with than ('15111t threa‘ mona (he M76365, 'z‘Xnd l ihq‘t 11is3-1r3fe ever kept pac all the greats: shlps a ze: \‘Vnatex the strum; Ill} [11 progress has been a rtriumpu :and a cenquest. It has passed into a proverb that wherever he plants his ibot, he remains duringhis pleasure. For his 15 the nature which is tough- ened, not brokep; :by blows. Dis- aster serves only to nerxie him ; fail- ure is but incitemeiu to more splenâ€" did successes, and'never has he been $05 that the r is the very be that an electi SUI 0t [1 remedial legislation of the past"? years’ and ï¬nally WM: a furious {erupt ip her very midst to sub the monarchy. the outlook is, deed, a: ï¬rst sight gloomy. 1f, lll ever, distance lenjs cuchantment the View, . it 3130 perverts if, 2 many aldrfï¬cultxh is vanquished. soon as aunan takes cox it sqlxarely‘aknd closely England hasnn more t1 casion passed through serious and threatening those in which she now since.a,s,1ar as mortals 1-:en,the ener; mad .fn'r‘titude of her people x‘ema unabatednve cannot think onrsely (Aver-sanguine in our implicit C0 ï¬ï¬epce that her present struggl will onlv develop anew her resounc ‘K To \one unacqnamtpd- with the history of England, matters in that country must appear to be in an evil plight. \Vith a dense population, by far the greater part of which is engaged in an unceasmg struggle, not tor wealth, but for the ver; ne- cessnies of life, With Ireland as dis- contented as ever, in spite of all the e‘ï¬gaged in? not tor weal cessxties of contented a remedial le; 3nd @118, L123 lama“. :onquest. It has pass wroverb that wherever h bot, he remams duringh )I'( I) ssenn: .ught t leory nnkin xfzvlé'supex‘b \'i‘ The Anglo-5 hb‘wn himself ircumstances marance in th EH RI IX [101111 .1n1( 1t '1 h I be Ontario H t an electlvc chief ma én‘ual, ‘ that manhdu‘ ;ht to prevail, that th: poor extend even tloit} he rich, that thrift she ed. that industry >. bbedglmt‘the rights 3‘ s of the father do not to the sonâ€"if we star 11 aslsumptjons, then, rds have played a h mninious role. But v hose who subscribe to )rite tenets of radic NEW ADVERTISEMENTS†HN‘ m Sf the ing numsm K f m 5' discohnected in their minds an institution which more illoihei's has conduced 10‘ it. peak here solely in reference-to .nd, and he who denies the part played by the nobility in ssertion and maintengiCC of at liberty, only ‘ proclaims his nice of constitutional govr '1)- If we start from the pain. .at the regubliéan form“ot~ rule very best that data be devised, \‘crn met t .the WC xv HILL. Thursday, Sept. 4, ’8; 1 weeks ago we \‘entured to a victory for the Reform Lennox. That prediction llly Veriï¬ed on Thursday, . when Mr. Hawley, the andidate, was elected over ckstock. the Cgmservative by 4.3 votes. In 1882,Vthe Roe carried the constituen- ; votes, A large minority CVGI‘V ous role. But we are not who subscribe to the above tenets of radicalism and 5m, and, in our dissent, we Cd in practice by an, in I the gréater part of 1,113 world. ’ 111.0 11 the ‘ 1‘1 ready aratlon. Justxce,ta11‘- mstitutlons, everytm ut separatlon never atience a {c113 the at HO vitality. lo-Saxon ha 1C6 1 l ENGL A ND LENNOA' mean not merely 1 of the Empire, but 'ery eklstence of t that at her own C100 t1 Th unable to From his : arenaof x Lelature chié 1d has 6 f m 01115111 opl :ual prow th Ins phy iumphs of :Dartment 305‘ Hill ple ï¬nds planation : millions will to help them sing soirit i: the um .md Cage to the outcome of it will not 6, fair-play, ,rerxltninqin lit 0Y6 mt n 0116 never y cope wi s ï¬rst :1 national"; \V( xt< qproperty ild be cur- hould be d,pqssess- inaturalbr pff with n-dejed‘ the n‘tful and l1( with the 1116: fat ntured t he modern of Art, m phat 1s, 1n 1t, how subvert een lS minds orv ht emam selves axe ,ouse rtain the if all OVCI' thar and glve 1rd- the 101' the 1n that b< the ris [which havc‘just spoken are but the hastthus been converted into a hand- i some majority. Duringthc last session of Parlia- ment, the Government usually out- numbered the Opposition by ï¬fteen members.., Ciouvnting the two recent gains in M-hskoka and Lennox, the government‘s strength has been m- creased to eighteen, a majority quite sufï¬cient in a Heuser‘ot eighty-eight membersâ€. But it would be absurd to rate Mr. Mowat‘: augmentation of followers at two constituences. There can be no d0ubt that a tre- mendousrreaction in his favor, and in that of the Reform party general- ly, has set in throughout