th Mr. Hw though 'The driv the )ll opposite Hun suddenly Whe ting the lnnd: Mr.‘ McDona Hullingswurth auce 1n ilv. wh landed them at Weston luck-11‘ Justices Tyer Cuurt and prom tribute t0 the f1 east the aggreg‘ default thereof, names of those \Vooa. Thomas ‘ nut second best. The Fisher’s, near the W tion, to repair damage ifed the Hotel, but be “1&6 ‘1 J0: UH pte hill me um and promptly ordered bnte t0 the funds of the st the aggregate sum of 5 Fault thereof. thirty day mes of those convicted )00, Thomas Jordan, Nic 1, James Randal and T me} \Voud paid the ï¬ne: re sent down. [oseph Hullinsworth, late the \Vunllun Mills here. uted a similar aituntim 1t '9 his hill on Ill )ll th ll] m were 11m han Mrs. .a. fughte wn the hill 1e Hunwic OH a land and hurling the cDonaId. driver, Mr swurth and three chih with terrible force on .resent xendered Imme extricatiug the mtfnrt m, an llingsv In C th .3 Berruy‘s Mill : \ 'l'huraday with famlly. On p 1 Dundas St. en rtion of the f! at ll] ch will L Tln WESTON at we Inrmmre 1e†mening the hursua w :ill at a. terriï¬c rate. W vick’s Ilntel sheds, t ‘led toward them, up 1d hurling the uccupa i. driver, Mr. and I and three children, off el'nble force on the grov rendered 1mmediate as "£11111 H :11 mur aft rth and Inn at‘ assm 0 the sufl manner. a: 'ed Immediate ass 1e \ntfnrtunate f: the furniture and allingmvorth fata ,1U Iible wrocceding dow entering the vil furniture fell 0‘ the hursea whic ;erriï¬c rate. Whe: Bred them to con- tho County and of $84.59. or in days each. The ted were Daniel the c fast rec4 ay. an; Howlaud, 'wh Ien the acciden her -, as did every Ling thelr sym- ; \vnv hv sub- Th in the )[f the other ‘fm illag HO 1l Md pr children nil] fur emplnye 19E supp able a ShOl‘ J11] 1111] 011‘ the round assist. fume which \Vhen they in mher I'll] pset ants ï¬lls SSTS OW 11 mm- . all Hl W APPLES, APPLES. 11y, and the TU L11 Ill 11 Hi†Thev will also give th usual facilities to customer requiring advances. Music Classes IhU 1, &&&$ Money .to Loan. MILLER 13112â€" MISS CAMPBI HAIR RENEWER was the ï¬rst preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scam, and the ï¬rst suc- cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color. Emwth. and youthful beauty. cessful restore: natural color, gm It. has had many fully met a“ {In the proper trcntr J-IALL’S HAm R1 stilt the: all i dryr Will ch or black color th R. P. HALL & 00., Nashua, N..H. IR H .A. L L ’ 9 Vegetable Sicilian 79 QUEEI BUOKINGHAM’S DYE Ayer’s Sarsaparilla‘ Sold bx all Dru n'tl 2-ESIABLISHED CHEMISTS 8L DRUGGISTS; {’8 TICK DESTROYER “11 wher 1pl1fiï¬â‚¬ D Id by ing St. East, Tore: The effects of this article are not like those of alcoholic prepara- renmin a long t.ime,wbic11 makes nutter of economy. WHISK 8.1M ‘(1 pt of they} HIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. I‘RE FOR ALL THE FORMS Scrofnlnus, Mercurial, and led to correspond 1e Growers, Mer- ud Shippers, with to Autumn and Lsiness. icrfully 2. It c1 short ti r it PIKE V‘VS‘Q’ SLLONDOI‘LE C HER 84930:; DONE L? M) requ adl )R Bland Dinorders, itat ARED BY NIP}! TI @ï¬ï¬gafl A SPEGMLTY imr hing mont ERS WIWWW RE “’5. Prop. but ARN ix bomofl. ss. hs unparul APPLES. A 1.125 HA II zu eifot and M :lily gr th but hm .lful arpr without H I grown :fulness .1 Hi1 tir lad-2 1L w, 11p ‘1â€) the lGutters DENTIST. 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Hurd’s New Met without pain, by ON RUBBER. " 0N CELLULOID| every Absolutely no pain 6 GSld Filling, and all other operat skilfully performed, at moderate fees Call and see me. No trouble to SW81‘ (1“ G. P. LENNOX TRENCH’S -CARR1AGE WORKS.- In returuin friends for th: the past. twe Ill umnlike m and on the 5W3 EMRMFRS‘ WAH’NESS ARTIFICIAL TEETH RICHMOND HILL, THE 123:5; WM! Iiorse run Sleighs andi LATFURM SPRING WAGONS. s ll) BELGEOHS [15‘ Ml Harnes VITAHZE AIR .th 1i mtee 111 them YONGE STREI {31"8‘9. - [RICH MON!) IlILL. H I] e exclusive right for the ‘use of {ew Method of extracting teeth Jain. bv means of ' Buggies, l( FIRST-CLAS )1 {ions 11d 5 ' repair“ Inner. ‘m Ill HMOND HII ‘0 pain experienced andharm less In achases. mid heavy. all of to give sntisfacti ,Vâ€"uanq* INVnnamanflï¬iE fa“: ï¬ï¬' M 11w: ntv my own supe to do all M wiring in th DER. I; ANQRS’I‘AFE thanl Dewsbur ‘W 1( Jarriages, EMPWIHM, M THERE". Shoeing { attent nable terms ears .s, ~\Vhip Harness. sh ht H \tr I]! an d 11y most wo‘ 'test noti operations 1H which [IOU 1bl “IT ll‘nes ttend $8.00 $10.00 7°? All 9 ‘ “3 mm flw’OQDBRIBGE “12"â€? (WATC 1n 1n Ell] “’ICLm lWGGL GR manufactl It con cation v rough b membex The um Hallett, t1 [11 tn MAY 1e Great FARM i|. ‘VIHPIOSI INVAL UABLE ’1‘0 1‘1 NH Vthx hin ill x. .1ri at " MA 7( {\D A1)Clla t). til )U mt, th H Ll F'Elfl W 1E W VATCHES ALSO DEALE Jill-.23 J4! \AI tful 11 lllS EWELLER. M LII DY DMD; HOW ICC Edit