Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1884, p. 8

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In the Townshib of Markham. There is on the brnperty a good sSox-e room, driving house and mamas. The property is situated i a flrntrclntzs neigh- borhood and is couvenien‘ to chmthos and schools. Possession given at “my time. STORE TD RENT! The undersigned ofl'ert} to rent the Store nnl Dwellmg at All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. RICHMOND HILL HARNESS EMPOHIUM, YONGE STREET. VICTORIA SQUARE, 5- u. H. B. DEWSBUBY’ cure Constipation, Indi escion. Heacache, and all Bilioun isorders. Sold everywhere. Always {eunu- AYER‘S __ , ' CATHARTIC PILLS. \il. Bes Purgtive Medicine Sold by all cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Sci-afa- Ious Diseases. Eruptions Qf the Skin, Rheu- malism, (htnrrh, Gcncrul chilily. nnd all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and :1 low state of the system. PREPARED BY Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. nllnyml. mnl all signs of irritnlinnbof the skin disappeared. My catm‘rh and cough were nlsn cured by the same mwuis, and my general health greatly linprnvoxl, until it is 110W excellent. I [eel R. hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute theze mmlts tn the use of the SAnsn-Amtm, whivh I recommend with all confident-n as the best blond medicine ever devised. I took it in small (1056! three times it (lav. and used, in all, less than two bottlos. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. WILns." The above instance is but one of the mrmy constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AYER'R SARSA-_ PARILLA to the cure of all diseases nrlaing from impure or impoverished blood. and a weakened vitality. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla RICHMOND HILL. The Rev. Z. P. Wilda, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother at the late eminent Judge \Viids. of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, writes 35 {allows : Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. FIRST-CLASS . Dewsbury, Druggists; price 81 for $5. of the SARSAPARILLA, which :1 with all confidence as the ledicine ever devised. I took doses three tlmes n dav, and less than two botties. Iplaco at your service, hoping their 0.“ 1‘ _.,J Apply to C.HEISE. Prom, Yicwria Square. six bottle! use r the im- After com. um, 18349-31; APPLES FOR SALE! Treasurer's Office Co. York, } Toronto, Oct. Ist, I884. | Morris Goldntein I anez Scrivener ‘ D Gurofsky Benj Golt Dnvxd Broadloot A Borngaaser A E Fisher Snm'l Carson Sarah Brown Richard Parson I J A Dnlea 1391)) Rolling Wm pre Henry McMullen Edward Duuuigaq Jos Furnworth Jno Ellston W. J. Bundle Denis Daly Rob: Webster Jun Gricu Wm Fowler Jns Kavnuagh . . . . Jas M Patterson . Jos Bogart. . . . . . . Nelsun Smith . . . . Adam Armstrong. David Beldam. . . . W B 'l‘iuline . . . . John R Clubine. . J G Owen . . . . . . . . ' Ins W Crosslev. . . IN J Armstrong. W H Major W H Hesson . . . . . 4 S MBrowu T H Brunton. . . Benj Kilaly . . . . . . A 0 Andrews . . . . . . W D Grand . . . . . . John Smith . . . . . ' .‘ Sglem Eckardt. .. . James C Slokes.‘. . . T as Poucbor. . . '.. Jo n Gram ‘ublished by Authority of the County Council. LIST OF. LICENSED AUCTIUNEERS AND PEDLARS IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. Special attention given ‘to the groper pre‘ ations of Familv and Veterinary receipts. MILLER‘S TICK DESTRDYER. YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER fit. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, Hugh MILLER 8500., Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisoq. I am also prepared y! do all kinds ufi black- smithmg 4" repairing in :he. most erk- manlflm 11031)an on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. 1812 PLATFORM SPRING W A GD N S . Cutters, In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberle patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg tn re. mind then) and the general public, that having erected entirer new and com- umdions premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, I TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - Shoeing July 3rd. '84-” ~ESTABLISHED Paid special attention to KAME . RICHMOND HILL. gun. Pnovnm'rons OP- Sleighs and \I’M TRENCII. AUCTIONEERS nichm'oqq Hill J. K. MACDONALD, PEDIgARS Toronto Toronto . Toronto . [‘oronto I‘orontu Sharon l‘ornnto Vaughan Poronto . York . Newmuket bushy icarborongh . Nonleton bialvern ieuton Village .