A~T THE'L-lBERAL PRINTlNG 3, PUBLISHING HOUSE AHCHMOND HILL. ~ â€" OETARIO. THURSDAY EVENING )u t. new mend. NU Hall ever ~Wright. ( RICHMC Meets in 1 awning: The Me sociation desired. RmnMoxn _Meets in t1 Pnnsn‘n‘m an. 1] o'clock on \VeJllBï¬llï¬ ROMAN CA" “,5 follow I- ’, Hill at 10:30 x mend Hill at 01'. Geo. Lung Has removed from King, ced practice at Thomhill. Nov. 6th, ’8‘2â€"tf. cillors, Mess Law mm H -.m.,€h\‘001 when the Lu). Sun l‘hatukful for the favors or Inf/Ly still be consulted in an: (aasiun, as follows: 1 ‘u-om. 15s, m), 16:11. and a R 'Lchmond Hill.“ . . .Dth and (at. the Palmer House) @muï¬villew ‘ Markham . Members Colleg ~‘sr. MAM ‘ Viccorim Square" use Phornhillw . . .. .‘Zflrd \Voodbridge .‘Imh Kleinhurg ,. ,th ...‘30th Sobletnn.... flu. do. do. do. Vitulized Air always on hand at ummiutmon‘ Works like a. charm. Free from 1min. Address A RBINSN L.D.S..Aur0)u0nt‘ Medalist Tower/to Universitv. Member (‘0 Physiqinnmfz S|ï¬1'genns,0nt.,(kute of Stonï¬vifl'he Youge Streak-Richmond Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours 3 to “mum†’ t08p.m. MET M M A large on mtv urop") \V Will visit the following '01 Juionville non Brm 'mv {all Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 1.4.30 3.. m VOL. VII. >1â€. $1 per annum, in advance.] \1 D1 ,ufle .. u h: mom! 1 Voodbrixlge Mr.Husbn .ICEMK ‘1 emepr \\’ Xhosa MACDONALD, MERBITT & co Half ï¬sxï¬ï¬ss CARDS. LL-l Dr. Lewis G, Laugstnfh (i. ll. Husband. L, D. 5., m DENTIST, rck ?2%*Â¥!-,W VJTfléIZEQ 52m iï¬l‘. James Lnngslnfl EDITOR 0.111 E’ROPRIETOR. will;th iiix‘cctnry. IS PUBLISHED EVERY 1.1 College Physili‘ums 6: Surg‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONT Dr. Orr, Maplcï¬q 1 Hill in the’abov Dr. ‘1â€; J. ‘Vllï¬ou. for the favors of the past 20 years to consulted in any branch at the pro- follows: t,8t.h,1t'.:h, and 22nd o! earh month Hill.“ . . .9th and 24th (‘0, E: MGMAHON, and will? W mutual. EMCVEï¬â€™ Money In mut of Money v interest '7 D USED by Dr. A. Robinsom 'HI um ‘IL.â€"'Re Churches- societies. um. A. F. & M., NI: ,L yo. 435 :lj‘ï¬uéuts in hh‘ Me Friduv at. 7.?! (Ll) SURGEON DENTIST 11g M7::X0 mourn. 1.- Forms†ï¬Hom,Mu full mouu Hâ€"Serviccs undu yr schw :3;th Re V. istauc‘ a): Loan Milan: 5 Toronto NEWTON BROOK and e foundin his ofï¬ce, New nrduv, except when Satu: ‘8 dates. L annualâ€"Service at 3 Sunday of every manzh. awnlmont are held at 11 1:30 p.111 Rov. W. Bates, Ag place: pro! esnonauy :â€" lst Monday of Bach moutt £611 and 2lst " ‘ .luch “ " .l‘Jtuh ‘ “ )IK‘H. M 9 mm, Mu Mowing Sund â€"Servicon in ordel 1 Richmund my M, Rich- | 'l'hm'uhill at l 30 mm mâ€"Libmry 01 over 1000 why evening, in the Ma.- ‘clock. R. E. Law. Libra.- mssions periodically. RNET BAND.â€"â€"Meets for and Saturday evening at Leader. ve. John Brown 'Cmm. 'osby, A. Moodl’e. R. E. Ulcl'k. M. 'l‘eefy. Lze. No‘ 1n, Meeï¬s in_t-h_e 'LE. No. 485. I. O. G. '1‘:â€" 2 Hull‘ ovary \Vednasdny Wm. Harrison T. D. o schoolTempm-unce Ks was every Sunday when indium vices at 10:30 a. school. at, 230 p‘ ug Tuesday even ry Thursday ever. W. 1%.. Barker, Su : CANADA:- m. I'myer 18th 20th 23rd. do. 28th do. 20th do. 30th 0 ad at ummiutmonns Free from 1min. 2156 gslafl u and commen and to 2,30 D~ 111‘ 01‘“- :Br'nc H at 8 0’1 professionally .eud on farm 01 ut.‘, no commis geonq. Out .23. G.R.C [alLon the clock p.131 eats in the mic Hal] m. Bene~ a of death. Mb I Services mcetiu 'en mg SupL. ouncil alter- 'fl‘H In. Me me Issuer inf Marriage Licenses, HALL, FIYLLAR'I‘ON & COOIC» 1;.\R1LIS’1'F.1(S, SULICITOIVS, kc. OFFICES: 18 KING STREET EAST, Tonnwm. \\'.M. HALL, J. S. FI‘IJMRTON. W" (100K. Licensee] Am Onmno mad I Generle sales Inlpmte1~ of Wsz n stock of Diamn ST] James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- Spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reusouubc rates. 