Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1884, p. 5

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Citv Hull Union smninn Brock Sunset Queen's \th‘f ‘ Purkdnlu ........... [Davenport . ., \Veston ,. uThornhilL . . RICHMOND HILL . -King ...... Aurora. .. ‘Newmm-kat . TORONTO Gents! forafine tweed suit and overcoat, go to the Cheap Cash House. Mr. E. Bernard. Elgin Mllls. has thrashed 300 bushels of Seneca. wheat, being the. prod- .uet of five acres, or a. yield of 60 bushels to the acre. Ha sowed only eight bushels on \the piece of land. anxnmrket ., . Aurora lKiuu .. u .. vl'mmmxn HILL.. r‘I‘hnrnhill Weston .. Davenpor . Purkdalem TORONTO. Queen‘s \Vlmrf Brock Street. .. Union Station. City Hall . above) ” .6‘ F. Bâ€"Registered Letters must be handed afleas} Friteen Minutes earlier than the 3'00 fientiqned hours for closing M. TEEFY. Postmaster fixamxoxn HILL, Thursde OctJG . ’84 Some extra value in dress goods apd ladies mantles at: the cheap 'C'ash House. Until further nnth Richmond Hill Past MORNING Connects with alltmins, leaving the Palmer House. Richmnnl Hill. as follows : Mail & Expressfiurch & South. Accommodation “ " Express. Norm Mail. South,” Ifyou want Cheap Wall Paper 11,010 Savage’s. Alot more to be sold at cost. PROCTUR’S STAGE LINE. THE LIBERAL will he sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till Jan. lst, 1886. for 0w. DOLLAR. an is the time to subscribe, and get the balance of this. year free of charge. Ladies, buy your dress goods at @116. Concrete; largest. best and cheapest stocx on the Hill. Fxre Practice. The regular semi-monthly fire practice and regular meeting will take place to- morrow (Friday) evening. EVENIN All kinds of School Books for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. Hymn Books and Bibles for sale at TH LIBERAL Smre. Eltv Eihrral. Gents don‘t forget to See those 17oz. Wool bhirts and Drawers, only 50c. each; also Boys‘ Shirts and Drawers all sizes. Accxdent. Mr. It. E. Law received quite a. severe la!1 a. few days ago while being engaged at work at Mr. Meteall‘s. He was standing on o. scafiold which, nqt being securely built, gave way, and he came with force to the ground. His hip is still very sore. but we are glad to see 116.33 able to be around. Will be sold by public auction. on Thurs.- day. Oct. 23rd, on lot No. 19,3111 .0011. Mark- ham, the valuable form stock, implements, ML, belonging to WflP. Munro. Sale with- out reserve in the propnetor has leased his fanny Sale pt one o'clock p. 111. Terms :â€" All sums of 810 and under. cash; over that among}, 12 months' credit on npngovad joigs nqtes. .Six per cent. per annum allowed in: cqpk, _S,:1}I. Brain, Auctioneer. _ Quotting. 1In answer to a challenge from 17%. A. Mchy. John Oulcott, Eglington Hotel, matches H. Caldback against Wm. Kitchen to plsv a. game of quoits, “points, [or QIO or $15 a side. The match is to be played at Eglinton, on Saturday next, between two and {our o’clock. The Lacrosse Match between Uniohville and Headtord, which was to be played last Saturday, was not played, as the former team did not make their appearance, but they sent more on Saturday. that they would plny on the abovemeutioned day. The disappoint- ment put the Ileadtord team to a great deal 01 truuble The reason may have been that they lost three straights at the farmer match played on their own grounds.â€"COM. Ask for Bazaar Glove Fitting Pat~ t¢rns. kept only at Atkinson's, the great brqcery empoxium.‘ Ladies‘ Mantles to order and in stock, at rock bottom prices ; an in- spection is all that is asked. The Cheap ,Cash House are sell- ing 18 lbs of bright sugar furi one dollar. POST OFFICE NOTICE 3 ni [ \Ve M m: GOING NOHTH GOING A Good Yield ‘lé, Toront 3 south El Credit Sale. MM} Headford re Mails will be closed at the Office as follows:â€" 'm-th. soul 11, East and 10.00 10,07 10.15 8.40 9.02 {1.10 $320 8.40 8,49 9,09. 