The Tory argans have say in favor rrfO'Connor and their blind and intei tion to Sir john prevent: condemning it. Grit bursting to make politi out ofit, but they dare I] their party is not a little for power in this provii votes nf‘the new judge'si i§ts. The triumph ofpa: igcï¬qncan go no further The Homjohn O'Connor has tak~ en his seat on the bench, but his adâ€" vientlto that high honor was greeted with no, congratulations from the bar. The legal fraternity, no mat- ter what their political leanings may be,_ have by their silence protested again-st making the bench a reward in; aught but ability in law, joined to, spotless character. Judge 0'- Connor may stand high in the lat- ter respect, but. asa lawyerhhe is simply a numskull. He is a judge today because he had the. means of forcing birjohn Macdonald to grant the appointment. He has availed himself his power, and henceionli, it may e reasonably concluded, the learning and integrity of. the Canadian Judiciary will depend largely on circumstanCflS,‘ $11; John has set the fatal precedent, land friends and foes alike. will not be slow to act upon it. treat 15 childish and fatal to honesty. tConsistency may, and should teach 'us to be extremely careful in a’il our‘ ’uttrances, but it ought not to be a Millstone, hanged about cur necxs, which insures drowning should we happen to tumble intothe water. Unfortunately, tor the 'Globe, its re-illumination occurred at fthe very time when the report was raised that it had passed into'the hands of the C. P. 11., a report which Seeemed to receive some color ofrtruth from the fact that its terriï¬c denunciations of the byndicate suddenly ceased. The affairs stand thus:â€"‘The story was concocted by one of Mr. Riordon's papers, the News. That queer cou- ple, the Toronto Mail, and the Mon- treal Gazette, swore that the story was, true. The Globe flatly denied it and assordingly. be3ond a coin- cidence or two, there is absolutely nothing to prove it. For ourselves, We are content to walk out of the matter, impregmable to astonish- ment and surpriseland feeling that the oniy sa'fe motto is that 01 Mon- taigneTW’hat do I know? :10 its assertions, that the C. P. R. has been unable to dispose of that part of its possessions, and a great ‘loss to the Company has 'lseen the -1'esult. A week or two ago. how- ucreruthe Globe professed to have received new light on the subject. "Theï¬xst rays, it seems, scintillated ‘a‘ron: lthe Hon. Alex. McKenzie“ ’1‘hisgentleman made a tour Ste the‘ Tlh’ortn .V-Vest and during his travels-,1 ithuC. :I’. R. people treated him ‘ri‘ith-no little kindness and atten- z‘tlon. .I'As a natural consequence, Mr. McKenzie said a few words :complirnentary to both company. and country. Then. as we have said, it ï¬rst dawned on the Globe that its verdict, given over and over might after all be wrong. There- upon it reconsidered the matter“ consulted other authorities, and has at last come to the conclusion, that While‘ti‘rt: much-abused land does‘ contain traces of alkali, it is never- theless very fair 5011, that a tew years cultivation would freexitfrom all deleterious admixtures, that1 in fact, the land lacks onlylone thingâ€"'4 r1 bettlers. ; It has been well and truly said g that consistency is (he hobgoblin of 1 tittle minds. Having once express-;; a ed an opinion, most men are afraid“ g to change that opinion for (ear of being deemed inconsistent. The fear is childish and fatal to honesty. Consistencv mav. and ehmnn sunk How little faith is-p'laced ‘in that part of the Press which is avcwedly partlzall is shown by the construc- -.t10n put on the ‘(J‘lobe‘s' change of opinion in regard to certain lands in -the North West, owned by the C. P. R. The settler) in question has lor years been represented by -the Globe as an alkali desert. utterly .useless and beyond recbiming. (1)0 persistently, n12?3,.asit appeared,~sol Imowmgly. did -that iournal. adhprp‘l HON. JOHN O‘CONNOR RICHMOsz Hum. ‘I‘hnrsdayï¬Oct. mg it. Grit papers. are to make political capital but they dare not. beca'usq :y is. not’a little dependent in this province on the he new judge's tsp-religion- e triumph ofparty and of y organs have nothing to r crfO'Connor's elevation, Iind and interested devo- john prevents them 1mm Administrator's Notice.â€"John Clark Apples Im- Sule.â€"l£. E. Law. Store to Reuc.â€"- . Heise, inluge'fuuud Notionâ€"M. Curr. THE ‘GLOBE’ AND C. 'P. R NEW ADVERTiSEMENTS ‘ Sllence protested he bench a reward Iity in law, joined a_c_te_.r._ Judge 0'- @umfl. and recbiming. :82) I, as it appeared, so that journal, adhere him Herein-is Oct. 9th, and yet what Zen: has’been done in connection with Ice, our ~Mechanics’ Institute tor the rdsx presentvyear? The time for memb- anyv ers' tickets for use of the library ex- ave pimd on the 30th of Sept., therefore bbe thellibrarian may refuse to give out VCI‘ booths till new tickets are issued. Ere-1 \Ve have frequently reminded the Zer,‘ Directors that many bills are owing 13$; bythe Institute, and creditors have lat beenicalling loudly for their money. 