I. The report that Major Gray was soon to receive a ‘militia ap- pointment’ originated with his own triends. It was discussed by them without any pretence to secrecy, and on the assumption ol averred facts. to Wit. Major Gray's desire to better himself ï¬nancially, and the still greater of certain ol his party to take his place. The latter may pass unquestioned, with the former we have nothing to do. These re- ports were circulated unchallenged, l until a black cloud, fraught With] direst woe, suddenly appeared on the political horizon. That cloud, which men now call the Bribery Conspiracy, suddenly burst, and, needless to say, the opening 0t \Vest York was at once relegated to the region of enterprises damned for their fatality. Perlorce, then, Major Gray must continue to be a foe to his own interests, and :1 mar- The words of the above precious production are, of course, borrowed from the Mail: the arrangement of them smacks of the accomplished Major Gray himself. It contains four sentences which we have num- bered: we have something to say to each. Parka-.10, Aug. 11th, 1884‘ [n the York Herald, of 14th inst" appeared the following letter:~ To the Editor of the " York Herald " : Sunâ€"1. Inyour issue of last week, I notice a vamgmuhto the eflect that I had received a. up ointment. and that. West, York was about. to ecome vacant. 2.Ha.ving redeemed Wen. York, [W56 holding it for my party, and having regard to the prosperity of my couu~ tryJ deem humble 10 remain at my post, and ï¬ght the organized hypucnsy at present in power. 3. Recent events must have made it main“) every honest Luau in Ontario, that all ghu bnber . recent. treachery and mscuhty in the Local ouse was on the sum of the Gm urn- memahd their supporters. 4. The ()ppub‘ll‘iou. to (hair areij be it. said, stand before the public as upn'ght honest and hunm'uble men, who will be in 5 Position tomes: theu- supporcers without. a. spot or stain upon thou character, and may confldeutlyhpgqal to and recelve mug-med mm. connaeunyup cal to a port from the lectors‘ _.-__- .. -..un ’ W I It will still remain for Conservative politicians to explain their motives in their ruthless attempts to deprive their native province even of a straw which was unquestionably her own. , T- rum. for one shoxt year. It will doubtless please many to declare the grapes s'our now. that it is known for a cer- tainty that the purple clusters are beyond their reach. But this does not change the flavor of the fruit. Admitting, however, that Onta rio‘s_5:ontention was about a stra w‘ We were prepared to learn that the value of the disputed tract was greatly exaggerated, that it is of much the same nature as Algoma or Muskoka. But in the face of the anxiety of tory henchmen to secure large grants of it, and ot the bitter hostility of Quebec and Manitoba to its cession to Ontario. a hostility at bottom due toone and the same cause, we cannot accept the above estimate without important qualiï¬- cations. bir, 10112 A. Macdonald would certainly mt hesitate to close the gapmg mailed a Shlelds bri- gade With worthless gifts, but the men, constituting such a brigade, are far too astute to be put oil with rock unless it contains a rich vein of precious metal“ Patriotism may, 1ndeed,_ now as in Dr. johnston's time be the last refuge of a scoun- drel, but the partizanship, which is not content to rest at cheering and shouting, but freely expends the sin- ews 01 war to gain its object, is not the refuge of fools, at least in money matteis. No public man has ever paid a higher price for his tenure of ofï¬ce than our present Premier, and such a trifle, as is in these da)s the sacriï¬ce of honor and principle, un- aided by a much more substantial sacriï¬ce of money or its equivalent, would not have kept him in power {A_ ____ ,L If we are to believe the state- ments of parties whom there is no reason to think prejudiced, the vic- tory of Mr. Mowat on the Boundary Award is alter all a barren one. or in the language 01 political slang ’is only a ‘ moral victory.‘ It is said that the 88,000 square miles of ter- ritory adjudged to Ontario is really not worth one cent an acre, that it is, in fact. a howling wilderness of rock which nothing short of the for- titude or dire necessnties of an Indi- en could induce a man to explore. The timber, minerals, &c., are, it is averted. but .1 dream. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Aug. 21 ’84 We ggiheml. THE DISPUTED TERRITOR Y. Music Classesâ€"M153 Cam bell‘ Youth Wantedâ€"3.13.42 é, . