Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1884, p. 3

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“W'ich a wild cheer and a. .wilder leap, the cheny-clad berets fly over the guns as lightly as they would over a. five barred gate on the hunting field, ssben’ng the gun- ners as they leap. A beardlesa boy, not yet 17, holds imt to the colors he has sworn to carry to death (r victory, and falls with the cry, ‘My mother will hear of this 1’ on his dying lips. 3 ill gratplng that banner in his hand. cried: ‘Take the guns : these are )our orders !’ E3 “The crisis has arrived. No recourse is left but to do as he bids, A cold nod of as sent from Lord Lucan. A profound low ircm Lord Cardigan ‘Light Division. for- ward chzrge 1‘ breaks mm his fps. Au echoing cheer is the reply from 607 throats, as with clamg oi scabbard and rattle 01 bridle and bitl the treying of the trumpet, and the ringing cheer of the ‘Heavies,’ the Fourth and Tl irteenth Lights, the Eiuhth and Eleventh Hussars, the latter Lr rd Car- digan’a own corps, censpicuw s m thrir cherry~oolored trousers, and tilt. Save nteenth lancers, with ranks c‘osed up and squad- rons dressed as evenly as if at a. march past, trot forward down the s ight declhity. At their head ride the gallant N clan and the dauntless Cart; it auâ€"even at tl is supreme mt ment with a xecklets laugh upon his face, as he argues some print of war with his brother hussar. Already Nolan has fallen, cut down by grape shct, the secret of the fatal day dying with him. The serried ranks shew frequent gaps as saddle after saddle is (mptied. 'Ckso up ! Cloze up 1 Charge !' is the un- ceasirg cry, and in a. shorter than it takes to tell the opening ranks of the foe disclosed to the dcomed. but indomitable few, cannon to right of them. canncn to left of them, canmn in front of thunâ€" and now cannon behind them. On through the broken Russian line pressed the noble army of martyrs, their Lnflannne, their bzave leader’s flashing :ahre, ti]le support. “ ‘You see your enemy, my lord.’ "Even the Earl of Cardigan, impetuous as he was, generally speaking, looked at his ccmmander in doubt as to the words. But, owix g to the unhappy ennity existing be- tween them. ONE AGAINST A THOUSAND. (belly and calmly, as if in Hyde Park, he takes in the situation at a. glance, and gives the word to the trumpeter, to sound first the ‘assembly,’ then the ‘retreat.’ A bullet crashes through the boy's hand as he raises the trumpet to his mouth, but, Stolelike, he makes no sign. Clear rings out the sum- mons. A d< zen (nly answer the call. N at one, some Lord Cardigan, but is wound- ed more or less severely. and his clothing shows where lance or table or ball had ploughed their way over his unscathed flesh. Right about the little band turns, leaving the loy trumpettr dead on the ground behind then}. ' “Lord Rabbn, who did not know the full étrength of the foe, saw that this obstacle must be removed; but whether or not he also {Lrssaw the nec(ssity of first looking befc re the leap was taken must be forever 3 mystery. The cimmanders of the cavalry brigades, Lords Lucan and Cardigan, brothers-in-law, Letween whom no love was lost, were waiting the word to engage, Lord Lucan being the senior lfl'lCE‘I‘. To them sped Capt. Nolan, a dashing hussar. Sal- uting the General, he said he bore an order â€"â€"unwrittsnâ€"from Lord Rtglan that the battery must be silenced and the guns cep- tured. Lord Lucas, 9. man so cautious as to have earned the nickname ‘Lnrd Look. on,’ fearing to expose his small folce to any ambushed dangers, asked for more definite orders. With a slightly contemptuous turn of his handsome lip. the aide-de-oamp pointed in the directicn ef the battery and “The unmasked batteries are already belching foxth shot and shell. The trot breaks into a gallop, the gallop into v The enemy, paral; zed by the shock of the charge, and fancylng that the whole British army supports the handful of braves, pauses in his murderous wu'k to cheer the 108 aur- vivors who returned slowly and sadly to the place from which they came, havir g, from a militar standpoint, achieved nothing. yet covere with a deathleas. fadelees wrath of glory. ‘It was magnificent,’ said General Bozquet, ‘but it was not we r.’ " ‘ Far away, clear in front, with his aide- de camp and afew choice apilits (.11 his right hand and on his low-none ahead of lim, raging lika a. lion, fights, as with a. forlorn hope, the leader and commander of the Light Bigade. He bears a. charmed life, and his bmwny aum is endowed with a power of slaughter that grows mlghtier every moment from the meat it feeds on. Further and further be dasLes on, cleaving his way with his blood-stained sword till he rgaches the lust of the guns. “Here, when he sees the end is not yet, but that rank upon rank of cavalry and in- fantry, with heavy artillery in the rear, stretches out back to the city’s utmost bas- tion, he recognize: how useless it will be further to ttmpt the fates and fight NEITHER WOULD SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS, and once more Nulan, impaticntly waving his sword, which he had fierceiy drawn from itg upabbaidl and_pxinting it l_o the artzllery, as desperately repulmd. Word was sent to headquarters that the enemy, under cover m a hmvy fire m m the forts, had left Sebas- topul In tome and was mashing h mself so as to thrrafen tre misty cf the htightfl. l was at 1 use sent with an order for the cav- alry and horse artillery to move and be ready to assume the offensive. They had not to wait long. The T1 rkish lines were S“'EPT AS BY A \VHlRLV‘YIND, and with our Mohammedan allies the w 0rd was sauve qui peut. The heavy cavalry on the right and the light brigade on the left were advanced, With the armlhry m the centre playing a game at long bowls. Meanwhile a Russian battery was osun‘a tiously moved forward, whose well-sexvcd guns premised to be embarrasslng. .u a n A Chm-go that Amazed the World Thirty Years Ago. It v M thirty years ago, on the 25 h of October, that. the EarlLof (Janigau'a light brigade made the Jamous charge at Bala. klava, ne.r S basiopol. Agentleman‘ who was on the anti of an Eu»;th GeLeral. and who witnessed the charge, gives this des- criptkionflof it : ‘ On Oct. ‘25, 1854, our eyes t1 rned to the heights of Balaklava. on the poaaeuiou of which deptnded the very ex stance of the allied forces. 0n atlat day the Russians matje a deaperata attack on our lines, to be mm '11”: JAWS OF DEATH. A FUBIOUS. HEADLOXG CHARGE. Tue Gnrdon :Iobbx r, Box Slove and sew ml of the Gallevs w: re getting ready to chip in when the Editu‘ em. red and azked the cause of whe Row. The matter was ex- plained by the Card Cutter in a Calm and Unbiasaed mann r, and the Editor reph- ed : A Farmu‘ who felt in his He. rt that this was a cold W1 rld and that no one cared for him or his Mechanically slipped a. goose Egg into his coat tail pocklt and Betook him- selfto the village and the office of the Gazztte, where he Produced the Egg 1nd Swore by the HI rn Spoon that it was laid by a pullet. The Astonished and Delizh t- ed Editor :scnt out for a. Bed-cord to Measure the Length {Dd Diameter of the Egg presented the Farmer with a Year‘s Subscription, and took Voluminous Notes wrth aPencil. The next iséue of Gazelte contained a full and Thrilling Descriptinn of the Egg and the Pullet, and wound up by saying that; Farmer Jo} neon was Honest, UL right, Eat rprising and Progressive, and that he had the Loveliest