Do no violence to the liver and general system by repeated doses of mercury in the shape of calomel and blue pill. Many persons thus dose themselves even with- out the advice of a physician. The best substitute for such pernicious drugs. and the use 0‘ which is never followed by dis- astrous effects on the general health, is Northrop «S; Lyman’s Vegetable Discov- ery and Dyspeptic Cure, which perman- ently tones the stomach, regulates the bowels, puriï¬es the blood, and gives a healthful glow to the cheek. From an occasional Correspondent. It is so long since I saw anything in the columns of your paper about Wood- bridge, that the readers of your paper expect it is at a standstill. Well, it was almost so some two months ago, but busi- ness has got very brisk these last few weeks“ The agricultural works of Mr. Abell are in full blast. most of the men working over-time, and than can't supply nearly all the orders for portable engines and separators. David Todd’s works are in full running order and I think must be running night and dav, as the hammer can be heard after :welve o'clock at night. You can't go astray for getting your work done at any hour. The store keepers are doing a goad trade, four of them running a. horse and Waggon delivering goods at our door twice a week; in fact, one of our mer- chants has not been at work in his store far some time. He has three honest clerks und says busmesa is good, very good, indeed. Wallace Bros. in still in the gram busi- ness, buying all kinds of grain at then mxll; their flour is gwing good satisfac- uun. Mr. Hollands, the miller, under- stands his work well. Fran: Um- Own Correspondent. Last Saturday night a gathering of a.- bout thirty arrived at Mr. B. Rolling's store. at upper town, and got into hot discussion on the selï¬binders; among the company were the big guns of our town, Comprising a Ductor, Lawyer. Mayor, Constable and Magistrate. After dish cussng very ably the binders, the Ductur suggested having a dessert; he asked the Lawyer to go in partnership in buying a very large melon, when the Lawyer plain- ly told him he wanted to have a case ur two of cholers on the head at the melon There was some sharp shooting at the Ductur for fuming the audience tn out melon. The Magistrate gave the Con- stable orders to arrest the company. [think the merchant at lower town slmuld keep melnns, as the creed seems to go to upper town and teed on those and serersl other delicacies. It seems to draw custom. Mr. Edward \Vhite, frnm the 8th of Vaughan, was visiting his aunt, Miss M. White, last week. Mr. George Wallace has built a large elevator and grain warehouse at the C. P. R. Station, and will do a rushing busi- ness in the grain line. ' â€"â€"Ca.rried. Moved by Mr. Malloy. seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sheep claims. being two-thirds the value: To A. Lahmer, one lamb killed. $3.00.â€" Carried. A meeting of the Reform Association of Woodbridpe was held in the Temper- ance Hall on Friday. Sept. 12th. Mr. N. J. Stem: was elected Chairman. and M. Burkholder, Secretary. The business of the evening was the consideration of the Mowat Demonstration and other business in connection with Reform interests. Mr, Stong then addressed the meeting, giving some practical suggestions [I] regard to the wot-king of the association in \Vood- bridge. Mr. Crusring, also gave some practcial remarks, Mr. John McClure is talking of taking out a license for auctioneer this fall; there is one very much needed in this part. It will be a help to him in the way of mak- ing a living. stt. No‘ It was moved, seconded, and carried, that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered the Hon. 0. Mowat for the able manner in which 110 has advocated our interests and protected our territory against. the enemies of our province. who would blindly sacriï¬ce our privileges. Moved, aecnnded, and carried that Mr. John McCulloch, Mr. Clayton and Dr. McLean, be a committee to appoint delegates to attend the Mowat Demon- stration. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Reamau, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the following road ac- counts:â€" Dist. No. I. To E.B .Nefl',repairs on goraper 51 fl) 7 The Council then adjourned till Tues- day, Oct. 14th. Moéed, secundedflmd carried that Mr. M. Brown act as treasurer of the associ- Mion. The meeting then adjourned till fur- ther notice. W'Ii‘lrleflRrogéve in the chair. Members present. Messrs. Cook, Renman, Malloy and Elliott. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion approved. A claim of sheep killed by dogs, a- mounting to $4.50, was presented by Alfred Lahmer. The Municipal Councfl of the Town- ship of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 6th day of Sept, 1884, at 10 a. m. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. 'I‘a E.B .Nefl’,repairs on scraper 31 50 B. Musselumn, for spikes 32 J . Oater. for cedar post ......... 15 To J. L. Card, work on bill on 7th 0011.. on account ............ 50 00 E. Fm. plank furnished in '83 mam†_2 75 WOODBRIDGE. J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk. LASKAY. 7 b’ 's‘" \17". HIM 1 THE mam maï¬ï¬'x‘rnnlumc 11:: DAY Use the safe. pleasant and eï¬â€˜ectual worm killer, Mother Graves’ Extermin- ator; nothing equals it. An excellent Silver Watch. 4 oz. case. Newport Coin. Cvlindex Action. Waltham. May be seen at. THE LIBERAL Oï¬ice. Price $25.00. Mr. Alexander Robinson, of Exeter, in writing about one of the most popular articles, and one that has done more good to the afllicted than any other medicine has during the short time it has been in existe says: " I have used four but“ Northrop & Lynmn’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, and have been cured of Dyspepsia that troubled me for Over ten years. Part of that time 1 had it very bad. and I was at consider- able expense trying to get relief; but this excellent remedy was the ï¬rst and only relief I received. CHEMISTS & oauemsrs. 167, King St. East, Toronto, Special unantion given to the proper prepar- ations of Familv and Veterinary receipts. A respectable farmer of this vicinity had the misfortune to lose a very valu- able cow a few days ago. The beast fell into a. well, thirty-ï¬ve feet deep, and having ten feet of water. It. was drowned before it. could be extricated. A few nights ago, some of our village and country boys thought that they would go off on n coon hunt. They or- ganized a gang, and proceeded to a neighboring corn patch. They did not return until about midnight. They in- dulged in such horrible yelling and yelp- ing that the town folk feared they were besieged by an army of rabid dogs. Not until the town constable had arisen in his might and dispersed the noisy crew were peace and order restored. Watch for Sale â€"â€"PROPBIETORS 0Fâ€" MlLLER'S TICK DESTHDYER) YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. (it. 105 acres. more of less. Lot 26, 2nd Con. Vaughan. Apply to People who read and reflect,nfter read- ing, upon the many testimonials regard- ing Northrop S; Lymnn’s Vegetable Dis- covery and Dypeptic Cure, can scarcely fail to perceive that evidence so positive and concurrent could not be adduced in behalf of a remedy of doubtful efï¬cacy. The facts prove" by such evidence are that it roots out impurities of the blood, restores digestion, enriches the circula. tion, and regulates the bowels and liver. From our own Correspondent. Business is stili progressing in our town. Our merchant is doing better than ever, and is obliged to engage a very active and genial person. Mr. Thos. Rankin, as general salesman. ls“-ESTABLISHED~IS“ Hugh MILLER 8500., FARM FOR SALE. 9-7in- July 3rd, '84-lv. 11-4111 PURPLEVILLE. D. BOYLE, Richmond Hill. “’9 buy our goods in the best and cheapest markets, and sell on the smallest living prnï¬t. We mark all goods in plain ï¬gures, and make no second price. Our terms are cash dovm or C. O. D. All goods are sold on the†mema, am! if not as represented, the money refunded. Customers putting up at. hotels in vicinity of the market, are presented with car ticket free. Brosaded Velveta and Plush in blank and colors Plain Plush and Silk Velvets. all colors CLOTH DEPARTMENT Double Width Melton Cloth