RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 18811. IS I’ llIlLISILEI.) EVERY THURSDAY EVENING A T THE LIBERAL PRINTlNG & PUBLISHlNG HOUSE LvlCHMONl) lllLL. â€" ‘ ONTARIO. T. MCMAIION, EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. r‘ijillzuic aiming. Churches. ‘ ' ' ~Servioe M3 SFT’ISC'W .\i. i Hum n’. N avail. llil- third Sunday of ever month, ' theta-um :Lud S:Ll'2':ll1‘l'l_li. are lisleutéoq sin Sunday-v Schmrlstl:;50pxn llm. . u ., hector. .\liarunmsr Cm V p ‘ l ‘ '2'! v. in..niid bituiduysc H > v l V ‘ licivple‘s 1Jl':1.\‘L‘l' lllljeiilll‘: lm-edu} 'cieiiililg; Gem-Bu l‘i'ivror Meeting every 'lliui'sduy “111;, Iii the Lcc'u'ru Room. llm. W. ll. Haiku, . 1 ., tx'tev. \V. 12.}l0iitli. Assistant. g0 ‘k“< ' ‘ - CANADA.«.. r ~ , .SllY'IRlLlA\ Cram nor _ V . p u 1' ‘Ilqlfi'clrfck ll.lil..f\‘.l(lli' lo Play er luceti * ‘ l - 4 tizf . t‘u \Veduumliu excuiii,.i - h ‘ h ' llmiAv CATROLU' rurnru.~Scrvwcs gr.) miller1 z-q fiilltiivs Thoriilzill in :I I‘LllluVlllhl ll“ ingot; Ilillut 10:30 mm. the fiill‘Hï¬lLl'g .\umlu} um. mom! Hill lit 9.,.:‘.ud 'l hul'ulllll at 10.. 9.. Soï¬e-lies. ‘ ’ ‘ ‘7‘! G.R.(‘ - l’ 011611,th . d A. M.._l\0. .., â€"i\(l‘;c‘é2‘iii\?hclfmdge lloouijlusouic Hulls? {die Mnndnv on m- befni‘e full lUUOLl, lit-8 o cloc A.J.liupci1.\V.M. ‘ 1 r ' P " 3 mm or FORRC‘IERSâ€"‘COUIt [lie I: mï¬iililidbf’lblii A. 0. I“ . meek (m Llie '1 euipeiï¬iucc "Hull every alternate Friduv an 7.30 p. 111.; . \“H‘igbt, u. R. ‘ LE, N0 “5.1.0. G. T.â€" RICEMOSD HILLerili‘iziil: Hall' livery Wednesday t-intlie'l‘euip H ‘ iizeuihuuut 7.1m o‘clock \Vindlmiimn T.D. z odist sabbath school Temperance As sorgilï¬iï¬iligsuc pledge cards every buudu) when desired, Wiii.Ha.rrisun supt ‘0 ‘ mm “ v c“ lNSTITUTE.â€"â€"Lil)ml_‘y 0. ve- vu‘liiknig:npeii every Tuesdnv evampg, in flagsh- 6 mic HullJi‘oin T to “l o'clock. 11-. la. (Elan-1,1 V1 :3. man. Lectures and disi-ussmuslperio 1;: for ' HILL House-r Asn.â€"â€" ee. p (ï¬ligemgg‘iy Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader. I VILLAGB CGUNCKL.â€"-Re:ve. John Brown goug- cillors. Messrs. ISlL-‘M? Crosby, A. illoodfic, . , Law an i HF. III ppcr. ltleik. Ill. lcc v. _ A. O. U. \V..Ivy Image, No. lll. Ileets inéhï¬ Counuittee llzmin of the him-ionic Be 50‘ each alternative Friday at h o clpck p. “Lt d ‘ [till- ticm-v certifich uiveu full-{L’IK‘O in case 0 cu .. .I. A.'E. Swiwerdilnstcr \\ (ll'lSullu’l. . h II. T. of Teuipci'anro, Ilicliiimnd Hill {‘Oii‘izcil, Iva. 4:5, Meets in 'l‘tmperviicc Hal_l,euc1 pi ei [i‘itive Tue<day vvoninu MSG clock p ene- ï¬ciarv certiï¬cates issued to mle or) ) ’ members for H.000 or in ruse of death >-,Qr\l . (line Emil urn-able in cnsu of disability. J. Rubin): e); szon Select (‘ouncillnrm J.A. sturgeon bteuur . 'llecording Sec re tarv. 311M mo]. M130 p. ni.i â€"â€"râ€"-7 BU sï¬â€˜ï¬â€™sT Dr. Goo. Lungslafl Has removed fcom King, and commen- ced practice at Tliornliill. Nov. (itli,’8‘2â€"tf. Dr. James Langsmn AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstaï¬. College Pliysiciunsdr. Surgeons, RICHMOND HILL, ONT.†Dr. (Drr, Maple. Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 9.30 n. m..a.nd to 2.310 Members on" D. in' Dr. wir. wusou. V ‘ ' v , , - (‘0 .