Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1884, p. 8

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M MAPLE. From our own Correspondent. How is it you do not izive us any Ma.- ple items. Have you fallen out with the harness-maker, or is he too busy selling plows and other hardware. The village is going ahead this summer very fast; three tine brick houses and three frame dwellings. Mr. Jacob Smith has sold the house and lot occupied by the Rev. M. Fawcet as a Methodist Parsonage to Mr. Bailey. yeouian of King, Who is coming to live in our village and retire from agâ€" ricultural pursuits. Mrs. Matthews and daughter are going to \Vinnipeg, Manitoba, and have rented their very nice residence to the ofiicial board of the Methodist Circuit, for two years as a parsonage. Patterson d: Bro. had a. new binder out last week, and tried it on the farm of Mr. Jas. Oliver. All who saw it work, pronounce it the best binder they have cver seen. Mr. Oliver unhitched the traces of one horse and let the other draw it alone, which it did very easily in a heavy crop of oats. Court of Revision, Judge McDougald presiding, sat in the Masonic Hall here. on \Vedneoday last, when several voters were placed on the list, and several were struck off. DI‘. 01‘1‘75 man has left two potatoes on exhibition in the P. ().weigliing of a‘ pound each; he says, ‘beat them who can’, the effect of John A. doingr away with potato bugs as he promised. An effort is being made to get Dr. \Vild to deliver a lecture here about the mid- dle of October. Cricket seems to have about (lied out here. Permit me again to occupy your col- umns in making a few observations upon things in general or passing events. All will be Willing to admit that we have had a beautiful summer of moderate heat. with its sunshine and showers; the earth has brought forth abundantlv. which should gladdcn our hearts, especially the tiller of the soil. The heat of the last few weeks has been very oppressive. Flies have increased amazineg and are no rc~ spectors of persons or things, over active no matter how often repulsed they come to the attack again. Milk-men and maids are often in consternation how to extract the fluid without some serious mishap. Harvesting may be said to be over and seeding Commenced. Soon the grain market will be opened, as Mr. Dennis is making preparations, and Mr. Nash, his buyer, expects to be here in a few days. The buildings, of which we spoke abort in our last or previous letter, are now TRENCH’S ll ARRlAGE WORKS.- RICHMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely ,new and com- modious supply Phaetons, past twenty-five years, I beg to re- promises, 1 ,pm enabled to . Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRlNG WAGDNS. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the Work is under my own supervisor). also prepared to do all kinds of black- smithing d' repairing in the most work- inaulike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. I am Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. IWM TRENllII. Isewâ€"Esrlsiisinn-JAJ Hugh MILLER 8560., CHEMlSTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, *l'lthl‘ltllll‘rlr‘rfi 0râ€" MlLLER'S TICK DESTROYER» YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. (it. (i , Spcciul attention cir‘cn to the proper prcpur- ations of Family and VCYBI‘illfll')’ receipts. July 3rd. 'Hl-lr'. reaching completion, and adds materially to the looks and prosperity of the village. Others are being, commeiiCed, and ere the Winter Comes a few more may be added; and yet there is room, In conversation the other day with a fellow probationer, Whose pliysioq gavei evidence. of a hard life, from an over iii- dulgence in that which destroys the nobles-r of God's creatures. our conversa- tion soon iiir-rged into the merits and (lo- iuerits of the Scott Act. 1 am glad to say on this point our views did notdifi'cr, as he remarked it was what was needed to save the fallen, and close the door by which the youth