Oct. 9th, 185 APPLES The In aanll n. Cull unu bc‘u'd News, I veipt of : Ssrcet we tuning the stomach simulmnennsly, they can be eradicated. The prumptitude mp1 thoroughness with which Nurthrvp& Ly- man’s Vegetable Discovery and great blood puriï¬er removes this trinity of physical evils is a fact widely appreciated throughout Canada. A TRINITY 0}" Evans. Biliousness. Constipation :md Dyspepsia usually exist tngetller. Bv disciplining the liver and tuning the stomach simulmnennsly, they can be eradicated. The prumptitude mp1 thoroughness with which Nurthrvp& Ly- man’s Vegetable Discovery and great blood puriï¬er removes tlns trinitv nf T12 of the artistic skill exhibited in the paint- ing of it. as well as in the workmanship generally. We understand it has been purchased bV Mr. Schmidt, of Toronto, who Carries on a. very extensive grocery business at 90 King St. west. Quite a number of H'lcll waggnns have already been Sold. One thing is evident, that it is a compliment paid to our honest mak- ers hele, that people leave Toronto, noted for its manufacturies, to cmne out here to purchase rigs. Fur fear some one might remark that it was on account of the cheapness of the rigs, allow me to re- mark. that the cust of the bake-Waggon is $125. Mr. Edward Gallannngh has purchased another flue mare. We don‘t know much ‘ as regunls her having speed, but. one thing is certain, that he is not apt to pur- l chase (me which has nut a considerable amount of the above mentioned quality in her. .y this ,\' Clll'l: unttex May the praver ofrlhé iél’ï¬ki‘Jgâ€"Eiéea be fully realized by us all : Lead us through the vale of shadows, Bear us o‘er life's ï¬tful sen, Then, the gate of life eternal May we cuter. Lord, with Thee. Signed on behalf of your friends, REV. J . W. Torus, CECILIA REID, Jonxsrox \VILSON, SARAH Suuun. JOHN LANE, R. O. Hum-.1. Thomhill, Oct. 3rd, 1884. As a. token at our sincerity we ask you to nccept this Bible and Hymn Book, which' we are assured, will remind you of old and true trienda; we also pray the Great Head of the Church may abundantly bless you and yours in your new home. and that, when the storms and sorrows of life are over, we may all meet in our Father's home on high. 11,; .u - Now, these pleasant ties are to be severed, and it may not. be ours to meet you as we wereront. to do, but we can assure van that you carry with you our very best wishes for your future prosperity and happiness. Aé a member of théChurob 6fHthrist. we have been glad to hold you as a brother he- loved; and as a leader amongst us, your class has had With you only pleasant re- lationsbips. During the time you have lived amongst us, we have watched with great satisfaction your christian walk and conduct. As a neighbor we have louud you kind. genial and obliging ; as a man of business. we be. lieve you can say with Paul, " We have wronged no man." We respect you for your honesty and integrity; and have also ad- mired you {or your ï¬rm and unwavering allegianCe to the Temperance cause. We. the members and adherents of ihe Melhodist Uhurch of Thornhill. lmvingmitb regret, learned that you are shout to remove from our midst, desire to take this oppor- tunity of expressing the high esteem in which we hold you as a neighbor, a friend and a worker In the Church of Christ. Farewell Address to Mr. R. I'anhom A'I‘A R I! llâ€"A new Treatmentwhere~ xis hithnrco incurable disease is permanent- 1'ed in frun one tn thrPe upplicntions. no er whether standing for one year 01 forty ;. ‘Dencriptive pamphlet *entï¬free on re- From Our Own Correspondent. A very excellent literary and musical trest was given last Friday evening, in the Methodist Church, Thornhill. In connection with the concert, 3 very able and eloquent address was given by the Rev. Mr. Mil]ar,Methodist Minister from \Villowdule, on the subject of “ Hum- bugs,†consisting of the followingzâ€"The