Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1884, p. 5

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well w their colors, as the viamug club hav; a good recon]. Ball to be faced at 2.30 p. m. Admission I5cts., grand stand 50:5. 5.4.... The 1351 championship match of the sea~ son to be played in Richmond Hill. will take plaice on theiair grounds, on ,Friday after- noon, between the “ Young Cnnadiuus," and the? Tlustles," of Fergus. A good game is (xpevnal. The home team will have to look well cu their colors. as the visiting cluh haw: W. C. T. U. Meeting. A special meeting of the W. L'. T. U. 'w11] be held at the usual hour and plnce,on Wed- nesday, 17th inst. A full attendance is . du- aired. as business of importance in regard to the Provincial Convention is In the attended to. New members . will be very cordially welcomed. Ladies, you can get anything you want in the millinery line at the Con- crete, which in taste, neatness,qual- ity-and price cannot be beaten. We chronicle this week the death of “ Old Fox,” a favorite horse belonging to the .firm of Newton 3105., Elgin Mills. He was 36 Years of age. and had proved himself to\ be the most valuable home his owners ever pofisessed. A lacrosse match was played in Bradford yesterday between the above named clubs, and was decided in favor of Patterson team. Only three games. were played. Patterson winning two of them, when the rain came on stopping the game. Fine Fingering, Saxony (5': Berlin \Vools, and 3 ply Canadian Yarns at bottom prices, at the Cheap Cash House. flan Barn Burnt. Yesterday afternogu, about 4 o‘clock, 9‘ barn and outhousea belonging to Mr. W. J- }.Ionson, a mule and a quarter west of Rich- mond Hill was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. Only partly covered by m- sumncc. Apple barrelsâ€"a large lot of em- pty barrelsâ€"at a bargain, at the Cheap Cash House. We wilI'be glad to send THE :LIBERAL on trial from the present data till the end of the year for 25 cents. Send in your subscript- ions at once and give us a. trial; Heavy all-wool shirts & drawers and fine wool sox, best value in the market, at the Cheap Cash House. Farmers, you can buy grain bags at the Concrete Honse cheaper than you can in Toronto. The return cricket match between the Victona Square and Maple cricket. clubs will be played on the ground of the former on Saturday mext, the 13m inst. All are -iu~ vited. A large selection of latest novelsâ€"Seaside. Franklin Square, and Robertson seriesâ€"for Sale at Tm: LmEmL Store. Read J. M. Hamilton's new ad. on another page and call when visiting the Exhibition. Pcrsonal. Mis’s S. S. Patterson and, Miss H. W. Phttereon. daughter of ex-Gnvernor Geo. W. Patterson, of Westfleld, N. Y.. are making Mr. P. Patterson, of Patterson, a short. visit. All kinds of School Books for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. Hymn Books and Bible LIBERAL Store. RICHMOND HILL. Thursdw. Se at least Flffé'flrlrmil‘ll‘lwgf’ mentioned hours for cl , Until f Richmm; We iiifima MORNIN Evm'mn Accnmn Exp: 55 \Vostou V anaupnp: Pnrkdnlu TORONT! Newm: kc Aux-0m King.“ .. ., R'ICBMOVH [JIhomhill Thornhil) lucmmn King . \nuur1.e PROCTOR'S STAGE LINE ’ Brock : Que-em Pnrkxlnlc .. Davenport )Xeston... . TORONTO 'Cunnects w nuse, Riclm POST OFFICE NOTICE Que Unh Cxty Grand Lacrosse Match (‘ity Uuir Patterson & Bradford 11th In Sim. Hull xm‘e rt Return Cricket Match '11.” Rmti ill‘r HILI “’est, inflildiflu fihmnfifi: Maple. Tormxm. Mnrklmm,&r. ‘n-uw goubh, Bush and West (as \\’ \thl'f it]! 