL'lll} its a il.e.\.~liiv,:." “'9 have hundreds of .k'l'lllllitl'er'fitllllflnitllfi t; the “fill-Ally of AH i:‘.\ ll \ll; \'ii;oi:, it howls but :i triiil l'i convince the most Shellll» oi its value. PREPARED HY Dt'. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all liruggi‘sts. '(‘ U! the chziiigi- ii lilt'll Hurting T Butter Knives, A 1 best, 80 cts. each Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 Dessert Knives, 12 divs., 4.50 per doz. do. able Knives, do. 5.00 do. u Cutlery. Rodgers1 Dinner knives 7.30 to 10.00 doz do. Dessert do. 6.75 to 8 00 \Vc place these good upon the market betore oftcred. \Ve hope to receive a call from every mond Hill. HARRY i. mums. Ladies of Richmond Hill And Vicinity Grand Display of In Brass Goods, iited, from O 7.0 to II) 00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 15 00 per set ’l‘oys, A Large Collection of every kind: House Furnishing Goods, A Full Assortment of Tin Ware, Wooden Ware Granite \Vure, ‘Eiiamelled Ware 90 HINGE-STREET, TORONTO. do. Carvers, 3.00 to 4.00 pair (10. (lame Carvers 3.00 to 3 50 do. Pocket knives, BBC to 2 50 each Beautiful Seances. mounted and unmou- lli'ass Candle Brackets 1.00 to 1.50 each at prices never Lady in Rich- Ii\ VAL UABLE '1‘0 EVERY LADY MAY DEW The Great French Lotion for Entity-mg N' the Face. It. Cont‘i‘uls the evidence of ago, Ono npp'm milieu will make the most Qtuhliornly i'til iiiul rough luind lie:iiililullv suit and “'lllll". lir- Ult‘llllit‘l‘ tliiit “ MAY lll‘llY " is nut, 11 point ‘tlr powilr‘r lll‘ll. fills up this prii‘irs of the .\lilli, mid that is inpiiioiis tn the skin, hut ii new and great i’li<i:ii\'ei‘)‘, ii Vt‘LIt'l‘illilP liquid, that. minus the ohm-k to glow with lll‘:illll, the neck Mini and lihiiils tu iiviil the lily iii whiteness. linâ€" pflfi>llilP to ili-lvt‘t. in ll)“ lii‘*1iiilyit "liiill‘l'fl niiy iirtitii‘iiil Cllfll'ilt‘ll'l'. lt L'l‘llt‘S (lit-iisy Skin, Freckles, \Viiiililiis, l'illllllt'“, l‘iliicl; lit‘ml, (‘row's li‘pot, lilt'll'llt‘fi‘, lhimi tiilllr‘t, Sunliiii'ii, 'l on, lllliL'WUl'lll, (ilit'll'ipeil lliiiiilx, Ht'l‘i' or ( Illflfh ped Lips, lliirlim's Tlt'll, 'l'i-tti'i', it'i'. lt frees the pores, oil glilllEIS mid tiilms from llll' inpii- i'insi'ltwts of powders and I‘osun-tii' washes, By its use all redness and roughness hri- pro. vented; it hr-iiiitilirms the ~kiii 11TH] will make it smooth, sult :ind wliiti', lllip'll'llllf" l1 lll‘lll'fll'l stifti‘ws; producing; :i prrfu-tly llF'flllll'C, initâ€" urnl and youthful flplll'fll'rlllt‘t’. 'J'lii1 lie'Sl [Nico Lotion the “orld t'\‘i'1‘ Pl‘iiilllf't‘il, Yo Will send a LAIHHC llorrim to any 31‘lllll'~'~l rm r1 l‘t'll-‘l I)! lii'ii-ti.7§l.till. \Vlnzii Ulil|‘l|ll‘;{ mention this pnpi-r. Ailill'1\<7‘lll letters lotle \Ylllil'i' AMEN- CY. Tl tune“ SL, 'l‘uruul i, Hut. l‘.iiliir and i'et‘vption rooms for Ladies, Vfi’hnh‘finlvâ€"Tij‘nmu lli'm 5; (Tu. ; Elliott. 81' (In ,' Notthrop i9; Lyman, NEW seal moo one: ALEXâ€"TIOTOEDIE’S, (ll’lilflAl’ (.l A SH ST( )RE. Consisting of» NCW Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, DUCKS, Cottonzules, Cottous, :ill qualities, Cheap by the piece, Men’s and Canadian 21ml Cottonndcs. Hats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Glchs nutl llnSiery. Groccrics always good and fresh. Flour and Ft'Ctl. Glassware and Crockery. Glass cut to ordri'. Terms, Chcup [or Cash, or farmer's produce. Goods Delivered. i LICK. MOODIF. Twccrls GOLDEN CREAM. LA. CPVEME D’OR, The host preparation known to science forbeautifying the CGMPLEXION ONE SINGLE Al‘PLH‘ATION is warranted to Bmutny the Face and give to the Faidchr Sallow Com. Iilrxliili a l'eri'ciily Health}: Nani: and Youthful .\lillt‘itrilllfi't‘. It (’mii-iriils \l‘rinkles. rcck‘t‘S,Crm\"S For-t, and the livuli'nce of Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth. and \Vliilv. l'ltl(‘ Itâ€"CiU cunts. stauiin tgilccn. Postage Sent to any address. .‘ktltll‘CSn iilllcttcrs to CREME D' 0R, Drawer 2.678, Toronto P.0. ., .__..A_ J AOLDSKEELE, WATCH MAKER & .‘EEWELLER, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES Sr JEWELRY, \I ALSO DEALER 1‘. GROCERIES! Look in and if prices and quality \Yc do not quote prices. 7 Flour do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. and Feed :1 specialty. It. L. SIiEJELE, WOOL i FARMERS :â€"\Ve respectfully solicit your patronage at t 16: iiiiiiii END WflflltEN iicinii i \thrc you may have your \Vool manufactured in its purity, into any style ot goods you deSIre. The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs: Keys & Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of cs- tablishingr a permanent busmess in WOODBRIDGE, And trust that the wool-growers ot the surrounding coun- try Will give us it liberal support. Give us a trial. \Ve ‘ manufacture every kind of \Voollen Goods usually made in a custom mill. \Vc are workint,r to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, it fair dealing will accomplish it. Rolls carded, cloth dressed, spinning done ; cloths. twceds, shirtings. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be firstâ€"class. Now, while the price of wool is low in the markets, is the time to have it made up for home use and realize its full value. \Ve are all practical men in the busmcss, and will not fail to satisty our custom- ers. Full assortment of goods to exchange for wool. Respectfully yours, Abel], Colins & Smith.

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