N. R. R. TIME (‘ritxv Hull Umm; Stutinn Brock Street Queen‘s “'hul'f Pï¬l‘kdzllo Dnvenpor Weston... ‘Tbornhill _ lucauuxo HILL .. TURON T0 Kin: Aul'urn, . . Newmmflwt Newmnrket... Aurora. . King... lm‘rm ’I‘homlnll \Vestrm. ~D :u'enwn‘c I’urkdale... Monwxc House. Richn Mail 6: Expre Accommodut Until further )' Richmond Hill 1 N. Bn-Rem‘sw at leqst Fifteen meuzioued hour Mu'il, South {IIZHMOND HILL, Thursday. Oct PROCTORï¬ï¬GE LINE. The best value 1n Sugar, Tea and all Groceries is glven at the Con- crete. TORONTO Queen ' For Styllsh Millinery go to Concrete House. A friendly game or quoits was pitched in Bicbmopd E1111 on Friday, between a Testou pitcher and one of our local Celebrities. The stranger was beaten by one point in a game of twe‘uty one. TEE LIBERAL will be sent to new subscrib- era from this date till Jau. Jet, 1886, for on: DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe. and get the balance of this year free of charge. Apples for Sale. Mr. R. E. Law advertises in another col- umn, a large quanticy of Fall and Winter apples 0! extm'qualitv. Call and inspect as they will be disposed of very cheap. The Cheap (Lash House spot to buy all your woollen All kinds of School Books for sale at LIBERAL Store. Hsmp Books and Bibles for sale at LIBERAL Store. The largest, cheapest and best assortment of Gloves and Hosiery on Richmond Hill is at the Concrete As Mr. Warren Hewison was engaged in painting the new trout of Mr. Atkinson’s store, on Monday. the step ladder on which he was standing gave way, letting him [all anddenlv on the planks below. He sprained his instep severely, which has caused him much pain, and has not since been able to resume work. The Cheap Cash House is head quarters for groceries at lowest prices- Fancy Brgakfast Sets, Tea Sets. Glassware and Lamps a; the Con- crete. Men's Wool Under shlrts, nbbed, 16 oz. weight. for 50 cents at the Concrete. Pantsto match. The Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Arts for the Province of Ontario, Vols. 1 & 2, for the year 1883, has been received for the Mechanics' Institute, through the secretary, for which he begs to tender the thanks of the Institute. Mr. C. Heise advertises to rennin anolher golumn, lue store and dwelling which is situ- ated at Victoria Square. Fozj a country stand it. is without dnlibl. the best in tlns pm of the country. There is a Post. Otï¬ce in connection with the store. For a. good man in chm line of business, a letter opening gelde presents itself. able timber, consisting of maple. beech.hass- Wood und hemlock ; also ï¬rst-class building timber, having nevar been culled. To be sold in half-ecuI lots. or in lots to suit pur- Qhasers. Sale at one o‘clock sharp. Terms: Timber m be paid for by March lat. 1885. puroumer to give satisfactory security on day of sale. For further particulars apply ‘0 W. Clubiue.‘ on lot, or to Ezm Clubiue. lot 56. let Cou.‘ Vaughan. J. C. Slokes, Auctioneer. Gentlemen, protect your health by procuring one of those beautiiul rubber goats at the Cheap Cash House, Thp undersigned oï¬ers for sale, on lots 346: 35, 3rd 0011. Vaughan, on Monday, Oct. 20th. 1884, ten or more acres of valu- Connect: with all trng (mm. Richmnn 1 Hill. y Jul 6: Expresx North A: I'nn Cxty POST OFFICE NOTICE \Vest Map] mm; zâ€"Gnin: IJ()(JA]JFHS. 1w filébvml. m's \thr{ k Strum ‘ m Station. Hull ..... , u'th n.l GO’NG‘NOM‘H mm. A Quoit Pitching. GURU A Good Chance 1 Letters must he mites earlier than ‘t 011“ Wood Sale Accident. Thanks ! m: , I ‘rth Ill 40 43! SOUTH TE ll \Lh 111, East and 12 'l'bm-uhill, {IN Mm‘klu mm! W in be closed at the TABLE. no 'mmdev the al ‘stumster 11.30 ,5 m (5.10 z (as Palmer is the goods. M P [1. m THE THE the The following dates of some of the fairs to be held this full may he a guide for our renders _: Sutton, Oct. 9th and 10th. Sutton, Oct. 9th and 10th. Brudford. Oct. 14th and 15H). Woodbridge, Oct. 14th and 15th. Schombera, Oct. 16 and 17th. Ladles, you nught to be very care- ful of your health during the Fall rains, and the ï¬rst step in the right direction is to buy a rubber Goss- omer Circular at the Cheap Cash House. Horsemanship. Miss Wright, who for several years pm." has dismuguished