Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1884, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, Thursd av, ()ch 30. ’84 THE LIBERAL will be sent. to new sax-bscn'b- ers from this date till Jam Jet, 1886, for ONE DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe, and get the balance of this year free of charge. Thanksgiving Services. Union Thanksgiving Senices will be held in the Methodist Church here on Thursday next, at 10.30. N. B.-â€"Reaisten at least [fifteen M mentioned hours “ Notes on Ingersoll," by Rev. L. A. Lama hen ; “ Progress and Poverty," by Henry George ; “ Letters from High Latitudes," Lord Duffel-in, for sale at THE LIBERAL store. TORONTO. City Hall Union Station Brock Street Queen's \V’hm‘f Parkdalu..‘.. ‘ Davenport... Weston . . ., Thornhill. . RICHMOND HILL . King” Aurora.” . . . Newmm‘ket ” .. V Newmnrkec... Allrm‘w . . Kimmy, .. )‘ltcmmx'n HIm T‘mruhill ...... \Vestml ......... Pagelmnrc . Until further: Rivhumnd Hill I 1‘:1|'l;<11ile.,, TORONTO Quacu'r Brook 5 Call and get sample of Tea at the Concrete. 4 lbs. for one dollar. bee sample of Sugar at the Gro- cery Window of the Concrete. 21 lbs. for one dollar. Richmond Lodge, 130. 23, G‘ R. 0,, meets for general business on Monday evening next, Hot. 3rd. B. W. Bro. T. F. Blackwood, D. “'est, Maple, EVENING Zâ€"-Gnin;y gr The latest book: on Irish, Dutch and American recitations and readings for sale at THE LmEmL store. For the best value in Hvson-Black and japan Teas, the Cheap Cash House is the place. Quarterly Meeting. The Methodist Quarterly Meetlag W111 be held in the Methodist, Church of this place, next Sunday, commencing at 10 a. :11. Rev. J. W. Savage, of Aurora, will preach. j‘lxprex's, Nurtl Mail,Sanh . Different colors of Macrame Con] for sale 1“ THE mem. store. Fine all “[001 Twill. Canadian Blankets, at the Concrete, for 50 cts. per lb. ju,st See our bright sugar at 20 lbs for one dollarâ€"Sneath 3c Grew. nan.’ Cheap Cash; House. Ripe Strawberries, Mr. anes. of Headiord, has handed us a little box 0! large ripe strawberries. They we as large as those of the first. growth, but scarcely ao.aweet utthis time of the yum, Thanks Xv Just opened at the Concrete, a magnificent stock of Gents‘ Scarfs an Ties. D. G. M., will pay a. visit to the lodge on this occasion. Hmwe‘ Helm Mail fit 19er Arcmnmm M @110 Eébvml. Scott Act Defeat. The Scott Act was defeated in the County 0! Pool on Thurpdny last, by about 170 ma- jority. This news was received with much disappointment by the temperance people, as by all accounts thev were quite confident at. meant. The peartgsis, stvle and taste of the Millinery turned out by the Con-V erete pleases every time. White L11y Baking Powder guar- anteed pure at the Cheap Cash House._ PROCTOR'S STAGE LINE Thanksgwmg Day. As Thursday next, Nov. 6th, has been pro- claimed by the Gov. General, as a. day of thanksgiving throughout the Dominion of Canada, our readers may look for THE Lua- nn. 3 day caller next week. ('mr (ht-y wnnects w POST OFFICE NOTICE I;()CALIJS~‘. m'h “‘hmrf k Shh-mt m Station. Hull n1 GOING NORTH Mail. 4“. n'eri Letters must. b8 handed Minutes om-liex‘thmu the ab (§01'.