\ rl list Toronto (iiiveimti. Mriiilsi V_ PIliavsiicuuis 81 Surgeons, 0nt.,ll(_ito of Stout‘fnlle You‘re Street, Richmond Hill. Ofï¬ce Home 8 to \u 11.. iii., 5th 8 p. in. # hmtnb VIZE’QLJZEQ £3153 USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIfl‘“, ‘ ' ‘ t ‘10 VBRJ‘S, ‘l i l kful fni the lamps of the pas - inivirlstillhe nullsllltedln any branch of the pro. (eusion, as follows: Lirom, lst, 8th, 15th, and 22ml 0! each month Richmond llill......‘.ltli nudflith dn_ (at the Palmer House) I Stouflvillc. . . .38th 1:. Mnrliliiuii . . . . . . ,,.:fltl1 d . VictoriaSqimre 11st 0. I‘liorulnll . . . . . . . Llrd do. Vvimdlii‘iilge . . 23‘“ \l(). Kloinlnirg . . .. 29th do. Schwinn .. .. . 30th 0 Vituli'md Air always onhuml at np‘sniiitinenbï¬. Woi' like a. vlmrm. Free from mun. Addre A llBINFUN L.D.S..Aur0iu0nt. \,,- (I: 7 H ust “a. II. I). 5., DENTIST. NEWTON 13 ROCK. Will vimttue (allowing places profemionully :~ Inionvilln _. 19. Monday of each month nV anion . . mill and flint. “ anll- .. . 113th “ †Richmond Hill . ., 19th ' " \Vmulluridpu . ‘Z‘Jiid Mr. llusbiuidaill be found in his ofï¬ce, Nrwv» {on lll'ulllx’,4l\'tll'\' Suturdxv, except when Silbllh ‘u"f1Lll~'Ull the above dates. 4; h‘J- lv ,. - ‘.‘ . . L 1:1 until. Money 10 Loan. A lllYL'l‘ amount of Mom-y to Lend on farm or mtv Hi'opPi‘ty interest 7 herewith. nu CUlJlLlllb giï¬ll now. MACDONALD, MERRITT it (70. Union Loni: buildin a Toronto i *nrr.~$urvï¬res at 10:30 aim. i‘ l ,l Seutrcl cf l Emmi. i’Eï¬FY, NOTARY PUBLIC 3:, AND Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL. Money to loan (in farm sacluity. HALL, [WILLA R'I‘ON dc (300K, ll.\lllllSTl~‘.l(S, SOLICITORS, &c. OFFICES: 1-“! KING STREET EAST, TORONTo. W.l\l. HALL, J.S.I<‘L'l.l.All’l‘ON, WV. COOK. l-“l’lllYATli FUNDS Tu LOAN. M .- ‘dliisrtlliuuouï¬. Salem Erkardl. Iiiccnsml Auctioneer for tho Count-it‘s (if Ymk ()uturiouiid l‘cn-l. Hoods sold on consignment. (lent-ml Rules of hth‘li, 9113.. promptly attended flu at i'cumiiulilu ruins. 1’. (l. address, l'NIONVILLE. J. \"nnh us, Importer of Winches. clm‘lu: and line jewellery u stock rd lliumondsuinl pi'4,-cmzisstoiien alwnys oiilniiill. THIRD “(Kill bOUTH 0F QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. D'Mnnufurtlu'iuu of jewellery. uiid i-epuii'iiicofwatches and clocks on the I‘l'ellllhel‘. u. Hpem’nltv Timukiiiuuur puti'oiisund fricndsfor theirlib- ei'nlimtronnnr ii. the lust we bug to state that we haw just rcccivcil a large stock cfnew goods inlntmst designs. A llbl‘uL‘ stock (if Elgin and Wulthzun watches koiitonliund. S. ill. Brown. Iiicannrd Auctioneer for the County of Yoi‘kJe- speciï¬nxlly Solirits your patronage and friendly influence. Sulm nttcndcd an the shortest notice and uh rensonablcmtes. P. 0. Address, Box 06. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County onork, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonnlic Mites. P. 0. address, King. ______,._________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- N. J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest not-legend at reu- abe rates. Address Stouflvule P. 0 FREDERICK WHITLOCK, Richmond llill. 