Choral Service. The united choirs of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches will give a. chore! service in connection with the devotional exercises in the Methodist church today, (’Ebsuksgivmg) commencing at hulfpmrt ten». Rev. B. Walkui‘,B D, Assistant in Him) church, Paisley. Scotland,will occupy the pulput. Acollection will be taken up on behalf of the poor It. is to be hoped there will!» a liberal response. The following order 0! service will be observedzâ€"Antham _“Pra.ise the Lord"; hymn 908; Prayer; A'ntham â€""He hath not dealt so with any nation"; Svriplure lesson; Hymn 909: Set- mon: Autumnâ€"“O Lord how manifoldv aka†Calhclion; Benediction. . A Silver Hunting Unsed watch was last on Sunday last, on the 2nd con. Markham. T119 [index- will be rewarded by Ieavmg it. at. this ofï¬ce. or with the owner. Walter Mapt‘s, Headlord. See ad Sugar is still booming at'the Concrete; 20 lbs of bright for one dollar notwithstanding the advance; also 21 lbs of good dark sugar rtor one dollar. 011‘ Thursday last; the Scott Act was ‘car- ried in Huron, Bruce and Duï¬â€˜erin by large mnjenties and the repeal was voted down in York, New Brunswick on the same day. There was a small majority against the Act in Prince Edward county. Ladies' Fine Mantles at The Cheap Cash House. V Fire Brigade Meeting. The regular fortnightly Fire Brigade met- ing will be held on Friday evening. Full attendance requester]. 1'32 LIBERAL will be sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till Jan. lst, 1886, for on: DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe, and get the balance of this year free of charge. The Concrete is noted for correct prices.. Goods of the best quality only, kept in stock and sold at ciosest prices. Pay your taxes to the Clerk before Nov 25th, and save 5 per cent. Men’s & Gent’s Tweed Suits the Cheap Cash House. “ Notes on Ingersoll," by Rev. L. A. Lam- bert ; “ Progress and Poverty," by Henry George; “ Letters from High Latitudes," Lord Duflerin, for sale at Tm: LIBERAL store. Four Eunds ofTh€_besF]a11ndr3r soap in the market for 25 cents at the Concrete House. Ca'sh Housc For the best 50 cent tea either green black or Japan go to the Concrete House. Professor \Valter Smith’s Drawing Cnrds and Drawing Books (authorized) for side at T411: LIBERAL store. Diï¬'érmt colors of Macrame ( st Tm: LxBImAL store. «BKCHMUND HILL. 'l‘hursd w The Cheap ( the ï¬nest coffees The Americ- at. THE N. B.â€"Re: at least F‘xfh mentioned 1 Evnxn‘ Moan Queen Pm-deu Davenpor Weston u Thornhill Rxcmmxl King ....... Aurom . Namnm'k‘ Pm:an TORON Qua Fine all-wool Gurnseys at The éheapVCash House. )lr( T'h \Va Mail ’I‘UDONTO‘ Citv Hull Union Smtinn Brock Strent PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Ma Alu' Until fm‘ ichluonxl Dhs a“ 4* ;;1%vra1. POST OFFICE NOTICE ‘1" 1:41 () (1 ,A E; m Exl latest book: on Irish, Dutch and an recitations and readings for sale LXBERAL store. \th‘f , I 44*: . “f Pay your Taxes n M Watch Lost Tea for $ at The Cheap GOXNG NORTH Muil. A COIN Scott Act Cash House keeps '49 '1‘ H Methodisï¬ and give a. choral the devotion] church today. ulster ‘1‘ sale 11‘ Mm’l The half-yearlv Uniform Promotion Ex- aminations for North York will be held in the diflereut schools on Friday, Nov. 7th. According to the programme laid down by the Central Committee, the pupils of Curr- ville and Patterson schools will write at Richmond Hill. Miss Spragge and Miss Rutherford have charge of Patterson school ; Mr. 