Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1884, p. 8

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From Our Own Correspondent. As you have not heard from me of late may lead you to think I am not in Las- kay, but as I am here at. present I feel inclined to send you :L few items. Timesare quiet around here at pres. out; the gravel train has stopped running and we give the Dr. credit for the able way in which he conducted it Dame rumor says there will be a couple of weddings around here shortly, one of which we expect will deprive our village of its belle. B. Rolling is doing a rushing business; if convenient, givu him a call. I might also state that parties need not be alarmed about turning out Mill St. , as the obstruction has been removed, C. A. Livingstone, Plattsville, Ont, writes; “ l have much pleasure in re- commending Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrlc OilI from having used it myself. and having sold it for some time. In my own case I will say for it that it is the best prepara- tion I have ever fried for rheumatism ” $15722ng Ema. VILL AGE, SCHOOL, J_ to the Ham-1 mom] Hill. that h flu-1E m And he i: tue r‘Ltre Public §c will volux at. his 02h vember u. Clerk's am new AYEB’S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseaseg which cause human sufi'ering re_sult from derange- ment of the Stomach, bowels, and liver. AYER’S CATIIARTIC PILLS act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derange‘ ment, including Cunstilmlion. Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, Hendzu-lu'. Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, [or all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The cxtmisivu use of these PILLS by eminent physi -’ IS in regular prac- tice, shows unmistakably the estimatinn in which they are held by the medical profes- sion. These aubsmw mlomel MONDAY, NOV. 3rd. '84, shun for l have u speak i when 0‘ “I ha less inst have new the desir on hand pleasant The from 4 past 1 from cines ( incmm began entire] have v AYER'S C larities of tite and dil thorough a‘ whole phys YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. Dr.J.C.Ayer 6:00., Lowell, Mass. "mun" Children with Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, or an ' scx'ofulous or syph- Hme taint, may be 11 e healthy and strong by Its use‘ T I WI 15 E R ‘ay Your Taxes and Save 5 ppr Cent. Sold by all Druggists ; 81, six bottles for 85. ‘OR DYSPt C 01111, Frankl The W PI (‘A'I‘ARRH A Suff‘en 'AYEk‘s I’ 3 my (must ‘1!) 25TH 0? NOVEMBER, OTHER or an y M \V 1! MUNICIPALITY OF Sold by all Druggiste Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. med. u‘ud fir ltmcted t All egpe mder of the Council, M. TEEFY, Clerk um} 'l‘reqsuger: PSIA c Richm r 20th, 1 LASKAY. are com; from flea 1R. Ll xperience the wonderful beneficial efl'ects of mil AND ll“ allowSper centum qpon 1Ly.\'xlluge. High School} my purposes, to such d3 Lpuy Lbell‘ taxes to him mwutwfifth day of No: ‘ Hill TAXES ! acrized to give notice the Village of Rich. eivu the Taxes at. his i] the ‘ropsrty w Treatment where and of choice CED; lass Hardwood he \rriton d of vegetablo ner free from ingredient. regular prac- oslinmtiun in edicnl profesâ€" rrect irregu- te the appe- prompt and vigor to the wild 1y I WE. Writing some years f «me Mre )1: {am flti health 188‘} I instructions :tinn, on the H of Lots ‘.'.U s. '1‘]:er t physio 0 me to ll] lbel Md ufighsh CED AR 188 TH 305 Kid; M Auct Lave and and “N \ll‘ on lot ‘1) that forty Pursuant to a. judgment of the High Court 0! Justice Chancery Division made in a matter 0! Re Benton Dxummonrl vs, Benton there will be mid with the approbation of the Master in Ordinâ€" My of the Supreme Court of Judicature by Pub‘ lic Auction at Mr. Thomas O'Neil's Hotel in the .u My. ‘ The othe conditions of Court. For further particulars zemld & Beck, Vendor's Toronto. JUIBIAL SALE REAL ESTATE ! VILLAGE OF KLEINBURG! At the hour of 12 o'clock noon by Mr. N. J. Arm- strong, Auctioneer, thus parcel of land formerly owned by the late John Benton, deceased. and being composed of the West Punt of Lot No. ‘22 in the 8th Concession of the Township of Vaugh- an containing 40 nor more or less. â€"- u 7 uh Hm“; an “ran at which uun slug mu 5pm.. The laudwill be sold subject to 0. mortgage thereon dated the 20th of Mev, 1882,}m1d by Charles McMiclmel