Financial, Social. Fashionable, Religious and Political. On the whole the address was humorous, as well as interesting and instructive. Towards the close of the performance, Mr. R. Vnnhnrn,merchfl.nt, was presented with a very handsome Bible and Hymn Book, accompanied by ; a very pleasing address, which is now ap- 1 pended â€" ï¬fiE 'i' REN'E’ E bl Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying Worm: in children and adults. Mel-signed oflers for Sale. a. large stock ml Winter Apples, at extra low pnces. insuect before purchasing elsewhere. NOTICE! mums. Sept. 23rd, . Mary Baker, has left my he‘ (5 any pruvucatiuu. I will not any debts contracted by her ward Gallannngh has purchased ne mare. We don't know much 9 her having speed, but. one ‘I‘tuill, that he is not apt. to pur- whiuh has nut a comidemble the above mentioned quality med oï¬ers to rent the Store and Dwelling uh u'ontn (human. IA SQUARE, ' &"s'i)1~i."§05“KiKg i a. bake-waggon FER SALE ! THORNHILL noves this trinity. of 'act widely appreciated JACOB BAKER R. 'E. ’L'AWT Richmond Hill be re; ulcer and Special attention given to the proper prepar- ations of aniJV and Veterinary receipts. July 3rd, 'Siâ€"lv. â€"~PnoanTons OFâ€" MiLLER'S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDERI &c. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto Hugh MILLER 81.00., Both light and heavy. all uf which an guaranteed to give satisfaction as th1 work is under my own snpervisr 1. I an :11er prepared tn do all kinds "f black emithmg db repairing in the must wnrk manlike manner, on the shortest notice and on the most. reasonable terms. 1812 PLATFORM SPRING WA G U N S. Cutters, In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg to te- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modiousV premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Horse - Shoeing TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- In accordance with the Statute and By-laws o ! tha village municipality. notice is hareby giv an that twa bore pigs and one sow were on the éth (luv 0! October 1884 im ounded m the Village Pound at Richmond Hi 1, and if not redumm will be sold by public auction at the pound pre- mises on the 24th day of October 1384 at 2 o'clock p. m. M. CARR, Pound Keeper Richmond Hill, Oct. 9&1], 1884. 15-3in. MUNICIPALITY OF RICHMOND HILL Headford. Oct. 8th. 1884 VILLAGE POUND NU'IIGE! Whereas, James Clark. of the Township of Markham, in the County of York. veomun, died on or about the 29th day of June, 1884, notice is hereby given that, all persons having any claim or claims against the estate of Lho said James Clark are hereby required to send to the un. dersi neu administrator such clmms within one mom from the date hereof, when the adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the mid estate amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard to the claims of which such administrator hm; than notice of. And all Dersons indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to pay the same to the undersigned Within one month from this date. OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES CLARK, Deceased ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE! 2-ESTABLISEED Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCII. RICHMOND "ILL. Sleighs and J 08 N CLARK, Administrator 15-liu. â€"lS~l‘.