'Nicholls of Carrville, and iMr. Bassing. thwaite of Richmond Hill schools. The fol- lowing time table Wlll be observed :â€" A. M. 9.00â€"9.15. Directions to candidates. “ 9.16â€"10.15. Geography. “ 10.30â€"12.00, Arithmetic. P. M. 1.00â€"2.30, Grammar & Composition. “ -' 2.45â€"4.00, Literature J: Spelling. ‘- Early on Friday morning lns‘, a ï¬re broke out in the back kitchen of Mrs Noble's brick residence. Maple. and before thelflames couhl be extinguished the whole building was inI n Haze The citizen! were awakened {10m their slumbers and snowedvd in'snving moi: of the household guuds, but their greatest eï¬orts could not. save the building Nothing remains on the premises but the {ourwnlls of the dwelling, which are still standing, the stables and n1} outbuildion being turned t0' the ground Unfortunately; there‘ was no insurance‘ The election of ofï¬cers for the present quarter, at tha I. O. (i T. Lodge, took place on Wednesdav‘eveuing, OchZ‘Bth. and we- sulted as followszâ€"W. C. T: , Bro. J. H. Sanderson". W. V. T. , Sister Switzer. W, S. Bro. L. Builey; ‘VrF. 8.. BIG. S. Agar; W. ’1‘., Sister J. H“ Séudersony W. M. Bro. W. Clnbine; W. U. G. Bro. W. Storey; W. I. G. Sister M. Storey. The P. W. (J. T's chair will be ï¬lled by the mtitiqu. C. T., Bro. U. Rutheridz'd. Rolled Oats &‘Desiccated \Vheat at The Cheap Cash House. Educatianal Changes, The recently published regulations in re- gard to the‘examinaliou for teachers’ certiï¬- cates hnve been modiï¬ed as follows : For Thirds the bonus for Music is increased to 75, and a bonus of 72 for Botany. 01' of 150 for Latin or French or German will also be allowed ; For Seconds, 9. bomu for Botnuy or for Languages will be allowed the some as Thirds. or candidates may substitute one of three languages for Chemistry, Statics and Hydrostatics. The Botany for both classes will be the same as at last exumiuntmn. Since writing the above, the prisoner hits been sentenced to ï¬ve years' imprisonment in the penitentiary The person who is supposed to have stolen the horse, &c., from Bond's Luke eome time ago, was brought up before the Police Magi-s Irate in Brampton on Friday last, and com- mitted fur trial. No one who has seen the man, and heard the evidence against him, can have any doubt as to him being the cal- prit, yet in all probability be will get clear 9f the charge, as in all cases of doubt the prifl- ODPI‘ is entitled to the beneï¬t. To-day beimz Thanksgiving, accounts for the LIBERAL appearing a. day earlier thnn~usual this week. We wish our patrons a pleasant and proï¬table time on the na- tional holiday. It is to be hoped the dav will be observed by all loyal subjects in an appropriate manner, as there is every rea~ son to be Lhankffll to the Givor of all things for the bountiful harvest bestowed upon his people. Go *to The Cheap Cash House for Gloves and Hosiery. 1* or the be: suits and ove and boys, go ï¬t guarantee( the goods. knickerbocke For the L of 310 an 1‘3» mouth joint no“ be allowa‘ The Farm Stock, imple Furniture, 620. of Mr E. B con. Markham, near Elg sold by public auction. on Chase and Sanborn's pure stand- ard Java Coffee best in the world ground fresh for customers at the Concrete. and gloves at1 than half price worth $1.2; For a Finc Overcoat go to The Cheap Cash House. of 89.150. Mf. D‘ farms in that. purl: Entrance Examinations. The next Jflutmnce Examination {or the igh School “ill be held on Tuesday and 7vdnosdny, the 23rd and 24th of Dec. Can- ldntes must bear in mind that. Drawing is I be included among the pass subjects for :9 ï¬rst time. See advertisement on nnotb‘ he Cheapest ash House P083 The farm of the In: t 26. 