Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1884, p. 8

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Presentation. The following correspondence gives in brief the history of the new set of flags re- ceutly presented to the Young Canadian Lacrosse Club of this village, and now on exhibition at A. L. Skeele‘s: RICHMOND HILL. Aug. 22nd, '84. Mr. S. Scnrla, Sec. Young Canadian Lacrosse Club, DEAR SiIi,â€"l\ly son, R. Baldwin Teefy, requests we on his behqu to present to the Young Canadian Lacrosse Club of this vill- age, a sr-t of Flags which he sent to me by express. I therefore hand you the Flags, and request you will present them to the club with R. B. Teofy‘s compliments. I remain, very truly yours, M. Tnnrr. Ricmiosn HILL, Aug. 26th, ‘84. DEAR Sm,â€"I beg to acknowledge the re- ceipt of your letter of the 22nd inst., in which you have kindly complied with the request of your son, Mr. 1t. Baldwin Teefy, to pre~ sent on his behalf to our Lacrosse Club the magnificent set of Flags, of which he is the very generous donor. 1 am sure that you will be interested to learn the deep impress- ion which the handsome and costly gift of an old companion has made, and accordingly I give you a copy of a resolution which was carried unanimously at a meeting of the club held to-iiicht: , Moiel by 1?. Brown, seconded by M. ‘ \Vilsou, that the flmnks‘ of this club be tendered to Mr. P... B. Tecfy for the beautiful set of flugs, which he has so kindly present- ed to 11s. I run, yours respectfully, o. S. Sunnis, Sec. Young Canadian Lacmsse Club. M. 'l'edy, Esq., Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL. Aug. 26th, ‘81. DEAR Simâ€"In thanking, you for the splen- did and valuable set of Flags which the Young Canadian Lacrosse Club has just reâ€" ceived through the hand of your father, M. Teefy, Esq, I have been instructed to con- vey to you the deep sense of pleasure which your magnificent gift has cruised, coming, as it does, from an old fellow villager, in whom absence servos only to increase in- terest in our welfare. I only express the unanimous opinion of the Club when I assure you that no prize or victory which we have ever gained has producod more sutis» faction than this fine token of your regard for us. Enclosed I send you a copy of a re- solution which was carried unanimously at a meeting of the Club held to-night. I um, Yours very truly. S. S. Sums, Secy. Young Canadian Lacrosse Club. B. B. Tufy Iii-(21., Toronto. a..- __ S. Chadwick, of Arcadia, \Vayne Co. writes, “I have had severe attacks of Asthma for several years. I commenced taking Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. The first dose relieved me in one hour. I continued taking' it in teaspoonful doses for a few days, and have not had an at- tack of it Since, now nearly one year.’ -§_â€"â€" SPRINGHILL. From Our Own Correspondent. A large iiuuibnr of the young people of the 3rd and 6th conceSSions of King, invited a number of friends from Spring hill, Stouffville and Toronto to attend a. pic-inc at Bonds Lake on Saturday eve- ning. The evening was spent in tripping the light fantastic and in boating. Some hearts bent freely for none were there to stay their boating. Our Station Agentfakes an occasional visit to Barrie. \Ve suppose some fond remembrance formed when there has not died out of his young breast yet. Re- port says some of the Springhill fair young dumsels are doing all in their pow- er to quench it. On Saturday evening Mr. Herbert Lloyd returned from Unilt. He speaks in glowing terms of the fair sex to he found in that town. Mrs. B. Lloyd and Masters Erna and Melville are now visiting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dodds, formerly of King, now of Hugarsville. Mrs. Crossley has been confined to the house for a few days by illness. The Public school of this place re-opeii- ed on Monday, 18th inst. During the vacation some restless spirit or spirits gained access through it broken window and prqu the folded