secuxing$735 payable 4 years after date of the mortgage and incomes at 7 per cent. payable yearly; upon whic mortgage the interest. has been paid up tothe th (my 0! May. 1881. Ir£__L .A - -Annw. The mpe bid fix (1 by Ten per 06 pmd by the at the timm within 30 dr. The vguin title dee in her 1 The 0th conditio Entrance Examinations I strong, Aucummm, uuuu y“ . .l-.. _ owned by the late John Ben. 11, deceased. and being comyoaed of the West mm of Lot No. ‘23 in the 8th Concession of the Township of Vaugh- p,n containing 40 notes more or less. Upon the suilllund, about 30 acres of which are clam-ed and under cultivation. are n. log dwelling house and a. shed. The property is situatenhout half a mile from the Village of Klemburg‘ It iawell watered and the drainage and soil are good. The landwill be 591d subject to 0. mortgage .~ . .1”. Icon 10.1,! I." TUESDAY SeWEDNESDAY, Saturday, Nov. 15th, ’84, Beginning at 9 a. m. each day. :Caudidntes must notify thy fiend MMter of the school where thev desire to write, before the 161}; of November. Drawiugrrlrs to b9 inc‘uded among the pass subjects of this Examination for the first, time. Aurora. Oct. 30th, 188Lâ€"18â€"2in CENTRAL BAflUF CANADA. Dividend No. 1. puyments thexenn) and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its Brnnches on and after Moude . the ls’t Day of December next. The transferiooks will be closnd from the 17th to the 29th of November next, both days inclus- ed for the 1884, (com payments navable a Oct. 23rd, 1834:] Sâ€"tiu‘ For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflvy, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. M- Morphy. n 3 Horse = Shoeing TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their llbeml patronage during the ash twanty-five years.1begtu re- miu them and'the general public, that having erected entirely new and cum- mndiuus premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Will be conducted in the High Schools at Newmarked and Richmond Hill, on Cutters, The 23rd & ‘24“! of Dunne“, Both light gnd heavy. 311 of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisr ). I am also prepared tn do all kinds Hf black- smithmg :l'; repairing in tho mngt wm‘k- umnlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the moat l'Basnnszle tcrma. PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . 141 Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) T OTIC N thug ack of th E. M. MORPH‘Y Dated the 213% of Octoberr‘l884 NEIL l -3i.n réé percent. upon t1 this instinupiou has be 19 period from lst H1 rmputed from the do. ts thereon) and that at the Bank and its onduii; the lat Day aster ovks will be clo ,pexyy ‘yilllgersolcl subject to p. geserve [RICHMOND "ILL. In the County 01 York, By order of the Board the Master. ant of the purchase money must be purchaser to the Vendor's Solicitors 31’ sale and the balance into Com-6 ya {hereafter Without interest. it will not be bound to uroduce any n" evidences of title ofishor thug) those Paid special attention to. \VM 'I‘IKENCII. 111 rebY D. FOTHEBINGHAM I’. S. Inspector Sleighs and GO T0 given that u dividend upon the mud up can 11 has been this day (190, 0F I furnish sale are apply to Messrs. Fitr Solicitors. Church St... 51m fluke )IL MCLEAN. Chief Clerk. M. 0‘ A. A. ALLEN Eny ‘ahshmct. who standing ft); dd): (19‘ 0th I be sevnml no will be Cashier rauifinvl SILK DEPA RTMENT Summer Silks, in plain colorsl 400 Summer Silks, in fancy checks, 400 New Check Silks, (pure) 50c Black Italmn Grass Grain Silks. warranted pure. by the dress length at wholesale prices Pure Silk Brocades, from 75c up Colored Brocade Satin in the new shades Black Salim; at-15, 60.75 and 31.00 Black Velveteens at 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75c and up, Win-ranted font pile Brocaded Velvet: and Plush in blank and Heavy Ottoman cloth, all colors, at. 16c Foulle cloth, in all colors and black. 18c Rich Ottomnn Brocades, all colors, 20c Fine, all-wool Foulle cloth, 25c, worth 350 Fine Ottoman cloth, at 250. worth 35c Colored Cashmeres in all the new shades, at 25, 38, 50 and 60c New Checks and Stripes, for combination, to match all plain materials DRESS GOODS In this department we am showing all the latest novelties of the season at closest cash prices See our all-wool Nun’s ygiliryns. at 12%;; CLOTH DEPARTMENT Double Width Melton Cloth at 50 and 75: Double Width Fancy Tweeda. 