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAJ UR ORA Y. Lneu character. and may and receive Increased sup- $13.8 . Yours very trulyJ JOHN GRAY 5 last. week. I notice a that I had received a 1 that. West. York was 2.Ryxing redeemed June 11,0111 Money to LoxaE MISS CAM PBE LL wiil re Music. after the vucutwu, 01 1864. WANTED for a general from 16 to 17 yems, to lot can write a good hnpd, is l ufmid of work~App|y in ( Money to Loan on improved fauna cent. Apply to are no enemies at hand, the only rust his sword is likely to receive will come from the night air. We sincerely hope that, at least in the Major‘s case, the pen is not might- ier than the sword, for the former is surely the weakest of goose-(mills. YOUTH WANTEDA'! l [00 damaged to hold anything. In conclusion, we beg to ask Major Gray if he ever heard of the proverb which says that he who ex- cuses himself accuses himself. He does not deny that he was to have received a ‘ militia appointment,’ and we have shown that it would have proved very inconvenient for his party ifhe had accepted it. He will do well in the future to wait for charges to be made before he pro- ceeds to rebut them. \Vllen there their character,râ€rtru.sh, 'tis tog damaged to hold anvt] 4. This last sentence irresistibly reminds one of the Chieltain's truth- ful declarations:â€"“ These hands are clean," “ Would to Heaven I could catch Riel," " Not one stick of timber, 6:6." It is well for Canada that, even if there are many morally competent and willing to ï¬ll Sir John's shoes, there is not one with the requisite talents. “ Upright," only sometimes. “ Honest, honor~ able,†yes, in comparison with some whose names we do not now remember. “ Soot nr cfain nu __._J, - “4.â€... auu lPardee being led off. in charge of ‘the same veracious editor, to trial for attempting to seduce into crook- ed ways that trio of cherubs, Meek, Bunting and Wilkinson. \Ve sup- pose that the Major never heard of Mr. Weeks of W'est Middlesex fame, whom Mr. Meredith made such frantic exertions to pull out of the slough into which he had fallen, that the gallant leader of the 0p position himself nearly took a header. 6--.. guys. Iv VIUD as ‘ bribery,’ ‘ treachery and rascal- ity,‘ with a taste and skill so ex- quisite. his speech bewrayeth him to be one ofthose gullible-tense†innocents who receive their intel- lectual nourishment from the wood- en spoon wielded by ‘the smallest editor in Canada.‘ Major Gray has evxdently been mightily pleased with Grip's cartoon, representing; Messrs. Mowat, Hardy, Fraser and Pardee being led off. in charge of Hm N...†“a.†3. This sentence would be a real treat, were it not so stale both in manner and substance. It rs the language of a man whose style of thought and power of expression are borrowed from the Mail, a journal not written to argue or convince, but solely to stimulate and tickle the palates of those who ï¬nd argu- ment distasteful, and to whom con- v1ction means indlscriminate bolt- ing. When a man uses such words B-tf. r"'l Canada, that he had no interest in the country, and that he did not {or a moment seriously contemplate the erection of a foundry in Parkdale. These falsehoods did their work. But they have left a bitter taste be~ hind, and,j0ined to recent events, render it more than advxsable for Major Gray to remain as long as he , can 'at his post.’ W'herever Mr. Patterson was born, it is certain that he is quite as good a subject of the Queen as the Major liiinself,aiid the objects of his veneration are not men who to-day stand convicted of conspiring with Yankee lumbermen against Her Majesty's legally chosen Government. As to Mr. Patter- son's property, people now know that all the cabbages which the Major ever raised would cover but a small part of it, even if his own magniï¬cent head were thrown in. Finally, the splendid foundry, now in lull operation at Paikdale, has already earned for the Major‘s bri- gade the praise of having lied like an epitaph. 2. We question much that the tactics employed in 18.93 for the so- styled redemption of \Vest York would again prove successful. At the last election, it was solemnly asseverated that Mr. \Nilliam Pat- terson was an American, that he owned not one foot of property in (3..-), .I tvr to those of his country; in the sinister words of the Mail, he must remam for at least several years longer in that to Tories most tan- talizing of predicaments, ‘ unremun. erative opposition.’ “spot or stain on ml storeâ€"8. smart. youth, learn the business. who is quick ut ï¬gure» and not 11 own hand wnt-ing to It. 13. & 00.. Richmond Hill I‘. O. J . R. ARNOLD, l‘écpmond Hm 1t, at least in the pen is not might- i, for the former is tof goose-qgills. resume her on Monday Aer classes in lay. Sept. lat, 8â€"3in. a fabric at 6 per ï¬r ,â€"*â€"c\ ,1“ Call and see it“, The second for the season. 25 per cent~ less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes, Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Palmer's Material, WhiteLead, Low in‘Plrice, IMMENSE STOCK OF FURNITURE. QROCERIESJ FLOUR AND FEED. GLASS Jars in pts. PEOPLE’ Sugars and Teas at Bottom Prices I TWEEDS, PRINTS i& DRESS GOODS nished at reasonable terms. Thanking our numerous Customers for past patronage, we will respectfully solicit a continuence of the same, as we pure pose carrying on our business as usual. Cofflng, Gas-n. kets. and all kinds of FUNERAIa} FURNISHINGS. A First-Class H'Q'Mse fun. _.'..LAJ~L V, “ FIRE PROOF I A. WRIGHT & SON FANCY DFeEs GOODS AT THE Q V CONCRE TEE Big Discount 8313 OF W? At greatly reduced prices to make mom for‘FKall Importation. A large and splendid assortmsgt 70f Groceries Highest Price paid for Butter and E . ATKINSON. Just arfived, another stock of UNDERTAKERS. ,,qt_s. and 2% gals., as cheap as the cheapest A- WRIGHT a: sou“ SELIJING ISAAC CROSBY. THE .. G., SAVAGE; 1' ggs.