doors open made a way into the main building, where they tore the fur-e off the Clock. We are sorry that such Ilvspsraite characters could not be found out and justice meted out to them. . Mr. John Hogan is the possessor of a fine horse colt, whose dam is Minnie Hm gun and sired by 'iystlyk. The colt cost Mr. H iqdll iii the iiuighborliood of $200. but he. is amply repaid by the iictioii and appearancc of tho uuiunil. \Ve think it is the finest cult to be found in Canola. The i’i‘llll'll (:l‘lCl{L‘i match between king and lliuplc junims was played on Spring- liill cricket grounds on Sninrdov last, reâ€" sulting in un ozisy vic toi‘y for King guin- iiig,r tho 'l-lY by one innings and 43 runs. Mr. John lloss list built an office at the roar of his shop. (Crowded out last week.) (lur lY ii'ber is quite busy. Shaving (ill the \\'lll.\l{«'l'S illltl warring: iiioustuclies is (llllie inliioii-Iblu in our town; old 31' wall as you'll: ll‘t\'|‘ tho llllt‘Clllill. , ’l‘lic iiin-liiwl-st church was fillwl to (u'i‘iflmvmg on Sunday owning (hi :ii‘~ count of iliH lzirqi' congregations and sli'iiiigs-H l.‘~,‘ill£;' :If :1 loss “here to find it appointed. 'l‘lic souls [H the Clllll'l‘ll :ii‘o fl‘l't‘, but judging from lilv‘ c :iili.-~ii:iih‘i-s of some, who \\ llt'lli 1pc, :l‘ll' (h.- sout lll \\lili"l llii-y urn :ic- bent. l‘illvls l1l\'L‘ lll‘l'l] (-ii~‘.uni~ l Iii sit, ill'\"l!lil"l, one would sup. *nlu llll‘fit’aviil's. pose tin-v \\u l‘cli'. ll. li“.\\ hm; ml owl lmmnl :1 print fli‘ill Ill m. lll lll llll'x Iw ll illioilii-ml \Vitlil lliI- lilziiu‘fulil inn h»:- ‘ui' uhich ln- is :m1 :Igoni. 'l'lw w .il: lid 1- “in lllNlh“i‘lt‘<l by i lii;ili_\' ‘.Il‘f m l‘i’I‘lV \.L A; luvs ‘_"\'l"l Si‘.lis‘- mum ?.;. .m “uni-w ;‘ ~ .1, liltvyll ill'tl .l (illll '4. \‘.li' ". “In l‘ I'll, i. :l on H r a'l'v-llllil; in ‘m, Mr. ‘illl' i lulu. Lu 1. l c i: l. .' ‘ w: :1 » ilw; .l'. ‘ r :t his wheat as no binder could work in it. Not being fond of this kind of work he Waited for the binder, which did its Work neatly and in rm incredibly short time. We are informed that every machine is giving satisfaction. Last Week, Mr. John Hogan went to pick tliimble berries. Tho berries were all that could be desired, but he came home very dry on account of some dinn- sels getting possession of his ale. Our village carpenters are going to show us something soon. \tht is it i --â€"â€"-â€"oooâ€"â€"â€"â€" If a few grains of common sense could he infused info the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgafives, they would use the highly accredited. and healthful lax- ative and tonic, Northrop do Lyman’s Vogetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure which causes " good digestion to wait on appetite, and health on both.” â€"â€"â€"â€"«a Terrible Tragedy. MAiiKnALn. Aug. 25.â€"Abont eleven o'clock this morning, when the school wan dismissed for intermission, Mr. Norris, head teacher of Markdule school, shut Miss Ford, second teacher. Tliroe shots took effect, one in the face below the cheek bone and two in the side of the head. Those in the baud glanced off the skull and out again; the one in the face is still lodged in at the side of the upper hiaXlil‘d. He then shot himself, the ball entering the skull over the right eye, and lodging somewhere in the brain. Mr. Norris expired in about an hour. Miss Ford, although very low, is quite con« scious, and hopes are entertained of her recovery. Mr. Norris is an unmarried man of about twenty-eight years of age. He came to this place from Lion's Head, lounty of Bruce, on the first of January of the present year and began teaching. He has always conducted himself in u very orderly manner, and gave universal satisfaction as head teacher in the Mark. dale public school, where three teachers are engaged. During the early part of the present summer he paid his atten- tions to the unfortunate young lzidy,llliss Ford. For some time past he paid but little attention to her, because she dis- couraged him. This morning