4511 Con. V91 Ladies' and gent d gloves at the ‘ Uniform Promoï¬on Exams Value in F Cash Hons: Unreserved Credit Sale x, &c. of Mr E. Bernard, lot 51. let. mam, near Elgin Mills, will be 1blic auction. on Friday.Nov. 14H], ule to commence at 12 o‘clock. )wls‘ pigs, roots, hay. and all sums 11 under, cuab; over that amount, 3' credit will be given on approved 5. Adiscuuntof 7 per cent will l-(or cash. S. Eckardt, Auct. Election of Ofï¬ch M r That Horse Thief. Fire‘ at Maple best value in ready made )ver cogtst gents, yoï¬uthsr A Day Earlier A Good Farm Credit Sale Sugars at The Cheap to the Concrete.» Good i; no trouble to show A nobby lot of boys' I suits cheap. 'nughuu. 11 am Diceman adit on a; Auctioneer h L18!) the swing (likpnsed of Lreet, oï¬'ers for sale 4. her valuable it 4, her Sale grain ‘ B‘enjnmiu Andrews, Iannels at The meats, Household lined kid mitts rncrc‘te at less :5 for 60 cents Jntry at 12 o’clock, and all sums of t that amount approved joidt er. Forfurthbr' been pur- r the sum of the best if“) her 184 We offef you axe See our Dress Goods See our’Ca‘shmems.’ See our‘Dressand Mantle Silks." See our Plain'and Brocade Velvets. See our Jackets, Ulsters and. Dblmans.i. See: our stock of Cloths and Tweeds. See our Trimmed; & U'htrimmed Millinery. See our Gloves, Hosiery 8c Underclothing; m‘TRDNTU’S NE PRIDE DRY 80008 HEBSE! 1550 Dozen (the balance of a. Mannfactdrer’s stool-2;) of Ladies’ and Children’s Linen Phcket Handkerchiefs, about half prion Fancy Handkerchiefs, 30., 4c.,5c.. and 60. each. Pure Linen Handkexchiefs. 5a., 90., 7c., and 8c. each. The greatest bargains in Handkelc‘niets ever offered in Toronto. See than). Ladies’ \Vnterpruuf Clrculars, $1.25 up‘. TERMS STRICTLY" QASQ E- Is now replete with all the Newest Styles in Mantles, Dolmans, Ulsters Skirts, qulted Skirts, Felt Skiz’ts, Orcoman Cloakings, Matalasse Cloak Cloths, Sealetter. Mantle Flushes, diet. (to. In which we show all the newest Fall Dress Materials in Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, all W001 Poplins, Ladies’ Cloth, C_om bination Snitings. all Wool Serges. Checks, Plaids. &c., Cnshmeres, in all the new shades, Black and Colored Gros Gram Sllkk Sarina, Satin Merveillenx, Satin Rhadnmea, Satin Brno-(ides, Black Silk Ottoman Crrds, Brocade Silk Velvets, Silk Mnml: Velvots, Culured Silk Velvebs, Velveteens, Mantle Flushes, Sealetter, &c. Fine Dress and Mantle Making done on the Premises Black Ottoman 06rds, Chine Grapes. Cashmere Serges, Foule Cloths, Crep Imperial, Costum C1 Cloths, Berber and Serge Cloths. We are now showing: Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price i: exchange for goods. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, Before purchasing elsewhere call and†inspect the im- mense stock of our FRESH GRUCERIES,PRO'VISIONS,FLOUR &' FEED? SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, And every description of Fruit of the best quality. Boots and Shoes will be kept in endles: variety and at priCes which can not be beaten in We will not be undersold by any house in tlie‘trade, as we buy at the Fountain Head of Production, and sell on the smallest living proï¬t, all goods being marken in plain ï¬gures, and " VVe-only sell such goods as can be safely recommended to our customers. YONGE STREETâ€",z'rHIRD 81103141 ABOVEQUEE’M STREET, TaIiONTO EDWABE FALL. 210K No SECOND PRICE; ONTARIO HOUSE, Richmond HiH, has just opened Ont with a large stock of ï¬UR SILK & DRE‘ESS DEPARTMENTS the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of New Fall Goods we have yet offered, and invite attention t $75,000.00 stock to select from,-and iti will repay you to come ICO ‘miles order to buyr'vfrom us, as you will saVe money_every time. rapes J‘s; Elourning Dress (£00115? a specialty. 182 YONGE ST., TORONTO. () 111' BIaJu do 1) 0p artnlent ONTARIO. HAMILTON, Special Bargains. HOUSE» antles, Dolmans, Ulsters, Knitted~ “"001 Wraps, Heavy W’i‘ap ShathNKhittw oakings, Matalasse Cluakings, Colored Beaver's' and Fancy Cloakings, Ulstm TOS. HALL. Paramatfaz‘, Henrith 1D