1’. O. udthms, King. Old Iron, Rags, Bmss, M3,, bought for citr prices. Chimner Sweeping attended to on notice. Central; Bank of Canada. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIBE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. p. Dwight. lb. M. Mao donald, C. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard. and J. Ginny. Deposits received andlnberestallowed thereon a". Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal requuged. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought. and sold. )icen HARDWARE! PAINTS, OILS, wen ales WILKINS' BROS T135111! sex to more 1m else in this wot absolutelv sure Augusta, Maine 166 King Street. East, F REDER Icï¬ W HITLOCK, Richmond Hill. MECHANIC’S A PRIZE. ‘TJJE lglï¬ï¬‚fiï¬ a ‘ $1.00 IN ADVANGE. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <{BUILDERS’P es atteni aha rate SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Juu.15th. 'Bi-lv ;ed Auct 23â€"4-‘83. -a{.V.L. X ‘, NOEARY PUBLIC 89c; Money to 10qu on farm security. ï¬ler-Sweeping attended to on shortest TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. 1 watch JAMES 1'1. LAWRENCE, ‘uuhk Diamonds nnd precious stones (1. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF Q1 TORONTO. léé’s‘Mnuufnctunn md repairinuofwntches and clo< =e5,u. specialtv gout patrons and friends-{or the mgr 1'1. the past we beg Po §tate PRIVATE FUNDS To 10' N Richmond Hifl Branch Salt-m Erkal'dt. ifl‘uiï¬rrllummw. ‘RICHMO'ND H-‘IUD â€"â€"â€"AND A A. ALLEN, Cashier. RICELMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1884. J. “‘nnlu Near George Street, Toronto‘ .oneer for the County of York an the shortest noticemul at rear Address Stouï¬vflle P. 0 rates .M Send stx cents in post» age, and receive free, 0. I costly box hf goods which willhelp M]; “1 either ‘uueytipht away than anything: x‘luv Fortunes uwmt the workers 9,. At once udth'esa rum: 6:. Co.. 11¢ DIRECTORS Erma. er for the C Garde sold ( wk. etc., pro strong. “In Essentials, Uï¬ily; in Nan-Essenlials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†A ND . Brown large Etoc‘ apt uuhund clocks and ï¬ne jewg large stdc Oinddr im'm'NVLLLI .mt‘ies consignm en t. ptly attended Vï¬Ã©rstnte that k ofnew goods (I Elgin and Manager. mats in post» ;eive free, :1 goodswhich , u! either their lib cash at Successful. Mr. Robemt Marsh, as usual. has been em‘ inently successful this fall in carrying of! prizes for his Soutbdown sheep at the fairs. At Newmmket he received 358, which was the largest amount of premiums gained by any one exhibitor. The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. of this village will be held at the residence of Mrs. Campbell, on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at 4 o'clock. A full attendance is requeated. as matters of importance will be discussed Ladies desirous of becoming members m be cordially welcomed. Sudden Death. On Friday last. Mr. Peter Rupert, jr., died very suddenly at his residence neat Sher- wood. He had been working {p the ï¬eld during the day, but not feeling well, had come to the house, and we: looking over a. newspaper when he expired. Heart. disease, of which he has been troubled to! years, is supposed to have been the cause of his death. He was buried in the Presbyterian cemetery here on Monday afternoon. Last Sunday Rev. ’5. P. Rose preached two intereeting and instructive sermons on be- half of Missions. The annual missionary meeting was held on Tuesdav évening. A meeting was held on Tuesdav evening. A Huge congregalxon was present, and the meeting wins one of great interest. Speeches were delivsred by Rev. Messrs. Booth,Barker, Rosa and Johnson. The collections were in advnnce of the former year. Chnice musw was {unmisth by the choir of the church. Wood Sale. The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Thomas Page, to sell by public auction. on Thursday, Nov. 6th. 1881. on the West Part. of Lot 5. 