the length and breadth of the land. The voices ï¬rst mutterings Ufa mighty storm, which is destmed to shatter the feeble and disintegrated coterie which now holds Dower in Ottawa. airald the lot 111 ques prove to. be suitable, let ofall the suriao village along Yonge I \Ve think the Con Wcighing .well the ch park is to be purcha care should be taken took pléce on the Some members 0ft afraid the lot in qu‘ From Our Own Correspondent. On Sunday evening lust, Mr. Thomas \‘l'illiamsun, of Almim, pleuched in the Methodist Church hero. lie,took his text from Joshua, 11 and 5th. He proach- ed a very interesting sex-mun. Sundav evening next, Rev. J. D. Leek will occupy tho pulpit. A large audience is expected. as Mr. Leek is well known at this place, and also he is an excellent preacher. ’ Mr. A. M. Tuasdull, of Toronto, is visiting his parents andiriends in this place. had reduced Sirjohn It is true that Mr. C0 duced to withdraw h but the spirit which 13 the spirit which was ; remain. More0ver,t of Sir Charles Tuppe evemng. number presente From our own Cortes!» ndeut. Recenth our neighborhood has become quite lively Noless than two garden parties have taken place during the present week. The ï¬rst. on Wednesday, 27:11 ult., at the residence of W. A. \Vallis, Esq., and the second an the Methodist Parsonage, Clairville, on the following day. At both of the parties the Woodbridge Brass Band was present, and :enlivened the pruceedingls‘ hy well- rendered selections. Both were, church affairs zind ï¬nancial successes. ’ tingent was ClV] the struggle bet“ Chapleau being 1 less signiï¬cant, ti gan’s resignation the mutiny of the had reduced Sir. It is true that Mi of Sir Char an irmpaz \Vhether {c ‘ with brow leather,‘ is abdities, i0 aï¬uirs‘and ï¬nancial successes. Mr. John Johnson had this yea} aï¬ne ï¬eld of wheat. yielding 50 bushels to the pore by qczuul uzeasurmneuL Who‘ll during tne‘mo: 1883-4. The di: senâ€"vative ranks history. Quebe in open hostility Norwas this all tingent was dix beat th'at feeble am which now Nothing I) Ml ‘nt 1:111 purchase a lot of land on the rth side of Centre St. for a public rk. The members present all owed a willingness, and thought quite desirable to have a park ior roscope we leful Iight,r at be,wi11 s At the 11 rd favors and the! hing but the ' inï¬ni of one man sustain therwthe Dominion ng the‘momentous ;-4. The dissension ative ranks are now CI‘V and his lil‘ 1 for vears all 'this m d the, most unnatural altempts :o deprive Ontario ofa portion territory. \Vhen we cast the ope we are assured that the . lightmow shed by the powers TEL NORTH ETOBICOKE lines uldl mpe arable ~â€"oo> star of Reform ined )1‘ HEADFOBD setjng c etition 15km aw tn VILLA Gb‘ spxracy, 1 the Rain 1ble to have a park ior ut a lengthy discussion m the site proposed. :rs of the Couuc11 were in question would not uitable, as it is the out- suriace water of the ldsmpower 1n the I inï¬nite 1n sustained the choice, as when a rurchased the greatest taken in the selection, at the public meeting \Vednesday evening, matter will be well 1V1 tween )1] ‘pertv notor me u p; at the I enable undou vdl UL aroused the with >er must. ; to his evil, the 31‘ 111, cil are right in )ntari the I HIE was Mr, Cc moment w 3bec meml to extremi1 stigan was IS sessx ms in the 111 )n uptc 3.11] tact a and kc )vernme mat ere )I] moi] last 1T 15116 1n vill miti< ubted tcr )1] >3 rt y man seen 1W )St the t1] and m nt n wmw j UNDERTAKERS, .YQNGE ram, RICHMOND HILL, iSugars and Teas 3% 80mm Prices £335. £96 SGN, nishcd atmeasonabl'e: terms. TWEEDS, PRINTS :83 DRESS GOODS Call and see it. The second for the season. 25 per cent. less than Toronto prices, Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes, Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Palmer 3 Material, White Lead,Low in Price, \ v Iiccps on hand a large supply of Coiling, Cas- kots. and all l€ill€12§ of IU‘ITNERAIJ R9KTI{NIS}IIN(&S. A First-Class Hearse fur- IMMENSE 'STOOK OF FURNITURE, \ GBQCERIES, FLOUR AND “FEED. ALL FANCY DRESSGOODS. PEOPLE’S STORE! 5 m 235' new cent. Gfl‘ At greatly reduced prices to. make room for Fal Importation. Jars in pts., qts. and A large and splendid assortment of Groceries. 0%. N CH 1‘ BE Highest PriCC paid for Butter and Egg J u'st arrived, another stock of E ï¬"W A- W RIGHT & SON- H8601? fl SIELIJING Wages-min: ra m AT THE iSAAG CROSBY. FROM THE P.“ G. SAVAG E, gals., as cheap as the cheapest Wï¬; lib my ii‘mie