Queen‘s Whu Parkdalo ........ Davenport , \Vestnn .. Thoruhillm RICHMOND HLLL King .. BJCHMOND HILL. Thnrsd w. Aug. 28, ’84 Communications from Tlmrnhil], Weston. Laskav and Aurora unavoidnbiy held over until next issue. N. B.â€"Refl: at least Flfte mentioned h J’M'kvldlo ., TORONTO guecrn't Newmm‘ket A urnm . King. \Vestnn Dnyemgm't Uutil further notice \sz Richmond Hill Past 0 Hi L't Monmxo West; inc Maple, Torn EVENING zâ€"Gnina south Next Wednesday the held in Richmond Hill‘ Wamed. In another column will be found an ad- vertisement tor a. smart, intelligent youth, 16 or 17 years of age, who wishes to learn the business in a general stale. Must: apply in own handwnting. Malt, \V'hite VVihe, and Cider Vinegar, and pure Spices of all kinds at the Concrete. Pruperty for Sale. At 11. a. m. on Wednesday next, Mr. C. Duncumb will offer for sale the remainder of the Duncumb Estate. Good bargains may be expected for those who feel iuchued to purchase. The sale will take place at. the Palmer House. See All. in another column. TORONTO. City Hall Union Station Brock Street The next negulnr meeting of Richmond Lodge, No‘ 26. G. R. C., will be held in the Masonic Hall, on Monday evening next, commencing at 8 o’clock. For-best value In choice new. and fragrant Teas, bugar, and all Gro- ceries, go to the Concrete House. PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Our High and Public Schools re-open on Monday, Sept. 1st. We hope to see a grand rally on the opening day. Will the people in sympathy with the movement of giving the Hon. 0. Mowat B. grand demonstrqlion, on his return from England, in honor of the success which has attended his labors in Ontario's interests, more especially the deaision of the Privy Council on the Boundary Award, meet at. the Town Hall, on Friday, Sept. 5th, 1884, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of naming delegates, <20- Salvation Army Excursion. The 2nd Canadian Anuiversnry of the Salvation Army is to be held in Toronto on Monday, Sept. let. A magniï¬cent demon- stration is expected, as cheap excursion lick- ele will be issued from all parts of Canada. One of the attractions is to be 8., Hallelujah Wedding and Marriage Supper. Earmers. buy your Grain Bags at the Concrete. A gond seamless Cotton Bag for 23 cents. Buy your Soap at the Concrete. 7 Bars Victoria Laundry for 25 cts. 7 Bars Best Brown Soap for 25 cts. 3 lb. Bar Morse’s Echpse for 23 cts, 3 lb. Bar of N. P. Soap for 23 cts. 3 Baxs Morse's Mottled for 25 cts. 3‘Bars Self \Vash. Soap for 25 cts. 'ewmm'liet The Directors of Richmond Hill Mechan- icsï¬Insi-itute met in the Masonic: Hall on Monday evening, Aug. 25th, ’84, for the transaction of business. The President, Mr. J. A. E. Switzer, in the chair. Members present, Messrs. Mendie.Crosby,McConaghy. Law. Sanderson, Nicholls and McMahon. Minutes of last meeting, held Mav 13th, were lead and approved. The Sicretary read a communication from the Education Depart.- meut respecting new role and record books. Moved bv Mr. Crosby. seconded bv Mr. Mc- Couaghgu that the Secretary be instructed to procure said books for the use of librnriun.â€"â€" Carried. The librarian presented his bxll of $15.21; from May lst. '83, to May lat, ’84. The Secretary banded ' "a bill of £1.45, fur printing postal cards "1% stationery Movlld by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mr. McConughy, that the above bills be pnid.â€"Cr.rried. The meeting, then adjourned to. meet at the call 01 ghg President. . ‘ .R. R. TIME TABLE. tEMrNh )l'uhili Umr Clby POST OFFICE NOTICE 1400 4LIJS. >11 Smtiou Hall ‘‘‘‘‘‘ . b \Vlmrf Wharf HILL Mechanics' msritute m Mim runs for School Opening GOING NORTH Mn‘il. A GOIN G Monthly Fair m N) O 1T. Notice 10, l 10.00 31131.5011‘ inclwliu $2 .13 119 Nails wil! be dosed at the )0 M. TEEFY. Postmaster &A.M SOUTH ‘smflh, East and udiuu 'l'horuhil], ntn, Mmkham,&c. Eust and West (as rs must be handed in iertlmn the above éhctnl. Momth Fair will be full Accnm 12.00 1'2 (18 12.15 40 ~13 411 HI Moved Eonaghy, d. The the call Mnil 75 .0.1 888 6.00 7.40 .07 43 You can buy 2 lbs. good brown Japan Dust Tea for 25 cents at the Concrete. Pnrties connected with the Ontario Tele- phone Company were in the village during the week endeavoring to establish a branch here, in opposition to the Bell Telephone Co. They run 11 communication between the Palmer Home and Rupert‘s Express Oï¬ce, outside of which we did not hear of any per- manent business being done. The Bell telephone in used in all the principal city ofï¬ces, therefore much difï¬culty will be ex- perienced in introducing those from another