the teach- ers were all on duty as usual. At the forenoon intermiSsion Norris went from his room into the room of Miss Ford and they were engaged in conversation for over half an hour, when Miss Ford grad. uzilly approached her desk, and while leaning with her elbow 0n the desk and her hand on her face Norris approached the other side of the desk. He then ask- ed her to marry him, and she refused. He then drew a revolver from his pocket and fired at her, the ball going between her fingers and into her face. She im- mediately dodged down under the desk, when he caught her by the arm in d drag- ged her out and fired two more shots, which struck her in the head as before stated. She then ran out screaming, and ran to the first due‘ling, about one hun- dred yards. Dr. Sproules, of Markdale, and Dr. Barnhart, of Owen Sound, are attending the young:r lady, and up to the present time have not extracted the ball which entered her face. She has in a very weak condition, having lost a very large quantity of blood. Norris, before moving from the place where he shot her fired one shot at himself, the bull enter- ing his right temple. He dropped to the floor iiisensible, never spoke, and died in about an hour afterwards. Two or three children were in the room during the time of the tragedy. Miss Ford is an exemplary young lady, under twanty years of age. Her people live about a mile out of the Village, her father having a large gristmill. Mr. Ford and family are highly esteemed, and thoy have the deepest sympathy of the whole community. The greatest ex- citement prevails. â€"â€"â€"<voo~â€"â€"â€" (‘A'l‘AIlIlllâ€"A new Treatment where- by this hitherto iimurnblo Ilisouse is poriiniueiit- l y cured in from one to three upplicutions, no matter whothcr standing for one your (>1 forty yours. l)(‘rit'l‘llllil\‘0]lll1l|]'lllUb Mint II'UU on re- rI-ipt of stump. A. }'l.1)IXUN & SON, 1605 King street wcst.’1’orontn (liiiiunlu. DilE I35 lliE EEST '- 4 1‘? T1 Y "I'" 1 '1'1 Fri “' C“ i m IAV E-ICTAL0J‘J. IN Unhi- [W l ju;i;'vlifii‘inili-‘i'iiiv-i-l'dllifi mum-R $1, or nm 1, ..: . in»... .. l’iiisizilii‘ liar- s i .l ,nlvf i'i- l.llllfll_\( gdll. ltl'lll‘llHVl if l'lll‘ ‘To-vl; l I iln find 1" Biiiiiiu-z f'rnvufig‘ (9'1; _| 'l'vllli L‘i l'.il 1.. .1\'H.-in..‘ "l .lll.‘ I“: fl,"- .|:IlU ill in“ 1 ii : .-4.‘ ill... i..,l.‘:.ili : \,I|-. ill'.,?l-Â¥E \ "l.-l.ilii-‘\‘iiruti‘l-iilf :ll \‘VL‘ .. '. _\iI| If-g. -, ‘ -‘ ll llil;l".lllll‘|,'lt vi‘l“\‘ lirl.‘ .‘\> illl‘iil'l Ll,“ ' is l‘ '\l .., _' I . . . .4lh’ll l iivr -, ’i . ,.I v .i l ' J, i l l ~ a -i . v .‘ i , l >l,c" i.» 7. ' . v (f. H l l , . pt 1: . my '.-rili~. l’» \.~ 0. P. LEiliox DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all castes. BESTOFSETS ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, - - - $8.00 ON CELLULOID, â€" â€" I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Gold Filling, and all other operations skilfully performed, at moderate fees. Call and see me. No trouble to an- swer questions. Mar 15th, IBM-1v TRENCH’S -UARRlAGE WORKS.- RICIIMOND IIILL. )'>( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind tfieni and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRlNG W A G U N S . Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisor. Iain alsn prepared to do all kinds "f black sinithiiig «f- repairing in the most work~ maiilike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. \"M TRENCH. it B. DEWSBURY’S FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPOBIUM, YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness gnarzintccd as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. “WAL‘;2 3mg“ 4“:anqu lflE chin inaéilfi‘ibnunc ff: DA Eliikflii‘id il‘i‘S ‘ ' p ‘ . V { 1* s it?