0l(lIl'flll,1l.n;,'S,Bl‘fl&§, Mn, bought for cash at citv prices. (‘liiuinci' Swacping attended to on shortest notice. Jmi.1:'ith. ‘BIâ€"lv. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Muc- douuld, C. 11. Robinson. A. McLean Howard. and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Depdsits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current llutes NJ notice of withdrawal required. lll'llIbS on till parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought.nd sold. JAM ES Ill. LA‘VRENCE, M sum gar. HllllflllLAllEl PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <lBUILDERS’:> â€"â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MEG H A N I o ’ s TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. WILKIN S’ BROS 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 23-4-‘83. Send six cents in 1mm, age. iuid receive free, ll Cuntly box of goods Wlll"ll I will help ull. of either ~l'.\ to mom money right uwuy tliun iiiiytliiiig vlse in this uarid Fortunes nwnit ilic \VUl‘lU.'lh nlmoluu-h son». At once uddress I‘mâ€: 5; Co., I Augusta. Muiiiu. ‘mg cringegh.’ $1.00 in ADVANCE. LOCALS A Strange Cnse. People cast of Aurora tire agitated over what may turn out to be a narrow escape from being buried alive. A boy named Silua Lyon, 17 years of 1158, only son of Mr. Heii~ ry Lvmi, of the 4th con. of Wbiichurcb, was taken ill on Sunday Nov. 9th with iiifiam~ million of the bowels, and us was Supposed, died on the following Saturday. The fu- neral WRS appointed to take place on Tues~ day. Tlu> friends of the. deceased assembled and the service had begun,bcfore the rcinov. {ll of the body, when signs Were noticed indicating ibnt, life war not yet extinct. The funeral was postponed till Thursday, by “inch tinic the painful suspense in which the fumilv nnw livn,will doubtless have been turned into either joy or bitter disappoint- meut.â€"filnlm. Grand Panorama. The name of J. Verity has become a. house- hold word in three continents. but only is hendeuler in pleusure, but he is also a straight forward man of business. He makes it a point to keep all his promises. Consequently those who pay a visit to his Zoopi'apliix-on may rest assured of a. rare treat. This vast. paiioriunn. is painted on 40,000 feet of canvas; it includes views of celebrated paintings, llldgniï¬cellt scenery. stirring scenes of the Franco-Prussian wnr, illueli'nfinnsof lluiiymi's l’ilgrim Progresn, and 30 startling pictures based on T. S. Ar- thur's celebrated ‘Ten nights in aBar-Iloom.‘ The Zoogmpbicnn is pl‘flisml and recom- memlud by the Press and Pulpit as being a. lull fund of instruction, geographian ari- isfic, historical and moral. This mos-i pleasing panorama will be exhibited in (be Temperance Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Nov. 24th and 25th. Admission '20 cents,- children 10 cents. Doors open at 7; to commence at B. A grand matinee will be given on Tuesday at 4.30 p. m. Child- ren 5 cents. Do not forget the date. r.â€" PERSO A.