7th Con. King, 11 or 12 Acres of Maple, Beech, Elm and Hemlock. To be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Sula at one o’clock. The put-chaser “Ill be re- quired to removeflhe timber by the lst of June next." Purchasers to give approved juiut notes, puvable lat of March. N. J. Armstrong, Aï¬ctionrer. Mnsionaly Meeting. Excellent Missionary Permons were preach- ed in the Methodist Church last Sunday. by Revs. S. P. Rose and C. 0. Johnson. The collections were several dollars in advance 0! the previous year. On Monday evening the annual meeting was held, when appropriate and interesting addresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. Rose and Johnson. The pas- tor, Rev. W. R. Baker, presided. The choir did much to enliven tho meeting by render- ing some choice anthems with their usual taste and ability. The meeting throughout was enthusiastic and the ï¬nancial results about $120, which will be largely increased when the collectors perform their work. Big Potatoes. Early in the season, large potatoes in Maple came into prominence. Since that time they have been beaten by Pine Grove, Vellore and Markham. A larger one than we have yet mentioned may be seen at the Palmer House, Maple. Whether Maple or Patterson can claim the credit for this growth it is not {or us to say, as the potato. which weighs 3 lbs.. 2 02.. was grown on the farm of Mr. Thea. Rumble. We have just learned from Mr. F. Burkholder, merchant. Orangeville, formerly of Maple, that he has one in his store weighing 3 lbs.' 7 oz., which has been presented to him by Mr. A. Norris. of Garufmxn. 0! Yes! But that is in another county. Annual Tea and Concert. The ladies in connection with the Presby- terian Church, Richmond Hill, purpose hold- ing their Annual Ten. and Concert, on the evening of Thanksgiving Dav, Thursday, Nov.6th,1884. Tea, will be served in the School Room of the Church, from 5 o’clock to 7. 30 p. 111. Tickets, 25 cents. The Con- cert will be held in the Masonic Hall, which has been kindly granted for the occasion, and special seating accommodation will be provided for those attending the concert, which will, without doubt, be one of the grandest ever held in Richmond Hill. The committee have secured Miss Maggie Barr, of Hamilton, who is universally acknowledg- ed to be one of the ï¬nest sopranos in the country. There will also appear Miss Jessie Alexander, Elocutiouist ; Miss Flora, Coulter, Conn-alto ; Mr. .1110. Alexander, Tenor and. Elocutionist ; Mr. J. D. Wilkinson, Tenor ; Mr. Lewis, Baritone, all 0! Tomato. The; LOCALS gallon was present. and the one of great interest. Speeches 1] by Rev. Messrs. Booth,Barker, Victoria Square programme will consist of solos, duetts. trion and readings. irorn works specially selected for thrs occasion. and all persons attending may depend upon having a. musical and liter-- arv treat. Tickets, 25cta., reserved seats, 50 ch. Doors open at 7.20. concert to com- mence at 8 sharp. N. B.