News has reached us from the Antipodes, that Hanlnu. the pride of Canada as an oars- man, has at last lost his laurels. His van- luisher is one Beet-h, an Australian. with a good record. Many speculations are already op the rounds, concerning the cause of the res'mtr Some have an idea the race was sold. This accusation seems to us unjust without some foundation for the assertion. We feel inclined to think he was beaten on his ml'l'lts, but think it quite probable he may net return to Toronto with the proud title of Champion of the World. The change of climate may have had considerable to do with the losing of the race: v We had the, pleasure. on Tuesday after- noon, of witnessing one of Patterson’s imâ€" proved Self-Binders, reaping a heavy crop of Date on the farm of Mr, Thos. Palmer south ofihis village. Without exception, it did its work better than anything at the kind we have ever seen. The sheaves were tied with very Inferior twine. but not a single band was broken during the afternoon. It left the stubble perfectly level, and not a straw could be seen untied. The team of horses walked quite leisurely along, the machine weighing less than 1300 lbs. - I Mr. Joe, Hall, formerly of Victoria Square, has opened out a large stock of groceries. provisions, flour & feed, etc.. in Mr. John Brown’s old stand. Mr. Hall has been long considered a ï¬rst-(aims business man, and m]! be welcomed here as one of our citizens. Ladies, don’t fail to callv Cheap Cash House to insp very chowe newCretonnes. Seven! very large loads from Elm St, Ch arch. Toronto, passed through the village about noon on Monday, and camped in one of Richmond Hill‘s pleasure-grounds in the North end. They attracted considerable at. :ention. not only by beating their poor jaded out horses, but by bellowing through beastly horns, much to the annoyance of house- wives who came to the doors to say that no ï¬sh wnereqyired that day. Another lot 0! Plain and Fancy Tea Sets, and China Tea bets jyst opï¬ncgi out-at the Concrete. A Pleasant Evemng. Mr. Geo. Trench gave a supper to the victorious twelve of the “ Young Canadian," and a few other friends. at Ins residence on Tuesday evening. An enjoyable time was spent. just received a1: the Concrete House another lot of Nobby Felt Hats extra value. Seamless Cotton Grain Bags at the Concrete for $2.75 per doz. lxcHMONn HILL, Thursd w, Aug Fragrant new Teas and Coffees a speciality at The Cheap Cash House. Subscribe for the Evening Globe. 30cm. 3 month. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬ce. Good Cider and Malt Vinegar at the Concrete. Ccurt Richmond. 7046. A. 0. F.. will meet to-morrow (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. The Fire Brigade meet for practice on Friday evening next. Business meeting afterwards. Until furthernotice “ails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Oflico n: follows: â€" MORNING zâ€"Gnina North. south. East and West. iuulurling Tlmrnhill, Maple, Tornnm. Mm-khmn,&c. 7.40 EVENING râ€"Going south.Eust and West (as above] 6.00 N. B.â€"Reszistered Letters must be handed in at. least Fifteen Minutes Pan‘lier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Aurora. Kin-.1 . .. H lecnxm n HILL Thm‘nhill ‘ . \\'e~;t(m .. Dnvenpnrt . Pm'kdnle ,, _ TORONTO. Queen‘s Who. Brock Street Communications from King and Etbbicoke received last evening; too late for this issue Newmm‘ket Connects with all 15mins. leaving the Palmer House. Richmonl Hill. as fulluwa: Mail 6: Ex 1rass,Narnh IS; South... . Accommo Minn “ " . Express. North. MM], South... .. 7.433 a. m. 11.30 “ 500 p. m. 610 " Newumrkeb TORONTO. (‘icy Hull Brock Street Queen's Wha Pal‘kdn‘lu Davenport. Weston . Thornhill ........... RICHMOND HILL King M . EM 3231M N. R. R. TIME TABLE. PROCTDR‘S STAGE LINE. The Champion Sculler Defeated Unmn St City Hall POST UFFiCE NOTICE I’atprson’s Self-Binders. Fire Brigade Meeting. Station Street '5 Wharf s Wharf Street .. Station. GOING NORTH Mail. A GOING" SOUTH City Folks. New Store. 10.1 10,00 10 ()7 90‘). R 07 8‘13 8.40 13?. 4 0 M. TEEFY, Postvrrnsten callv at The inspectxthose Accnm 12.00 ‘1 I} ‘20 40 20 43 21, '84 Mail. 13.31 6.43 7.02 7.12 7.23 7.35 7.43 815 8.00 0 .) 