“ S. Mr. Wm. Urquhart, of Woodstock, was in the village during the week calling on old friends. Dr. R. Hall (6 Bro., formerly of this place, were visiting friends in town duiiug the week. Mr. J. Brown, lleeve,ia in '“nrouio attend- mg the County Council, which ls now in session. Wm. Mulock. M.P.for Norib‘l‘orkmnd Mr. Cane of Newmarket, were in the village on Saturday, and favored Tun LuiL‘im. .vitli a call. Rev. Mr. Grant. of the town of Simone, prcuclmd in the I’resbytciiuu Church (in Sunday lust. He will also occupy the pulpit next Sabbath, morning and evening. lev. R. N. Burns, B. A. of Toronto, will preach Educational Sermons iu the Method- l isl. church of this place, next Sunday. Col- lections on lJPllfllf of the Educational Fund will be taken. We congratulate A. U. F. Lawrence, B.A., on pussuig his final examination in law. Fred is now on the list «Hull-fledged Burris- lem, Solicitors, &c.. and is prepni‘ed to re- ceive clients and give advice (in all legal questions. We wish him every success. YIARRIAGES I‘Alulli'l‘gCIL-UU-Af. the Methodist Parsonage, ltu'liinoiid Hill, (in lxuv. lb‘tli,by Rev. W. ll. Barker. Fruiik l’nduet, to Maggie Ci'uig, ill] of Markham. DEATHS CANEâ€"At .\icwnmrkct, on the 15th Nov, Ambrose M. Cuiie, uged 28 YL‘ul’S, ‘J [11011th und 6 days. Great results are speedily accomplished by the leading alterative, Northrop it: Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dys- peptic Cure. Indigestion ceases, bilious- new disappears,constipution Elves place to regularity of the bowels in consequence of taking it. Lndies suffering from oom- plaiuts peculiar to their sex experience long wished for relief from it. and impur- ities in the circulation no longer trouble those who have Sought its aid. Give it a trial and you will not regret. it. ‘0 F BUREAU O INDUSTRIES. The report of the Bureau of Industries for November deals chiefly with the grain and root crops of the Province. and gives tables of produce based on 1,250 returns "Hide tn the bureau on the 25th (if Octo- her. These tables ebow that the harvest of grain crops has been even more bounti~ lul than appeared by the estimates of the lat. of August, and form a. gratifying con~ trust to the tables of last year's harvest. The quality of the grain, too, is generally excellent, being plump, hard and heavy. Barley, however, wus badly discolored by the rain of the harvest season, and the bulk of it does not rank higher than sec- ond grade. Wheat is remarkably free from defects of any kind. The grain is above the standard weight, and the nvei- age Vlklkl of the spring and fall varieties 22.3 bushels per acre, or 9.6 more than but year. Outs show a. large Vield, al- though in the northern and north-eastern counties this and other spring grains suffered from the drought of June and a dressing." \V'u ‘l:|\'l,‘ liuiiilrvilx' (If Similarfestiumuiula “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all llzz‘ngs, Charity.