marge-l: in horsemanabipv was uwm‘dwi ï¬rst. prize fur lady riding at the Markham I‘nir lusL week, among a number of cmupemm-s. ’i'Le prize consisted of a ln‘uutiful goldJleuded riding whip, and u \‘nlnuble riding bridle. Since Writing the above, we lune leuruad that. she bus carried (:5 ï¬rst. prize for both lady riding and (him Lacrosse Match. Posters are out announcing a Grand La- crasse Match, which is to take place on the Aurora Purl; on Saturday next, Oct. 11th, between the Young Canadians of this plum! and the Orillia. team. If the weather. prove ï¬ne, Aurora. Will Witness 3 larger crowd than has ever gathered there far at uflair 01 this kind, as the Young Canadians have a wide- spread repntution, and the Olilliu club are known to be no mean competitors. They play forasilver cup valued at 825. The ball will be faced an 1.30 p. m. Aciniissiou to the grounds; adults, 15cts., children, 10, ladies free. above, we have leurnad (:5 ï¬rst. prize for both 1 ing at Newnmrkef. Fair The value offeredinthist is far ahead of anyghing offered in Richmond Hiï¬ An Apt Pupil. A female teaclwr, not. a thousand miles from Richmond Hill. was hearing a class in spelling and deï¬ning words. The word " Orphan " had been correctly spelled, but. none of them seemed to know its meaning. After asking onel or two of them, she said : “ Now, suppose I an) an orphan, don't you think you can guess what it menus? " The blank look upon their faces remained, until one of the duller scholars raised his hand, and said, “ Its some one who mmts to get. " Orphan " 11 none of them After asking ( “ Now, suppo: Men’s Ulstcrs, Ovex’coats and Suits; Boys' Overcoats and Suits at the Concrete House; nice pat- terns, good styles and extra value. The value offeredinthis department is far ahead of anything heretofore murri appulutmeut as Unec shows ï¬ne high nppre held in this province Dr. McLellan‘s Que: held in this province ;â€"" Ten mow men of Dr. MuLellan’s energy nud commanding nbilitles would he of more service to the State during the closing years of this century than ten millions of pounds of forexgu capi- m sent over to develop he; unbounded ma- Lerial resources. even ii We paid no interest on the money." King Dodds. The above named gentleman seems to be in an unfortunate position. The temperance party, for some time past, has been threshing him with every available weapon, because he Wuu in the opposition, and now his own party are threshing him becqnse the money they invested thiough him has not yielded expected results. They paid him largely to succeed, not to fail. It is said they are like- ly to discharge him altogether. It is hoped that a man of his acknowledged ability and eloquence will ï¬nd employment more con- genial with public sentiment and more con- ducive to the public welfare. GENTLEMEN,â€"The to lowing “resolution was passed in the Richmon uill Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., at. their meeting held on the let. inst :- That. whereas, sdveral of our member: have been insulted and abused at the hands of the Proprietor of tha Paige; House,‘ and us out} of our number has 'be'ep reoé‘ntyly ill-used while pprchasing a ticket. for yqqr B... we kindly request You {0 make provisions to have a ticket ofï¬ce in some other place for the better co'n‘veuience of‘the travelling pub- lic, and where texnmmuce men and others will not be subject; to such treatment. We are asked to publish the foilowing :7- To the N. R. R. 00.. through ML Proctor The {all meeting of the Markham Farmers‘ Club Wee held on Saturday last. on the (arm of Mr. WmReupie. a sbptt distance from Headiorï¬, About 500 people were present from the surrounding country and city of Toronto, including the Hon. Alex. McKenzie, Mr. Howard, lhq American Consui, Dr. Smith and other persons of note. The griucipal attraction was a Fox Hunt by the Toronto Hunt Club. Much for a time proved very exciting, but Boynard eluded hrs tollow- ers and ï¬nally made good his escape. B-rr- ring a couple of accidents to the riders noth- ing transp ed to mar the pleasure of the driy. A s stautinl lunch was prepared for the visitors, many of whom seemed go relish the hospitkaï¬ty shown by ML