“THE LIBERAL; THURSDAY EVENING Eï¬EYJBIï¬M. PNNUNG d. PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. - â€" ONTARIO. ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cauncaiâ€"mrwcu an .1 p.m.,except the third Sunday of every month. when the service and sacrament are held at 1x Rector. MzraonrsaCHUncHâ€"Wiees at. 10:30 an in. and 6:30 p. m..and Sunday $11001, at 2.31 p. m. Young name‘s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Genera. Prayer Meetinglever‘yNTbui-sday evening in the 1.0ch Room. 38". . R. Barker, Supt, Rev. W. B. Booth, Assistant. Passnvrmnus Gunmen or CANADA.â€"â€"Services at 11 o'clock aim.,a.nd 6:30 p.111. Prayer mutating on Wednasday eveningastso. Aâ€"- :â€" Ardnr Mnraonmï¬ï¬‚ and 6:30 p. m..a Young name‘s: Genera Frail†m the Bonn): cu‘aox as follow 6 Thu Hula}, mm a-m mond Edi at, 9 a‘ Rxcmub LODGE. A. F. & â€"Moets in the Lodge Room Monday on or bacote full m A.J. Rupert. W. M. AA}. [Hip-mu. u . LIA. Ancmx'r 03mm 01" FonEnEnsâ€"Conn Rich. mend. No. 7046 A. 0. E. meets in the Temperance Ball every uterntbe Fridav at. 7.30 p. m.~H. H. \Vrigbt. C. B. Rmmmm: Em. TEMPLE, No 465. I. 0. G. '1‘.â€" Meets in the Temperance Ball' every Wednesday eveniufl. 3:7.300‘c10ek. Wm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist sabbath School'l‘empemnce As Sociation issue ledge cards ovary Sunday when desired. Wm. mmon supf Muommcs' lwamtxm.-â€" Library or over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening. in the Me.â€" I mic Hall, irom 7 (70 6 o'clock. R. E. Law. Libra.â€" tian. Lectures and discussions periodically. mcmnmn ï¬rst. CORNET BAND.-â€"Meets for p qctï¬c‘e agar; uesduy and Saturday evening at g_ N. an I madm- [I flUl-IUUU'VIJ nu ..... , n, 7.30 o‘clock. C. Savage. Leader. Yunnan C(Ifllclhâ€"Rneve, John Brown "Coun- cillon, Messrs. Isaac Crosby. A. Moodie, R. E. Law end B. F. chper. Clerk. M. 'l‘eely. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. in, Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic En." each eiwmehive Friday at 8 o'clock p.111. Bene- ï¬cary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switwr, Meme: Workman. B. T. of Temfemnce, Richmond Hill Council. No._43. Meets n Tempemnce Humour: alter “Have Tuesday evening atao'clock p m. Bene- Icinry certiï¬cates issued to male or female members In! simo or in case of deem $2,000, one hall payable in case of disability. J. H.8mder- non Belem. pounqnlors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Dr. Geo. La-gsull Hsa removed from King, and common- ced practice at Thornhill. ife-Eé'nluié siecremv‘ -.._..._ am 108. :inLS'toSp.m. $1 per annum, in advance. ‘hankml for the (more of the past 20 yam-5' may still be consumed in any branch 0! we pro- 'easiou. M lollows: inrora. ls: Sch, mu. cad 22nd of and) menu, Richmond kahunam am am: no. (at the Palmer House)‘ “L .l Dr. Lewis G. Langston. Members Collage Physicians a Surgeon. Ont... RICHMOND HILL. ONT. \uu puv - ......~ Stoufl‘viun 48% 10- Mark mm. .ZOth :10. Victoria. in - ‘11“ do- 'I'horuhiiLV . . ..231'd d0. Woodbridge ‘. ..%th do. Kle-inburg .. ,mth do. Nebleton H. ........ 30th 0 \‘ibalized Air always on hand at appointments. Works like a. charm Free from main. Dr. W. J. Wllson. Medalist Toronto Univexsitv. Member Co Physicians a Surgeons. 01m. (1306 o! Bmuï¬ville Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. (3ch Hours VOL. VH- Money to 'L‘oafn. A lame amount of Money to Lend on'fa'x‘m bx mtv property interest7 per cent; ho'coninfla sï¬on. ‘ HOSE MACDONALD. MERRITT a: G0. Union Loanbuilum a Toronto Uniouvillo ....... Weston Ma ï¬e ..... . Bic moud Hill Woodbï¬dge u . Mr. Husband wiHbe found in his ofï¬ce, New- non Brook, every Suturdav. except when Satur- rmv falls on tha above dates. wm visit the tonowing places professionally :â€" Dr. 0". Maple. Ofï¬ce hours: 81.0 9.30 L. m... and Nbv. mewâ€"ct. {I Address A ROBINSON L.D.B.. Aurom Ont. "ï¬ï¬'siï¬ï¬ss CABDS. -6â€"’83â€"[v G. H. Husband. L. D. S.. @112 @ihsral †EDITOR and PROPEIFEOB. I. E. nun: B‘UWDâ€"v 7-. CATHOLIC onumnrâ€"Servicea in order s .Tllotnbm at. '9 9.111., and Richmond :33 gm; the following Sunday at Rich. lint/.9 a.m..a.nd Thomh‘m at 10:1!) mm willngr Qircrtury. Churches. MMMZEQ 32m 1S PUBLISHED EVERY inr. James Langsulfl r. W. J. Wilson. USED BY Dr. A. Bohinson. \ summon DENTXBT. societies. mam. AT “mourn. 