Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1884, p. 1

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”\'= . $1 per annum, in ad-vance.] I... “ I n Essentials, "2' . «.- ‘nity; in Non-Essentials, Liberly; in all things, Charity.” THE LIBERAL. [Single copies, 3 cts ~ on»; «gum " IS PUBLISHED EVIERY THURSDAY EVENING AT II'HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE itlUHMUND IllLL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. r. Memoir, EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. r, Lt lungs Qirrrtury. ,lies. Chm ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Gunmenâ€"Service at 3 .m.,excopt the third Sunday of every month, iwhen the sorvwo and alumnan lire held of. II «In. Sunday Scho<ilist1:301‘.ui ltov. W. DEV-3B, Rector. Marimms'r CHUnCl’lâ€"Sflr‘vlf‘es M 10:30 "L. in. and 6:30 p. ni..zirnl Sumluv school, (Lt-:Zuli'l 1., In. Young: people‘s pruycr llli‘t'blllll ’1 ucsdn} Venturing, Gonorail l’rxivcr Meeting every Thursday 9“ cull“, in tho Lec Lure Room Roi. W. ll. Barker, Supt... Rev. \V. lilloobli, .-\.., stunt. I PRESHYTIZIUAN Cuom'n on CAN.inA.â€"Servives w, 1] o'clock u.ui., null mo 17.111. Prayer meeting on Wclucsd/L;cvemngul-IJO. ‘; Eon/ix CATHULK‘, cunncn,~Scrvicc$ in order an] follows Tillh‘ullll] III E) u.m.. uml llicliiuond Ilillut will) run: the following Sundu)‘ alt Lich- vmond Hillat l) u.1n.. and rl‘hornlull at 102.30 a. In Societies. limuimxn Loves, A. F. dz A. M No.23, G.R.(‘ -â€"l\lect.s in the Lodge Room,Musumc Hullon the Monday on or before full moon, 368 o'clock p.111 , A. J. Rupert, \V. M. ' Axcmsr Onman or Formsrnnsâ€"Court Rll‘l‘l- mond, N0. 70;!) A. 0. F., moots in the Temperance Hall every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. m.â€"H. H. \Vright, C. R. chrnroxn Pian TEMPLE, No 405,1. 0. G. T.â€" Moots in the Tonipemncu Hull‘uvery \Verlnesday evening, at 7.30 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperunce As ~nociution issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmflurrison sup? MECHAxIcs lNSTlTUTEr- Library or over 1000 volumesppeu every Tuesday evening. In the, Ma.- 9 mic Hall, from 7 to *5 o‘clock. It. E. Luw, Libra- rilm. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICEMosn HILL Comm: BANDr‘MeetS for, p actice (2"(11'5‘ Tuesday and Saturday evening at .130 o'clock. C. Savage, Lender. :thms Couxcmâ€"Rerve, John Brown Coun- (allots. Messrs. Isaac Crosby, A. Moodie, R. L. Law an I H.F. Hepper. Ulclk, M.'lec(y. A. O. U. \V,,Ivv Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Friday at 8 o'clock p, in. Boneâ€" fleavy certificate given ior $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer,Muster Workman. R. ’1‘. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,cuch alter- 'native Tuesday evening at‘do'clock p in. Bone- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $2.000 or in case of death £2,000, one 9 halt payable in cusc of disability. J. H. Sander- ‘sou Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. WHEN. I REMO V ED. Dr. Geo. Langslafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced pracwice zit Tliomliill. Nov. 6th, ’SQâ€"Cf. Dr. (Ia‘mes Langstafl AND Dr. Lewis G. Langsmfl. "Members College Physicians & Surgeons, 0gb, RICHMOND HFLL, ONT, Dr. Orr, Maple, Office hours: 8 to 9.30 a. m.. and 1,0230 p.715? 