‘ l { ARTIFICIAL TEETH )0N RUBBER, â€" ~ â€" $8.00 ‘ON CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 are the am Call {ill-d nee ma. 1 No trvublc to an- swer queatiOns. I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Guld Filling, and all other operations skilfully Reflex-med, at moderate feesv Absolutefly no pain experienced and harm lens in all cases. without. pain. by means of DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’u New Method of extracting teeth II::‘L...4L “.1†‘7 ‘ All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. Trunks, Satchels, Whips Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. RICHMOND HILL, FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPUHIUM, YONGE STREET. H. . DEWSBURY’ In ordering Jackets. cu} {agilitien are ex- ceptionally good. as our mantle maker is one of the best and best known in Toronto ,' 777â€"7‘_ _._.. shore Walking Goats No article of dress for {all wear adds so much to the appearance as a goomï¬tting Jupket, wall cut and well made In this department we show the latest French and German Pntterns Also Tailor-made Ulsters, Dolmans and short Walking Goats SILK DEPARTMENT Summer Silks, in plain colors, 40c Summer Silks, in fancy checks. 40c New Check Silks, (pure) 500 Black Italian Gross Grain Silks. warranted pure, bv the dress length at wholesale prices Pure Silk Broondea, from 75c up Uolored Brocade Satin in the new shades Black Satins at 45. 60,76 and 31.00 Black Velveteens at 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 76c and up. Win-ranted lost pile Brocaded Velvets and Plush in blank and colors ‘Plain Plush and Silk Velvets, all colors CLOTH DEPARTMENT Double Width Melton Cloth at 60 and 750 Double Width Fancy Tweeds, 90c, $1.00, 81.10 and 81.25 Jersey Cloth for mantles or dresses Wool Matralassie Cloth very cheap Silk Mntrulsssie Cloth very cheap Wool Ottoman Cloth in black and colors Silk Ottoman Cloth in black only Brocade Silk with Beaver black, in black and brown Fur Trimmings all widths BEST SETS In this department we are showing all the latest novelties of the season at closest cash prices See our nll-waol Nun's Veilinna, at 125:: Heavy Ottoman cloth, all colors, at 160 Foulle cloth, in all colors and black, 180 Rich Ottoman Brocades, all colors, 20c Fine. all-wool Foulle cloth, 25c. worth 85c Fine Ottoman cloth, at. 25c. worth 350 Colored Cnshmeres in all the new shades, at 25, 38, 50 and 60c New Checks and Stripes. for combination to match a“ plain materials VITALIZED AIR. . P. LENNOX W'e buy our goods in the best and cheapest markets, and sell on the 3 ï¬gures, and make no second price. Our terms are cash down or C. 0. D. represented, the money refunded. Customers putting up at huter in vicini mnllestlivmg prnï¬t. ‘Ve mark all goods in plain All goods are suld on their merits, and if not. as ty of the markeL, are presented with our ticket 184 YONGE STREET. THIRD STORE ABOVE QU mama RICHMOND HILL . M. HAMILTON, 184 Yonge MA NTLE DEPARTMENT. . Dewsbury, GIVE‘US A CALL DRESS GOODS MM lun,1884.-1y M.AHAM|LTON, o 7 And trust that the wool-growers ot the surrounding coun- try Wlll give us a liberal support. Give us a trial. We manufacture every kind of Woollen Goods usually made in a custom mill. We are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will accomplish it. Rolls carded, cloth dressed, spinning done ; cloths, tweeds, shirtings. blankets, yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be ï¬rstâ€"class. Now, while the price of wool is l.>w in the markets, li‘ the time to have it made up for home use and r‘ealize it“ {i 'l ’L’ilF‘. We 1' :: [.‘ll practical mm in the lnwncss, and will {3:33 5: vi an 31' custom» 1‘ H The undersigned have purEhased, from Messrs. Keys & Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of es~ tablishing a permanent busmess in W OODBRI DGâ€"E NQRTH END WflLLEN FABTORY WOOL ped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tenet. «Sm. It. frees ms pores, oil glands and tubes from the injur- ious effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre- vented; it. beuutifles the skin and will make it smooth, soft and white, imparting a delicate softness,- producing a perfectly healthy, nat- uralnud youthfulappearance. The best Face Lotion the world ever produced. We will send a LARGE BOTTLE to any address on receipt; of price~$1.00. When ordering mention this paper. Address all leuers to the MAY DEW AGEN- CY. 71 Yong SL. Toronto. Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies, It conceals the evidence of age. One appli- cation will make the most stubbornly Ind and rough hand beautifully soft and white. Re- member that “ MAY DEW " is no: a paint at powder that ï¬lls up the pores of the skin. and that. is injurious to the skin, but a new and great di5uovery, a. vegetable liquid, that causes the cheek to glow with health, the neck arms and hands to rival the lily in whiteness. Im- pos‘ible to detect in the beauty it confers any artiï¬cial character. It. cures Greasy Skin, Freckles. Wrinkles, Pimples. Black Head, Crow’rI Feet, Blutches, Face Grubs, Sunburn, 'l'an, Ringworm, Chnppedliands, Sore or Chap- The Great French Lotion f:r Beaumfymg The Face. MAY DEW FARMERS zâ€"VVe respectfully solicit your patronage at the Table Linen at 25. 25, 30, 40, 45 and White Satin Tubling. from 40c up to $1 per yard Turkey Tnbling, 40, 50. 70 and $1.00 'lnble Napkins. 50.75.31. 6: Linen Towels from 8, 10. 123-. 160 and Toweng at. 8, 10, 12%, 15c nnd np Brown Hollands. 8. 9, 10, 22§.160 and Straw Ticking at 12$ 16 and 20a Forfar lnr Aprons. all prion Stair Linens, 10.12.15, and 15c up Crumb Cloths, all sizvs Where you may have your Wool manufactured purity, into any style of goods you 'desire. Ladies‘ Mennn V95“, 75c Ladies" all-wool Vests, $1 Combinnnon Suils cheap Men's Hose clump Ladies' Hose cheap Children’s H036 ch60». Boy‘s Ladie Lfldie Mpn Men Men Man k‘nncy Wincie Blanke Blanke BInnke Scarlet,all-wool, Flnmlel.16.20, 2501 Navy Blue FlannelA 25, 30, 380 n Funcy Flannel at 25. 30, 38 and up Wincies nt5.7§,1(l,mu112&c best Grey Flannel at 20 and Gray, all-wool, Flnnnel, White-,8]!-Wool,Flnunel. \V llolosaleâ€"Lyman Bros J: Factory Cottons at 4,5,6.7 & 8c,for best. White Cottnns at 5, (1', 7, 8, 9 and 10a Twill Fuctcry Sheeting at 100 Double-width Twill Sheeting, 20 & 25o Forty Inch Pillow Cotton,10,12§ and 160 White Sheetingfliï¬ï¬ and 3 yards wide Unblmched Sheeting, 2,2,}; and 2:};‘(15 wide Colored Bed Sprmids, 75c, $1.00 and 81.25 Whita Bed Spreads at $1, $1.25, $1.75, 82 Bed Comfortables, at 81. $1.25, 81.75, $2 INV FLANNELS AND L’L UNDER-C It 5. 7%. In. cheapnr tb cbr-uppr 1h cheaper tn: GIVE GIVE US A CALL r-Shirts r- Shirts rflln'rts r~Wenrl r~Wonr. -anr f LINEN GOODS chop COTTONS US' A CALL. war/all: 111'. (all m'. (nll-wm l). 750 E 1r from 25c up ‘95â€, 75c and 81.00 LOTIIING HT) M) Bl] $1. $1.13 and ever ever WOO‘ 3W9 >lW€ LVKE TS 10,45 and 50c 400 Up to $1.00 35 30‘ 20‘ 5c and up ), 380 and up L 25c and up 350 and up 7 5c ouch Elliott & ‘EEN Street, Toronto. As our stock in this department is very large, we will oï¬er omv patrons a cash (113-. count of 10 percent. otf. Our Few Full Milhnery will all be on 61-» hibizion the ï¬rst week in September, 0113' will be found complete in every respect and. cheap. Fancy Goods WOOL Z and pride Mantle nrnamputs, Gimvs, Frmges, Hand~ kercbiefa, Wool Sbuwlu 6w GLOVE DEPARTMENT No house in Ontario makes Kid Gloves mom of a Ipecinltv than we do Two Button Kid Gloves from 20 to 60¢ Three Button Kid Gloves. 50 and 754: Run Button Kn] Glavps. 50. 75 and 81.00 Eight, a; ten button Chamois Glovea.35 6:50 Gauntlet Kid (Hares, $1.80 per pair Silk, Cashmere and Cloth Glows Button Hole I‘wist, 2 spools. 5c 50 Yard Spool Silk. 30 each 200 Yard Spools, Coats Thread. 30 each Best Knitting Cotton, 500 per lb Buttons from 26 per do: up to M110 Binding and Trimming Braids Black and Colorvd Silk Colds Canvas anal Lsutbrr Brns Dress Bucklrï¬ and Ornaments Everything in was way u! Smlqunea and Embroideries from 1 c pPr yard up Ribbons, Luca-‘9. Tirs and Collars ’l’hompflous’ Coluels Dr. Bull's Corveta Dr. \Vamm's Health Corsets Uromptou‘s Corsets in every size, color STREET, TORONTO.‘=%} Northrop 4’: Lyman LACE. CURTAINS GIVE Ub‘ A CALL SMALL WA RES FA NC Y GOODS JIILLINERY in its