menu} Superb 1 teen and D (Jroc T01 [KICHMON The lamati A lar for sale pre Pm}- an AH ki LIBERAL The 1' general {Friday} Clippers c Markham PRDETUR'S ST \mencan A Gard venmg 1: bvery he Suga :rete, I7 urden c uuch 0! gun! to ark ‘01? at part ioncret A lam- Hva } [BERAL E 15h ILil undr POST OFFICE nt do OI’S ul 1t dav R. TIME 11m» tlt TABLE. TH A. P} W fell, hm‘ti time she I where th wxntcr u Illl‘n T}. T1 I‘l 1E Smith ( Seymou very he iver J‘th All 1i}: 1D rkland df *dt it an I d DIE Ded Reu cott Act in szmcoe fur the mssasze of tin 1t ful ufl k I, iC 7th ()c1 arge Potatoes nful m Ell 1t H Mary Injured kham Notice ll] Cricket Mrtch rm n Ann [1 d1 Accident 10th Dr.Orr f 11 lb. Ii My she autiful 1brid‘ and nrkhz appeued to Mré. rmoxmug. As TE 11] the th \V 1V Ill] Oct t1 inlur the public :ir tash in I‘l 11 t1 his 1 emug‘ uteri). Iippe Sine it. with 18 Mr. John .lplc hav lg, 2611) ring the him up, t of all, presents hing re- Those H 1t rHzen by [edicul is well ash- the that difï¬- Tl Ml this the 1V6 qu Ur fur .11) ll] DO l HAIR-SUTTMG A FRESH GRUCERIES,PROVISIONS,FLOU SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FIRST - CL And every description of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be keptin endl variety and at prices which can not be beaten in Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price in exchange for goods. A. share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Before purchasing elsewhere call and inspect the im- mense stock of our APPLES. Sï¬‚ï¬ WING Money to Loan. CHARLES EMAILED & \ Cc They Will usual faciliti requiring ad Silks. Satins, DressGoods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, She masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, gullt terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &C. &c. Moue toLou mt. pply to prlnga'bu 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON 11. t AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New -8UTT!NG A SPEGEALTY BERT. ANDREW’S, Prop. ONTARIO HOE d aEQ NE; ‘. E OWE}; POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 gauge Street. “Earmm are now showing a. Large and Complete Stock 01 THI SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. APPLES. 1%} PI AI APF DI]! re with and )OIlCi EW SPRING GOODS ONTARIO. Richmond Hifl, has just opened out with a I WATCH MA CLOCKS, WA VV( HOUSE. . do not quo do not suit THE E! ALS< AKER 11 1n JOS. HALL. Fancy (Eoods 1gs, Table Da- :Oun- "if T.“ TIT'I'JT it 1t ER & FEED, ge stock of LIL: LR (11 nut