1 Dr. \V. J. Wilson. Medalist Toronto Univezsitv. Murilipr ~(‘0 'l’hvsicmns& Surlleons,0nt..llutc 0f .SIOUITVlllP Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Office Hours 3 to .10 a. m., 5120 8 p. in. 1 mm]. ’7 VlflflLIZEQ fllg yam) BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, ,a‘haiukful for the favors of the past 20 years, may still he consulted in any branch of the pro- ‘l’ossion, as follows: Aurora, lst. 8th, 16th. and mm] of each month Richmond Hill... . . .ch and‘llth (In. (at the Palmer House) Stoul’fvillc....... ..,............1Rtli lo. Markham 20th in. Victoria. Square" ‘let do. PIIOI‘nbill . . . . . . . Zill'll (Ill. \Vomlbridpe , Both ilO. Kleinl'iur;V , , Qilth do Xoblatuu .. . 30th 0 Vitulizml Air ulw~ on hand at nupointnicnts, Works like a. charm Free from mun. Address A R1513 S‘ON LIX. .. Aurora Ont. G. H. nusbandbll. murmur, NEWTON LILOOK, Will visit the following places professionally :a Juionvillc . ..... 1st lllnndriv of each month Wmiun .th and 21st " ‘ Minnie ,. lmh " “ Kit-limo . ,. . lilih ‘ " W oodliri. go .. Lnd Mr. Husbimd will be found in his oflmc, an- Yum Brook, cverv Suturduv, except, when Sutur» iwv full»: on the above damn. ill! only. #_ vi innit. 'M. TEE??? NOTARY PUBLIC 50c, AND Issuer of Marriage LicenSes, RICHMOND HILL. Money to loan on {KW-’0 security. [lililu FWILLAR'I‘ON dz COOK. ll.»\llll.lS’l‘lCl{S, SOLICITORS, (to, OFFICES: lb‘ KING STREET \V. M. HALL. .T. S. FULLAII'I‘ON. Lf'l’llIVATll I-‘l'Vllfi T0 Y DAN. EAST, Tonom‘o. W. (300K. 3 A ' 4 I ' dlilsrrllaurmm. Salami Erhartll. Licensed Auctioneir for tho ('mmties of York Unmrm und l‘eel. Hoods sold on cousianment. Genera-l Milt’x‘ of flow)", OCR, nmmptly attended to Art rt‘uuonulilu l‘ulL‘h. 1'. 0. uddi vss‘, llNlllNVlLLE. .ll. ‘Wnnh es. Inmorlyr of “'ntr boa, clocks nnvl fine jewellery u wot-l; of lliniurindsunil Ill’i‘l‘lOL‘lh’RI’OllUS ulnuys nulmid. 'l'llllm lliml‘. SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, ’1" IllON’l‘l). Ls‘lilunufactuimg of jewellery, Kllil ropuirinuol watches and clocks on the premises". sper‘iullv ’l‘lmukinuour putrnnhund friondsfor their lib- orulnutronum ii. the past we lieu to Htwto that, we have JllSl rt-ccivcd n lmpc stock ofnew goods in lute>t ill-\iuim. A lurcv stock oi Elgiu and Wultham watches licnton hand. S. I“. Brown. Licensed Auctioneer for tho (‘ountv of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly ml‘lumir-o. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 90, VICTORIA SQUARE. James (3. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, ro- inllueuco. Solo: attended on the shortest notice and ctrcusonnbc mics. 1&0. uddl‘c5s. King. N. J. Arnlstrona. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest not»ice,aud at reu- ube rutus. Address Sioutlville P. 0 FjREDERlCK WH ITLOUK, ‘ Richmond Hill. Old Iron, hugs, Brass, dc, bought for cash at citv prices. Cliinincr Sweeping attended to on shortest llUClCU. Jun.15th. ‘nlâ€"lv. m Genital Back of Canada. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. 1’. 1)., H. P. Dwight, D. M. Mac- dunnld, C. 15. llobinmu), A. McLean Howurd, and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Depozws rot-eiva and Intei‘cstullowed thereon at Current llutes Nu notice of withdruwul rcquirul. Drafts on (LII ports of Canaan, United Status and (Err-ILL Britain, bought and Sold, JAM ES M. LA‘VRENCE, Manager. may“: PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDERS’;> Â¥ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" MEG H A N I C ’ 8 TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 23â€"4â€"‘83. rum in more mom-y l "l €‘l'~c1nthi.