†July. The hilnl yield of peas is 13,09lï¬ll7 bushels, or 3,000.01“ bushels more than last year, wbilotlic average per acre is ‘24 bushels or 4.3 bushels more than last year. The quality is of unvarying ex- cellence, little or no damage liuvnig been done by the bug. Beans and corn. which were in an un- prouiisiuiz condition at the end of July, made a. surprisineg good recovery in August, and steadily improved to matur- ity. The yield of the former is 292,044 bushels, and of the latter 12,936,880 bushels, being an average of 23.8 and 74. bushels per acre respectively. Last year both crops were destroyed by the early frost. The root crop is generally an excellent one, eschinlly potatoes, niaugnlils and carrots. Turnips suffered to some extent from the August drought, but they are of good quality. The clover midgc has been very des- fructire on all fields from which a first crop of clover ivas taken, but where ï¬elds were pastured until the beginning or middle of June the seed was unharmed. li'i'uit trees are in a. healthy condition and have made ii. good growth of new Wood, but with the exception of apples the crop of the season has been less than an average. The area of fall wheat sown this year appears to be somewhat less than last year, but the land at. seed time was in a much better slate of filth and the young wheat has made a vigorous growth. R. C. Bruce, druggist, Tara, says: “ I have no medicine on my shelves that sells faster or gives better satisfaction than Dr, Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, and the sale is constantly increasing, the past year be- nig the largest. I have ever had. One customer was cured of oatarrh by using three bottles. Another was raised out of bed, where he had been laid up for a. long time with a lame back, by using two bottles. I have lots of customers who would not be without it over niuht." AYER’S Hair Vigor ri-sloi‘us, with file gloss and \‘Vlllll,ll|1l"1l or gray lmir to it natural, fli'll l-mu'u i-olur, or deep bliu k. as may be tlv’f‘ll'k‘ll, l5» ii: u~e light or rml llilll‘lllll) llL‘ llzll'lirlll'vl, lliiii llilll‘ thickened, and buldileas oflui, though not .i.\\:iy.~', Cured. l! choc-1‘s falling of the hair. :uul stimu- lul.-~' :i \rouk mill Slel} growlli to rigor. l! pron-Ms and ruru< scurl :lnd dmulrull‘, and li<~:il~' nvurl) urn-r)’ dist-nil- peculiar to lln- m'nlp. .\H :i Liulit-u' Hair Inn-suing, tlic Vlwiu is IlIu-qnullI-d; it contains llt'lllll‘l' (ill nor «lyo, rcmlurs lliu llilli' soil, gln»), and lresliiwus of silkoii in :ippvuruiicc, :iiul iinpurls :i duicuie, ugri-culdo, :uul lusting lwrlunu‘. .\lu. (‘. l’. min lll‘ill “mm hum Kirby, (L, Ju’u .1. las!‘ " I.:I<I lull lll\' luur (‘HJIllll'lit't'Il falling; um, and in :l .\lioil liiuc l lwruinc lll'.ll'i\ ll-llil. l u~ml purl of . luvllm of .\\ I’ll" ll \lll \'|i;ui: \\'lll«'ll .Kluplu‘tl llu- lull. ing of the hair. and . i'li-d :i lll'“ groulu. l li.irv- no“ ;i full lll'llul of hair ground: \igor- (NHL), mid mu IUlHlIII'PIl llim l|lll Ior Ilic use of your preparation 1 .\liuillll liin'c burn emirrl} lmld." .l. \\', lln\\'l:.\‘, proprietor of (be Mair/hm- (“hullIz'1ltlull't'l',NHYSI" .\\'l'll'.~'ll\lll\‘lli1|lt ix :i must i-xl-elli-ul prvpurulion for ilu- li:i:r. lspuml‘ of n. from my U\l'll i-ipvrin'ul‘v. lls Iisu promqu the growth of iu-u lm.‘ u'ul liiuln-s il ull|§)_‘ and wit, 'l‘liu' \‘iuou .~ :ilxu :\ suro cure for duiuli'ull'. Not “'Illllll inv llnouli-ilgv lizis llu' |Il‘\'|ll|l‘llllll|l u'ri' luilml lo gin.- cniii‘c satisfaction.“ .