5mm. NEWTON BROOK. AND lst Monday of each month 9th and let “ ‘ .16“; " ‘19:): ' “ u Sachemâ€"Service at 3 mdav of evqupopth, Ta A. M., x033, (mar mJlnsonic Eamon hhe moon,at8 o'clock pan m.. and to 2.30 p. m- DENTIST, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, HAITI; himn’rom &. coon. BARRISTEBS, SOLICITORS, (kc. OFFICES: )8 KING S'rmm'r EMT. ToxmsTo. W.M. HALL, J.S.FULLARTON. W.COOK, IEPEIVATE FUNDS T0 IOAN‘ (£4. Having built the above House on the site of the old Stage Boml. and furnished it throughout in ï¬rst-class style. I am prepared to give the puhlic the best of accommodations Good ambling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, 31 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this house to connect, with all nassenger tmius on the Northern Railwav. Licensed Auctioneer (or the Counties 01 York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. Genera] sales of swck. em, vmmphly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. Importer of Watches. clocks and ï¬ne iewellery a amok 0! Diamonds and precious stones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET. TORONTO. Emauufac’mrgéi of jewellery, and repairimzotwamhes and c1 5 on thgprepyiseam sp ‘ lty _- A-) cannula.- Ohniv Hh. nue pwunwam uyouuuy Thanking our patrons and friendsfor their lib- eralvnmnagr ix. the ant we beg to state that. we have just receiv a. large stock 01 new goods in latest designs. A large stock 0! E1911 and Walthnm watches kevt on hand. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectlully solicits your Satronage and friendly influence. Sales attende on the shortest notice and at. reasonable rates. P. 0. Address. moaned AuQEiâ€"oree'râ€"(ox'Vme bounty bf York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly in ï¬nance. sales attended on ï¬he modest. notice and at reasonabe mm. P. 0. address. King. Licensed Auctioneer for the Coumy of York Bales “waded on tho shortest notice,aud at. I08.- nbe mm. Andrei: Stouflvme P. O Old Iron, Ram, Brass, ac" bought {or cash' n eltv prices. Chlmner Sweeping attended to on shortest notice. 013nm! Bank of Canada. PRESIDENT. DAVID BLAIN, “SS-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P.. H. P. Dwight. D. M. danuld, C. B. Robinson, A McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at. Cgmram Rates. No notice of withdrawal requiredl Drafts on all parts of Canada. United States and Gram Britain, bought and sold. HARDWARE! PAINTS, OILS, WILKINS’ BROS FRI! DBRICK WH ITLOCK, Richmond Hill. MECHANIC’S 166 King Street East, GLASS. PUTTY, &C. 4BUILDERS’P The Palmel House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprict Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, , ; "@131: M. TEEFY, Jan. 15th. '84-11 Money to loan on farm security 23â€"4-‘83. TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, NOTARY PUBLIC 85:. AND RICHMOND HILL JAMES M. LA‘VBENL‘E. [VI annger. ï¬iï¬rtnaumng. Salem Ecknrdl. N. J. Armstrong. James C. Stokes. A A. ALLEN, ()nsmer. S. M. Brown. J. Wanlmss~ Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Near Gear :9 we Street Toronto. Emma. In Essentials, Unity; AND , Proprietor. We did little business at La Cloche, very few Indians were there.th0ugh it was pay day, but there were cogent reasons for their absence. Ls Oloche is 3 Hudson Bay Co’s post, and they have their own store. sud the Indians would be expected to spend freely there when they were paid in the building. though they are very deer in such stores, besides they have nine accounts against some of the Indians, and how could they get out oi paying them there; some of the traders, wo. may have“ akudgeon "â€"whiakeya along, but they dare not aell it there, so for all these reasons we expect to ï¬nd moat of the Indians of this region at their own village of Sugamug. I have omitted Indian names before; I mention this one as an example of the music or smoothâ€" ness (1) at their names. as Longfellow did In his “.Hiawatha." There are a few musical names. though, in Indian nomenclature, and Longfellow has moâ€" nopolized them. I hardly think he could have made much use of Wabyyig and Wikwemiknngsing. There must he a great similarity among all lndien tongues for though the scene of Hiawatha is laid in Wisconsin or Minnesota, nearly all the names of ï¬ring! used in thin {anions dian legend, ararther ample as those names of things used in that famous 1n- dian legend, are the same as those need here; here 13 built the “ emit Cheemaun for sailing, Keewuydin, the north-West. wind, is the home wiud still, the Mushe« MakwaflGreat Bear-is hunted as of yore, a mild reverence in still paid to Osseovâ€"evening starâ€"- “Star of evening, star of woman, Star of tenderness nnd passion.