Family, tie best Farm and the Fattest Live Stock of any AgricultLrist n the State. All of which so Tickled the Farm'r that be c rried a. Grin until the Wrather W; re the Enamel (if his front teeth, and he had no Trouble in Marrving of his Daughters, Stlling 05 his Old Hay, and getting Elected as Super- vuor. One mtrninq the VVMh’ngton Hand-Prsss in 8. Printing Ofilce suddenly flew its Frisket and called out in a loud voice : “Just be. 1‘ that l" sneered a. Case of Bur- geois over by the \Vindow. “Where would be the Paper but for xts type 2" “And they never Printed 13. Paper yet with- cut; Ink," added the Roller 12: 3 Glue and Molasses voice. "Well, I don't want 10 Appear Egotishi- cal,"observeda Bundle of White paper 1y 1]; on the floor, “but if you knew how hard it was for the Editor to raise the Cash to buy me, you’d Imagine I “as of some little Account Around here. " "Gentlemen," added the Imposing Stone in marble voice, "I don’t claim to own all the corner lots in Town, but if the Chases, Sl ODtng‘Stlck, Mallet. Quo’m and my- self were to go oil on 3. Picnic I’d like to see the_ Banner go to p1 esaâ€"I would I: “Each and every one of you are valued in your Respective Places, and all combined go to help issue the Leading Newepaper at this coun‘ryâ€"c'rmlat‘oa (Winn a circus agent ccmes a‘ung) 6,000 copiesâ€"Wood Received t1] Subwrption. as Heretofcre.” If you can't get hold of a Goose Egg, 8. Pumpkin, Squash or a Pwk of Tumipa will Answer just as well. And the Shears lay right thtra in Plain Sight and Were not even mentioned. The brain plays odd tricks with us at times, especially when it has bean sul ject- ed to a sudden shock; and scientific men who think that its various convolutions are the ser ts of various faculties of the mind derive some confirmation of their then‘y from the cht that the power of memcry may fail in part without any failure of in- telligence, and may fail in part without being altogether impaired. A notab‘e in- stance of th 3 last mintfored ptculiarity oc- curred about a, dozmn years ago. A lad in the cauntry was accused of throwing an- other into a. pond, and he was put on his ‘rial before a bench of magistrates. His elder brother who bore a high character in the village both for conduct and in men- tal shrewdness, had seen the previous strug- gle bethen the lads, and he was uzlled to give evidence. He dcc'ared his belief that the fight v in perfectly lair throughout, Age Cannot Wither. Lard Lindsey states that in the course of his wanderings amid the pyramids of Egypt he stumbled on a. mummy which proved by its hieroglyphics to be at least 2,000 years old. In (xamining it after it was unwrapped he found in one of its closed hands a. tuberous or bulbous root. He was interested in the queetio: how long veget- able life could last, and totk the root from the mumm ’a hand and planted it in a sun- ny soil, al owing the mine and dews of Heaven to descend upon it, and in the course of efew weeks the root bust forth and blocmedinto a most beautiful dahlil. The story in said who well verified. Had the Country Editor wiped his Hands on his exchanges the Towel could have In- dulged in no Bxck talk. "Hear ye! hear ya! But fl 1‘ me Banner (ould not be issued each week 1" and that the immenion in the pond v as an accident. Questioned as to wi at took place afterward, he could not speak to a. sirgle circumstance. “Did the prisonsr attempt to rescue the deceased 2” the Chairman asked him. He uJuld not say. "The bench undersfand that )ou leaped inlo the water and thovered the body.” “They tell me so,” he Laid, “but I have no recollec- tion of it.” “The constable lns told us that you dived twice, brought out the body, and (arried it to the parents’ house.” “I have not the slightest remembrance. I only know tl at I w: s at home in bed at 8 o’clock" â€"six hours laterâ€""and the last thing I could remember was seeing ou‘ Smith {all over the tdge." There can d be no doubt that the witness was speaking the truth ; and he could have had no object in doing otherwise. The shock which he had re- ceived on seeing the fatzl result of his brother’s quarrel had paralyzed his brain ; the memory was interrupted by those few hours, though in all ether respects he acted like a. man in the full possetsion of his senses.