of our land are being he- guiled into the pitfalls of drunkenness and vice. All efforts heretofore of re- striction, moral suasion, licenses and the like having failed to keep williin bounds this unliallowed trafiic, nothing short of prohibition can do the work; and while upon this point allow me tocomincnd you for the recent article which appeared in vour editorial columns a few weeks ago, in reference to the lacrosse match lie-l tween the Brampton and Richmond Hill clubs. [f such proceedings Continue to characterise such gatherings, it must come . into disrepute by all right and proper thinking people; responsibility rests some- where and should be attended to. Our mail courir-r continues to he a great favorite with the ladies, as their frequent interchange of thought \i'oulr-l indicate. Being of :r gr-iiial and kind disposition, and a trained servant of the P. H. De- pirtincnt, they can, I suppose, place iniâ€" plrcit coniidvuco lll him as a keeper of secrets. \‘r'inrcr is Coming and we are a little suspicious. \Vo illlilrkrl among those present at the Court of llrw'ision ortr old friend, llli‘. (l. \Yillsoii. 1’, .‘rl. of Tesrrm, who has just returned from England. after several montbs‘ \ isit to his friends there. as also, it has lwr-ii l't’lll‘rll’l'it‘tl, to :rilr-ilrl the silt- iiig of Privy Council in regard to the Boundary Award Question. lie that as it may, on are not pi'cparcd to Sr|V,\'\'llBlll- er or not. He must, with (in: Conserva- tive partv, admin by the decision of that Court that Mr. Morrirt and the Reform partv in this contention on: the true cus- todians of the interests of the people of glorious old Ontario. .>â€"â€"â€"â€" jEFFERSON. 110 n Our Own r,‘or'i‘c~1oiini(iit. Harvesting is about finished in our iicinblrorboorl and things :rl‘t: looking fine after rho r'r’ii'esliing shower :1. the begin- Illll! rt r'.(- week. If illr' li'irc of grain “as in proportion to tlii- )‘ii ld, .‘liu firin- ers say they would be lerpV 'l‘lic :sclf blll‘rlr'li‘. l' 'e- rl'i'ir' :‘iiAl “rilli fril‘ bulllc in" them ll. 7 I ()I i-.-.roi‘r- i; I'ri‘1|\‘lal'_{;1 Lfi‘ljiil:IL'i‘rilllllliirlv allrJ. iii 1in llx'illlI-il’i. :riro, i.) rlir: brisyl time, ll.r\"' rim lllrl'Vi‘l-l’. ll' nerds ‘xll‘,~‘_il1 .l rlosc at‘ llllll'l. \\ir- -..:-irll hit» in ii‘nl‘V if rlrn ,r'l‘.“ ; gunman” ,i»-. .1 oil si‘ll \'.- 1 I'L‘Srr ii ,, '1 rr iw‘ , ::lor' l,’i p. r A , i r ., . l ‘r! br o " "1' il. , i I. ...l EARM FR SALE. 105 acres, more of less, Lot 26, 2nd Con. Vaughan. Apply to D. BOYLE, D-7in- lichmond Hill. GO TO E. M. MORPH‘! 1111 Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years stablished) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENTED. E M. Morphy 2â€"548: 38;) '3. m r 0 so; is! .,[ 1:. -ruu,) swung .ropip‘ 5! nqi L’ui ‘ssozppn juu or .4 ; this.“ ,lllliliiifiifli. 1353310 i 'o'd Diurnal ‘3L9'g warring ‘ l teammates oui Brrrsmncoq 10103110305 01 unions nonrandom isoqoru, “Eon: arr/€330 vrI -O[OI{A1 119 £11 quorum-A 'UOS‘ Ill-‘1: pipiino,‘ pm: or poiunuuu ofiuisod sprung ‘ r M.HAMiLr0NQ 184 YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET, TORONTO, “'0 briy our goods in the best and cheapest markets, and sell on the smallest living pTI-flt. figures, and make no second price. represented, the money refunded. DRESS GOODS In this department we are showing all the latest novelties of the season at closest cash prices See our all-wool Nun‘s veilinszs, at Mile Heavy Ottoman clolh, all colors, at 160 Foulle cloth, in all colors and black, 180 Rich Ottoman Brocades, all colors, 20c Ir‘iuc, nil-wool Foulle cloth, 25c, worth 350 Fine Ottoman cloth, at 25c, worth 35c Colored Csshmeres in all the new shades, at 25, 38, 50 and title New Checks and Stripes. for combination, to match all plain materials SILK DE PA Ir'T‘illEN T Sngnmcr Silks, in plain colors, 400 Summer Silks, in fancy checks, 40c New Check Silks, (pure) 50c Black Italian ’ii‘nss Grain Silks. wnrrmilcd purc, by the dress length at wholesale prices Pure Silk llrocades, from 75c up Colored Brocade Satin in the new shades lliack Siltins at 45, 60.75 and $1.00 llliirlr Volvctccns nt 135, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75C and up. Wnrrnnlod first pile llrocndod Vclvcts and l‘liish in blank and colors l’lnin Plush and Silk Velvets, all colors CLOTH DEPARTMENT Double \Virlth Melton Cloth at :70 and 750 ‘ Double- Width Fancy Tweeds, 900, 81.00. 