Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1884, p. 8

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ELI) Saturday, Nov. VILLAGE 0F KLEINBUBG! my lie Put Justn Be Be 5 ‘Id \w ALt REAL Oct. 23rd, 1884.4 8-1 JUWM SALE The tr to the 1‘1 GEN'H‘iAL any}? ua’mi Dividend N o- 1. P. S. Inspectcr Aurora. Oct. 30th. ESL-187211.]. Dr». 912 bjuc time. .ngiuuin must not where £111 of Nuve'w II’I SD55! & WEDNESDAY, Entrance Examinations The mm ing it at U“ or at THE 2. LOST, n tween Lot 1mm. :1 Sn‘ The 23rd & 24th, Will be conducted in the High Schools at Newmarked arid Richmond Hill. No case of an afl‘ec; lungs exists which can by the use of AYER‘S and it will always cur uqt already beyond the "I calmnt say enough in p: CHERRY PECTORAL, believi but. for its use I should long from lung troubles. 1 Palestine, Texas. Anvil 22‘ “I suffered for eight, years from Drona!) and after trying many remedies with 110 cess I was cured by the use of AYER'S C} ng‘f’ECTolgAL. A Just”; \VALDEN 1w PECTURXL J Jos Bylmlia, Miss., April 5, 1 in my hesitnt 0111‘ “While in the country last winter my boy. three years old,was taken ill with c it seemed as if he Would die from sir lation. One of the Mini _' suggesme ill of AYER’S CHERRY PECTOIXAL, a 1mm which was always kept in the house. was tried in small and frequent dusm ‘0 our delight in less than half ml huu little patient was breathing easily. The tor s‘aid tlmt the CHERRY I’ nun sleep and afforded me th'e rest m for the recovery of my strength. continued use of the ’1'?CTORAL a men: cure wns effected. I am now [ old. hale and hearty, and am satisth Gummy PECTURAL saved me. HORACE FAIRRROTI Rackingham, Vt, July 15, 1652, M “ In 1357 1 took mylungs. Iharl night after ni vht gave me up. Ii t TORAL' which rl Lake Crystal, Mime Mar No other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of Butler- em. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex- posure, in often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AYER’B CHERRY I’ECTonAL hns well proven its eflicacy in a forty years' fight. with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without. delay. medy ansf‘ 29th 159 W VVatoh Lost ! ‘ AYE R’S Cherry Pectoral. M 111' u DIUL Lhe (q ad my darling 3 Me. gratitude? Sincerely Mus. '9 West; 128th St” New Dev emb rty will be the Muste In the C By order of the Board I .. my. the J 2r books w of Novem Groupâ€"A Mother's Trilmu fy tL’ ave used Anna‘s ( family for several to pronounce it (he ni for coughs and colds \ name Court, of Jl Mr. ’I‘myume O’N {857 I took a. geyere cold, which attested gs. I had a teyn‘bie eough’and ased utter ni ht without slaep. J‘he ( actors a up. g tried AYER’S CHERRY Pir- Jvln'ch relieved my lungs. induced and afforded me the rest neCessm'y 3 [ecovery‘ofi my strength. By the Sold by a}; pruzgist‘ 1 ll] )l'eby given that a. cent upon the pan :ilution has been thi 1 from 1513 Hutch m from the dates of you) and that the a; Bank and its Bram the lst Day of Dec Divi‘ Terrible Cough Cumfl. mt a. da Head Master re Lo write, 13‘ be iuciuded among the pass Examination for the first D. FOTHE RINGHAM ESTATE ! Mi in t OE d that the s and its Bran : Day of De‘ be closed {u ’1' next, hot/'11 0D u.) use W (1.1)) y r tf York, on ‘f the High Court of made in a. matterof ieutun there will be «mammal-momm- f Jurlicutm‘e by Pub- M CHERRY PECTUK 2 when the disease control of medicin I5 mer m min croup; uld die from strangu- uilysuggkslun lhe use ECTORAL, fl. bottle of it In the house. This LI frequent dusOK, and ban half an hulu‘ the king easily. The doc- mev Pnc'rmux, had Can you “under an 21y \‘ours, s. EMMA GRDNI‘ \VALTER MAPES‘ 15th, ’84, York. ‘1":le A. ALLEN Cle ‘h 13 ‘f the throat or : greatly relieved 111v PECTORAL. by. :Candidatea ‘ of the school efore the 16111 IFS} 188‘ warded by leav- Mapes, Headford .me: A I RBROTUER." m aha 17th days inclus- dividend of 1 up capital 5 day declar- M :1 y re will be n'inOrdin- ‘e by Pub- Lel in the a have CRANE 1882. Cashier e sever a will 1 ieline be- oi Mark AYFR'S 10 that. By 013 perma- 1: years id your H ER )mle ml Money to Loan on improved 1’: cent. Apply ‘0 ' ’ Junellylim Money to