â€"â€" [Boston Traveller. The Editor of a. Country Paper one day turned on the Office Towel. which was Hanging on its Accuetomed Nail, and be. 3311 aTirade of Abuse on its Appmr‘nce, tanning it Dirty, Unfit, Ill-looking, and fit only to be Flung out of the Win- "W'hile I am ccmpelled to plead guilty to all Charges." humbly Respt nded the Towel, “You must Remember that your own Hands have helped to Soil me and make me what do w Six Hours Without a Memory. THE FARMER AND THE EDITOR. NEWSPAPER FABLES. A DOMESTIC ROW. ”<->«1 MORAL : MORAL MORAL : the Paris is at present stirred to its dcptha by the revela‘. ions made respecting the car- eer of Pel, the poisoner of Montreml. P3} is now at Mrzas, on acharge of having made away with h‘s servant. a woman named Marie Boehmer. He is also charged with having polioned his first wife. M. Kuehn, the chief of the investigation department, is bu i y engaged at Montrenil in Mlowing up any clues which may bring the murder of the servant hcme to the accused. Two box<s which belonged to the ins-- ing W( man were found to contain a. napkin, which bore the imprint of eblood- stained knife. A large (inmr knife his cometo light, supposed to be the ins‘ru- ment with which Pel cut the fleuh off the bones of his \ictim before bl; rning it by some of the chemical processes in wh’ch he in an ad« pr. It is thought that tho \ ictim‘s rem ins were placed in tle closet, as P(l had been observed to make fruquent Visits there on three successive days in July 'mt. This is somewhat borne out by the fact that when the cessqools were dra Ind to day pcrcionsd human intestines wu-e feund. R1 is aulockmaker by (ride, and was married in 1880 to a young woman named B fi'ereau. employed in a. ahtp near the Champs E‘yssees. Two months after the marriage Pel’e wife I ied in inteme agony. She was hastily bu. icd in the Mon‘martre Cemetery, but her remains are about to be exhumed by order of the RecureLrof the Republic. The colors of paper and ink, says a writer in the Scientific Monthly. zrs f; r m re ro- sponsible for defective eyesight ti an (rosa- lights ’ixm opposite window 3, light shining directly in the face, insuificient light, or small type. If these were 1‘ moved the prin- cipal cause of the mischief would still re- main, the real root of the evil being the uni- versally used blank ink and White paper. These, says the writer in question, are ruin- ing the eyesight of the resoing nat one. He nrgues that the rays of the sun are It fleoted by a. white body, and absorbed by a. black one. and that we print our newspspt rs and bOl ks in direct oppositicn to the pleinest correct principles of optical science. A book I r newspaper as now printed being read by us, the eyes do not see the letters. which, being black, are non-reflective the outlines of the Impressions of the type reach the re- tina. but they are not received by the spon- taneous, dircct action of that organ. The white urine of the p‘ per is reflected, but the letters are detected only by a descrim- inative effort of the optic nerves. This em- stant labor irritates the nerves, and, when long continued, exhausts their suscep ibil- ity. As proofs, the writer cites the Well- known fact