3110 and $1.25 .lci'sr-y Ulnth for mantles or dresses Wool Motl'dlllSHlO ()loth very cheap Silk Mirti'ulassis Cloth very cheap Wool Ottoman Cloth in black and colors Silk ()ttoinau Cloth in black only ' llrocmie bills with Beaver black, in black and brown li‘nr Trimmings all widths MANTLE DEPARTMENT. In this department we show the latest Fl‘OllC‘l) and (human l‘irtterns Also ’l‘irilor-nindc Ulstcrs, Dolmsns and short Walking Goats No nilinle of dress for {all wear adds so much to the appearance as a goodvfltting Jacket, well out and Wcll made In ordrring Jiu‘kl‘tr‘l, our facilities are ex- Our terms are ,cash down or C. 0, D, ccplioiially good, as our mantle maker is one of the best and best known in Toronto GIVE US A CALL J. M. HAMILTON, 184 ll. B. iirwsaiirs' HARMEM EMPRIUM, YONGE STREET. llCIâ€"IMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, do, always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest noticed H. B. Dewsbury, ' RICHMOND HILL. 0. l3. LENNOX DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exrrlusive right for the use of fluids 1" cw Method of extracting tcctli without pain, by means of VlTALIZED AIR. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. BEST SETS OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH â€" $8.00 0N RUBBER, 0N CELLULOID, ~ $10.00 1 use no cheap material and warrant every set. (told Filling, and all other operations skilfully llt‘l'fril‘lllctl, arr iiiodoratc fer-s. lmh that “ MAY DEW " is not a. paint or (“I ‘ Call and are me. No trouble to an- swer rlricmions. Mav 15th,1HHl.â€"lv r: c 2.3 a? YET ’y, ' , L1 .13 ‘4 01 r i b- on l‘. rr‘u'c Sti'w'f p . ’l v.4‘ r'x «- pir'r l i c , or Hui», on . ‘v-fi‘ CUT'I‘ONS Factory Cottons at 4,5,6,7 25’: Rejor heat While Cottons at 5, ll, 7, 8, 9 and 10c Twill Factory Sheeting at 10c Double-width Twill bliceilnp, 20 & ‘25c Forty liieh I’illo'ey (‘ottori,10,12;- nnd 16c \Vhite Sheetingjffl and 3 yards wide IlDlJanClll'll Shooting, 232i and ‘2}.yds wide Colored no: Spread»,75c,$1_ii(liiiid $1.25 Wliit= lied Spreads at 81, 81.25, 31.75, $2 No house in more of a spr-cialtv than “4- .1.) All goods are sold on Ylieli‘ merits, and Customers putting up at hotels in vicinity of the market, are presented \\fi.)1c;|rtjcl\e‘f,-e(' ti“? mark all goods in pl; if not as GLOVE DER!NTJIICXT Uritili‘iri molars Kid Gloves Two llulioii Kid (iliwos from :20 to 60¢: Three llumin Kid liltiTl‘.‘ :30 and 75c Four llutloii Kid “lwvvs. .70. 7.3 and $1.00 'plit rfi‘ ten bulioii Ifliiiviiois (,‘rloves,'zl5 rkSO (iiiiiiill‘ 1 Kid (ilor'os_ SI (‘lil prir' pair Silk, ('ashiiiere irnd Cloth Glows E Bed Conilortahles, at :31, {$1.25, $1.75, $15 JJSCEN (JOHN? Table Linen at 25, 25, .30. 4”, 4.7 and 470C \Vliitc Satin Tabling, from 401: up to 31.00 per yard TurkeyTaming-10,50,Tnand M 00 'lirble- Napkins, 5r’),7fr,‘lll. 81.253150 it up Linen 'l‘owels from 8, If), 12%. llir' and up T(1Wt‘lllnglll.8,ln, 1%,, l51‘illii‘l up Brown Hollands, 8, 9, 10, 921,100 and rip Straw Tlchl;lgllt12& 10 and “lec Forfar for Aprons, iill [illi‘fls i Stab-Linens,1(J.12§,:inri15(1in Crumb Cloths, ull sims (llVl‘l US A CALL I'LAAXV'ICIS AND j.‘L,{,\‘]\'1/,'1',5' (il‘t'y Flannel nt 30 and ‘25:: Grey, [Ill-Wind. li‘laiiiicl, 2.), 350 and up \i‘hilii,”ll.w.rol,Flaiincl, 25, Elli, .‘lHr- and up Sriiilr-t,iill-w«iol, Fliirincl.lli,20, 3.70 and up Niivv liluo Flaunt-L 2.3, 30, 11M an! up Fancy Flannel at 2.”), 350, 3% and up “'iiit-ii-s at 5, 7}. l“, llllil 121,0 best Blankets clivaprr lbirii over lilziiilrus chm-per than ("air Blankets cheaper than ever r T'XI)[CH-('LUTIIINI} Men's Under-Shirts and Drawn-.513"r'srb Mr-ii's lilillt‘lVNlilriR irn-l lli.rr\'r-i's,1;‘,r- liltjll Men's liiidor-Hbiiis and lll‘ iiiei'sJiHc "MClJ Mr-ii's l'riiicr-Vi'eiiwiill-Wooli “Tic mo li Man's Underâ€"“Won, (all-Wm ll, 75c (nigh Boy's l'ndvr-Weni' from 2:3c up Ill|l]l".