~a world uhmillllmlv ‘ urn, Adrllslll. Muiuo. Scull six cents in post- nuo, rind revolve: fIUi‘, u costlv box of goods ‘.\ hivh wrllhelp all, of cltliL-I' it uwuy than anytlmu.‘ l' U) Limos uwu't lliu workern Aboncc mldl‘ess l'nir. .& (0., Money lorLorm. A Incas amount of Money to Land on farm or city property lDtBl'Urit 7 porn-cub: no cummis ‘ ME 491 Qflfiflég ‘9 won. ROSE MACDONALD, MERRITT & (‘0. Union Loni. bulldiu 5 Toronto $1.90 Ill AEVAEIGI. spectfully solicits yourpanuge and friendly” LéoALSW A. F. & A. M. Richmons Lodge, No. 23, held its regular communication on Montlnv evening, Nov. 3rd. After the general business the brethren retired to the Dominion Hotel, where a sup- per bud been prepared for them. Tho fol- lowing brethren Visited from other lodges :â€" T. l“. lllnckwood, I), I). (l. M., 241. ASllll'fl'. J. J. Monet, 1’. D. D. (l. M., 75 St. Johns. l3. Saunders, I’. I). D (l. M., 75, St. Johns, A. (,‘uillvy, P. l\I., 51, Vaughan. (1 W High, \V M, 51. " .l J Cameron, Sec, 54 l) Kinnee, M 31,54, J S Klnnco, M M, 54, A (look, 1' .ll, 54, S l'enrcy, l‘ M l) S, 241, Aslilnr. W J Audrmvs, 54, Vnuglmn. â€"fi-â€"v~r‘0" Tea and Concert. Do not full to be prosont at, the Ton and (lonccrl m be given 5“. lhc Masonic Hall to- night, by (he ladies of the l’rcsbylerian Church. Nu pullifl is lining spared to make it a mucosa. The best of talent has been sm-urml. The following celebrities will take part in the prugrummo :â€"Miss Maggie! Burr. of Hamilton ; Miss Jeskic Alvxuiuler, Mr. Jim. Alcxunder, Mr. J. I). Wilkinson, Mr. Lewis, Toronto ; und \IiHs Floru Coullvr. of Richmond Hill. The programme will consul. of Solos, Iluclts, Trims: and Ill-adings specially Selectml for the occasion. and illum- Attending may look forward to a musical and llll‘l'lll'y treat. The climr will be occupied by Rev. llobert \Vulker, M. IL, I}. I)., Skel- morlie, Scotland. Ten. will be served 11] the School Room of the Church from 5 to 7.30 p in. u n u u The Concm-t will commence at 8 o’clock sharp. Tickets, 25 013., reserved sects, 5O cts. â€"<~¢oâ€"â€" Monthly Report. The following is a comparative standing of the pupils of Butternut) school in the difi- I erent classes for the month of October : - 4TH CLASS. Kate Hufiev, i Jach Holley. Willie Mulholland, Harry Hardy. 31m cuss Sn. Gertie Suillli, James Muudey, Mary Rumble, John Seymour. 2ND CLASS Sn, “’illie Savage, ‘- Vescu Mulliollaud, Albert Albin, Joe Muudey. Miuuio Albin. lsr cmss an. 151‘ cross Jn. Mary LC‘ Mulildc Bussingtliwuile, Limo Mulbollnnd, Lizzie lluinble, BIAIY Suvugv, Frank Bumble. .PA Honor Roll. Honor Roll for Richmond Hill School [or October :7 FORM I. D;vxsiox A I. DIVIgIoN A 2. Maggie Garvin, Aggie lluid, Maggie McUouugL-y, Jessie Cooper. Sadie l’ullner. Wellington Bull, Lnura. Dotson, Tillie 'l‘rench, Bertha Palmer, lllilllo Trench, E. A. Srmucr. Princmal. FORM Il. JUNIOR III. Delia l‘ulmcr. Mamie Lemon, Lizzie l’ulmcr, Muggio Lewis, \Vzilkt-r Hull, Cui'iiu Wilson, SECOND 0mm. Joseph Keellcr, Pbd’bc Soulci-l, llollu. ML-Ummglly, Minnie Ilcdditi, Willie Uurvm, l'lmuiu Sivvrs. T. M. RU’I'IIEBFUKLI, Teacher. FORM Ill. 3m: CLASS JR. Willie Flack, Bupb. Kirkland, Mary Mullmlluud, Maggie McNuir. 