Bennie. Complaints reach us that several of our neighbors who take a commendable pride in the cultivation of fruit for pleasure or proï¬t. are bitterly disappointed in their gardens not only being robbed, but destroyed by boys, who Wear men's boots) who commit these epredatipna every year. After the expense and care of a whole season in trying to bring. a few favorites tolperfeotgon, it is pqrtainly extreme? annoving and trying to the temper. to have opea of pleasure frustrated by a few boys who are practising for the peniten- tinry. The general opinion is, of; course,‘ that the guilty parties should be watched,‘ arrested and made an example of, but there is a certain amount of odium attached to the, prosecution of a boy by a citizen. and few are prepared to throw down the gauntlet. Tho perpetrators of such mean dishonesty, we believe, are narrowed down to a few. who have been long enough at the business to be more than suspected. We would suggest a Vigilance Committee to ferret out the guilty parties, or that the Council should offer a reward for information that would lead to the arrestzof these garden thieves and deter others from similar depredations. Dr. M cLellan‘s Appointment. The following quolntion is taken from the eptember number of the Canada School lurunl in refervuae to Dr. McLellnn‘s new .puiutmeut as Diiector of Institutes, which LOWS the high appreciation in which he is 91d in this province ;â€"" Ten mow men of HI) Mark‘qam Fanï¬ers’ Club. can Fall Fairs Smp Thief; e House; nice pat- les and extra value. red in this department anyghing heretofore '5 pm." mabipv :3: the number (1 of a and u I FRESH GRUCERIES,PROVISIONS,FLOUR & FEED, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, And every description of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be kept in endless variety and at prices which can not be beaten in Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price in exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Before purchasing elsewhere call and inspect the im- mense stock of our We are now showing a Large and Complete Stock of Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy -.Goods, Prints, Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table Da- masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c. NEW SPRING June 11, 6m Money to Loan. Money toLonn on improved farms. M 6 per cent. Apply to APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Edward M’Keown’s CHARLES DQNALD &. 50., Will be glad to corre yond. with Apple Growers, er- cha.nt;s, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also giva the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. ANDREVVS’ Swag mum 29323403 I ï¬axï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ $Ra®®$ FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I HAIR-GUTTING A SPECIALTY BE RT. AN DRE WS, Prop. 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E. (2.,'~ ~â€"-IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€"â€" AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New ONTARIO HOUS POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Toronto. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. ‘IN THE J. R. ARNOLD Richmond Hill NEW SPRING GOODS E, Richmond Hin, has just opened out with a large stock of ONTARIO. WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, CLOCKS; WATCHES & JEWELRY}. We do not quo‘te prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit,~ I need not tell youi what. to, dig. Flour ' and Feed 3. specialty. E HOUSE. THE NEW WILLIAMS! A. L. SKEELE, ALSO DEALER IN A. I4. SIKEELE-, DEALER IN' High Arm ï¬gwing Maching 18 now rec ogpized as the It is strong, Jumble; anti wellhuiltpf the very best matériul that. money can buy, or skill produce. It 1;. Light and Easy to ngn. Silent and tepid in motion. Plain gnd lemple to Learn It was nwardpd. ï¬ve medals and three that prizes at thy Domtnipn Exhibition hm October. It in. rapidlv superguding all tb-I old fashioned makes everywhere. See it. try it.buy it,and make sure that you get it. Sold by SEWING MACHINE OR THE PERIOD. JOS. HALL. gigbmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and; 2131102. Term: Easy: J. LUSH»