‘ [‘noruhill . . l‘oronto . . Markham Village Vaughan .. [‘horuhill .. anblon Mills .. RESIDENCE. â€"l§-l‘2 . Newmanket , Boominng Newmnrket ‘ Ringwood ‘ Manon Highland Creek Aurora ‘ Aurgm Strgetsville King Stoufiville Aurum Newqwrket Victopa Square Newmarket Sharon Toronto 'I‘owutn Brampton Unionville King Brougham Weston gar: T," N... u-.- .v. uum vu h'uhlv once» East. only $lt'tlemch,15 er cent. down for pick 0! tin-Elms; Also Two aw Houses. brooms, on Richm‘opd Street. mg: LAnugs'ru‘k‘ BUILDING [0T8 F()R SAIJIE 2’ Eight .Builrdin: Lots for Sale on C Iu ordering Jackets. our facilities are ex‘ ceptiannlly good. as our mantle maker is one of the best and best known in Toronto In this department we show the latest French and German Patterns Also Tailor-made Ulsters, Dolmnns and short Walking Goats No article 5! dress for fall wear adds so much to the appearance as a good-fining Jacket, well cm. and wall made CLOTH DEPARTMENT Double Width Melton Cloth M 50 and 75c Double Width Fancy Tweeds. 900, 81.00, 31.10 and $1.25 Jersey Cloth for mantles or dreams Wool Malralassie Cloth very cheap Silk Mntmlussie Cloth very cheap Wool Ottoman Cloth in black and colors Silk Ottoman Cloth in black only Brocade 511k with Beaver black, in black and brown Fur Trimmings all widths RESIDEHCE. Brocaded Velvet: and Plush in blank and 991.01'5 d _ Summer Silks, in plain colors, 400 Summer Silks, in fancy checks, 40c New Check Silks. (pure) 50c Black Imlmn Gross Grain Silks. warranted pure, bv the dress length at wholesale prices Pure Silk Brocadea, from 75c up Colored Brocade Satin in the new shades Black Sntinn‘at 45. 60.75 and 81.00 ’ Black Velveteena at 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75c and upv \Vnrmnted fast pile See our all-wnol Nun's veiliuns, at lzgo Heavy Ottoman clovh, all colors. at 16c lelle cloth, in all cnlora and black, 18c Rich Ottnmnu Brocnden, all colors, 20c Fine, all-wan] Fonlle cloth, 25c, worth 35c Fine Ottoman cloth, M 250. “01111 356 CnJored Cashmere-s in all the new shades, at 25, 3B. 50 and 900 New Clwcka and Stripes, for combination, to mulch all plain materials In this department latest novelties of the prices \Ve buy our goods in the bolt and cheapest markets, and sell on the smallest IiVing profit. \Ve ma figures, and make no second price. Our terms are cash down or C. 0. D. All goofis are sold on their represented, the money refunded. Customers putting up at hotels in vicinity of the market, are preaei 184 YONGE STREET One Horse Two " Foot Two Horse ‘Foot DESCRIPTION OF‘ Ham Plush nqd Silk Yelvgts. g1] cqlors Treasurer Co. York. LICENSE. .IIANTLE DEPARTMENT. SILK DEPA R TJIENT maps A CALL DRESS Aug. 80sz ‘July Juno we are showing all the gensou at. closest cash Mix Mar. Sept. Jan :April Dec, 4,’ \ II 22' NOV- 3. 1884‘ u 15' I- EXPIRATION. Mar. Dec. Feb. Nov. GOODS Oct. 5y ktlxly DATE OF Enmuxox. ‘ontre Street 15, 19. 24. 12, .27- 10, 21, 26, DATE or 30, 20. 15, 11. 2‘, 25, 1 o, 18, 20, 23. 19. 21. 24, I4. 27. 15, 13, 16, 1885 1884 M. HAMILTON, , THIRD And trust that the wool-growers of the surrounding coun: try Will give us a liberal support. Give us a trial. We manufacture every kind of WOOIIen Goods usually made in a custom mill. We are working to establish a business with the farmers, and are determined to do so, if fair dealing will. accomplish it. Rolls carded. cloth dressed, spinning done ; cloths, tweeds, shirtings. blankets! yarns, &c., manufactured and all warranted to be first-class. Now, while the price of wool is low in the markets, is the time to have it made up. for home use and realize its full value. We are all practical men in the busmess, and will not fail to satisfy our customg ers. Full assortment of goods to exchange for wool. ' Respiecdully yours, I A1391], Colifis ‘8: Slnith. The undersigned have purchaSed, from Messrs. Keys Hallett, the above mentioned Mill, with the intention of eS-. tablishing a permanent busmess in WOODBRIDGâ€"E NORTH WOOL ! It conceals the evidence of ago. One appli- cation will make the meet stubbornly red and rough hand beautifully soft and white. Re. member that “ MAY DEV " is not a paint or powder that fills up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new aml great disoovery. a vegetable liquid. that cauSes the cheek to glow with health, the neck arms and hand! to rival the lily in whiteness. Im~ possible to detect in the beauty it confers any artificiel character. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles. Wrinkles, Pimples. I‘llack Head, Crow's Feet, Blutches, Face Grubs, Sunburn, l'an, Ringworm. Chapped fiends, Sore or Chap- p’ed Llips, Barber's Itch, Tatter, &c. It frees the pores, oil glands and tubes ham the injur. mus effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and romhness are pre- vented ; it beautifies the skill: and will make it smooth, soft and white, itqpprting a delicate softness ; produging a perieg‘tly healthy, nat- ural and youthf l appearance. The best Face Lotion the war], ever prodqced. We vgill send 3 LARGE Boner: to any address on receipt of priceâ€"81.00} When ordering uremia: this Paper: ,7 , ,,,,_d _ Address qll letters to the MAY DQEW A CY. 71 Yonge SL, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and reception rooms for Ladies The Great French Lotion for Beantlfymg ' ' The ' Face- ‘ MAY DEW Table lumen at 25, 25, 30. 40, 45 mu White Satin Tabling. from 40c up to per yard Turkey Tabling. 40, 50, 70 and 81.00 'lahle Napkins. 50.75.31. 81.25.61‘50 FARMERS :-â€"VVe respectfully éolicit your patronage at the Men's Under-Shirts and Drawern,35u each Meu'n Under-Shirts and Drmvers,45u each Mom's Under-Shirts and Drawarafiflc each Men‘s Under-Weaflallwool) 67“ each Men’s Under-Wear, (all-WON). 75c each Boy's Uuder-VVf-‘ur from 25c up Lndies‘ Manna Vests, 75c and $1.00 Ladiea‘ all-wool Vests, 81, $1.13 and $1.25 Combination Suits cheap Men‘s Hnse cheap Lndies’ Hose cheap Children‘s Hoqe chimp Blnuke Blnuke \Vhere you may have your W901 manufactured in its purity, into any style of'goods you desire. Grey Flannel at 20 and Grey, all-wool, Flannel, White,nll-wool,Flnnnel, Sunrletmll-wnol, Flannel Navy Blué Flannel. '25, Fancy Flannel at 25. 30 Wincies at 5. 7%. 10. am BI Lmen Towels from 8. 10, 12%. 16c and Towelling at 8, 10, 1215, 15c and up Brown Hollands, 8, 9, 10, 22%, 16c and Straw Ticking at 12% 16 nud 200 Forfar for Aprons, all prices Stair Linens, 10. 125,111“! 150 up Crumb Cloths. all nizvs Factory Gallons at & 8c,for best While Cuttnnn at 5, *5, 7, 8, 9 and Me Twill Factory Sheeting at 10c Double-width Twill Sheeting, 20 & 25v. Forty Inch Pillow Cntton.10.12§ and 1 While Sh9eling,2*,2§ and 3 yards wide Unhlenched Sheeting, 2,21 and 2,}de wi Colored Bed Spreads. 750, $1.00 and 31. tht3 Bed Spreads at. $1. $1.25, $1.75, Bed Comfortablea, ul $1, $1.25, $1.75, “’llolosaleâ€"Lyman Bros (2 Co. ; Ellio§t & Cg. ; Not‘firop dz Lying; :n's Under >n'u Under 11's Under- ‘u‘s Under- ‘n's Under y‘s Under- 1N VAL UABLE TO EVE {Y LADY! Fij. NNELS 4ND, BLA NgK Jlué Flannel Flannel M ‘2‘ as at 5. 7%. l(_ -ta cheapcr ti eta cheaper t1 ts cheaper u STORE. ABOVE QUEEN STRE UNDER-CLOTHING GIVE US A CALL 'nbling. 40, 50, 70 311118100 pkins, 50.75.31. 8125.31.50 & wels from 8. 10, 12%. 16c and GIVE US A CALL LINEN GOODS CUTTONS WmmeLIGI pl. 25, 30, 25. 30, 38 10, and 12 than ever than ever than ever 38c and and up fie beat 35c and 30, 38c : 20. 25c 1 45 and 500 and up 38c and V AGEN~ and [1.6 wide (1 $1.25 81.00 16c up As our stock in thMepartment is very large, we will offer our patrons in cash d18- count of 10 per cent. 03'. Om- Few Fall Millmery will all be on (Xâ€" hibitinu the first week in September, 0an will be found complete in every respect and cheap. Button Hole Twist, 2 spools, 5c 50 Yard Spool Silk, So each 200 Yard Spools, 120245 Thread. 30 each Best Knitting Gotten, 50:: per‘lb Buttons from 20. per an up to $1.00 Binding and Trimming Braids Black and Colored Silk Cows Canvas and Leuthur Bults Drean Buckles and Ornaments Everything in the way of Small Wares and Fancy Gonds and price Mantle kernhiefe mme Embroideries it Ribbons, Lam‘s, Tlmnnpmus’ (Jn Dl’. Bull‘s (,‘or‘ts‘ Dr. \anm's h‘ Bull's (, Wmnm mpton's ornaments. Gimm- \Vool Shule Jim: LA CE CURTAINS GIVE XV? mark all goods in SJIA LL WA RES FA NCY 6001 MILLINER! thhh Yo)‘ urselsin e :Ir merits, and if ‘ ‘aented “uh car he). Ti EPARTJIEXI , TORONTO A CALI and ( a Thread. 30 500 per 1b 02 up to 81.00 I Burials from 20 to 60c 50 and 75c .50. ’75 mm M 2w; Kid Glove; 1'! Size, color Frmges, Hand 75 and (Hovea,: fer pair rlIS )u $1.00 5A5) )Iaixr Tee

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