11.1] (min 1011] Hill. u‘ ma North J: lmpo-litant. A Death. New Ad . TIME TABLE. OING SOUTH l Lott 3T Hui] Ill )H", wt] H.4l) H 40 M. TEEFY. Postmaster 9):»: must he handed in qm-lierthmx the above NORTH as for sale at THE will he dosed at the (11 1th [wing the Palmer 1L4 1'2 ",0 ept. l], ’84 an mu] M There have-been reports to the effect that we are going to lose Olld'of out neigh- bors, in the person of Mrs. ~ W. Orton, who lives near the village of Smithfield, as she is going to sell out and memo to Newmarket. If the reports are true, the only consolation we will have in out be- reavement. is the reflection thsb ' SHIRL- field’s loss is Newmnrket’s gain. .. 8.00 8.07 People around here are beginning to wonder when the young man, who visits at the northâ€"east quarter of lot 37, h). the 3rd 0011., is going to make it a mntnb. ll] ‘ From our own 2Correspondent. Harvesting being: over the farmers are busy with their fall seeding, which is be)- ing rapidly pushed on. Possibly”al1 are (wing to the Mowat Demonstration on Tuesday, and wish to finish before"«that time. Why go limping and whining abc vonr c0rns,- when a. 25 cent bobtle Holloway‘s Corn Cure will r‘emovo'the KIRKLANDâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Thursday, Sept. 4th, in the 55m year of her age, Mur- naret Black. relict of the late Stephen lek- land, a. native of Giant's Cm‘lsewnv, Counnyv Ann-inn, Ireland,und motherofm. F. M9 Counghy of thimvilluge. l Try our new‘ 20c. Tea, extra val- ue; also fine uncolored Japan, fresh and fragrant, only 30c. 1b., at the Cheap Cash House. The Scott Act Sustairieji. The voting on the Scott Act Repeal in Halton, took place on Tuesday, and the re- turns show that thelAct hits been sustained by a majority of about 120 votes. The sup- porters of Temperance have good reason to be eluted over their success. In 1881, the Act in that cauntywvus carried by a majority of 81 and after a trial of three years the ma- jority has been considerablvtincreased. The result shows that the people in Hslton are in favor of the Act as the county was thor- oughly organized, and the liquor interest put their best forces forward and spent a large amount of money imthe contest. This re- sult will prove a. stimulus tu the other conn- ties which have decided to submit the Act.- PALMERâ€"At Maple, on the 2nd Mr. W. Palmer, of a son. The Rev. W. R. Bm‘ker preached anl ex- cellent temperance sermon in the'Mezhodist Church on Sunday evening. selecting {or his text. Isuiah 28th chan., 7th verse. . The discourse was eloquent, and Very-impressive, and the Rev. genxlemau gave no uncertain sound in regard to his views err-this import- ant question. The choir sang an‘ appropriate temperance nuthem‘, the hymns given out were relating to temperance, and everything worked in harmony. We feel'confident such sermons cannot. hntexert n"good influence in a church congregation, and hope it. was only a first of neen’es on the subject. Ladies call at the Concrete House and get the Bazar Monthly and Cat- alogue of Patterns tor fall and winter 1884-5. full stock of latest patterns on hand. . On Tuesday afternoon a. large number of ladies and gentlemen from Richmond Hill, Tlmruhill, Markham, Uuionvllle, King and places, met at Bond‘s Lake to take part in a plc-lllc that had been prekusly arranged. The afternoon was warm, which seemed to increase the enjoyment by the cool waters. The boats were kept constantly in use dur- ing the afternoon and until late in the even- ing. The music was fumighed by Mr. A. Collins, asdsted on the harp by a member of Professor Marcicuuu’s troupe, and was much appreciated. ’l‘lm‘ company separated at about 10 p. m. The prayer meeting on Mouduy last. held under the auspices of the W. (‘~. T. U.of this Village, was very fairly attended. Rev. W. B. Barker presided; and make a few very earnest and eloquent remixer Short but pointed speeches were also made by J. A. E. Switzer, W. Hurisou'rltha. Dr. Lloyd and others. Taken on the whole the meeting .was a. success, which success was greath aug- mented on the following day by the news thnt the special cause for which the meeting called had triumphed, viz., the continuance of the Scott Act 1u Hulton. You can get the best value {or your cash in first-class dry goods and groceries a: the Concrete House, Rlchmond Hill. The fosthjul 2i ‘Uhurch mg Fridny nicely. The 1111' wuter melon and 4 tempting and full church grnuuds w Chinese lanterns pretty. As a gom were left, a social evening. The l‘cc $40.