at 50 and 75c Double Width Fancy Tweeds, 90c, 91.00, 31.10 and 31.25 Jersey Cloth {or mantles or dresses Wool Malmlasaie Cloth very cheap Silk Matmlussie Cloth very cheap Wool Ottoman Cloth in black and colors Silk Ottoman Cloth in black only Brocade 511k with Beaver black. in black and brown Fm- Tximmings all widths No article 5! dress for {all wear adds so much to the appearance as a good-ï¬tting Jacket, well cut and well made In oi-dcring Jackets. our facilities are ex- ceptionally good. as our mantle makur is one of the best and best. known in Toronto 184 YONGE STREET. THIRD STORE ABOVE QU In this department we are showing all the latest novelties of the season at closest cash prices See our all-wool Nun's veilinas. at Inc Heavy Ottoman cloth, all colors. at 160 Foulle cloth, in all colors and black, 180 Rich Ottoman Brocades, all colors, 200 Fine, all-won] Foulle cloth. 25c. worth 350 Fine Ottoman cloth, at 250. worth 35c Colored Cashmeres in all the new shades, at 25, 38. 50 and 60c New Checks and Stripes, for combination, to match all plain materials Summer Silks, in plain colors. 400 Summer Silks, in fancy checks, 40c New Check Silks. (pure) 500 Black Italian Gross Grain Silks. warranted pure. bv the dress length at wholesale prices Pure Silk Brocades. from 76c up Uolored Brocade Satin in the new shades Black Satins at 45, 60.75 and $1.00 Black Velveteens at 25, 30. 40. 50, 60. 75c and up. Wax-ranted fast pile » JIANTLE DEPARTMENT. In this department we show the latest French and German Patterns WAlso Tailor-made Ulsters, Dolmans and short Walking Goats Eight Building Lots {or Sale on Centre Street East, only EIUUGMLI, 15 par cunt. duwu for pick of the lots ; Also Two New Houses. 5rooms, on Richmond Street. H. B. DEWSBURY’S DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto. 0N RUBBER, - 0N CELLULOID, Call I'lll-d see me. V No trouble to an- swer questions. FI RST-CLASS HARNESS EMPDBIUM, YONGE STREET. H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. Has the exclusive right for the use 0! Hurd'u New Method of extracting teeth without pain. by means of Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. I use no cheap material and warrant “‘3'! “EM Gald Filling, and all other operations skilfqfly Rerformed, 8:3 model-ï¬e fees. Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c.. always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a Specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. RICHMOND HILL, C. P. LENNOX BUILDING [0T8 l4‘()1{ SAIJIG '3 ARTIFICIAL TEETH VITALIZEDAIH. J. M. HAMILTON, 184 Yonge Street, Toronto. BEST SETS SILK DEPARTMENT GIVE US A CALL DRESS GOODS DR. LANG-STAFF Ma‘v' 15th. 1884.â€"1Y â€" $8.00 $10.00 M. HAMILTON, LINEN GOODS Table Lmen at 25, 25, 30, 40, 45 and 506 White Satin Tabliug, from 40c up to $1.00 per yard Turkey Tabling. 40. 50, 70 and 91.00 'luble Napkins, 50,751“. 6; up Linen Towels from 8, 10, 12%. 160 and up ToweHing at 8, 10. 12%, 15c and up Brown Hollands, 8, 9, 10. 2%,16c and up Straw Ticking at 12’} 16 and 20c Forfar for Aprons, ml prices Stair Linens. 10. 124}. and 15c up Crumb Cloths, all sizes And trust that the wool-growers of the surrounding coun- try Will give us a liberal support. Give .us a trial. We manufacture every kind of \Noollen Goods usually made in a cUstom mill. \Ve are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will accomplish it. Rolls carded, cloth dressed, spinning‘r done ; cloths, tweeds, shirting‘s. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be ï¬rstâ€"class. Now, while the price of wool is low in the markets, is the time to have it made up for home use and realize its full value. We are all practical men in the busmess, and will not fail to satisfy our custom- ers. Full assortment of goods to exchange for wool. Respectfully yours, gibbon, Colins & Snlitll. ‘WOOL ! WOOL NORTH END WDDLLEN FABTORY ! The undersigned have purchased, from Messrs. Keys & Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es- tablishing a permanent busmess in W OODBRIDGâ€"E The Great. French Lotion for Beauttfymg The Face. It conceals the evidence of age. One appli- cation will make the most stubbornly red and rough hand beautifully soft and white. Re- member that“ MAY DEW " is not a paint or powder that ï¬lls up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new aml great Mummy. a. vegetable liquid, that causes the cheek to glow with health, the neck arms and hands to rival the 1in in whiteness. Im- possible to detect in the beauty it confers any artiï¬cial character. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles. Wrinkles, Pimples. Black Head, Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grubs, Sunburn, 'l‘an , Ringworm, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chap. ped Lips, Barber's Itch. Tetter, &c. It frees the pores, oil glands and tubes from the injur~ nous eï¬fects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre. vented ; it beautiï¬es the skin and will make it smooth, soft and white, imparting a delicate softness ; producing a perfectly healthy, nat- um] and youthful appearance. The best Face Lotion the world ever produced. We will send a Lsnoa BOTTLE to any address on receipt of priceâ€"91.00. When ordering mention this paper: -. .17 n“... . nnu ' Address all letters to the MAY DEW AGEN- CY, 71 Yonge St... Toronto, Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies. MAY DEW Factory Gallons at 4,5,6.7 & 8c,lor beat While Gallons at 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10c Twill Factory Sheeting at 100 Double-width Twill Sheeting, 20 & 25c Forty lncb Pillow Cotton,10.1‘2% and 16c While Sheetingfltfli and 3 yards wide Unbleached Slleenng, 2.2% and {liyda wide Colored Bed Spreads. 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Wlnta Bed Spreads at 91, $1.25, $1.75, 32 Bed Comfortables, at 31, $1.25. 8115, $2 FLANNELS AND IJLA NKE TS Grey Flannel at 20 and 251: Grey, all-wool, Flannel, 25, 350 and up White,nll-wool.Flnnnel, '25, 30, 380 and Scarlet,all-wool, Flannel,16,2(), 256 aud Navy Blue Flannel. '25, 30, 389 and Fancy Flannel at 25. 30, 3S and up Wincx'es at 5. 7}. 10, and 12y; best Blankets cheaper than ever Blankets cheaper than ever Blankets cheaper than ever Men‘s Under Men's Under- Mpn's Under- Men's Under- Men‘s Under Men's Under-Shirts and Drawers,35c each ‘ Men's Under-Shirts and Druwersï¬Sc each Man's Under-Shins and Druwersï¬bc each Men's Under-Wear(nIl-wool) 67M pach Men‘s Under-Wear. (all-wool), 75c each Boy's Under-Wear from 25c up Ladiea' Menno Vests, 750 and $51.00 Ladies' all-wool Vests, $1, $1.13 and 91.25 Combinauon Suits cheap Men's Hose cheap Ladies' Hose cheap Cbildten's Hose cheap FARMERS :~We respectfully solicit your patronage at the \Vhere you may have your “7001 manufactured in its purity, into any style of goods you desire. INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY ! \VIIoIesaleâ€"Lyman Bros& Co. ; Elliott & Cov; Northrop & Lyman. UNDER-CLOTHING GIVE US A CALL GIVE COTTONS US A CALL up u p EEN Embroideries from 1 e per yard up Ribbons, Laces, Ties and Cullurs Thompsons’ Corsets Dr. Bull's ()nruets Dr. Wamel's Health Corsets Cmmptou‘s Corsets in every size, color and price Mantle ornaments, Gimns, Fnuges, Hand- kerchiefs, Wool Shawls Jtc GIVE Us A CALL No house in Outnrio makes Kid Gloves mme of a specialtv than we do ’I‘ No Button Kid Gloves from 20 to 60¢ Three Button Kid Gloves, 50 and 75c Four Button Kld Glows. 50, 75 and $1.00 Eight :31 ten button CbamthIovesï¬Ã© &50 (hmntlr‘l Kid Gloves, 81.60 prr puir Silk. Cashmere and Cloth Glows 0111' Few Fall Millmery will all be on n.- hibicion tbs- ï¬rst week in September, and will be found complete in everv respect. and cheap. SMALL WA RES Button Hole I‘Wist. 2 spools, 5c 50 Yard Spool Silk. 3c each 200 Yard Spools, Coats Thread, 3c each Best. Knitting Cotton, 50c per lb Buttons from 20 per doz up to SLOO Binding: and Trimming Braids Black and Colored Silk Cords ('anvas and Leuthur BPHS Ihvaï¬ Buckleu and Ornaments Everything in the way of Small Wares and Fancy Goods As our stock in this department is Very large, we will offer our patrons a cash dm- count of 10 per cent. ofl. STREET, TORONTO GLOVE DEPARTMENT LACE CURTAINS FA NC Y GOODS MILLINERY