â€"-A reduction of ten cents wrll be made to persons purchas- in“ Worms cause feverishness, and restlessness during sleep. Graves’ \Vorm Exterminator is sure, and efl‘ectual. Miss H. H Wiley is spending a few days visiting friends in Toronto Mr H Hurst. formerly of Patterson, is pay- mg a visit to Mr P G Savage of this vill- age Saturday evening, nits in Toronto as juryman Quick tranait from a. state of feeble- ness, bodily languor, and nervous irrita- bilityâ€"induced by dyspepsiaâ€"to a. con- dition of vigor and physical comfort, fol- lows the use of the standard regulating tonic and stomachic, Northrop & Ly- man's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspep- tic Cure. which speedily conquers Indi- gestion. Constipation, Bilious Com- plaints, and Female Complaints, puriï¬es the Blood, and reinforces the vital ener- FIRE BRIGADE MEETING Richmond Hill, Oct. 24th. Minutes of special meeting of Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade, being an ad- journment of regular meeting, which should have been held on Oct. 17th. Members present, James McConnell, Alex McLaughlan, Samuel Piper, Thos. Wilson, 'l‘hos. Tyrrel,E. Langford, Fore- man Redditc, John PipegChesl’ey Smiles, Oscar Brown, W. Snyder, W. McLaugh- Inn and N. Stephenson. Moved by Foreman Redditt, seconded by N. Stephenson. that the whole Bri- gude be notiï¬ed by card to attend a gen- eral practice on Saturday, Nov. lat, qt 4 p. ui.â€"â€"Carried. - . 1 1 u Moved by Fireman Langfl by Fireman Brown, that the huId their annual eutert: torch-light procession on evening, 1885.â€"Cnrried. Mr. ieo. Tulen, Druggist, Graven- hurst, Out†Writes; “ My customers who have used Northrop & Lyman’s Vegetm bie Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, say that it has done them more good than anything they have ever used.†It. has indeed a, wonderful influence in purify- ing the bland and curing diseases of the Digestive Organs, the Liver, Kidneys, and all disorders of the system. The village Council met in the Coun- cil chamber on Wednesday evening, at 8.30. The reeve in theichair. Counizillors present, Messrs. Moodie. Hopper, and Law. The minutes of last meeting were read, and on motion conï¬rmed. The Clerk drew the attention of the Council to an error which appeared in Mr. Bmkholder’s bill of lumber, men- tinned in minutes of last meeting. The error was corrected and approved. Mr. M. H. Keefler presented a. bill for printing as followsâ€"Printing notices in reference to Lacrosse playing on Yonge Street, 75 em; Advertisement in Ilerald, warning people against obstructing aide- wulks. thereby becoming a nuisance to merchants and passers-byr 75ycts: tax no- tices, $4.50. Tntal $6.00. Mr. F. \Viley presented a. bill of $2.00, for one and. a. quarter days’ work on side-walks. -â€" 4- -- ‘1 :- ,_,,_J-J Lâ€" By, My. Moodie, seconded by Mr. Hopper, that the abova bills be paid. â€"Carried. Mr. W. T, A Mr. Moodie introduced By-Law, No. 107, providing for the raising of the nec‘ essary taxes for the year, which wasâ€" read a 1%.. 2nd., and 3rd. time and passed. Mr. Jns. Daniela was re-apaointed Tux Cullewor for the present 31,392: _ ‘ _ Pope «$7 Bitleau, druggists, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, writes: †We have never Buld any medicine that gives such satis- faction to the consumer and pleasure to the seller as Dr. ’l‘liouias’ Eclectric Oil. We can refer you to numbers that have used it for (linhtbmiun with entire satisfac- We can rarer you used it for diphtm and 1180898..†Mr. Law moved. seconded by Mr. Moodie. that. the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to hex ve the dead from Dr. megstnfl' in reference home vmage park. registered in ï¬ve regal-lax manner.â€"Car- 1'16 The Council adjourned, to meet on Wednesday, Nov. 19th at 8.30,p.m. M. TEEF‘Y, Clerk. tickets {or both ten and concert VILLAGE COUNCIL. PERSONALS, H4,†Cook returned‘ home on after spending six weeks man at. the civil assizes. Langford, seconded hat the Fire Brigade entertainment and n on New Year’s moaning Mother pleasant, van our own Cbrï¬espondont. Dr. Sava 6 has removed frum St. An- drews to V ’eston, having purchased the practice of Dr. Eakin, WhOy We under; stand, has gone to California. We hear that the Clairville foot ball club came off only second best in the match the other day at Churchville. But from what. we know of Clairville boys we should any, that though defeated they are not subdued. Tr;T again buys. What the people of North Etobicoko‘ woulé like to knownâ€"â€" If Billy Orton will retum to the poor hnuae this winter? 