\Iu. Amn'v l-‘uiiuiiux, li-ndor of the On-Ivlu‘ulwl “ li‘uirluliru Puniin " of Scottish \‘m li. a. uriius from [ins/ml, .ll....~.<.. 1-11.. 6, ls‘ï¬u. “ Fri-r aim-u my hair l-i-gun to girr sil- \‘ri'\ cvldoiwe of llu- l-liuiigi- uliil-li llmliiig lilm- lil‘l‘k’lll'k‘lll, l liuu- mod .\rizii's ll \lll Vluoli and .\o have lH'I'II able to maintain rm :1pr i‘uiu'l- of yuiillifilliil'.~.-Aâ€"_â€":i Ilnnli-r of ('HllF'ltll :ibli- i'nusripiviu-o In IIIIlli>lt‘l'!,l|l'1|~ ‘rII'N, :u-iors. :lllll in im-i. rrcr) uiic “llU lii'ls lll Lliv men of llii: public." .\llh. H. .\. l’ui-Lsn or r, \vriiinu frqu 1H III.†S‘., l'ltvu'lmloir/i, .lI.i.v.\'., .l/u'il H. In"; Mus: “ 'l‘uo yours :igo ulmui tqulbird.‘ of in) llilll‘ emu“ oil'. ll lllllllu‘ll vx-rr i‘upinlh. :urll \\:is fast growing llillll. Un mini; .~\ir.i:‘u ll.\ll: Vii-nu the falling <top1u-Il and :I lll‘\v groulli i-Jiiilnaiiuml. mill in about :i monili llI\ limul “us ruiiililn-lI-l)’ t‘ul'ri‘wl \\'llli slmrt lvnil‘. ll bus continued [a grow, and is no“ us good :l\' ln-iuh- ii lk-ll. l l'l“_’lll1ll'l\,llsl'(l but our lmulc of [be \‘Iimli, but non um‘ ll ournsiuiiull} :is to [be uiiiwiov ni .\ri'i:‘.~' "All: \'i«;oi.~. i; need! but :1 trial to (‘nllYlIlCL‘ the “NM skepti- (:31 of ils’ vuluv. l‘l:l‘.|‘.\ llFill IIY Dr..l. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell,'Mass. Sold by all llruggisls. ‘ It is a remarkable fact that Dr.Tliomas' [Eclectric Oil is as good for internal as external use, For diseuse of the lungs and throat, and for rheumatism, neural- gia, crick in the buck, Wounds and sores, it is the best known remedy, and much trouble is SilVCll by having [it always on hand. Jacob anknuui, lullulo, Hays be has been using it for rbmmmiism. He had such a. liunc back that he could do nothing; but one bulllo entirely cured him. TEMPERANCE rrEi/ie Supplied by the l. O. G. T. Lodge, Rich- mnnd Hill. QUEER CONS [STEN CY. (Tu the Editor of the " \Vitnesa") r EN \VANTEDï¬A couple of (loud M *1 f» IVI ed ut the " l’urtli Distillery.†Nu :li'liill-le ‘ characters need upply: und those who do 11‘; use liquor- at nll.pi‘c-Icrred. JOHN A. Mt‘LAlll'lN. Perth. Oct. 0 1-9“ _ SiR.â€"l am aware that you stick con- slsteiitly to your conscientious scruplcs not to advertise the liquor business or to promote its cause in any way. I hope for once you will depart from your rule andliusert the above advertisement, which I clip from the Perth Eitposi'lor. The advertiser is a Wealthy distiller, who is nmv fighting the Scott Act in Lnnark County, of which Perth is the county town. He opposes prohibition with might and main, and largely inspires the fulinlnationa hurled from that town against proliibitionists of every deUIQI_‘_ He turns out immense quantitiesD oi liquors, and, from a pecuniary point of View of Selling, would like all the peoplr- of Canada to be " drinking characters." He, however, i: wiser than he preacliea when he gets down to business at home. In his distillery he will have no “drink- ing characters.†He has setup a small private prohibitory school of his own, and, will there “fetter the liberty of bit subjects.