9.29 9.32 9.51 3.5011111, East and ludinu Thoruhill, onto, Mmrkham,&c. ; Bust and West (as SQ HT H Accom 12.00 AM 1 .30 1.37 1.13 08 30'“ 20 43 handed in the above 'Hnil‘ 6.31 6‘43 7.02 8.07 8 15 7.43 6.07 ($.19 6.43 7.40 ‘13 You can purchase a beautiful wool grey flannel for 25 cents yard at the~Cheap Cash House. The next uniform promotion examination for North York, will be held in the various schools on the 7th of Nov. Teachers who have pupils toipromote should communicate with the lnspwtor, Mr. D. Fotheringham. at. [oust three wt-eks previous to date. The committee have endeavored to indicate the line of work that should he followed by each class, and aeirculm has been sent to each teacher in the. district. for gmdance. An immense stock of Grey, Fancy and Red ‘Flannels, and Sheeting Flannels. at the Concrete, away down below every body; call and see them. or send for samples. The undersigned offers for sale. on lots 34 and 35. 3rd Con. Vaughan. on Monday, Oct. 20th, 1884. ten or more acres of valuable timber. consisting of Maple, Beech, Baas- nood and Hemlock ; also first class building timber. having never been culled. To be sold in half acre lots, or in lots to suit pur- Chasers. Sale at one o‘clock sharp. Terms: Timber to be paid for by March 13?, 1885. purchaser to give satisfactory security on day of sale. For further particulars apply to W. Clubiue, on lot. or to Ezra Clubine. 10‘ 56.15tCou. Vaughan. J. C. Stokes, Aucl. The seventh annual meeting of the W0- men‘s Christian Temperance Union of the Brovince of Ontario, commenced in Shaftes- bnrv Hall, Toronto, on Tneuday, and is to be continued until this evening The Ex- ecutive Commit'see has secured the services of many able speakers and earnest. Workers for the cause of Temperance. The Hon. S. 1-1. BJnke,_and Hon. G. W.Ross, among oth- ers are to deliver addresses. A verV excel- lent programme has been prepared for each day. Executor's Sale. The farm stock and implements o! the late Benjamin Andrews will be sold by suct- ion at his late residence. I.ot 26. 4th Con. Vaughan, on Thursday. Oct. 23rd. The sale will commence at 11 o‘clock a. 11)., sharp. At 2 p. m., precisely, the farm will be sold to the highest bidder. The term consists 0! 100 acres more or less, and is without doubt one of the best places in the township. There are good buildings on the place, a young orchard and two never-failing streams of water. The farm is equally good for grain or the raising of stock. Terms and condit- ions made known on day of sale. J. C. Stokes, Auctioneer. Ou ouolber page will be found n list of AUCHOUPPI‘S Mid Pedlqra for the Cnunty of York: \Vllllsl. (we do not crnve for any more pedlnrs in ourfiowei, we think that if some good,_ live augmioueer would settle in our village. it wouid not. only be a great accom- modation to Richmond Hill and vicinity. but. would likely turn out tolls awood 111076 (or the auctioneer. Auroral this 3 ; New- market, 4; Riugwood, Stowfiville, Victoria Square. Uniouville, and all the little hamlets around have their auctioneers and Richmond Hillaoes unrepresented. Weigh this in. your mind, you loud talker, and govern yaui'sell acccsdingly. Woodbridge Fair. The Annual Exhibition of the West York and Vaughan Agricultural Society was held on Tuesday and Wednesday lust at Wood- bridge, and was the most successful ever held at that place. On the letter duy.about 8000 visitors were on the grounds. In the evening the annual banquet was held at the Woodbridge Hotel, when about 200 guests partuok of an excellent dinner. After um- ple justice had been done to the edibles, many toasts were drunk and atly responded to by Lieu-Gov. Robinson, Mayor Boswell, Mr. C. W. Bunting, Major C(rey, M. P. l’.. N. C. Wallace, M. P.. Capt. McMaster, ’1‘ H. Bull, and other prominent. persons. We regret that neither time nor space will allow us in this issue to give anything like an ac- oount of the speeches or of the fair generally Yesterday Mr. McBride received from the Minister of Education a circular, from which it appears that, upon further consideration of the results of the Intermediate Examin- ation, the examiners have awarded the In. termediate standing to ten additional pupils of our High School. The Minister was in- duced to allow this standing on account of a very general impression that the standing of marks for Intermediate Certificates was not to be raised in 1884. We give the list of successful candidates, as finally revised :â€" Class IIâ€"E Miller, (A) ; F E Grant, (A) ; J S Gray,:(B) ; F McConaghy, (B) ; J Tyndall, (B) ; A P Latter, (B) ; J Walkingtou, (B). Class IIIâ€"A McLaughlin. C A Coombs, \V A McCagve, C Forrester, W J Grant, L Nor, man. J A W Flatt. Intermediateâ€"J E Stoutenburg. A M Burns, I“ Brown, 13 Page, J Palmer, J Watson, E Rutherford, I 'Wells, A Kirby, J Stump, D McKay, E Lew. Amps Hudqin,, Toronto, writes;“I have been a aufl'emr from Dysyepsia for the past. six \years.'