01- if not, will Mrs. Urton receive fundslfrom the Council for keeping him 1’ When we are going to have a Post. Ofï¬ce at. Smithï¬eld I Who will succeed Dr. Savage I If the Dr. does not ask too much for his practice. Is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped upon? 13‘ there anything more deilght’ul than td‘ get rid of it? Holloway’s Corn Cure will do it. Mr. Wm. Willmot has again moved from our midst. This time he takes up his residence in the city. The store he has occunied has been taken by Mr; Ellintt. 17 lbs. of sugar for one dollar. The P. M. had better ,renb hie store. _ Mrs. and Miss Phillips have removed to Stoufl'ville, a few weeks ago. Mr. Chris. Hunter has gone north‘ again for the winter. ‘ Mr. R. O. HarVey occupied tbafgulpit iu the Methotlist Church on Sun†night and gave an address on Sunda§380hool Work. Would like to have him here again, and in the Sunday School a while for its beneï¬t. Our grist mill has been running for Some time, and gives the best of satis- faction. The wife of our geod-natured Master is much improved in health. Fall pioughing in well advanced the farmers wiï¬rsoén-be ready for Frost, that they may have better for teaming their grain to Toronto. The tmstees are quite anxious to re- tain Miss Newton as teacher for another year, If she will only consent to remain. She will decide in a few weeks. A MABVELOUS 8mm I “g8 Cedar St.. New . lork,0ct. 28,1882. “ Gentlemen: My father resides at, Glover, Vt“ He has been a great sufferer from Scrof- ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayer‘s Sarsaparflla has had in his case. I think his blood must have contained the humor for at least. ten years ; but it did not show, exceptin the form of a. acrofuious sore on the wrist, until about ï¬ve years ago. From a. few spots which ap- peared at. that time, it gradually Spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health Is he has. I could easily name titty persons who would testin to. the facts in his case. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPSJ‘ a duty for me to state to you have danivod from the use of FROM THE FRTHEH: 81): months ago 1 was completely covered with a. terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humm- caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood ‘to flow in many places whenever I: moved. My sufferings Were great, and my life a. burden. I commenced the use of the SARBAPARILLA in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respectâ€"being now able to do a good day’s work, although 73 years of age. Many inquira what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as l have here tried to tell you‘ AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt... Oct 21. 1882. Yours gratefully, Ann’s SARSMAmLLa cures and all Scrofnloua Complaints. elas, Enema, Blng'warm, l Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Em: the Skin. It clears the Mood 0‘ rifles, aids digestion, stimulates N the bowels, and thus restores v strengthens the whole system. Dr..l.O.Ayer&Co.,L( Sold by all Druggists; 81. six Ayer‘s Sarsaparflla. NORTH ETO‘BICOKE. [Single copies, 3 cts From 012 own (It BUTTONVILLE. TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. Yours gratefully, Emu! P1111 magpondenb has again moved. timeje takes pp No. 18. “ It is both a. pleasure 312:1 the beneï¬t I LIPS ‘crofula; otches, long of my and rysip‘