“ saw .qu 9 l‘l'l‘i ‘1'“ ‘1 7w l‘irilwuni‘ litii- Siltl’ii i‘..iz,.iu w ‘_ l.Alt|.i].; “fix,” I”, ‘jNulk' .lmnm .' wiring my, 3' N. “Iris =‘-<"l‘,'i:‘l:i‘ $10.00 . Il\ VAL UABLE TU MAY DEW The Great French Lction for Beautifying The Face. It conceals tho evidence of age. One appli- cation will mulie the most stubbornly rod and rough band beautifully soft and white. lie. member that " MAY DEW " is not a point or powder that fills up the pores of the skin, uud that is injurious to the skin, but u now nod great dist-ovary, n virgotuble liquid, that causes the cheek to glow with health, the neck urine and bonds to rival the lily in whiteness. Illlv possible to detect in the beauty 1t confers uuy artificial character. It cures Grensy Skin, Freckles. Wrinkles, Pimplss. Black }I(‘l|tl, Crow’s Feet, Blotclien, Fuco Grubs, Sunburn, '1 an, Ringworm, Uliappsd Hunds, Sore nr Chirp- ped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tetter, &c. It froos the pores, oil glands and tubes from the injur- l'Jlls effects of powders and cosmetic wnshcs. By its use all redness and roughness are pre- vented; it beautifies the skin and will make it smooth, soft and white, imparting a delicate softness; producing it perfectly healthy, nut. urul and youthful nppearnnce. The best Fore Lotion the world E‘Vl'l' produced. \Ve will send a LARGE Boran to any address on receipt of priceâ€"‘Nbo. When ordering mention this paper. Address all letters to the M AY DEW AGEN- CY. 71 Yonge Sh, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies, EVERY LAng a, v}' ‘ “’llOlOfinlvâ€"Lymun Bros (’1 0o. ; Elliott dc (lo ; Northrop a“; Lyman. m-..- ”‘TH E *N w: WILLIAMS?!” High Arm Sewing Maching is now rec. ognized as the SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn, It is rtrong, .luinble and well builtof the very best mutericl that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five moduls and three fl ist prizes at the Dmntnion Exhibition last. October. It in rupidlv superseding all the old fashiode makes everywhere. See it, try it,buy it,n.ud make sure that you get it, J. LUSH, Richmond Hill, Denier in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy. Appearance. stamps taken. CREME D’ sale duggists. GUN. LA. CREME D’OR, The best preparation known to science for beautifying the COMPLEXION ONE SINGLE APPLICATION is warranted to Beautify the Face and give to the Fadcdor Sallow Com- plcxion a. Perfectly Healthy. Natural. and Youthful It (.‘oncenls \Vrinkles. Freckbs, Crow‘s Fact, and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth, and “'liitc. . PRICEâ€"mounts. Sent to any address. Postage Address all letters to Ask your druggist for it. Wholesale by all whole- OR, Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.0. L. SK, WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES dz JEWELRY. ALSO DEALER IN GROCERIES! “he do not quote prices. do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Look in and if prices and quality Flour and Feed .1 specialty. A. 1.. WOOL z __00 If! FARMERS zâ€"VVe respectfully solicit your patronage at the NQHTH END WllfilLEN FAGTORY l \Vhei‘e you may have your \Vool manufactured in its purity, into any style of goods you LlCSll‘C. The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs. Keys Sc Hzillett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es- tnblishingr 11 permanent busmL-ss in WOODBRIDGâ€"E, And trust that the \vigiol-gi‘i:i\\'CI's of the surrounding coun- try Will give us :I lilioml support. Give us a trial. NYC manufacture every kind of “"oollcu Goods usually made in :1 custom mill. “1- are Working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair (lo; lingT will ClCCUIllpllbll it. Rolls curdcil, cloth dressed, Spinning done ; cloths, twcods, sliiriinojs. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactuer and :Ill \\':l1‘l‘(llltt,‘tl to be firstâ€"class. Now, \\'llllt‘ the price of Word is low in the markets, is the time to have it mule up for homo use and lL‘IlllXC is full value. \Ve me ;Ill procticai lllC‘ll in the liUSlllCSS, [\lltl will not fail to satisfy our custom (.‘l'S. r i Full, .isrm’tvnt lli of cfgoils to exchange fol Wool. w yoriinllv yours, Am" A .23 :W‘u‘is'

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