._All the remedies I tried proved useless. until Northrop d: Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dya- peptic Cure was brought under my no- tice. Ihava usedQWn bottles with the best results, gnd can. with confidence ro- com‘rriend it‘to thogq aflicted in, like man. net. CA’I‘ARRll-+A new Treatment where- by this hithanqinnurable disease 18 permanent- ly curell in frvm one he three applications. no mutter whether standing, for one year on forxy yam-s. Descriptive mm 1113!. mm free on re- ceipt of stamp. A. I) XON a SON, 305 King Street West. Toronto Canada. ATmsplâ€"In Richmonleill, on Wednesday, Oct.A15th,Mvs. Ann Atkinson, relict of the late Edward Atkinsou,uf Markham, aged M years. Funeral tufmon‘ow (Friday) willleayo the house at 1p. Lu. HAMIL'mNâ€"Of cons Implaion. on Sunday evening, Oct.'12th, Wm. I muilton, of ElgirgMillsmggi 28 years. MCQUAEnlEâ€"RUFEBTâ€"Ou fl‘hursdn . Oct. 9th, at the Parsonage, Ma 1e. by t 1e Rev. M._ Fawcett. Mr. John Me uarno. to Lucinda Rupprt, both of Maple- Promotion Examinations. Aucfioneers and Pedlars. lVlARRIAG Wood Sale High Schogl DEATHS FRESH GRUCERIES,PROVISIONS,FLOUR & FEED, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, And emery deacriptiom of Fmit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be keptin endles variety and at prices which can not be beaten .in Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price in exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and' satisfaction guaranteed. Before purchasing elsewhere call and inspect the im- mense stock of our We are now showing a Large and Complete Stock of Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy Goods, Prints, Sateens. Ginghams, Grey Cottons, \Vhite Cottons, Sheetings, Table Da- ‘ masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Qullts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle (Cloths, Ulster Cloths, (331:. 8:10. Money to \Loan. June 11,6113 Money to Loan on improved furmu‘ cent. Appln-Ao Edward M’Keown’s APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. NEW SPRING GOODS Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- chants, and Shippers, with a View to Autumn and Spring business. AN])RE‘VS’ Sflfi PING 2222534503 ! @EMLES ; DONALD 8:. 00;, Tuev will also gives the usual facflitiessto customers requiring advances. mmmm 332$ @% 9 FIRST --CLASS SHAVE I HAIRFBUTTING A SPECIALTY BB arr. ANDREIVS, Prom: 79:1)UEENJST” LONDON, E‘ C., â€"â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" A’l‘ LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New ’ONTARIO HOUSE, Richmond Hil, has just opened out with a large stock of POPULAR DRY'GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Toronto. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. IN THE :A RNOLD. Richmond Hill NEW SPRING GOODS at 0 per ONTARIO. WATCH MAKER. & J'EWELLER CLOCKS, WATCHESSL JEWELRY We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and qualit} do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour. and Feed :1 specialty. A. L. SIIEELE, HOUSE. THE NEW WILLIAMS! A. L SKEELE, OCERIESW ALSO DEALER IN DEALER IN High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now rec'- ogmized as me It is atrongfiumble and well built.“ tlu very beat material that money can buy, 0. skill produce. It was awarded five medala'and-Whrw first prizes at. thd‘Domtnion Exhibition lam October. It in rapidlv superseding all 1111: old lashioned-makee everywhere» See i'. try it,a.nd make sure that you get-it. Sold by It IS Light and Easy (0 run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn SEWING MASHINE OF THE £38.10]! JOS. HALL. Richmond Hill, Déaler in 0mm: 1nd l’mnos. .Terma E325 . J. LUSH

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