Loan John Bengal}! & Son, Pub- lishers, Mmtreafl. All Subsrriptimzs I’ayabh‘ in Admmcr. Sample (‘0me oral" or any 0! the above Papers sent with pleasure. reductions to clubs which only needs to be seen in order to be liked. Printed in large and distinct type, it yet contains the news of the world in such a clear and brief style that everyone may understand and appreciate. News of the great temperance campaign in progress all over the worlrl fills a prominent place in the WEEKLY MESSENGER‘S columns. In addition to these it is an iElusntuted paper, and gives its subscribers correct por- traits of the people they read about ; it con- tains four pages of most interesting family reading, besnles accurate Weekl) reports of the New York and Montreal markets. All this for only Filly Cents a Year, wiLh _As_.,‘:, . is a newspaper of the first rank. keeping its readers thoroughly informed 011 Ml deparh ments of current thought and events. Its name and reputMiOn are too well and widely known and firmly established. to need any extended comment. Smgle copipn, One Celn. Subscription price, $3.00 a year, POSIBKB ll'ee. THE NORTHERN MESSENGER A CENT A DAY FOR THE WORLD‘S NEWS. THE DAILY WITNESS gather in one enveIO} be EIGHTY GENTS When FOUR sub: gather in one. envelo: 31 are as follows The price 0 The Clubbing H tor of the WITNE previous have give again repeat them QUESTION ed by a Mo: barrister ; QUESTIONS ON SUBJECTS OF EVERY KIND are answered by competent authorities. answered by Dr S d QUESTIONS ON Ac answered by “ Rust QUESEIONS ox FH‘ swered by Mr Jame Ont : The WEEKLY MESSE QUESTIONS c by D A Jones, the National 1 QUESTIONS A QUESTIONS on VETEgmAm SUBJECTE are answered by Dr. MeEachrau, I" R C V S. Principal of the Montreal Veierinary College and the Dominion Inspector of Live Stock. QUESTIONS ON BEE-Knnpxxa are answewd by D A Jones. of Beeton. Ont. President of Where A ziuch valued feature of the WITNESS, and one which has shown greatly increased development. during the past couple of yams, is {the THE WEEKLY MESSENGER. Which was established in the winter of 1845-6, has very materially increased in air- culation during the present ynarmearly 9800 new names having been added to its sub- scription .list, making a total of 41,300. This paper gives all the current news and abundwt good reading, along with the Sun. day School Lessons} and is THE CHEAP- EST FAMILY PAPER in the Dominion. WVHAT TO READ THE WEEKLY WITNESS SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS, Montreal adVC 'l by 1885. CLUBBING RATES ABOUT â€"â€"DURING ates given by the proprie- 88 last year and the year 11 so much satisfgctionye Such J. R. AI ‘OHV )scripti pe, the aton. Ont. President 01 nventmn ; POULTRY AND PETS are Andres, Mouuenl ; [CULTURAL SUMECTS arc ‘criptions 3.tbe mic '9 AND PLANTS are an- Dnugall, of Windsor, Summers are answer- :Ma and an Ontario Ri 3ERis a paper in order to be me are sent to- prioe to each will S, or $3.00 in all are sent together to each will be LNOLD, hmond Hill 40 in all mm. at re sent to each per to- will mnunxe manner, and on the most 1' Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING WA G U N S. Cutters, In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twcmy‘five years, I beg tu re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and corp- Iundiuna premises, I am engbled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Brlth light and heavy. all of which are namnteed to give satisfaction as “If mrk is under my own supervisr 1. I am lsuprepared to do) allkinds Hf black‘ mithmg (L‘ repairing in the most work- mulike manner, on the shortest notice. TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- for every Horse - Shoeing WARRANTED Richmond Strain] Special attention given to the proper prepay ations of family and Veterinary receipts. July 3rd, 'Siâ€"lv. BUIWING LETS 1*‘( )1} SAIJ]:5‘A MILLER'S TlCK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. dz: CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto Eight Building Lots to; East,ou1y 911100 ‘ench, 15 p: ‘f the lots; A130 Two Ne Hugh MILLER Mm, Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- chants, and Shippers, with a View to Adtfilmfi and Spring business. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES CHARLES DGNALLD 85 66., 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E. C., [842â€"â€" FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY fla®£€aÂ¥z§§$ {31% ANI)IRIE‘VS’ SE32 Qgfiéag I And he is instruc the mtes levied f‘ Public School Am will voluntarily c at hm Office, befo Vember aforesaid ‘HE 1m _ to th‘ mond H111 Pay Your Taxes and Save 5 per Cent. VILLAGE, SCHOOL, lerk‘s Offl Octc Paid special attention to. WM TEX-INCH. fiwgzflgw Ema. [nun/10M) lupL, -.__(,._.___. 25TH 0? NOVEMBER, 1884 I OTHER BERT. AN DRE‘VS. Prop tobér 29th,188£ dersigned is auzhorized to give notice a Ratepayers of the Village of Rich- .thut he will receivu the Taxes at. his Office until the THI MUNICIPALITY OF Pnormm‘oas OF. Richm DR. LANGWTAE‘F ucted to allow Spar centum upon l for Cnunty.‘y’, High School. Railway purposes, to such as ,I call and pay their taxes to him tore the twentyâ€"fifth day of No- ier of the Council IN THI AND Sale on Centre Stree Ir cent. down for pink when“; 510011;», on ACE FOR A Hill TAXES ! N. TEEFY. Clerk and Treasurer ID 8 @®% 9 “113,? (40 Years Established) black For good and cheap Watch- ‘Vz'f‘f' es, Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- ‘° W“ yerware and Spectacles ‘â€"1842 141 Yonge Street, Toronto qwer questions er ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" $10.00 E. M. MURPHY Absulutely no pain experienced and harm less in all cases. DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto. Has the exclusive right for the usa of Hnrd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of C. P. LENNOX We do n( CLOCKS, WATCHES ‘mld Filling, and all other fully perfurmed, at, mndu lull and see me. No tron soft: um! Loti‘ l It coucmls the evidence of age. One appliv cation will make the most stubbornly red and rough band beautifully soft and white. Re- member lhat “ MAY DEW " is not. a paint or powder that fills up the pores of the akin, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new and great discovery, a vegetable liquid. that, causes the cheek to glow with health, the neck arms and hands to rival the lily in whiteness. Im- possible to detect in the beauty 1t confers any artificial character. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles. Wrinkles. Pimpleu, Black Head, Crow':A Feet, Hutches, Face Grubs, Sunburn, ’l'an, Ringwormfihapped Hands, Sore m'ChtIpâ€" ped Lips, Barber's Ticl), Tether, dag, It frees the pores, oil glands and tubes from the injur- miis effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre. vented; it. heuuhfies the skin and will make it smoolh,solt and white, imparting a delicate BEST SETS The Great French Lotion for Baautlfymg The Face. 'IVT MAY DEW ap‘ VITALIZEDAIH. Address 11H lstter: nu ch ulor and THE NEW WILLEAMS! \V llolesa ll‘iLymnn Br and y m the CLO no INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY H'CH MAKER 6’s éfi‘flELLER, 51.00 p mat nhful npr mrld ever GO TO AS REPRFSENIED. .Ixtorphy- . 1L. SKEELE, quoté suit, 9F Wh at. mndu‘até fees. No tumble to an May 15th,1884.â€"1v rial and warrant to the M AY DEW AGEN- 1111‘ [roughness are ‘ skin mud will mal imparting n deli‘ rfectlv heal‘hv. 1 )rices. Look in and need not tell you Wh: and Feed a specialt ALSO DEALI l‘il operatiuns for Ladies DEALER IN menti We will send m rPceiptr of rWhy, nut High Arm Sewi H. B. Dewsbury, All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. Elliott. dz ( this Trunks, Satchels, \Vhips Ready Made Harness, &c.. always on hand. RICHMOND HILL SKEIELE. HARNESS EMPERIUMK G‘d insl: try itvh1 Suld by It is stror very best in Skill produc first pri October h 19 Light and Easy Silent and rap Plain and SEWING MACHINE Richmou d RICHMOND HILI YONGI I" FI RST-CLZ it to Northrop 'ing Maching is now rec nized as the J E WELR STREET., Mex 1n arms J supex en‘wl and well builtpf the money can buy, or 53,11 to run. id in motion. Sxmple to Learn TH [111 )l‘gans and 1t E EEBIOD‘, our an quality nd fibre: Jition in )3 all thn See it won get it ?V

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