8’53 Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as aworm medicine; the name is Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre, HQ†writes: " I have been nfliicted with rheumatism for thq,lash ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief. I got a battle of Dr. Thomas’ Eolectric Oil, and found it gave, instant relief and since then have had no attack. I would recommend it to all. 7‘ Mr. Tnnoh-though'ï¬niherg. ï¬Ã©uld b6 sufï¬- giegt N31th Mined By Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Harrison than Messrs Lawrence. Sanderson, Switzer and the mover be a committee, to draft the requisition in compliance with the above resolution. Thalifllowlng resolutions ware carried un- angrpququ. Moved by J. M. Lawrerme, seconded bv Wm. Trench, that in the opinion of this meeting, it would be. desirable to purchase the property oflered by Dr. Langstaï¬ for a. public park, and that a. requisition be pre- sented to the Council of this village, request- iqg that they submit a bv-law to be Voted upon as soon as the law.ln reference thereto will permit, - ME. J. H. Sandersonï¬hpught they could not do better than purchase this lot: it coulï¬ be pug into goodï¬hnape Without much expense. Mr. John Coulter wished to know if there would bcxoom in the lot for. High School byï¬ilï¬inï¬gs if such should even be desirable. Mr. J, M. Lawrence, as chairman of the committee stated that they had inspected several Iota. which could be purchased. Mr. I. Palmer would sell 5 acres on Church st. at $300 en secs. Mr. Mcflsir would sell 5 or 6 acres behind his residence. at $200 an acre. Mt. Atkinson's 8; acres (could be bought for 6600; Dr. Langstsfl would sell a ï¬eld of 8 or 9 acres hack of the Methodist Parsonage at $100 an acre. As far as he was concerned himsell .he would be in favor ol purchasing the last mentioned lot; he considered it cheap and would answer well (or a park. He would also recommend th“ in paving for a park the Council lease debentures to extend over a period of 21 years. Mr. Savage said tha§ some of the villagers were afraid that a good title could not be given for the Langstafl property, but that he had reason to think it was pellectly safe. MLTrench though the offal- a goo}! one and thought :hq baa! thing to do would be to smut: It seems strange. but nevertheless it is a fact. that many people residing in Richmond Hill either do not know, or do not beneï¬t themselves by knowing. that a beautiful sheet ot water and handsome pic-nic grounds. with every accommodation neces- sary. lie about four miles north of our vil- lage. What a relief it is for those living in a place even as small as our own little vil- lage to leave the cares of business, and spend an afternoon by the cool and refreshing waters. This can be attested by a small party of our citizens and a few of their friends,who took advantage of this beauti- ful summer resort on Monday afternoon last. Arriving at the hotel about 3 o'clock, and resting for a short time, the boats were manned, and rowed across to the south side of the lake. where several amusements were indulged in during the afternoon. At a suitable hour the cloth was spread. and all with keen appetites partook of a sumptuous meal prepared bv the ladies. When the shades of evening drew hear, they reluctant- ly left the grounds and returned, much de- lighted with the afternoon‘s enjoyment. The hdjoumed meeting to take into con. siderati on the advisability of purchasing a park for the village wna held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, August 19m, Mr. J Brown in the chair. The committee, appointed to select a loon- tio_n_ were asked to report. On Saturday afternoon last, Harry Leach and Ed. Keightley were tried before Mr. J. Brown. Reeve of Richmond Hill, and Mr. R. Marsh J. P., for committing an assault on W. Cook on the night of Saturday, Aug‘ 9th. Both defendants denied the charge pre- ferred against them. Cook, being sworn, said that he, in company with W. Atkinson, S.Agar and W.Micheel came out of Andrew's Shaving Parlor about 11 o.clock of the night in question. and while going home. was jostled ofl the sideâ€"walk by one of the de- fendants. After some words. the complain- ant was assaulted by Leach and Keightley, who struck him several times, and Keightley pursued him as far as Sandersou's Drug Store, some ten or twelve rods away. The principal points of evidence were corrobor- ated by witnesses Atkinson. Agar and MI- chael. A Similar charge was laid by Mi- chael against Lunch, who. he swore, struck him with a bottle. After hearing the evi- dence. Leach was ï¬ned 93 and costs for each offence, and Keightley 82. You can buy for one dollar at the Concrete 8 lbs. ofgood Brown Japan Tea Dust. A Grand Lacrosse Match for the Western District Championship Medal for Ontario. will take place between the Duï¬erin Club of Urangeville, and the Young Canadians, (Champions) on the Fair Grounds, in the village of Richmond Hill, on the afternoon of Saturday, Aug. 2311!. Do not fail to see this match, which is expected to be one of the most