†and almost everybody knows that this island was the home of Giwhv-Manitou â€"the Great Spirit. -' r“ 1, t We made a ishort stay at La Cloche; I would like to have remained longer. Everything is neat about the H. B. Post, tidy white buildings, the beautiful ruah~ iug little river, tumbling over the rock: is spanned by a neat bridge, and high above us towered the highest peaks of the La Cloche Mtg. It was a. pretty night as we moved out of La Cloche that evening. the little fleet going slowly out of the river and out of the bay :1 large canoe containing eight men and two wo~ men, all paddling, shot quickly by us, and while our Iaila flap almost idly our crews indulge in musicI and sound of violin, comet, lite and month-organ mingle harmoniously together, and float over the guiet waters. After hunting our way among innu~ memble islands, and ‘ paling ' through narrow channels. we reach Sugsmug, late at night; some of the boats lost their way and had to be shouted in after midnight. Here we remain all next day and night, for there is 3 strong head-wind. Trade is slow next day, we wonder how it is, till one ' honest Injun ’ tells us that most of the village were on a terrible spree the night before, and were not up yet. It was only too true. Two halt breeds had run a little boot in our company from Little Current, but we did not notice that they did not stop at La Cloche: they had gone on to Sugamug with their cargo, with what results we saw the next ‘ morning; they had only whiskey. Leta ‘ m the forenoon the natives began to turn out, but not for dry goods, only skudgeon is in demand for a while; old. half-dress- ed, wretched looking men stagger about from host to boat in search of it, the old blind chief is led down to one of the , boats and becomes so drunk he has to be carried away; the young chief, a pleasant looking, active fellow, is drunk all day, and such swearing, all the English some of them know is ‘ cuss ’ words, and they make use of them with s liberality that is shocking to hear, but poor fellows,they hardly know what they are saying, they have no such words in their own tongue; so it is a high carnival of whiskey and swearing nearly all day. One of the reg- ular traders has a barrel of whiskey, labelled ‘ pork ’ to avoid suspicion, but the agent has gone now, and there is no danger, so the bottled beverage is sold openly-bottles containing about a. pint oi ‘ stingo ’ sell readily at one dollar each. From our own Correspondent. A iiveiy cricket match was played here on Saturday,gbutween the Toronto club and the Aurora boys, resulting in favor of the home team by 47 runs and one in- nings. A sad accident occurred on Monday evening, which will no doubt prove fatal. A lad named Nixon, while feeling with a revolver, uischarged its contents into his body. The doctor has so far failed to find the location of the ball. John A. Macdonald, ot the †Queen’s " was kicked in the breast by one oi the stallions. He is slowly regoyerihg._ Most of the cle'rks and merchants may be seen sitting under the awnings of the stores, smoking and wip- ing their faces. (commons mom LAST WEEK in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all thin ON A TOUR. (TO BE CONTINUED. AURORA. Victory for the Young Cana- dinus. They Retain me We.st Champiomhip The much talked of match, between the Young Canadians and Excalsiors of Brampton.for the Western Champion- ship, was played on the Fair Ground at Richmond Hill, on Friday, Auguatt 15th and resulted in a complete victory for the home team by three straight games, thus retaining the Gold Medal and lhe Championship. 7. J _-_.' The fullowing are the names and posi- tions of the teams. Young Canadians~J . McCopaghv,goa.l; W. E. they, paint; S. Mager, cover- point; T Young, J. Piper. C. Skeele, de- fence ï¬eld; F. Powell, centre; A. Page- ley, G. Derry, B Brown, home ï¬eld; S. S. Semle, cover-point. home; 0. Savage, point home. Excelsiorsâ€"F.Manning,goal; F.Lowes. point; J. G. Roberts, cover-point; R. Blair, F. Main. E. Fallis, defence ï¬eld; E. Joyce, centre; B. Nichol, T. Peaker, T. Luwea,hume ï¬eld; S. Charters, cover- )uu; IIULLIU, ; . ,lelvuu; .w, r“.