2x1; cuss Jll. LOHIRVHtll‘luy, Alv x Findlay, Nellie Kelly, Bella Hawkins, Aggie Kirkland, Public SENIOR III. Willio Builie, Louie Lvnctt, Minnie Davin, Mui'y Mupvs, Uri-Ilia Barker, Currie l’OWcIl, Simon Dollie DouLthlte, bl‘lgglfl Glover, Lulu Lemon, Alex lloid, Lillie King, Florence 'l'yrrell, JUNIOR. Willie Savage, Annie Uosgrove, Mum» Harrison, Ernest lluddilt, Thomas Miles, Robbie Michael, M. \VlLE‘i’, Teacher. FORM IV. FIRST DIVlSION, SECOND DIvIsION, Herbie (ixll'vlll, l‘lditli Swilzer, Jennie \Vilvy, \Villic Gluss, Fri-(I McConnell. Morton King, Herbie Houlws, Ila. Andrews, Frunk Einpringliam, Juulu Schell, {Edith Andrews. Willie Clifford, 1 Marble buudcrwn Tuum DIvnIou. Ellio Hopper, ' Austin lliillmgcr, Fred Ham). 1‘, Diivic Williams, I b‘unuuy \l‘illnuus, ‘ Ella Mcflbnnrll, J. (,‘iiiviciIsuixri, Teacher. *0“- l’. M. l‘llllkt‘ll, West chdore, N. S. writes “ I wish to inform you of tho wundcrlul qualities of Dr. Tlluums' Ec- lcclric 011. l Ilhd :1 horse an lumc that lic Could scarcely walk; the trouble wan In the knee, and two or tlirce applica- tions cwnplclcly cured him.” ' l-‘(l by chronic indigestion. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. The Richmond Hill Board of Educa- tion met in the Lorne Hall, on Friday, October 3151b. 1884. ML It. Marsh in the chair. Members present, Messrs. Savage, Mc- Conatzhy, Skoele, Brown, Boyle, Switzer- and Trench. The minutes of last meeting were Iread and approved. An account of $2.29,fr0m Mr. Moodie, was ordered in be paid. Abillfroxn l‘lusnnic Hall committee rospcctng one year‘s rent for Masonic Hall was also receive-d. Moved by Mr. P-rown, seconded by Mr,Tronch, that the tent for Masonic Hall be paid as soon as Funds will per- nnt.â€"-Carried. Mr. Foblwi'iuglzmn‘saAnnuM report of the Public Schools was read. Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Savage, that two teachers inntead of three be engaged in the High School for the your 1885.~Curricd. Moved by Mr, Brown, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the present stafl of teachers in the Public schools be roen- gung for the Coming year, at the same salaries n5 tlllii yearnâ€"«Carried. Moved by Mr. Brown,sec:mded by Mr. McConzigliy, that Messrs McBride and licdditt be re-engaged as Head Master and Assifitant respectively in the High School for the your 1885.~Caariecl. The Board then adjourned. J. A, E. Swnznk, Sec. _â€"..._.__ Mr. C. \Vinlow, Toronto, writes: Northrop & Lyman's Vegelable Discov- ery and Dyspepllc Cure is a Valuable medicine to all who are troubled with indigestion I tried abattle of it after sufl‘ering for some ten years, and the re- sults are certainly beyond my expecta- tions. It assists digestion Wonderfully. 1 (horse my loud with no apparent effort, and. mu now entirely free from that sen- sation, which every dyspeptic well knows of unpleasant fulness after each meal.” â€"â€"â€"<+o-â€"4 LANGSTAFF. From our own Correspondent. Although Novmuber instead of May; yet it In It " moving” time. On. Hallow- een sundry gates, that had always been useful. unwed into the road, others along- side fences,- in fact. fences and bridges moved. Mrs. Foley has moved to Tliornhill, having purchased a. homestead. Mr. “lutel'lield will move at Xmas, having secured a. situation elsewhere. Miss Ansley, our teacher, is going: to move, being desirous of securing a. place in a. village scliOol. Mr. D. B0716 will move ntf his farm, unless he can move Sir John out of oliice \Vltll his N. P.; lie, Mr. 15., not being: satisfied