Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1884, p. 5

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TORONTO. ('icy HM! Union Stacinn Bruck Sheet. Queen's Wharf i‘mrktlalu ‘ . . . . . , ‘ . , , . Davenport H Weston Thumb“! ,. .. ,. . ,Ru-mumn Hum. .. K i H,‘.,' . A. 11mm ..... hewLuarket Nawmuket .. Aurora King... ... :H'HMnNn HILL Thnruhill \Veston , .. Davenport Parkdnle.,. TORONTO Queen‘x Ber 1 (‘nnnects with a.“ {raring-,Wenving the PMer Hausa. Bichmmfl Hill. as follows : :mm & Exprgssfinyfth &. Snyth .. V H.145 a. m. 1 1 .m u Avisumumr’intiun Exmms. North “Ml. South Unfi! further notice Mom «in be closefl at. the Richmond E111 Post 0mm ma hllnm:~ MORNING :â€"Gnin2 No1'th.soulh, East and “’est, including Tlmrnhill. Mame, Tan-onto. MILth . &r-. 7.40 Ec'rstG2â€"Gniaa southEtmt and West (as above) 6.00 N. B.-Reeistered (setter: mustbe invaded in at \east {fifteen “mums earlier than the nbove mentioned hours Eor closing; R'nzmroxn HXLL, Thursd w, Sept. 25. ‘874 PRUCTGR’E‘STAGE LINE. Full Stock of all kinds of Yarn at the Concrete, cheaper that the cheapest. Ml kinds of Schoul Books for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. . Hymn Books and Bibles for sale at THE LKBEBAL Store. Gents‘ Fme and Heavy Under- clothing is lower than ever at The Cheap Cash House. A Scott Act Mass Meeting will he held in (he Town Hall. Aurora, on Monday, Sept 29th. '84. to commence at 7 p. m. S. H. Blake. Esq., of Toronto, will address the meeting on the question of Temperance. All are invited. Grey Flannel, Fancy Flannel,Red Flannel and Flannel Sheeting at the Concrete very low. The F!annels.Yams and \Vinceys at The Cheap Cash House are the best value we have ever offered. Richmond Lodge, No. 23. G. R. 0.. will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 29th, commencing at 8 p. m. The Markham Farmers’ Club will hold their Sept. Meeting on the farm of Mr. Wm. Bennie, Lot 14, 2nd Con. Markham. on Saturday, Sept. 27th. at 2 p. m. Fox Hunt by the Toronto Hunt Club. will be held near the farm at. 3 p. In. All are cordially mvited. Bazaar Patterns at the Concrete, in“ stock. Ca!) and get the Cata- logue for season 1884-5, and the Bazaar Monthly for September. pn Thursday night. 18th inst.. four valu- able beef cable were stolen from the farm of fame! Clubine, 5th Com. bownline Whit- chumb and Markham. Tun men were seen drivmg the same. number: and answaring their description, on the 4th line of Mark- ham. towards Toronto, early Friday morn. inn. Nu lnrtber trace has been discovered as vegchough a diligent search is being made. Buses for Sale. Mr. W. J. Mortson, whose barns and out. houses were burned by lightning a few weeks offering flat sale several horses and colts which he is forced to dispose of. Parties wishing to purchase such stock should go and see them. Ad. in another column. The Cheap Cash. House have just opened up a very fine assort- ment of Mens‘ and Youths' Tweed Suits and Overcoats at astonishing- ly low prices. The following dates at some oil we fairs to be held this fall: may be s 811319 ‘0’ 0‘“ tenders : Hamilton, Sept. 30th. to Oct. 2rd. Cookszowu, Sept. 30th and Oct. 13L, Markham. Oct- 2nd and 3rd. Barrie, Oct. 7th, ‘Bth and 9th. Newmuket. Oct. 7th and 8th. Sutton, Oct. 9th and 10th. Bradford. Oct. 14th and 15th. Woodbridue. Oct. 14th and 15th., Schomberg, Oct. 16 and 17th. The English ,Scomh amm Canadian '1‘wecdsattd‘xe Cencrete are ex1ra fine value, vnung men in quest of nobby suits should not fail to see chem. Queen‘s, Wh M'f Ber Street , Unmn Station» Csz Ha.“ . . POST UFFK'CE NOTICE Markham Fatmers‘ Club GOING NORTH Mail. -‘ GOING Mass M cet ing flihmi. Fall Fairs. 8.07 8.49 9,02 Rim 9m .su-z 10.00 10.117 10.1.? 1.13 Stohm. M. fEEFY, Pnstnmst'er 801‘: TH _\cc 12.0” 1-1, uh) M 1.30 43 41! “7.45 a 11.:40 .5 00 F (3.10 Mai]. 