\'( ‘sl’. Ofih f an't-l ‘uth 40 M. TEEFY. Postmaster 1. south ludim: ‘1] m n1) Jth TH H be )110“ Kn ‘est (as rnhiH i110 40 will The be c 5pc Flauue Ad coats are ck Cash House Waggon e! of GO The Concrete is now prepared to supply its numerous customers with the celebrated Chase & San- bom pure standard Java Coffee, ground fresh in the store. ple can scarcely object to them taking A few culvbnge beads, and thia would be more like a new departure in Richmond Hill. Ha110ween. Next Friday eve will be Halloween. [If the have wish to surprise the citizens. they should not remom the gates and signs. as those tricks are old and monotonous. Peo- Don’t lose sight of those all wool Chamny Flannels â€" best value on the Hlll at the Cheap Cash House. New Voters. The Iadiecin Aurora are becoming am- bitious. Last week forty nne widows and unmarrwd ladies were added to the voters' list and win consequently be entitled to the priviYszs of the franchise at the municipal electiuu 7. No doubt the unmarried will be wellcourted from this time forward, and M- pirnnta win not forget to“remember the widows.” Unreserved Credxt Sale. Mrs. S. Cummer, having disposed of her (arm. Lot 18, Ynnge Street. offers for salepn Friday Nov. 7th, 1884, her valuable {Arm stock and implements. Sale at 1‘2 o'clock, sharp. Terms 2â€"Fnr grain and all sum: of 310 and under, cash; over thab amount twelve montbn' credit on approved joint not'es. S. Eckardt, Auctioneer. For further particulars nee posters. The Concrete has J‘t‘l'St opened up a splendid lme 0t Furs of all kinds. 'Asfrachan Mantles. Caps. Mulls and Capes. Persian Lamb Cans and ‘Mufi's. Seal Caps and Mulls. Co‘ney Caps, Mufl‘s and Cape5,. All at prices that will suit every time, Horse Thief. We intimated last week that a horse and rig belonging to Mr. It. Bell, Bond's ‘Lake. had been stolen from the stable on the night of Wednesday, Oct. 22nd. Since that time the thief has been captured and the buggy, harness and bufialo robe retrieved, but the horse is still at large. The particulars of the case are as follows :â€"On Saturday even-. ing last, the Chief of Police in Brampton telegraphed Constable McConnell here. that! the capture had been made at a small place called Nort'al, about eight miles from Brampton. The Constable, in connection with Mr. Bell. jr., immediately started [on the place. where they found that everything as stated was correct, except that the horse was not recovereflt It appears the fellow had tread the animal for the purpose of graz. ing along the road side. but not liking its driver had given him the slip. While in the neighborhood the scamp had‘ stolen two large crooks ot'bntten from a {armer's dairy, and secreted them in a neighboring draw stack, wherethey were found on the follow- ing day. He also took the bndalo robe ‘-and blankets from the buggy to this farmer's barn, and slept in the mow during the night. As those things were found the next mom. ing. and as it was expected he would return {or themI a couple of men were put on watch and quite early the next night the simploton did come back. lut no doubt met with a warmer reception than he had anticipated. as one of the men knocked him down with a club and handled him so roughly that the blood ran freely for some time. He is now in the Brampton jail and will-be brought up for trial to-morrow. From the description Mr. McConnell gives 0! him. it will not be unlikely if he turns out to be the villain who ran away with Mr. Rupert's horse and rig; some months ago, Those whe do not buy their sup. plies of Dry Goods and‘ Groceries at the Concrete, lose money. Mr em at Me Fire Proof House. :fore the cold weather sets in. the public find it to their advantage to call and in- t Mr. I. Crosby's mock of winter goods. best of bargains can be bad in Blankets. Ineffv, Woolleus, and utbet goods. See hus ndics! 11’s and boys' suits end over- are cheapest at The Cheap 8D ashmérr at lowe: !