-. __ V m. , Some of the players from Brampton, and several of their admirers arrived in the village the previous evening, anxious to spy out the land and to make prepara- tions for the reception of their friends. The day was extremely warm and due- ty, notwithstanding which, about 1200 people congregated to see the sport. The Grand Stand erected for the occasion was crowded, principally by ladies, who in their gay attire. presented a handsome appearance. and lovers of the fair sex were amply rewarded for their admission fee before the match commenced. After some minor disputes were settled and the umpires appointedâ€"â€"Mesars. Hull and Clark of Torontoâ€"the referee, Mr. D. A. Rose called time and the two clubs form- , ed into line opposite each other. Seldom ‘ have spectators had the privilege of gaz- ‘ ing on two liner looking teams, and a, l stranger would scarcely have known which side to have selected for the vict- ors, although the visitors were much hea- vier than their Opponents. g. ._V..-..,..-_._ point home; Tilialicncyne. poiué home. _ ‘ " ‘ ‘7 ‘4 D,___L.‘_ Fmsr GAME-Th8 ball wan faced at 2.45, the home team playing down the slope. One of the Young Canadians got the rubber and immediately sent it down near the visitors' flags, but it was speed- ily teturnevl and accidentally thrown over the fence by an Excelsior. The ball be- ing again faced oï¬' and toned down grade was caught by Savage who made a throw on the flags, but. the shot went. wide. The ball was now tossed up and down (or a. short time. and after some brilliant play on both sides, Savage made another ï¬ne shot sending it through the goal and scoring the ï¬rst. game for the home team, [ time, 20 minutes. up n Great applnue followed from those in- terested in the Richmond Hill club, but. the friends of the Brampton team, noth- ing daunted, were still prepared to back their men for any amount. . . _ , LACROSSE MATCH. uuv. ..v.. -V. SECOND GAMEâ€"Alter a few minutes’ rest, the second game was started. F. Powell drew the rubber and sent it flying eastward. Down the ï¬eld again it sped, where a shaip tussle took place between Young and Lowes, the latter going sud- denly through the board fence; but the ‘ ball was on the opposite side, and was soon hovering over the visitors‘ goal. Here was shown the ï¬nest play during the afternoon. the sphere being thrown again and again with wonderful accuracy on the flags by Pugsley, Skeele, and Sesrle, the latter especially exercising perfect judgment his play and ‘inovements being simply grand. Again ‘snd again Were the formidable attacks noblv repulsed by F. Lowes, Roberts. Blair and Main, until Sesrle passed the bail to Savage, who by a quick throw, slipped it through and counted one more game, time, 17 minutes. It was now apparent that the Young Canadians would be the victors, and that the winning of the third game, barring accidents,w0\lld be only a. matter of time. But the Excelsiors still seemed deter- mined, whilst their backars looked as )f the whole affair was wrapped in mystery. THlRD GAMEâ€"The third game, which i was destined to be the last, was com-‘ maimed without much delay, Powell auain pulling the |ball from Joyce, but before the centres rightly knew where it was, Derry had stolen down and secured it for himself, immediately sending it spinning on the home flags. But here it did nut remain long as Roberts had cap- tured it, and showed some ï¬ne skill as a lacrosse player, and almost succeeded in winning a game. This was the onlyftime during the match that the Young Canadi- ans appeared to be in danger, but. the fear was soon relieved by McConsghy. who made magniï¬cent play all through the contest. At length, after 12 minutes play, Manet, who had been showing good work, got the ball and gave it to Searle, who passed it to Savage; he in turn sent it whizzing between the stakea, thus ter- ‘ minatinpV the struggle, and retaining for Richmond Hill the proud title of the , Charity.