6.31 (3.43 v.02 $.12 7.23 7.35 5 5 5,20 8.07 8 15 .19 .43 ~13 Entertainment. Madame Rosaiter, the renowned anthorees, orator and musician, will give her entertain- m m. in the Temperance Hall here, to- morrow (Friday) evening. This lady. who comes from London, England. l8 highly spoken of wherever she performs. Her per- lornmnce on the Concertina is said to be marvellous. As this entertainment is given under the auspices of the " Young Canadi- ans,“ and as the proceeds are in aid of Mr. Gregg, 0! Patterson, who nnlormnately had his leg broken on the Lacrosse field. it is to be hoped the house will be crowded. Doors will open at 7.30, commence at. 8. Admis- sion 260%.. childri 1: Facts. The Millinery Department at the Concrete is now stocked with all the novelties of the season. This de- partment this season will more than sustain its reputation for style, neat- ness, &c. A magistrate‘a Court was held in the Town Hall, St. Paul's Ward on Monday last, T. Carr and J. Dobsou, J. P's, presiding. John Palmer, hotel-keeper. Richmond Bx“. wan tried for infraction o! the license law, the specific charge being that be had dispneed of liquor on Sunday, August 319%. After several adjournmnnts. and after the examin- ation of several very reluctant witnesses, Palmer was convicted. As it. we: the sec- ond offence. n fine of $40 and costs was im- posed. amounting in all to 851.65. Another ofiauee will cause Ihe torleiture of bin li- cense. Jan. McConnell, License Inspector for West York, was the prosecutor, and to his energy the convic'ion is due.~â€"News. Full stock of Fresh Groceries at the Concrete. bugar never was so low as it is now every one should see the value that is given by the Concrete in Sugar. Our Fire Brigade. For along time past we have been ire- queutly called upon to ofier our congratu- latirme to our worthy Lacrosse team who have so often brought victory to our village. but we are glad to know, we have as well, a Fire Brigade second to none in the Dominion which was preved at the recent contests at the Industrial Exhibition held in Toronto. Tuey nod to compete with several other first- clase brigades. and won first prize ($75) in the open to all Hook and Ladder race, run- ning 300 yards, and placing a 30 toot ladder against a wall. Snider, who mounted the ladder. stood at the top in the remarkably short time at 1 min. and 4 see. On the following day they teak part in the Inter- national Hose Reel race, but were defeated, under protest, by an American Company. It was justly claimed that the winning Com- pany had not coupled the hose According to the rules which governed the races. (m the same day they carried 05 first money (8150) in the Canadian Hose Reel Race. and were loudly cheered by their many admirers. On the Wednesday evening following the tournament a torohlight procession was lormed and marched through the village, after which the Brigade were banquetted in the Temperance Hall. After tea. Mr. I. Crosby proposed the toast, “ Our Noble Queen,“ alter which all joined in singing the National Anthem. Mr. T. H. Redditt pro- posed our Firemen, and Messrs. J. H. San- dereonI B. Redditt and P. G. Savage respond- ed. Mr. E. F. Langstafi' proposed the ladies, after which the company dispersed Ieeliug proud they had been brought together lor such a worthy cause. How happy we feel we are not given to ‘ boasting like some of our contemporaries in speaking at our lacrosse plavcrs. We always relrain from anything of the kind, as it cer- tainly shows a weakness somewhere. With regard to our boys no boasting is necessary. v All we have to do is to modestly give a plain account at their victories over their oppo- nents after each match. wherever they play. and leave the public to draw their own con- clusions. We give below a couple of clip- pings as specimens among a number of oth- ers which we have not space to publish. The Fergus correspondent of the Guelph Mercury writes helore the recent match 2â€"“ The ThistleaI ol Fergus, play Richmond Hill on Saturday first and at the latter place. Alter that date we will look for the medal-em- blematic of the championship of Western Ontarioâ€"in Mr. Marshall's jewellery window, Fergus, where it will doubtless remain lor the year '84, and possibly several years longer.