that the human eye cannot long sus‘ain the glare of a. white surface without it jury. The sun'ight reflected from fields of suow;unrelieved by the colors of other objec s, (1‘ irun the white minds of the de- sert, is, the world ovu‘, productive of oph- thalmfe. A year afterward Pel married a Mlle. de Murat, who is still alive. Pel dex ied that he had bten married to his first wife, but M. Kuebn confronted him with his brother- m lxw. and he then m‘mitted tlze marriage. M. Kuehn has made a minute examina- tion wwh a. microsm p! of Pel‘a house at Moutreu l. and in the mteraticea of the floor has found hving organ sms such an exiat 0Lly in putrefyinn biood. \Vhen Pel ar- rived in M,ncreu 1 from Nantexra, where he ran away from his second wife and his cre- ditors in July last, he “a; accompanied by the servant Marie Boehmer, who. it is said. was formerly a lay smtar in a convent and afterward a milkecller in the Rue St. Den-‘3 She entrusted a Yarge share of her savings to the c; re of Fe], and about three moat} 3 ago suddetly dxmppearei. In accordance with this argument; if 001‘ l red paper were substituted for white the eyes of all reading pet pie would at once be relieved of a. blinding strainâ€"a. 0( utinuous (Hort bound to result in PK rmanent weaken- ing of the eyes. Nature and science, says the Wl‘lttl‘ above quoted, tell us that the color of all printing paper should be green. Green grass covers the ground green leaves are on the tries and g2 8&1} is the color most grateful to the eye. Pel, in answer to tel-ions inquiries, said he had sent her to the hospit. l. The neigh- bors, how ever, assert that one night, about the time of B08} mar’s disappearance, a great fire was v sible ln Ptl‘s house, and that the air around was infccted by an ofl‘ensive odor. In an adjacent sewer acme human hair has lately been discovered, and it is in this direction, as well as in the closet, that Kuehn made his principal investigation 5 to- day. Pel Will probably be lrought face to face with his second wife to-morrow. It is not long since the mother of the al leged poisouer was lulled by an electric bat- tery made by her son. Pel is in a. very despondent conditien at Mazss, and has not partaken of much food during the past two days. A moltom or assodate hm been placed with him, as i: was feared that be was about to commit suicide, and possibly the accused clockmaker may nuke some sla‘ement to this person.â€" [London Tel:- graph. Green newspapers would be a novelty, but in time we should grow acousttuied to tinl:green school books would please the children: but green grounds would sadly mar the high art englavings for which a num- ber of American magazines have become noted. And, if our scientific friend in au- reel: in his conclusions, green paper would sadly cripple the trade in eye-glasses and spectacles. An Extraordinary French Mm der Case. There has been a great dual of talk lately among the fashionables as to Whether it in the correct thing for a, bride to he attended to the altar by a string of fair bri<'esn.aids. and also if the uncompromising b'aik ccat of the usher should be longer permitted to otstruct the view. There certainly has been a. tendency displayed in recent mar- riages in Philadelphia to dispense with bridesmaids, and several masons have been given by the brides. A pertinent one is that it is such an expense to a girl to find a handsome dress, which, as a. rule, can only be worn on one occasionâ€"«at the wedding. A bridesmaid's track is seldom of any use as a ball dress, and anybody who . has noticed the picturesque group of maidens who follow after the ushus would hardly care to see young ladies attired in that fashion on the streeta.