with the price of wheat and wages. Mr. \Vcldrick, who is satisfied With the N. P., the price of Wheat and long wool, is moving the stumps oil his farm that he may grow more wheat and W01 1. Mrs. Cook will move, If she can find a purchaser for her rcmdenco. Mrs. Lune has deferred moving blunitobil for mother year. Mr. N. Chapman can‘t move very far at present, being under medical treat- ment. Han be will soon recover lllS' wonch strength. Mr. Munslmw moves away regularly from the Lull'flalfi every night. ~-.9*q A host of bodily troubles are engender- Tliese, how- ever, as Well as their cause, disappear when the highly accredited invigomnt and altorutlvc, Northrop Ii: Lyinuu’s Vegnlobla Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure Is the agent employed for their removal. A regular habit of body, and a duo sc- crction and flow of bile, invariably result, from its permanent. use ll: cleanses tho ‘, systmn from all irregularities, and re. utorcs the weak and broken down Consti- tution to health and strength. to Humid! Richmond Hill. on Saturduv, Nov. 1st, tho write of Mr. LI. lixdd, oi IL sou. MA IRRIAGES MCUM'I'nIav.»llnI'PEnâ€"ln Trinity Church, .-\u- rum, on {Ru L‘IICII rill». hr the Rev. 1:. Hul'uco Munwn. Mr. .llLlllLS MI-L‘uil'i‘i-y of Torontlrtu All». Mui'y Annm‘ocond daughter ol M. Lop- pci,l-_‘m1.,of .\Ilioi'ii,, DEATHS (.‘OI.\V1'ZI.L~(‘11 thcniorniuu oi the ‘2ch October. lll LllL‘ Zilth your of her ugu, Louisu. M. Yun- Nostrnnd, bolovr-d wifo of W. W. Colwwll, Jl'., undulduwt iluuglltcr of John \‘unlN‘nstrund, 1 L‘qu oi Llic Township of Whitcliurcu. PEASli-r At Toronto, on Oct, :llst, Lizlic Gray, with of H. l‘uusu. ugcd :‘J }'tlll'h. Emmi.” lloiid's Luke, on \Vudni'adaiv innrningr November SUI. after u llllul‘rllIJâ€"I illucsn’, limb. cit Hull. uni-ll LIT )i‘lll", l moume 25nd ll duyr. Funci‘u] M L.‘ p m. on Iv'ruliiv to tho l,’I'L-,~li_vtc» iiuu burying: ground. lllvluumyd Hill. “Univ-37701. :u'd lllal , ut. ’lhornhill. \VllNlll, u: wl El it'illx Funcl’ul. litli 1nd , ul :1). 1n , drain-o to Tlini'iilllll 1'\'IJV\'ll'l‘,'. Johnston 4 lion; his late l‘u>l~ Much Llluircss null sickuwss in children is causal by “onus. Mother (lraves‘ \Vurui Extci'niinuiorgives rclicf by rm 1 moving tlic Hausa. TEMPERANCE ITEMS Supplied by the I. o. o. T. Lodgé, Rich- mond Hill. TESTIMONY 0F some: or THE ABLEST JD on- ES or THE cucLzsu comm. ‘Judge Coleridge2â€"There is scarcely a crime that comes before me that is not, directly or indirectly, caused by strong drink. Judge Patterson:~‘ If it were not for this drinking, you (theju'ry) and I would have nothing to do.’ Judge \Villiams: â€"â€" ‘ Experience h: 3 proved that almost all crime into which juries have had to enquire maybe traced in one way or another to drunkennesa.’ Judge Wigtnmu:â€"' I find in every calendar that comes before me, one uui failing source, directly or indirectly, of most of the crimes that are committedâ€"- intempemnce.’ Judge Alderson:â€"‘ If all men could be dissuaded from the use of intoxicating liquors, the office of judge would be a sinecurc.’ Lord Shaftcsburv says:â€"‘ Seven-tenths of the moral evils of London are attribut- ed to that which is the greatest curse of the countryâ€"habits of drinking and the system of intoxication.’ CARDINAL MANNING. lie venerable leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England was one of the chiefspeakers at a temperance con- gress in Liverpool a. few weeks ago. “’9 quote his words:“‘ I admit that a Maine law may be culled an extreme remedy; but have I not already proved that there is an extreme evil, and if temporizing measures will not remedy the evil, let us have an extreme remedy (Applause.) What has brought things to their present pass I is it not that the domestic life of our people has been WRECKED BY DRINK, and these are the homes to which those who squandered their wages iii/drink are compelled to go. (Applause,) I CHARGE, THEN, UPON THIS GREAT DRINK TRAFFIC NINETENTHS or THE MISERY AND DIS- TRESS AND WRECKED HOMES OF OUR PEO- PLE. (Applause.) Well, now, the gov- ernment, and that. for centuries, has rais- ed an enormous revenue from the drink trade, and therefore I may cull the gov- ernment a. sleeping partner in that trade. and a. guilty partakcr of its consequences. So long as the revenue is raised upon in- toxicating drinks I hold that we are all partake” of flu crimv and the misery, and the «liseasr mu? cruelty. and the evils of burly um] soul in [line (1an cfurnity, which are caused in such prolific abundance by the trade in strong drink.” Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. The Rev. 2. P. ‘Yilds, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge \Vllds, of the_ Massachusetts Supreme Court, writes as follows: "is E. 51/}! St, rVi'u‘ York,3[z1y 16,1982. Mn. 91;. . .7. (7. .\ rm: .\': 00., Gentlemen: Last wiutcr I was troubled with a most uncomfortable itching humor affecting more espcciiilly my limbs, which itclicd so intolembly at night, and burned so intense- ly, that I could scarcely bear tiny clothing over them. I was also a sulfcrcr from a. severe (‘lllill'l‘ll and (-umrrhul cough; my uppetito was poor, and my system I). good deal run down. Knowing the value of AYER'S SARSAI’ARILLA, by observation of runny ()tllul‘ eases, zind from personal use in former years, I began taking it lor the Above-muneil disorders. My appetite llll‘ proved almost from the first dose. After u short, time the fever and itching \vr-ra nlluyed, and all signs of irritation of tho skin disuppozirci‘l. My catarrli and cough were also cured by the same means, and my general hcultll greatly iiu raved, until it is now excellent. I feel a mudred per cent Stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the SARRAl'AlHLLA, which 1 recommend with all conudencc as the best blood medicine cvcr devised. I took it. in small doses three times a dav, and used, In all, less than two bottles. I plwa these facts (it your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. WILDS." The above Instance is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the period. adaptability of Arnn‘s SARSA- to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, and a. weakened vitality. I Ayer’s Sarsaparllla clvauscs, enriches, and strengthens the blood. hillnulutcs the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrqr‘u- Ions Dismscs, Eruptious of the slain, Rheu- matism, (bran-h, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low stutc oi Lhc system. PllEl'.-\HI.D BY Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Uruggists; price 6), Sn bottles AYER'S ‘ CATHARTIC . w, PILLS. Purgative Medicine cure Constipation. Indigestion, l‘lcutiutbe, and :Ill lliliou: Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always reliable-

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