90c, 31.00 61.10 and 151-25 We buy our goods in the best and cheapest. markets, and sell on L' figures, and make no second price. Our terms are cash down or C. 0. represented, the money refunded. Customers putting up at. hotels in 184 YONG E and brown Fur Trimmings all widths Ewssum 5%. B. much to the appearance as n gooumumg Iaclmt, Well cut. and well made In ordering Jackets, our facilities are ex- :eptiounlly good, as our mantle maker is one at the best and best known in Toronto MWESS EMPBRIUM, YONGE STREET. {ICHMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. lots Plain Plush and Silk Velveta. all colors Jersey Cloth for mantles or dresses Wool Matmlassie Cloth very cheap Silk Matmlussie Cloth very cheap Wool Ottoman Cloth in black and colors Silk Ottoman Cloth in black only Brocade mlk with Beaver black, in black Eight Ruilding Lots for Sale on Centre Stree East. only 5100 each. 15 er cent. down for pic! M the lots: Also Two ew Houses. Erooms, 01 Richmond Skeet. BUHDINE LTS 1F()R SAIJIC ’3 , B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. FIRST-CLASS GIVE‘US A CALL DR. LANGS’I‘A H-‘F HAMILTON STREET. THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN Table Lmen White Satin per yard Turkey Tab] o. P. LENNOX DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, The Great Fr‘ Hits the exclusive right for the use nf Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of Absolutely nn pa‘n experienced and harm- less in all cases. Factory Cotfinms at 4,5,6‘,.7 & Sch best White Canons at 5. (i, 7, 8, 9 and 10c Twill Factory Shpeting at 100 Double-width Twill Sheming, ‘20 & 25c Forty Inch Pillow Cotton,10,12’} and 160 ‘Vhite SheetingE 2% and 3 yards wide Unbleached Slxeeuug, 2,2} and 2%de wide Colored Bed Spreads. 756, $5 \‘Jhlta B911 Spreads atfil, 3 Bed Comfortables, ut $1, $1 Linen Towels I Towelling at 8, Brown Holland Straw Ticking : Forfar for Aprr. that. is i great di the che‘ and bun Stnh‘ Cruu‘ MAY DEW Men "filings all lattexs to the MAY DEW AGEN- CY. 71 Ynnga St... Toronto, Ont. Pm-lor and reception rooms for Ladies, ON RUBBER, ~ 0N CELLULOID, an”. (},<‘ll(l'F-illing, and all other operations skilfully performed, at. moderate fees. Call and see me. No trouble to an-. awer questions. IL... 1flVh 15194 An: every se LARTIFICIAL TEETH HAMHLTON, mle I use no cheap material and warrant IN VALL \VllolesnIeâ€"Lyman Bros 6.: Co. ; Elliott & Oo. ; Northrop a", Lyman VITALIZED AIR. Napkin Towels TEST SETS lll( Tabling, 40 GIVE 113 th 184 Yonge Street, Toronto. INEN 1t ‘M 12; 16; mm, all wk 10. 12,15, and CO TTON-S all 10 Iiu K) US A CALL ll on the smallest living profit. “'8 mark all gmds in plain C. 0. D. All goods are sold on tllelr “writs, and if not. as rtels in vicinity of the market, me presented with our ticket free. 50. 7O Lotion for Beauufy‘ Face- from A CALL OI'HING OOI 10 IABLE TO 30 10 2} ahd 2;}? c, $1.00 am . 31.25. 31 M37 1561), 1334.4»: 1( 45 rmd 50c up to $1.00 1.00 1.00 600 - $8.00 $10.00 One appli \nd nch each acn up [ brnmpwn's u up and price 5} Mantle nrnau up ;' kerchiefa, Wnol up up n p up No house in Ontario makes Kid Gloves game of n npecinltv than We do Tova Button Kid Gloves from '20 to 600 Thrpe Buttmi Kid Gloves, 50 and 75c Four Button Kid Glnvvsi 50. 715 and $1.00 Eight. & ten buttuu Chamois Glovesfifi (1‘50 («inuntlel‘ Kid Gloves. $130 per pair Silk, Cashmere and Cloth Gloves CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, Hugh MILEEH 8M" MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIfiE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, &,r ati‘ Embroideries from Ribbons, anes, Tin Dr 181‘)? T1 mini?" “1' ,“g'n; V5: Y kl7r If?“ figfi'fim M22331 hwmfimmnmm EVE {Y LADY ! )mpsou ' Ball's Co: Warm-H's anpton's C WE?) STREE as? A ‘ ‘ r10; 9â€"ES’EABM GLOVE DEPARTMENT July 3rd. ’84- will 11 GIVE US A CALL LACE FA NC} u.” 1Mienhio nilv rm Health Corn-ts ursetsin every size, color PROPRIETORB OF {LL 1 [Sets T, TORONTO; :, (53mm, Frmges, Hand wls &c n uiven to the proper prepu l Veterinary receipts. CURTAI ry “in n]! be on tx- in September, and in every respect amL c per yard up and Cullurs depm-tment is very mtrous a. cash d15- ODDS 4RES wxch 'l‘hroad, 313' each: Jc per lb 2 up to {H.130 Braids Cords neufs Smalthes nndf 1842

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