“ Large Turnip Crop. ‘n Coomha, Lot 17. Con. 3, Vaugh- ) extraordinary turnip crop. The some, after being trimmed, are m! 22;» lbs. respectively. We would now who can beat it. Can geh» ‘uds that four would weigh a bush- ythcr If »u want the finest all and Fancy Dress st prices you can get Cheap Cash House. FRESH GROCERIES,PROVISIONS,FLOIFR & FEED, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price i1: exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is soliciteri and satisfaction guaranteed. Before purchasing elsewhere call anci inspect the im- mense stock of our And every descrlption of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be keptin endles variety and at prices which can not be beaten in ‘ ANDREVVS’ Suva 1mm @gfiwg I’ In which we show all the newest Full Dress Materials in Ottoman COrds, Foule Cloths, all Wool Pu lins, Ladies’ Clhth, Com- bination Suitingu, all \Vool Sages. Checks, Plaids, &c., Cashmeres, in all the new shades, Black an Colored Gros Gram Silks. Satins, Satin Merveillenx, Satin llhadamea, Satin Brncades, Black Silk Ottoman Crrds, Brocade Silk Velvets, Silk Mantle Velvet», Colored Silk Velvecs, Velveteens, Mantle Flushes, Sealetter, &c. We are now showing the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet offered, and invite attention to Black Grapes-1 & )Iourning Dress (£00615 a Specialty. Is now replabe with all the Newest Styles 1n Mant‘les, Dolmans. Ulsters, Knitted Wool \Vraps, Heavy Wrap Shawls. 'Knitted Skirts, leted Skirts, Pl’elt Skirts, ()rcoumn Cluaklngs, Matalasse Cloakings, Colored Beavers. and Fancy Cloakiugs, Ulster Cloths, Sealetter, Mama!» Flushes, &c.. &c. Fine Dress and. Mantle Making done on the Premises;_ Special Bargains. Black. Ottoman Cords, Chine Grapes, Cashmere Set-gen, Fouls Cloths, Crep Imperial, Costum Cloth, Paranmtt-ar, Henrietta Cloths, Berber and Serge Cloths. 1550=Dozen.(the balance of a hmnnfacturen’s.stock)'of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, about half price. Fancy Handkerchiefs, 30., 4c.,6c.. and (in. each. Fine Linen Handkelchiefs‘ 5c., 9c., 70.. and Se. each. The greatest bargains in Handkexc'niets ever offered in Toronto. See them. Ladiea’ Waterproof Circulars, $1.25 up. ' June 11,6111 Money to Loan. Money to Loan on improved fauna. at. 6 per cent. A l (0 pp y J. R. ARNOLD, June 11. 611:. Richmond Hill. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. ' Timex}- wr'iJl. also give the usual facilities to customers neqm‘ringfadvaénces. 79 QUEEN ST.,,LONDON,.E. C... Will be glad to corre . ond with Apple Growers, er- cha.nt.s, and Shippers, with a. View to Autumm and‘ Spring business. ‘ FIRST- CLASS ' SHAVE I BEEBLES DU‘NALD & EMMQW‘E $3an @EE 9 HAIR-CUTTING A SPEGIALTY BEL". AN 0 R EWS, PI‘OPox NEW FALL GOODS, â€"â€"-IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" EDWARD MCKEOWN’S ONTARIO HOUSE, Richmond Hill, has just opened out with a large stock of OUR SILK 8c DRESS DEPARTMENTS IN; THE 182 YONGE ST., TORONTO. Our Blantle Department ONTARIO. WATCH MAKER 8c JEWELLER CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not: suit, I- need not tell‘ you what to. do». Flour and Feed 21 specialty. l HOUSE. THE NEW WILLIAMS! A. LSKEELE, ALSO IN A. I... S'IIE‘ELE‘, DEALER IN High Arm Sewing Maching IS now-rob, ognized as the It in strong, Jumble and well bump! thr very best material. that money can buy, or skill produce.. It was awarded five mednla and‘ Wm first prizes at the Domtniou Exhibition Ian October. I: in mpidlv superSeding all the- old fashioned makes everywhere- See it. try it,buy it,and make nure thut you‘get it. Sold by u 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motiom Plain and Sxmp3e Lo Learnx SEMNG MACHINE OF THE‘ PERIOD. Biomuond Hill, Dealer in Organza-and] 2131103., Terms Ens», JCS“ HALL. J. LUSH;

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