†While preaching that bu liquors are beneficial and necessary to the well-being of the community; and that it would be an act of despotism to prevent their use, he turns on his heel and prac- tically informs lilS emplosz that lm words are a snare and a. dillusinn. Mr. Editor, the world is surely awakeniuu in the dawn of a. brighter day, when ngx distillers prefer total abstinence to mull crate indulgence, and scout the very KIM of drinking characters looking to them for employment. _ J OHN KNOX. â€"Moiitreal Witncxs. PRIZE Esuv. At a meeting of the joint cammiï¬lea appointed by the l. O. ‘. T., and the \V. C. T. [1, of this place, held at the residence of Mrs. Campbell, IL was re- solved to offer a. rize of a. ten (lullur gold piece for the est Essay on “ '1‘! +- Evils of Intemperance," by any ladv gentleman residing in the village of Rich. niond Hill, and under the age of twen'v yenrs The essay to be original, legiluly written, and not to exceed in length .\iv pages of foolscap written on one 5N“ only, with each page numbered. EAL-b essay shall have an assumed name slum-«l at the end, and be forwarded to Mr. .l. H. Sanderson, \Y. C. of the Tmnple, not later than the 8111 Deceiiilmn next. 'l be real name of the author with the assumâ€" ed name, to be forwarded to Mrs. Ste: 1- lug, President of the \V. C. T. U.. in :1 sealed envelope, not to be opened lllllll after the deciswu of the judges, Wlir‘ shall be cliooscii one from each Socirtr. with power to chose ll. third. The prim essay will be read and the presentation made at an entertainment to be held on the 17th. Dec, iu the Temperance Hall. and afterwards published. or Rev. J. Ossiuii Davies reioiced in this muttoâ€"“ Gospel Temperance." He “its very proud of the little badge of blue which he always wore, not because in- was very anxious to advertise liis al'wii hence in a l’liiirisaic manner, but because- it helped the wavering and the weal: ones around him: A publicaii once asked an abstainer, “ \Vhy do you wear that ribb- nn 2" “ I will put you a quesaion." said the tlbstfllnel‘, “ whv do you put it sign-board above your door ‘l " †Ob," said the publicun, “ to sell my bet-r." “ Then,†said the abstainer, “ I wear this ribbon to show you that I don't want your beer. .â€"â€"â€"‘.‘__â€" Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. ll removed ten corns from one pair of for! without any pain. ._____. SPRINGHILL. From Our Own Correspondent. I’Nirouu PROMOTION ESAMINATIOV. â€" The following is the result of the Uniform Promotion Examination for S. S. No. L’. King, held on Nov. 7th. The nuixiumm is 250. One half of total for passing cv- amiiiatiou. The local board of BXHHHD ers have not recommended any, as consider the papers to be fair tests of (lw candidate’s abilities. PROMOTION T0 Foi'i:rii,â€"J Limes Cu 160; Eddie R053, 144. To Samoa 'l‘lllllll,â€"â€"Lillie Ross. _.‘l; Willie Stokes. 202; Nellie Thompson, 181‘, Cicley Ball, 1781 Fred ’l‘lénlall, l5â€; Eilitli Mcliride, 158‘. Edgar Mi» Bride, 13;); Willie McCabc, 1‘2“. Tu .l L'NloK Tiniin,â€"â€"’l‘liomas .\li-t‘ilw, 134; Albert l"nii':iii, l'J7, A4109 7 err 774 v Hi vy‘lllfl ll . MM} 1" Pleasant as syrup; llllllllliL' as zi \vorui mmllclllr; tlil- mum Uruvcu' Wurui Exlvl'lilllmtv'l‘