“ The following we clip from the Brampton Conservator, ol Sept. 12th : “We would like to witness another match on good lacrosse grounds, such as Brampton possess. es, between our Excelsior: and the Young Canadians 0! Richmond Hill. Wlille we do not disparge the skill and cleverness o! the Young- Canadians. and cheerlully accord them the praise to which they are justly en- titled as lacrosse players. we still believe that the Exeelsiors can vanquish them on web a field as the Shamrocks and Torontos play their championship matches. A team that can put the Ontarios. ol 'Durpntu, to‘the test can most certainly get away with the Young Canadians 0! Richmond Hill." We fail to know what would satiety Brampton. The Young Canadians have beaten them fairly on their own grounds ; they afterwards defeated them in Richmond Hill by taking ‘ three straights, and with a team which they acknowledged was the strongest they could ‘ put on the field. and still they would wish i the public to believe they can “ vanquish " i our boys on such a field as the Shamrocks i and Torontos play their matches. [hm-amp. l ton ever contemplates retrieving her lest , laurels. she will have to secure a guew list ol ;_ players. M. Shenan, of 09min. Mich. writes:â€" “ I have used Dr. Thomas" Eolectric Oil on horses for different diseases, and found it to be justr as you recommended. It has done justice to me every time,_and is the beat Oil for horses Ixever used.” Observe that the name “ Dr. Thomaa‘ r155; {Epég'yifi}; vaid' ; 7 {we Colts; rising two years old. Eclectric Oil ” is on front of the wrapper, as thexe are imitations of it. HORSES FflR SALE. One Mare, suppoagdfo pa Vin 19g} 990 Home Selling Whiskey Wrongfnlly. Newspaper Blowing. Applv 9.0 wmpuyx 9. M93301»: it}; 231', 2nd Con. Vaughan FRESH GROCERIES,PROVISIONS,FLOUR & FEED, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, And every description of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be kept in endless variety and at prices which can not be beaten in Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price in exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Before purchasing elsewhere call and inspect the im- mense stock of our We are now showing a. Large and Complete Stock of Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy Goods, Prints, Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White C’ottons, Sheetings, Table Da- masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c. NEW SPRING GOODS Edward M’Keown’s Money to Loan. MouoytoLonn on improved farms, at 6 per cent. App} lo y J. B. ARNOLD. June 11.6111. Richmond Hill. June 11.6111 APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. GREENS DWMD 8?. 80., Will be glad to correSfind: with Apple Growers, em. chants. and Shippers, with a. View my Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also, give the usual facilities to mstomm. requiring advances. flaflflfihfi Bfiaflfifi 3 FIRST ~CLASS BRAVE !1 ANDREWS’ Sana 1mm fizmaen I HAIR-OUTTING A SPEGJALTY BERT. A‘DRE‘VS, Prop. 79 QUEEN ST.,.I’.DNDON,.E. (2.,» AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New ONTARIO HOUSE, Richmond Hill, has just opened out with a large stock of IS THE PLAGE FOB.A-â€" POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Toronto. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. IN THE NEW SPRING GOODS ONTARIO. WATCH MAKER 8c JEWELLER, HOUSE. CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY, We do not quote prices- Look in and if: prices and quality do not suit, I need- not tell you‘what to do. Flour and Feed 3. specialty. A. 14. SKIEqu GROCERIES! THE THE NEW WILLIAMS! A. L. SKEELE, ALSO DEALER IN D’EA‘LE R IN High ArmSewing Maching IS now tec- agnized as xhe 11.13 Light md- Easy to run. Silent‘and'rapi'd in motion. Plain and‘Slmple to Learn. It is strong, Jumble and well builtm the vary best material‘that money can buy, 0r skill produce. It was swan-dad“ five medals and three that prizes at thu Domtnion Exhibition last October. In imrnpidlv superseding all ch.- oldlashiOned makes evexywhere. See u. try immy it.and make sure that you get it. Svld by SEWING MACHINE 0! TBS PERIOD. J OS. HALL. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pumas. Terms Easy. J. LUSH.

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