568', XIX/herein does the fault lie? At all er-i, extents; nothing can be done till the 3W President notiï¬es the Secretary to m call a meeting of the Directors. ms Then, if for the dollar paid for the â€"“l 'ttoket, members could be promised arousing reâ€"union, followed by a id good local drama, and a few racy of lectures, the interest ot the Institute ;‘- might still be revived and much good would be done thereby. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. RBEPL-XRED 113* R. PLJHALL: _&-â€" 00,, Nashua, N. H‘ Will change tyg,,bengq. to a nntnmlmtown, or black, as deuireda mproduces a permanent color Hm; will not. wash away. Consisting of a nlugle meï¬qgtion, it. is applied \mhuut tumble. ‘ 891d bx allpruggists ,' $1 The use for n 31:52:: tips of ILuL's HM; RHNEWER wondemzully improves the perv» Iona] appearance. ll. cleanses the scab from all impurities, cures all :humora, fever, rung, dyyxxpss, and thus. prevents baldness. lt‘ uglingllutes the weakened glxuuls, and enable-g Illa-n; to push {om'ard a; new and vigorom, ggomh. The slice" of this article are no‘ qansient, like those uf‘nlcollollc prepareâ€~ “OHS,le renqun,;§,long umenvhlcll malwas L’s uqe a matter pt ecopmyy. was the ï¬rst preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the urn sue- oessful rostorer of faded or gray hairlto its natural coior,growtll, and youthful bpauty. It has had many imitators, but none Ame so fully met all the requirements neodï¬ul [or the proper treatment of the hair any; scalp. llALL's HAIR RENEWER has steadily grown in favor, and spread its tame and qufulnuss_ to every quarter M the globe. ltsjnpnral- leled success can be attributed to but. one cause: the wire fulï¬lment of it: promises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun~ tries, where they 113/11 never made an eflort for its introduction. BUGKINGEHAM’S‘ DYE u ULASS,â€"â€"1, Eliza. G0wer; 2, Herman Brawn; 3. Joseph Dom-31‘. III OLA»),â€" 1. Jennie Brown; 2, Eva. Cress; 3. Louis Stolnenburqh. 11 CLASS, sx.-â€"l, Martha Guwer; 2, Louis Heise; 3, Archy Doner. u CLAss,JR.â€"l, Alice Heine; 2, Fred Meek; 3. Albert. Stoutenburgh. ICLAsa. {inâ€"1, Susan Boyer; 2, Annie Doner; 3, Chan. McKenzie. 1 CLASS, JR.â€"â€"1, Geu. Baker; 2, Lau. Meek; 3. Harry Brown. 1. Jennie Brown; 2, Evan Stomanburgh. 11 CLASS, Guwer; 2, Louis Heise; 3. u CLAss, JR.â€"l, Alice 1: Meek; 3. Albert. Stnlnanhi The following is the standing pupils in S. S. No. 7, Markham, mouth of September: n’ CLASS,â€"l, Eliza. Gower; 2, I Brawn; 3. Joseph Dom-yr. 111 CA HAIR RENEWER ’84 8°“ bYflIu Deflcns 'iu Certain Conservatives profess great indignation because Hon. Mr. Ross. our Minister of Education declared the other day that he was not pre- pared to stigmaltnise as traitor a man , who expresses a preference for a re- publican form ongVernment, or who . even says that independence IS the L proper thing for‘Canada. The Mail, _ indeed, waxed so wrathy over what i it was pleased to call the treason of‘ a cabinet member, that it called on the Lieutenant Governor to order him OR to :instant death. Have these zealous Iloyalists forgotten the answer, maéeiby the Mail. and ac- rCeptecl by the Conservative party, to the contention of Retormers that “the N. P. might endanger British (Connection? fIt wasâ€"So much the Worse for British connection! There is a difference betWecn the two cases and it is this. Mr. Ross only said ‘What every one knows, that British 7I‘Ulefreedom of speech but not of action isithetight of all. This the Mail denies, contending that free- dom of action(0vert treason, for in- stance) alone is permissable. It would ill ibecome US, however, to give the great Conservative party a lesson on the duties of good and loyal subjects. ll Vegetable Sicilian WHISKERS MECHANICS isn'Tj'TUw. From our own Correspondent VICTORIA SQUARE, Scromloua,‘ Mgrcurlnl. and‘ Blood Dmprden, the but. remedy. because thn most scan-hing .aml lthoto‘ugh bloodâ€"puriï¬er, IS FOR: ALL TEE rows Fog; Tug.l MOCK LOYALTY 1.,six bottles 8;. Medicines of it: pramiau. Len been surprised rom remote couxh made an extort. for arklmm: for the of the Eat E a. Wm.“ Wmï¬mu mï¬pflmmSmumuhhï¬g moommw auoowoï¬Â» Hag ems M33. -,_ w... “W 4 u. lac among 101‘ the season. 25 per cent, less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes. Boiled Oil. Raw Oil. and all Palmer's Material, White Lead, LOW in Price_ IMMENSE STOCK OF FURNITURE._ GRQCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Calland see it. The second for the season less than Toronto prices. Mixed P of all sizes. Boiled Oil, Raw Oil. an Material, White Lead. Low in Prim '- __ _7 1 SELLING l rTWEEDS, PRINTS: I& DRESS GOODS“ Sugars and! Teas: at Bottom Prices 3‘ nished at reasonable terms lass Jars in UNDERTAKERS, YQNGE ST., RICHMOND HILL '7 Keeps on hand a large supply of Cofï¬ns, Cas- (ots‘. and all kinds of 1*‘ITNERAIJ FITRNISIIING‘rS. A First~CIass Hearse fare 1'9]an n; “an--__11 . At greatly rgduoe‘d prices to , make Importation. h. WRIGHT 65 so}? A large and spIendid‘Lassontment of Groceries Highest_Rr§cq.paid for Butte; and E . ATKINSON, Just arrived, another 5., qts._and % gals, as cheap as the A- WRIGHT & SON. 0F GOODS. ISAAC CROSBY PtG.SAVAGEE THE IN stock of room for Fall ES cheapest