†1884-. and posi- Champion; of Wgstem Ontario. \Jil(wl:arnv£lu v- The excitement was now intense, and many were the congratulations the victo- rious team received on defeating a club with such a brilliant record as Brampton possessed. The visitors 01a.de a. good gnme‘ but in many cases showed over- conï¬dence in their powers, and failed in metmmnq the strength of their oppon- ents. besides which. their Goal-keeper was unï¬t for his position. ‘1‘." -| nun u ‘ u x - v . u . . . . .. rVVn" Most of the western crowd left the vil- lage on the 6 o’clock bus, and were loud- ly cheered on their departure. In the evening, a torch-light procession was formed in honor of the event, and after marching through the village, headed by the band, an invitation was extended tn retire to the Temperance Hall, where the ladies had provided an enticing supper. The lacrosse boy: will long remember with pride, the excitement raised on their behalf. The proceeds at the gate amounted to about 8150. ’ The Rev. Mr. Reid. late of Carrville. will preach in Ihe Prgsbyterian Church, morning and eveninj, on Sundsv next. Rev. W. W. Carson, Pam: at the Gen- tenary Church, Hamilton. will pinch in the Methodist Chm-oh of this pine, next Shndsy evening at 6.30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Musaen. Trinilv Church, Auras, occupied the pulpit in St. Mary'l Chmeb on Sunday morning. Mr. A. J. Watson. Head Mam: of Vank. ieek High School. (who formerly taught in the High School here) spent Friday and Fri. day night with friends in Richmond Hill. Miss Aggie MoMarohie. of Norwich, form- etly teacher m the Public School hare. spent a few days in the Village last week. Mrs. and Miss Muokm. of New Yotk. are vinitiug friends in this villnge. Mina Mac- kean is Principal 0! one 0! the New York City schools. having supervilion of twemy teachers and X300 pupils. Miss Kyle, of Torontq is visiting friends in the village. NEWBCBY-N08J El ‘n Mills 'on Fflda. . Aug‘ 15th, the wits or 1-. G00. ï¬ewbnry, o a son. WESTâ€"alt Thornhill. on Thursday evening, Aug: 14th. Reuben A. West. in the 63d yau' of hxs age. Dawnâ€"At. his residence, township 0! Vaughn, on Tuesday, A . 12th,Jouph Noah Davina, son of the late ohn Davina, aged 28 years. 2 months and 21 days. Bumsâ€"Drowned. a: Hadron], on Saturday @yqniug. Aug: )6}; Abraham Better, in the Give Hofloway’iCBm Cure 5 trial. It removed ten coma from one pair of foot without. any pain. From Our Own Correspondent. On Saturday evening lost our little vil- lage was thrown into great excitement st ihe announcement of the drowning of is young man named Abrahsm Bones. It appears he had gone in for 3 baths, and had got beyond his depth, when u is sup- posed, he took cramps, and Immediately, in the sight of nearly all who were as- sembled on the bank, went down to his Watery grave. Everything in the way of ssaistance was done. sud When his body was found all signs of life had dilsppesr- ed. The young man had lived in this country s. little over two months and at i the time of the drowning was in the em- l ploy of Mr. Jonah Leek. We believe that only two weeks sgo he went to To- ronto, and there paid almost the lab! cent he had, for tickets to bring his wife and family of three children to Canada. expecting her to soil about the 28th of this month. He was a young man of ex- cellent moral character and possessed wonderful ambition and willingness to do his duty. His prospects were bright and he was constantly “building castles †for his future success and happiness. The news of his and misfortune will, no doubt. be something dresdlul to his wife, as she expected ere long to unite with him, her labors (or their prosperity. His remains were followed to the Head‘ord burying- ground by a large number of people on Sunday afternoon. Revs. Booth and Tot- ten being ministers for the occasion. A. M. Hamilton, Warlswnrtl), writes: “ For weeks I was troubled with a. awell~ ed ankle. which caused me much pain and annoyance. Mr. Mnybee, of this place, recommended Dr. Tliomas’ Eclec- tric Oil for it. I tried it, and before one" bottle was used, I Was cured. It is 9211 article of great value. †Beware of Elec- tric or Electron Oils. as they are imita- tions of Dr. Thomas’ Eclect‘ric Oil. 5mm nix cen ts in postâ€" age, uml receive than, .1, curtan buS hf goods 1mm I winnelp Ml. uf umber sex mmm-e umuey “glut nwny than anything eLw in ï¬ns. worm Fm‘umca uwtut the wm‘ken uhsulutalv sure. At once mlxh‘uss I'RUE a Cu Augusta. Maine. T216633: 'oï¬m age; [Single COpies, 3 ct: PERSONALS. HEADFORD. BIRTHS. DEATHS No. 8.