interesting of the season. as both clubs have a ï¬rst-class reputation. Ball to be faced at 2.30 p. m. Admission to the grounds, 15 cents. Grand stand ï¬ve cents extra. Music LEE‘QOBR. Miss Campbell will resume her classes in music after the vacation, on Monday, Supt. lat. See ad. Every housekeeper should see the Sugar which is now sold at the Concrete House, 17 lbs. for ONE DOLLAR. Rattling Bargains m Summer Drcss Goods at The Cheap Cash House. Championship Lacrosse Match. Pic-Nic a: Bond‘s Lake. Magistrate's Court. The Villlge Park. Edward. M7Keowm’s Silks.,Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiér x. Gloves, Laces-,. Fancy Goods, Sategns; Ginghams, Grey Cottoms, W ite Cottons, Sheetir’rgs,‘ Table Da- masks, Lace Curtains, Towels,.Napkins, Qullts, Coun-~ terpanes, Mantle Cloths), Ulster; Cloths,.&c. &c.x In all the latest styles and fabrics, at prices not to be beaten wholesale or retail. Plain Dress Goods at 1°C., mic, 16c., 18c., 10c.and 25c. See our Pure Wool Serges at 25c. worth 35c. Ottoman Cloth at 16C., 20c., 25c.,3oc., 40c. and 50c., pure wool. Our Black Italian Gros Grain Silks by the “ Dress Length †at wholesale prices take the lead. Black Velveteens at 25c., 30c.. 38c., 45c., 50c,. 75c., $r.oo and $1.25. As Velveteen is going to be a leading article for ladies’ costumes, we have taken great pains to place before our patrons the very best makes. See our all wool TWeeds at 60c. worth 75c. Double Width Tweeds and Cloths for Ladies’ Coats and Ulsters. Factory Cottons below mill prices. See our yard wide Cotton at 5c. Twilled Factory Sheeting at 10c. As we make a point 01 selling only such goods as we can recommend you can always rely upon the goods bought. J. M. HAMILTON, NEW Will be glad to corres 0nd With Apple Growers, er- cha.nts, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. Do not. delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves’ Worm Ex- terminator is a pleasant and sure cure. It is strnng, dumbie and well built. of the very best. material that money can buy or_skill pruducfa. _ APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONJSLD in Cm, IL wag awarded ï¬ve medals and three ï¬rst prizes at the Dominion exhibition last October. It, is rapidly snperseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it. buy it. and make sure that you get it. Sold by THE NEW WILLIAMS Richmond Hiil, Dealer in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy. High Arm Sewing Maching is flaw HESS“ nizcd as the It IS Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Sxmple m Learn NEW SPRING GOODS SEWING MACHINE 01-" THE PERIOD. 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, 1-: C.. F6 are now showing a Large and Complete Stock bf 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And. Invite Inspection of 0m New \Vhere all goods are marked in plain ï¬gures, have only one price, and terms cash. TIME IS MONEY ! POPULAR DRY" GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Torontop J. LUSH. When you come to the city save time and money by doing your trading with SAMPLES. BY MAIL ON REQUEST 184 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. J. M. HAMILTON, NEW SPRING GOODS Eight Building Lots {or Sale on Centre Street East, only $100each, 15 per cent. down for pick of the lots ; Alan Two New Houses, Erooma, on Richmond Street. DR. LANGSI‘Al-‘l‘ Mr. C. Duncumbe is now in Richmond Hill. and will remain (or a. short time, as he wishes to dispose of the remainder 01 the by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent- !)cured' Hum: ‘11!!! as th 99 applicationa‘ no matter w nether a aiming of One your or [any yam-s, Descriptivegpgphlet sent tree _oumras $13 "012533;. "X. abï¬fbï¬ ii EON: 305‘}ng Street west, Toronto Canada. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, MILLER‘S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. «it. Special attention given to the proper prepar- ntions oi Familv and Veterinary receipts. Comprising Village Lota,Fan:nï¬. &c. For partic- ulars apply personally or by letter to W. B. NICOL, 3 Toronto St†Toronto. ERUPERTY EUR SM! law-ESMBLISHED """"" Hugh MILLER 8580 DUNCUMBE ESTATE ! I“(')R SALE '3’ (‘A'I‘ARRlIâ€"A new Treatment where- Magniï¬cent assortment of BUILDING [0T8 July 8rd, '84-1v, â€"P30pnn~:rons OFâ€" 184‘) H. B. DEWSBURY’: FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPOBIUM YONGE STREET. Trunks, Satchels, Whips Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL All Harness guaranteed :1 represented. Light Harnes. a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. 4| - 5;,» VJ!“ fl A; cwyr IRE Bum «£5... ‘E‘munmc :1": MY rints,