-â€"{Philedelphia Press- Efi'ect of Paper and Ink on Eyesight. Dispensing with Bridesmaids HE BAD K OF TORONTO~D1VIDEND NO. 57. Notice .is hereby given that a dividend of four per cent. hr the current half year. being as the rue of eight per cent per annum upon the paidup capital of the bank has this day been dwlnred, and that the same win be payable at the bank, Ind its branches on and alter Monday, his first day of December next The transfer Looks will be don-d from the seventeenth to the twontynimh day of Novvmher hr th days inclusive. By order of the Board. Dr CUULéON. Cashier. Bank of Toronto. Toronto. 2931: October. 1884. and Gentleman to sell "Queen Victoria. her girlhood and womanhood ." by Grace Gre n< wood. 400 pages. The cheapest. and fastest selling book ever publlahed. Send 750. tqr 33ml) 0 00W. and address for terms and term- torszhe Canadian Subscription Company, 8 Exchange Bank Buildings. Montreal. W. & 1:“."PTULII’I‘16 & Co 100 Grey Nun Street, Montreal. Importer: of Brain Pip". Portland Cement, Chimney Topl, Canada Cement. Vent Lining. Water Lime. Flu“ Govern, Whitin . Fire Bricks, Plaster of Paris. ‘re 01“ Borax. Romln Cement. Ohinn 01” Manufacturers of Basso er Steel 505.7 Cliiizfa Bed Springs have again resumed business, n: Wth to he" lrom all their old customers. We hue he 'inaide track" in the gun business. and will (moi‘h you Firearms And Sporting Good: at, mug in some cases less than, trade prices. Winchest: r Rlflea 1873 model for 819 90. other good: just as cheap. We have removed from Yonze St... and have no conmc'inn with the old stand. Note change t fndrlrvu. Send Go for new in. cat-loans. RAWBQNE & 00V, Shafteqhury Hall “Toronw. N.B.â€"Au made of G repaxrs done. Toronto, Onâ€"t WANW SMOKED SAUSAGES. The moat convenient meat for tumors in their busy season. These mean we cooked and 1-23 (or use 901,11 11L grocer: ghrgug‘h thpgpinjon._ Ben for grid ' M W. cm "’7 ii; Pfid. without any conditions whatever at I will supply two year old vines of the N AGAHA WHI’TE GRAPE Agents wanted, apply to D. W. Beadle, GUNS The New Williams FREE Ingmod. work: “than. whiflletreea. 0901 HP Ill Inn 10. met easier on Ann and mam. unu- hnlrolutyhorolnr Illon MIMI mark 1: unlma (mu PM. 010‘ to! Id. In Unlhd Shh- nnd M THE NORTH - 'WBS'I'1 WOOD COOK: Coleman Patent Harness. E "I‘IIN A, GURNEY’S STOVES J B Dewey & Cg. ‘Two Dollars 'Each~ COAL}AND;WO0D COOK, [ ' ’ ' gm, on QI‘T‘QJM FOR SALE BY STOVE DEALERS' HERE Bu return mail. Full descriptim. Moody's new Tall-Ar pyfltom of Dress Cutting. PROF. MOODY. In every City Kw; VAIIage and gougty {n ggn‘adgi. Lgdy RAWBONE & GO. I’ll ACTN‘ tl‘ GIIN MAKERS km: 342 Moémil And 350 s nmplo cog, o Tau-n}. tree, the heat 2 Anne Weekly Magazine lpubflahed See the big list of reward: m anering Probleguz 8. FRANK' WILSON. 3T]; 56 Adelaide Street We“. Tcronto. Oamdl. ST. CATHARINES. GRAND DJ 3 -| E3 COAL AND \VOOD RANGE. JOHNSTUN’S FLUID BEEF It is the only preps-ratio: of the kiln which contains all he uutnclons, togachar with the stimulating, properties at but. and the only one which hm the mum: to supply nourish~ menttor brain, and bone, and muscle. 85mm: during winter from Portland ever: “and.” Ind Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, undln me from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. callus M Lon donderry to land mails and passengers for Soothnd end Ireland. Also from Baltimore vie [lama and SO. John'l N. 1",. to Liverpool fortnightly dunng aummqr month; The steamers of the Glasgow lines nil d Irlnm between Portland and Glasgow, and Boston and has“ alternately; and dunng summer between Quebec Ind Glygowgngj Boston and Glasgow egery wee; For freight. passe. e. or other information 9. ply to A. Schumac at 8:00.. Baltimore; 3. unatd 8; 00.. Halifax; Shea & Co. St. John's. N.F.; Wm. Thomson & 00.. St. John.N. B. Allan a 00, Chica, o; Lave a Alden. New York; H. Bourlier, oronm ; Allan. Rae 8:00 Quepeo; H. A. Allen. Portland. Boston. Mon Allan Lina Royal Man steamships. Running in connection with bheGrand Trunk Rail”! of Canada. Hailing from Quebec every Saturday dunn. the sun mar months, and from Portland every Thmdu during we winter months. Bailing dates from QUEBEC-T0 LIVERPOOL. Toronto. Oct. II I ‘Vancouver. Nov. 1 'lnegon. Oct. 13 | ’Sarnln M'tmlreal. OctL 'fzs |_Bl‘ooklÂ¥n "flu" all-IIIer Stamps hf every do scriplion, Seals, etc. Bronze Medsla the Ina! four years at Toropzq E ' ' on. A_gentgwngted KESIYONTTLSELExiiâ€"STEWAET MPG. 00.. 72 King St. Week. Toronto. E E I sveoulator a Mars. Adelaide St. Eest,Toronco. Allkinda of realestnte sold or exchanged on commir awn. Money loaned on all kinds of real estate it low- eez rules of Interest. ppllontlan [or money from lam era a_ speciality. Rem: collected and asthma unn- eggg up. gown or country. Henâ€"Beau of relereneelon nfivlicncion. Rates ofgassage: Gammoguebec to Liverpool 85.0.9641. 865. 380. aturn. $90, $1 , 8117. 814-4. according to steamer and berth. Intermediate 335. Bteemge. n lowest rates. The saloon: and staterooms in nutmeg marked thus: ’ are amidshipa. where butlime motionl- ten. sud no cattle or sheep is carried on them. For fur ther partloulm apply to an Grand Trunk mun) Agent or local mentagglha mpapgdxyoA Dominion Lineof Steamships. HAND STAMPS Weighs but 6 pounds. Can be carried In | mull rdiu. Illustration shows Machine in boiler. Satisfaction guaranteed oriln_qney_rgfun_dqd_within 30 days. 0R Fatheuing andb inging into condition. Houel. Cows, Cvaes, Sh sap and Pins. Tan YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER. is used and recommended by Erat- clasa breeders. Milk Castle produce more milk and butter. It fatten: in one-fourth the mud time, Ind saves food‘ ,ob" fieWSfifiTfiik [T's :SliIfiERIQR. ' Wéafiihk 1:15:16 VliEth’ndiaaéyT This clotheg hueith-VI pure whiteness which no other modg o_f mhuggou pro- duce. No mbbiug required. no tnohon to undue the fabric. A 10 year old girl can do the wuhinzu "11 u nn_olde_r perpqn. _ To place it in every household nu Pawn HA5 an}! REDUCED to 2.50.3nd if not (ound assist-econ. money refunded. See what nhe "Canada Preabyterisn." u about irrâ€"The Model ther Ind Blancherwhioh Mr. . W. Dennis otters no the public has many Ind vslunble advantages. It in a time and lnbor suing mmhihe. aubamntlal‘ and enduring. and is very cheap. From hill in the household we can testify to its excellence. Delivered to may express office in the Province! 0! 0n- zuio and Quebec. Charges paid $3.00. Send {or circnlnn. TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE. 213 Yoxcs STREET. monoxro. our C. W. DENNIS, COUNTESS BASE BUBNER, WIT]! 0B WITHOUT 37E! It was awarded flve medals and. three‘flm prizes at the Dominion Exhibition last 0000- ber. It la rapidly supersedlng all the old fashioned makes everywhere, See it. try it. buy It. and make surethat you get it. I: ll Light Ind Buy to run High jArm Maohlneia now recognized I the I Sewing Machine 01’ the Period. VS]? 7 Bééi iiiiaterlal tfidti inéfigyfionnflbB-y'B-r s produce. rfic'e’g’a cams and $1 per box. A dollar box conning THE WILLIAMS’ MFG 00; 7% Notre Dame Stu Montreal, and. 58 Km. It ls_at.rpng. dugaplg, and well bullt._ot the For Sale by Druggi-Its evarywhere. AGENTS WPANTED. COAL AND WOOD RANGE, sum: and Rapid vement, HUGH MILLER & 00., 'uAvub [onh_A§\'cu ago, EL. W Toronto. Plaln andlslmplo to loin AGRICUTL'LRAL Camus'rs‘ 167 Kings}. E832. Toronto. Gefiéial Again: Vfliufiéell‘ Washer METAL & RUBBER BLEACHER THE MODEL BEST AND

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