\. Merino Yr hLN, 73c nod $1.00 Ladivs‘ nil-wool Vests, 31, 51.15 and 81.25 (,Illullilllllllllll Mill“ cheap Men's floss} climrp Ladies‘ l‘liisn r-limp Clllldl‘CD's llo-‘e cheap GIVE US A CALL FANCY GUUUS‘ Finbi‘oi’lr-i'ios from 1 it per yard up Ribbons, Lucr s. Tiv .~ and Cullrlls Thoinpmns’ Uoiscis lli'. ll ill‘s (‘orsi-ts lli'. \Vaiiiei's fie-alifi (Tor-Ms (lroiiiptori's (,‘oi'rcts in and price H’ti'y size, color Maiiiilr» ornaments, (limos, Fi'iuges, Hawk lCPlUlllL’l-Z, Wool Shams rt”: GIVE [‘75 A CALL SJLILI. ll'AIr'Efi' liiltmi Hole Flerf. 2 spools, 5C 50 Yard Sliaril Silk, 150. much 21") Yaid Spools, Coats thread, 36 each Best Kiiilling C no... {No per lb Bniimls from 2c ,wr doz up to “.00 Binding and 'l'iiinniiiig lir'niris Black and Colored Silk (finds Canvas and lJCUllJ‘ i' lieâ€"lie inns: bur-1“er and Hiriiriiit-nls Eveiything in thé way of Small Ware! and Fancy Hoods JULLINERY ()ur Few Fall Milriiir-i-y wiil all be on EX- liibriion the first Wevlr' wrll hr.- found complete in evurv respect and cheap. in September, Lincl LA CE (,‘I'RTA INS As our stock in this department is very lame, we will offe: our patrons a cash die count of 10 per cent. off. ‘A r Yonge Street, Toronto. IN VAL UABLE T0 EVERY LADY ! MAY DEW The Great French Laticn for Beautifying The Face. " It conceals the evidence of age. cation will make the inest stubbornly rcd and rough band beautifully soft and white. Re- One appli- powrler that fills up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new and great discovrry, a vegetable liquid, that c-rusrs the check to glow with health, the neck arms and bands to iivnl the lily in whiteness. Irri- pos=ihle to detect in the beauty it confers any, artificial character. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles, “'i'iukles, I’imples, Black Head, Crow's Feet, lllritchcs, Face Grubs, Sunburn, Tan, Ringworm, Cliapped Hands, Sore or Chap- ped Lips, Barber‘s Itch, Tetter, the. It frees the pores, oil glands and tubes from the injur- l’!l]<1‘fiucti of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre- vmiterl; it licaulir‘ios tho >l§lll and will make it smooih, soft and white, imparting ii. delicate softness; producing a perfectly healiliv, nat- ural and youthful appearance. The best Face Lotion the world evrir produced, “'9 will send a liirirriri liori‘Lr: to any address on receipt of prionâ€"$51.00. When ordering mention this Pllpt’l'. Addrcss all letters to tho MAY DEW AGEN- CY. 71 Yong»: St, Toronto, Ont. l’ailor and reception rooms for Ladies, “'holcsnloALymmi Bros 5; Co. ; Elliott r‘t Co. ; Northrop if; Lyman. 'WOOL l -â€"-â€"-â€"_u W 0L! FARMERS :â€"â€"\Vcrcspcctfully solicit your patronage at the ‘ LER llllllll l \Vhere you may have your \Vool manufactured in its purity, into (my style of goods you desire. r... 23.,» s‘ "3' :,'. RRth The undersigned have purclmsedf from Messrs. Keys & Hallctt, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es- tablishing a permanent business in W QODBREDGâ€"E, And trust that the wool-growers of the surroundng coun~ try Will give us a liberal support. manufacture every kind of \Voollcn Goods usually made in a custom mill. Give us a trial. We \Vc are workina to establish a business with h the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealng will aCCoIiippsh it. Rolls carded, Cloth dressed, spinning done ‘, cloths, twccds, shirtinrts. blankets, yams, &c., manufactured zrnd (ill \‘r'uri‘nntcd to be firstâ€"class. wool is low in the inar‘lrcts‘, is the time to her! :inrl roulizc its full value. the business, and will not fail to f-"lll' " "\ftirli to CI; . p. , for lL-ill'lr‘ use ll‘t‘ll ll‘. _. ;. fj‘fC. Now, while the price oi it made up \Ve . :;‘i practical (311510111

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