- 14 lbs. of the best granulated sug- ar 101‘ one dollar at the Concrete House. Just opened at the Concrete House another lot of gent’s nobby felt hat-s. NORTH ETOBIOOKE. Temperance l’rayer M acting. loz. cans ( at the C01 Temperance Sermon 'ic-Nic at Bund’s Lake \qu given at the Pi'esbwerinn Friday evening passed off very 18 mm, ice cream, lemonade, u and other dbliuucies were very ml found n ready sale. The Juds Were. neatly decorated with uterus, and everything looked ngnod deal of the provisions social was held on the following [‘lie i'ccuipts amounted to about BIRTHS. DEATHS Public Meenng Fruit Festival OIJC age choice, fresh Sal; rate for 85 cents. whining aboum cent bobtle of inst, the wife of HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY BERT. ANDRE‘VS, Prop. FIRST - CLASS ‘ SHAVE I RMQSEEE fiflfifiifi 3 ANI)RE ‘VS’ Ema VINE” Ragga; I Thev- 'Will ‘also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. . Will be glad to' correspond with Apple Growers, Merâ€" chants, and Shippers, with a. View to>A1ifumnl and Spring business. CHARLES DNALD & Cm, June 11,6111 APPLES? . APPLES. . APPLES Money to Luau on improved cent. Apply 10 Money tO'Loan Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashm‘eres, Hr Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons masks, Lace Curtains. T< 79‘QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E..C., Before purchasing elsewhere call Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price in exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. FRESH GROCERIES,VPROVISIONS,FLOUR & FEED SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, And every de8cr1ption of F â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€"â€" AT LOWER: PRICESTHA-N BEFORE OFFERED And Invite. Inspection of Our N eW POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, I82Yonge Street, Tommie-4 are 110W showing a Large ONTARIO HOUS SAMPLES BY MAI-I; ON REQUEST IN THE )roved farms. ufi’G per J. R. ARNOLD: Richmond Hill 1 of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be kept in endles variety and at prices which can not be beaten in NEW SPRING GOODS ‘, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table D ‘ce Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Coun- - terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster. Cloths, &c. &c. ON TAREO. We do not quot~e prices. Look in and if prices and qualit} do not suit, I need not tell you what to don Flour - and Feed a specialty. Ar L. SKEELE} WATCH MAKER & JEWELEJER CLOCKS; WATCHES &' JEWELRY, Richmond Hill, has j'ust‘ opened tsewhere call and; inspect the im- mense stock of our THE. NEW. WILLIAMS ! Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, IL. SKEELE, ALSO DEALER 'IN and Complete Stock of DEALER IN E R I Ef It wws'nwaMed fivd‘médals 'and‘ tbrée first prizesat‘the Domtm'ou Exhibition last October. It‘in mpidl‘v supersvdiug'nll H. old fashioned makes everywhere. See in try it,and mak‘eiure thut’you get it. Sold by ' It is Light and Easy to ijun. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to'Lcarn It is stron‘g, durable and‘ well builtpf tht very fiést material that money can‘huy, 01 skill prudude.‘ - Richmond Hm, Dealer in Organs and Planes. Termsr Easy. x I out with :1 large stock of JOS. HALL. J. ancy Goods, ' Prints, 113.

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