company. Ladies, secure some of those Dress Goods which are jobbing off at the Concrete, from 15 to 25 per cent. below regular prices. The following is a. complete list of candi- dnwfl who successfully passed the recent nun-prolesnmml examination for Interme- dmte, Third and Second Class certiï¬cates from High Schools in our County: Rich- mond I‘llll ~ 2nd class, E. Miller. A; F. E. Grant, A; J. S. Urrm‘, B; F. McConaghy, B ; J. Tyndall. B; A. P. Latter, B. Inter- mediateâ€"J E Stou'unburg, A M Burns. Third Classâ€"A McLaughlin, C A Coombs, W A Mcngne. C Forester, W J Grant. L Norman J A W Flatt. Newmarketâ€"Second Class, \V Lloyd, B ; H E Lewis, B ; A Gart- ley, B ; 1 Price, B ; h Kv-lty. B. Intermedi- ateâ€"G Gregg, T H Lloyd, F Rntclifle, A K Doau, R Watson, B Scanlon, J b‘mitb, M Wusley. Third classâ€"H McMillan. Weston -â€"Second class, J B Kaiser. B ; B Forsyth, B. Inteimediateâ€"F Blausbnrd, R Gibson, E Canon, )1 Madden, J H Bull. Third classâ€"E coulter, F Noble. A Wilson. G Watson. Markhamâ€"Second class, 8 Stock- h-y,B; J O anutz. B; N Poacher. B. Intermediateâ€"A G Mayers, E A Quantz, F Blanchard, E Blanchard, M McCurdil. Third classâ€"M A Wideman, A Bowman, H Canning. F White, N A McDonald, A Berry. A L Noble Miss it with Rev. Mr. Pantom, of Stratford will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Mr. \Viley and aster, of Detroit were Vis- iting relatives in the village during the week. Mr. and Mrs. John E. West. of Bough- keepsie, started for home on Monday. Mr. \Vest vdaits the Grand Lodge, on his way home, which meets at Chautauqua. Mrs. N. P. Currier has returned from a Vibib in Cleveland and other American cities. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan and family have returned after a three week's trip to the sea side. Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vesley Brown, of‘ Mout- real, are visitmg their parents, at bouldeu Lodge, Elgm Mills. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliott, Mrs. Sterling, and Mrs. J. A. E. Sritzar have returned from Grimsby Camp Meeting. Mr. and Mrs A. J. Campbell have return. ed trom their bridal (our 1.1.“! are speudlug a few duva with their parents. MLJ. Brown, Reeve, and ex-Counoillor Pugaley started this morning. by way of Owen Sauna. for n nip through Manitoba. Mrs. P. G. Savage, Muster Bert and Mrs. W. Sheppard contemplate a trip next week to their former homeï¬, St. Andrews. near Montreal, by the Ontario & Quebec Railway. Messrs Ed. Wilon and Harry McCaul, of Markham, took a spin over to Rlehmond Hill, on their bicycles on Saturday, witness- ed the lacrosse match. and letumed home in the evening. VANHchâ€"CONLEYâ€"At the Methodist Church, Picton, Aug. 20th. 1884, by the Rev. J‘ S‘ Clarke.C. F. Vunhorn, Thornhill, to Maggie J., elflest daughter of Mr. Edwin Conley, chtun. (From our own Correspondent.) By proclamation of the Mayor we en- ]nved our civic holiday last Saturday. The bookbinders’ Association had an ex- cursion here in the afternoon and held their pic-nic, sports and dances in the park. In the same paik and at the same time there “as a base-ball match between our team and the Atlantics of Toronto which was won by the visitors. This was the second match that our club played last week. On Wednesday they went to Bolton and there played the Bolton team which ended in a draw,but according to re- ports, our team did not get fair play, and should have been called victors as the score was the same on both sides with one man on Woodbridge side to he put 01“. A return match on neutral grounds is be- ing agitated. The news of the results of the last two matches played at Richmond Hill was very pleasing to the citizens here. We are inclined to believe that the champion- ship of Westei n Ontario will be held by the Young Canadians. The Dufferins ur- rived here on Saturday evening, and one. would have thought by their clieerfulness they never expected to win the champi- onship. They paraded the streets sing- ing various pieces of music sung by the Salvation Army. Our schools opened Monday, AugJBLh. There has been a change in the teacher- ship. Miss \Voolley, ï¬rst assistant, re- Signed to attend the Normal, and Miss Smithers, second assistant,- was promoted to Miss \Vuulley’s position. Mlss Fraser has been appointed second assistant. Our streets are not so thronged with children now as during vacation. Some of the farmers have ï¬nished har- vesting. Pearse. of Markham is making Miss Hawisou. Successfm Candidates. PERSONALS. Telephone Company. lVlA RIIIAGES WOODBRIDGE. vie MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN. Clerk’s Advertisement of Court in Newspaper. NOTICE is hereby given that a. Court “:11 be 1181:]. pursuant to the " Voters' List Act," by Hi: Honor, the Judge of the County Comb of the Cauuty of York. at the Masonic Ha", Maple, Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, ’84, At 930 a. m.. to hear and degennine the several complaints of errors and omlssions in thn Votera' List for the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan for 1884. ‘ ._ _ 'Xinersonshm-r'ing busineqs at the Court are required to attend at the mud time and place. Dated this 25th day of August. A. D., 1584. JAs. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk of the smd Municipahty. I havalnr sale n. quantity of Democrat. Wheat 0! a superior quality. 105 acres, more of less. Lot 26, 2nd Con Vaughan. Apply to WANTED for a. general storeâ€"a. smart youth, from 16 to 17 years, to learn the business who can write a. good hand, is quick at ï¬gures and not afraid o! Work--Apply in own hand wnting to R. B. 65 00.. 341. Richmond Hill P. O. FARM FOR SALE. MUSiO Classes ! MISS CAMPBELL will resume her clnsges in Music. after the'vacutlon, on Monday, Sept. 13:, 1884. Q Sâ€"Sin. YOUTH WANTED ! HAMILTON, NEW In all the latest styles and fabrics, at prices not to be beaten wholesale or retail. Plain Dress Goods at IOC., 12%c., 16c., 18c., 20c.and 25c. See our Pure Wool Serges at 25c. worth 35c. Ottoman Cloth at 160., 20c., 25c.,3oc., 40c. and 50o, pure wool. Our Black Italian Gros Grain Silks by the “ Dress Length †at wholesale prices take the lead. Black Velveteens at 25c., 30c.. 38c., 450, 500,. 75c., 33!.00 and $1.25. As Velveteen is going to be a leading article for ladies’ costumes, we have taken great pains to place before our patrons the very best makes. See our all wool Tweeds at 60c. worth 750. Double Width Tweeds and Cloths for Ladies’ Coats and Ulsters. Factory Cottons bel'ow mill prices. See our yard wide Cotton at 5c. Twilled Factory Sheeting at 10c. As weimake a point of selling only suchigoods as we can recommend you can always rely upon the goods bought. We are now showing a Larga and Complete Stock of Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, ‘Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy Goods,, Prints, SateenS; Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White CQttons,‘Sheetings,,'ITa.b1e Dar masks, Lace Curtains, TowelshNapkins, Qullts, Coun‘r- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c. , Edward. M’Keown’s NEW SPRENG GODS 9-7in SEED WHEAT. 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. TIME IS Where all goods are marked in plain ï¬gures, have only one price, and terms cash. A'J.‘ LOWER PRICES THAN EVER REEORE OFFERED, And: Invite Inspection of Our New When you come-f0 the City save time and money by doing your trading with POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182. Yonge Streeti Taronta. 184.1: YONGE STREET, TORONTO. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST; J. M. HAMELTON, D. BOYLE, EZRA CLUBINF Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill NEW SPRING GOODS APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. 63.331453 DONALD 8a Gm, Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer. chants, and Shippers, Wit]; Thev Will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. CHEMISTS o. DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, \JLLOIJâ€"LUD, wuu HuArrv _-_ a. View to Auturï¬ï¬ and Spring business. MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. &c. Hugh MILLER 8580., Special attention given to the proper prepnr‘ ations of Familv and Veterinary recexpts. July 3rd, 'Séâ€"lv. Money to Loan. Money to Loan on improved farms. at 6 per cent. Apply to June 11. (in) $42â€"' 79 QUEEN ST.,LON DON, E. c.. Magniï¬cent assortment of ESTABLISHEDâ€" Pnopnmrons 0F J. R. ARNOLD Richmond Hill 184‘) 141 Yonge Street, Toront (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch es, Clocks, Jewellry, Si] verware and Spectacle for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENTEB. E NE. Morphy n .J. Jan E.M. MORPHV The balance of the Duucumb Estate will I Offered 101- sale at the Palmer House, on Wedne da_y,Sept. 3r_d, at 11.3. m. PUBLIG AUGTIUN The County Model Schools in Newmarket um Parkduls will Open on Sept. 0th. Integdiug cw ndidutes are requested to app: Intending ca ï¬didutes tire immediately to 77i'lt‘éï¬htsruixa 'cohdinons made known on day 58. e MODEL SCHOOLS. BEST HAIR - CUT IN TO\\'N, GO TO ANDREWS' SHAVING PARLUH. Cleanesi Shave I LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. FOR THE AND R. \V DOAN, Toronto C‘ DUNCU \IB Pronrietor.